Life-Saving Mammograms: Real Women, Real Stories

By: Melissa Dahir

October 14, 2024

Cropped view of four multi-ethnic women wearing pink shirts, holding breast cancer awareness ribbons.

Renown patients share how early mammogram screenings transformed their lives. From detecting cancer in its earliest stages to celebrating successful recoveries, these stories emphasize the importance of regular screenings and taking charge of breast health.
Early detection is key! Book your mammogram with Renown Women's Health and prioritize your breast health.

Book Your Mammogram


Angie T.

Angie Taylor

"I'm so grateful that the cancer was caught early. Those screening exams are so important and actually saved my life. I encourage women to make time to get their mammograms like their lives depend on it; because in some cases, it does."

Amber S.

“I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 40 with what would have been my first annual screening exam. This was caught in the earliest stage possible with many of my findings being only pre-cancerous. Because of early detection, I did not have to have chemotherapy or radiation as part of my treatment plan.”

Monica T.

Monica Torres

“I truly believe the yearly 20-minute diagnostic mammogram screening and findings saved me from allowing cancer to take control of my future.”

Jess H.

“It is because of breast cancer risk assessment testing that I was able to identify my risk for breast cancer early. I am so very thankful that I am going to be able to watch my children grow up.”

Melissa P.

“A yearly mammogram can save your life! A routine mammogram found my cancer at stage 1 when it was easily treated! “

Sharon C.

Sharon Casey

“Despite having minimal family history, I was diagnosed at 47. Renown provided exceptional care for both my double mastectomy and reconstruction. For me, knowing my body was the key, when I felt like something was not right, I followed up with my physician and made sure I was doing everything to minimize my risk.”

Jamie V.

Jessica Vaughn

“My annual mammograms have detected 3 lumps in the last 10 years. Two were benign and one was cancer. My annual mammogram and then my ultrasound saved my life by detecting my cancer in its earlier stages.”


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