Why I Give: Yvonne's Story

By: Emily Najera

October 07, 2024

A collage of photos of Yvonne Murphy.

Cancer changes everything; it takes, it challenges, and it reshapes lives forever. For Yvonne Murphy, a cancer survivor and development officer at Renown Health, the experience has been profoundly transformative.

Recently, Yvonne and her husband, Murray Mackenzie, made a heartfelt donation of $10,000 to support the Conrad Breast Center at the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute—a gift inspired by her own battle and in honor of those who have faced this disease.

A Family’s Battle with Cancer

Yvonne’s journey with cancer began with the death of her grandmother when she was a teenager, a shock that left a permanent mark on her family. "She was my friend, confidant, and angel," Yvonne recalls. "Losing her changed everything." In the years that followed, nine more of her family members passed away from cancer.

These experiences highlighted the harsh reality that cancer invades every aspect of life, bringing grief and uncertainty to so many. For Yvonne, that reality grew even more personal when she was diagnosed with cervical cancer, marking a pivotal moment in her life.

A Fight for Her Life

During the height of COVID-19, Yvonne noticed blood in her urine, a discovery that sent her rushing to the ER at Renown South Meadows. She received the devastating news: stage one cervical cancer. "When I received my diagnosis, it felt like the world stopped," Yvonne said. "But I knew I couldn't let this define me. I had to fight, not just for myself, but for all the people I've lost."

Yvonne faced a grueling course of treatment, undergoing two major surgeries within just 60 days. The first was a hysterectomy, followed by the removal of 32 lymph nodes. Her treatment also included radiation therapy and a challenging recovery, all within a single year. Throughout this intense period, Yvonne drew strength from her faith. "I prayed every day," she said. "And I promised that if I survived, I would dedicate my life to serving others." This promise became her guiding force. It inspired her to make a profound impact through her work at Renown.

A Gift of Hope

True to her word, Yvonne reached out to the former CEO of Renown in 2021, exactly one year after celebrating her cancer-free milestone. She was determined to contribute in any way possible. This marked the beginning of her career at Renown Health Foundation

Today, she works as a development officer, partnering with philanthropists, corporations, and fellow employees to raise funds for vital programs and services at Renown, a not-for-profit health system. Yvonne recently had her 18th scan and remains cancer-free, a testament to her strength and perseverance. 

Introducing the Conrad Breast Center

Conrad Breast Center Wellness Center

Introducing the Conrad Breast Center

To meet the expected rise in breast cancer cases, Renown Health Foundation has launched an $11-million-dollar campaign to establish a breast health center in south Reno. The Conrad Breast Center is slated to open in early 2025.

A Legacy of Giving

After overcoming cancer, Yvonne embraced a new chapter in her life. In January 2023, she married Murray Mackenzie, and together they made a meaningful contribution with a $10,000 donation to the Conrad Breast Center at the Pennington Cancer Institute. Yvonne said, “Cancer has taken so much from me, but it has also given me a purpose. Murray and I want to show others that despite the hardships, there is always hope and the possibility of making a positive impact.”

Yvonne’s donation also honors the memory of her loved ones who have been lost to cancer. “This gift is a way for me to keep their memory alive and to help others facing similar battles,” she said.

While the fight against cancer continues, the Conrad Breast Center represents a significant step toward a future where more lives are saved, and fewer families face the heartache of losing a loved one. Slated to open in 2025, the new center will offer comprehensive services, including imaging, infusion, and surgery, as well as a state-of-the-art wellness center. 

Inspiring Generosity

Yvonne’s journey with cancer has deepened her commitment to making a difference. Proud to work at Renown—a place that supported her through her own battle—Yvonne acknowledges the pivotal role of her caregivers: “Dr. Hudson, Dr. Lim, Dr. Peddada, Dr. Basho, and the entire Renown team stood by me every step of the way,” she says. “Their dedication and compassion made all the difference during the toughest time of my life.” This support inspired Yvonne to dedicate her life to helping others in the fight against cancer.

Now, Yvonne leads by example, sharing her story to encourage others to contribute. “It doesn’t matter how much you give—every contribution, no matter the size, helps create real change,” she notes.

Thank you, Yvonne, and Murray, for your incredible generosity and for inspiring us all to make a difference.

How You Can Help

At Renown Health Foundation, your support—whether through donations, volunteering, or sharing stories like Yvonne's—helps provide life-saving care, advance medical research, and offer comfort to those in need. Join us in making an impact. Donate today to help build a future where everyone has the chance to fight and thrive. To support cancer care and the Conrad Breast Center, visit renown.org/donate or call 775-982-5545.

If you’re a Renown employee inspired by Yvonne’s story, join your colleagues in supporting life-saving programs through the Employee Giving Program. In 2023, employees contributed over $120,000. Sign up today to make a difference directly from your paycheck. For more information, visit renown.org/EmployeeGiving.