Hopeful teenage girl listens to physician's migraine treatment plan

Headache Program

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Headache Program

Renown Health's Institute for Neurosciences has expert physicians who provide compassionate diagnosis and care for chronic headaches & migraines and elevate the standard of care through clinical research and trials.

Our physicians provide a pain-management plan tailored to your symptoms and provide follow-up pain management. If you don't have a primary care physician, we will provide one to help you along the way.

To learn more about the Headache Program and Migraine Treatment at Renown Health, please call: 775-982-2970

Migraine Headaches

Areas of pain associated with migraine headaches

Symptoms of a migraine can include:

  • Throbbing pain on one side of the head. But you can have pain on both sides.
  • Pain behind one of your eyes.
  • Moderate to very bad pain. The pain may be so bad that you can't do any of your usual activities.
  • Pain that gets worse with routine physical activity.
  • Pain that gets worse when you're around light, noise, and sometimes smells.

Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, or both.

Therapies for Chronic Migraine

A migraine is not just a headache. It is a severe, debilitating headache often accompanied by symptoms other than head pain — lightheadedness, sensitivity to light, nausea, vomiting and visual disturbances. If you suffer from 15 or more migraines per month, we will evaluate your head pain and provide a Botox treatment plan.

Who should receive Botox treatment? Botox treatment has shown to be effective for those with chronic migraines.

What does Botox treatment involve?

The complete Botox treatment for chronic migraine requires 31 small injections to seven key areas of the head, neck, and shoulders. The injections cause slight discomfort and, if effective, are repeated every three months.

Is Botox treatment safe and effective?

When performed by an expert in the injection technique, Botox injections are generally safe. The effectiveness of the treatment is noticed about a week following the injection cycle, peaking around six weeks following and fading within about three months. Some patients notice a difference following their first treatment, while others may not feel relief until treatment is repeated.


Chronic Migraine Testimonial

Kris Gaw, a patient at Renown Institute for Neurosciences, shares her experience with therapies for chronic migraine, and how it helped her improve her quality of life.

Botox Treatment For Migraines

  • Who should receive Botox treatment?     
    Botox treatment has been proven to be effective for those with chronic migraine.
  • What does Botox treatment involve? 
    The full Botox treatment for chronic migraine requires a series of 31 small injections to seven key areas of the head, neck and shoulders. The injections cause little discomfort and, if effective, are repeated every three months.
  • Is Botox treatment safe and effective? 
    When performed by an expert in the injection technique, Botox injections are generally safe. The effectiveness of the treatment is noticed about a week following the injection cycle, peaking around six weeks following and fading within about three months. Some patients notice a difference following their first treatment while others may not feel relief until treatment is repeated.

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