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    • Dermatology Services
    • Skin Care

    Prevent Breakouts by Keeping Your Makeup Tools Clean

    Did you know that your makeup brushes are likely full of built-up dirt and bacteria? Using dirty makeup tools can lead to irritation, breakouts and even infections. The good news? It's completely preventable. An expert explains For anyone who regularly wears makeup, brushes are great tools for powdering, contouring and finishing touches. Unfortunately, these same brushes also harbor harmful bacteria that can clog pores and cause unwanted breakouts. “Brush hairs and sponges are porous, and hold on to oils, debris and bacteria,” says Heidi Nicole, medical esthetician with Renown Dermatology, Laser & Skin Care. “Also, if they are dirty, the application of makeup can be spotty and make blending more difficult." Most dermatologists suggest that you clean your makeup brushes at least once a week. Because they are used on your face, it makes sense to keep them as a clean as possible. In addition, your brushes will last longer if you stay on top of cleaning them. Six simple steps to integrate makeup brush care into your beauty routine: Wet your brush with lukewarm water. (Don’t soak your brushes, as water in the brush barrel can cause the hairs to fall out.) Place a drop of gentle cleanser or specialized brush cleaner in the palm of your hand. Gently massage the tips of the bristles on your palm. Rinse the bristles well. Blot with a clean towel and reshape the head. Let the bristles dry over the edge of a counter. Do not allow the bristles to dry on the towel, which could cause the brush to mildew. Store your brushes in a clean, dry place in between uses.

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    • Sterling Silver Club
    • Recipes

    Summer Side Dish Medley

    Sweet corn and tomatoes, while delicious on their own, also enhance the flavor of crunchy cucumber and tender green beans. This plant-based salad recipe is a satisfying and cool side dish for the protein of your choice, such as chicken or salmon. Mix up this medley when you want to enjoy your seasonal summer corn and tomatoes.

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    • Urgent Care
    • Asthma
    • Respiratory

    Tips for Coping with Smoke-Related Health Problems

    Millions of people across the west live in areas where air pollution can cause serious health problems. In addition, local air quality can affect our daily lives.  Who is Affected? Kouros Farro, MD, a physician with Renown Urgent Care, advises that certain people are more likely to be affected when fine particle pollution reaches an unhealthy level. People who have asthma or other breathing conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). People who have heart disease or high blood pressure. Children and older adults. People of all ages who are doing extended or heavy physical activity like playing sports or working outdoors. “Everyone should take precautions when the air quality is unhealthy. Air pollution can aggravate heart and cardiovascular disease as well as lung diseases like asthma and COPD. When the air quality is unhealthy, people with these conditions may experience symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, or fatigue. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, use your inhalers as directed and contact your health care provider,” says Dr. Farro, who is board certified in family medicine and practices at Renown Urgent Care at 975 Ryland St. in Reno. “If you do not have a health care provider, there is a Renown Urgent Care office on almost every corner, with providers ready to see you.” Dr. Farro advises the following: Take it easy and listen to your body. Limit, change or postpone your physical activity level. If possible, stay away from local sources of air pollution like busy roads and wood fires. If you have asthma or other breathing conditions like COPD, make sure you have your relief/rescue inhaler with you. People with asthma should review and follow the direction in their written asthma action plan. Make an appointment to see your health provider to be sure you have an asthma action plan. Getting Same-Day Care Renown Urgent Care provides same-day treatment for a wide range of minor injuries, illnesses and medical concerns that are urgent but not life-threatening. Avoid the long wait times and high emergency room prices at 11 convenient sites, including Reno, Sparks, Carson City, USA Parkway, Fallon and Fernley. You can walk in or book ahead online. Make an Urgent Care Appointment Community Health Resources The Washoe County Health District offers online health information on its Smoke Smart website, including fire information, daily air quality information, fire and smoke maps and how to protect yourself. In addition, an online subscription page allows you to sign up for EnviroFlash, notifying you about air quality.

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    • Primary Care
    • Eye Care

