Why Mammograms are Important for Your Overall Health

By: Elizabeth Kang, PA-C

September 30, 2024

Women in patient gown stands near mammogram machine with Renown team member at her side

Breast cancer affects 1 in 8 women in the U.S. each year, making early detection crucial in improving the chances of successful treatment. 

Early Detection for Treatment and Peace of Mind

Mammograms are noninvasive X-rays used to detect cancer and other abnormalities in the breast. They are the most effective screening tool for detecting breast cancer early, allowing for timely treatment before the disease can spread and helping to improve treatment outcomes.

To help guide you through the mammogram process, we spoke with Elizabeth Kang, PA-C, at Renown Breast Surgery Care to equip you with expert knowledge on what to expect and why screening is so important.

How Accurate are Mammograms?

3-D mammography technology at Renown Breast Health Center can detect 41% more cancers and reduce the number of false-positive results compared to plain film mammography. 

Benefits of 3-D mammography include: 

  • Providing better, clearer images, with higher diagnostic accuracy 
  • Allowing radiologists to see more abnormalities in the breast 
  • Helping doctors spot more cancers and avoid false positives, especially if you have dense breast tissue 
  • Reduced callback rates for findings on screening

Mammogram Screening and Breast Exam Recommendations

Renown Women's Health recommends the following breast exam guidelines:

  • Age 18-39: Consult your primary care provider for a Risk Assessment and start breast exams at age 25.
  • Age 40+: Get your annual mammograms.
  • Family history: Begin screening 10 years before your youngest family member's age at diagnosis. For example, start at age 35 if a family member was diagnosed at 45.
  • Self-awareness: Be familiar with the look and feel of your breasts and report any changes to your care provider.
  • Age 75+: Continue annual mammograms if life expectancy exceeds five to seven years. 

What screenings are available for women with breast implants? 

  • Women with breast implants can and should still receive mammograms, and it’s essential to have these screenings done by an experienced team. Be sure to inform your healthcare provider and mammogram technicians about your implants, as they may recommend special techniques or steps to detect abnormalities and ensure accurate results.

Mammograms Made Easy

Female patient getting a mammogram

Mammograms Made Easy

Click or call to book your mammogram appointment—choose from one of our four convenient locations.

35,168 women have put their breast health first at Renown this year!

Will My Insurance Cover My Mammogram?

For most women, mammograms are covered by insurance as preventive care. Contact your mammography facility or health insurance provider to confirm up-to-date cost and coverage details. 

To find information about mammography screenings available through insurance plans covered by the federal Affordable Care Act or Medicaid and Medicare, learn more on cancer.gov

Why Choose Renown for A Mammogram?

Renown and the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute are the only comprehensive breast center in Northern Nevada and are fully accredited by the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC). An oncology breast nurse navigator can serve as your ongoing resource from diagnosis through treatment and during survivorship. Renown also has the only two dedicated breast cancer surgeons in the area who specialize in all aspects of breast health. William N. Pennington Cancer Institute provides a multidisciplinary approach to breast cancer treatment and care, and we use the latest early detection technology to save lives.

Schedule Your Mammogram Today

Taking care of your breast health is one of the most critical steps for your overall well-being. Due to advancements in technology, mammograms are quick and generally painless, averaging less than 30 minutes. 

If you’re 40 or older, or if you have any risk factors for breast cancer like a strong family history of breast or ovarian cancer, talk to your doctor about scheduling a mammogram. Renown Women's Health offers state-of-the-art imaging technology and a compassionate team ready to guide you through the screening process. Learn more and book your mammogram here.

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