    Six Tips for Healthy Vision

    You might think worsening eyesight is inevitable as you age. But the truth is, there are easy things you can do to keep your eyes in tiptop shape for years to come. Clear vision is an essential part of overall health and there are daily habits we can adopt to keep our eyes seeing clearly. Mitchell Strominger, M.D., a registered ophthalmologist with Renown Health specializing in pediatric ophthalmology and neuro-ophthalmology, offers some everyday tips to keep you focused on eye health. Know your family’s vision history Look to your parents and grandparents for clues about the future of your eye health. Were they near-sighted at a young age? Do they have a history of eye crossing or a lazy eye? Did they develop glaucoma or macular degeneration (AMD)? Some genes have a strong association with eye health, specifically macular degeneration. AMD is a leading cause of blindness worldwide and the top cause of vision loss and blindness for Americans over 65, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Also be aware certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and liver disease, increase the risk of long-term eye problems. Receive regular vision screening exams Children under three need vision screening examinations by their pediatrician. A medical concern or family history warrants a comprehensive eye examination by a pediatric ophthalmologist (or general ophthalmologist or optometrist who has experience with children) per the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO). Vision screenings should occur every two years throughout adolescence unless pain, eye crossing, difficulty seeing the board or reading, or other eye concerns occur. In adulthood the risk of eye problems increases over age 40, so the AAO recommends regular dilated exams. When your pupils are dilated it allows your eye care professional a more accurate view of your retina and optic nerve, located in the back of your eye. This allows them to look for AMD or other eye problems. Eye diseases can be caught at their earliest stages during a dilated eye exam. “It is especially important to have your child evaluated as soon as possible if there is any concern for eye crossing or lazy eye,” says Dr. Strominger. “The visual system develops in the early years so intervention, whether it be glasses, eye patching to strengthen the vision in one eye, or eye muscle surgery is critical. Children at risk include those who are born premature, have development abnormalities, genetic disorders such as Downs syndrome, or a strong family history and should be evaluated at a young age. Often small problems are not clearly evident and cannot be picked up on routine screening examinations in the pediatrician’s office.” Block the sun, improve your vision Everyone knows not to stare directly into the sun, but indirect ultraviolet (UV) sun rays can cause serious harm over time. According to the National Eye Institute, sunglasses (or a protective UV tint) are a daily must to protect your eyes from: Cataracts (a clouding of the eye’s lens causing blurred vision) AMD - macular degeneration Pterygium (a tissue growth over the white surface of the eye that can cause astigmatism) Look for sunglasses which block 99 to 100 percent of both UVA and UVB rays. You still need sunglasses if your contact lenses block UV rays. Sun rays can damage your eyelids and other tissue not covered by contact lenses. Wearing sunglasses protects your entire eye area. Eat colorful meals Your eyes need vital nutrients to keep them healthy including vitamin C, zinc, beta carotene and copper. A diet filled with citrus fruits and a variety of vegetables provide these essential nutrients. Regularly filling up on fish high in omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, tuna, sardines) may reduce your risk of AMD and help maintain your eye health. Green, leafy vegetables (kale, spinach, collard greens) containing lutein and zeaxanthin are also a must for your dinner plate. Water your eyes Eyes, like the rest of your body, need plenty of water to prevent dehydration. Make sure you stay hydrated and steer clear of smoke to avoid dry eyes and irritation. Hours staring at the computer screen can also make your eyes feel dry or tired. Try regularly refreshing them with lubricating eye drops. Taking frequent computer breaks is also important. Follow the 20/20/20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at an object 20 feet away from you for 20 seconds. Eye makeup can also lead to dry eye as the glands at the base of the eyelashes may become clogged, causing dry eye. Make sure all eye makeup is hypoallergenic and is thoroughly removed with a gentle cleanser for the delicate eye area each day. Stop Smoking (or never start) Smoking is harmful to every part of your body, including your eyes. It's not only linked to cancer and heart disease but also cataracts, AMD, dry eye, optic nerve problems and many other problems. Smoking during pregnancy can also harm the eyes of the unborn child. If you currently smoke take steps to quit and your entire body will benefit.

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    • Senior Care
    • Health Insurance and Coverage

    3 Reasons to Choose a Senior Care Plus Health Plan

    Senior Care Plus was Nevada’s first Medicare Advantage Plan and is still providing healthcare coverage to qualifying members in Washoe, Carson City, Clark & Nye Counties. Senior Care Plus is administered by Hometown Health, the insurance division of Renown Health. That relationship means Senior Care Plus is the only Medicare Advantage Plan supported and accepted at Renown. This preferred access to Renown is a great benefit for northern Nevadans. When it comes to healthcare coverage, there are three key factors to keep in mind. Here’s why a Senior Care Plus Medicare Advantage Plan is your best choice. 1. Cost Cost matters when searching for the right insurance plan. Of the four Senior Care Plus plans available to residents of Washoe County and Carson City, three offer a zero-dollar monthly premium and all of them offer zero-dollar primary care office visits. That means no out-of-pocket costs for you. Additionally, all Senior Care Plus plans have an annual out-of-pocket maximum. This means when you reach this amount, that’s all you will pay. Senior Care Plus pays all other covered medical benefits for the rest of the year. That’s the beauty of a Senior Care Plus Medicare Advantage Plan. 2. Size of Provider Network and Accessibility Although saving money is important, it’s more important to be able to see a doctor when and where you need to. Senior Care Plus members enjoy the most comprehensive healthcare provider network in the region. Thousands of providers, including many hard-to-find specialists, are in the Senior Care Plus network. Since Senior Care Plus is part of the Renown Health family, you get priority access to all that Renown has to offer, which you won’t find with any other Medicare Advantage Plan. 3. Coverage Medical coverage needs are personal and unique to every member. Understanding a plan’s benefits is essential when picking the best coverage for you. Of course, the important benefits you associate with a healthcare plan are included in all Senior Care Plus plans: urgent care visits, specialists’ visits, lab services, imaging — all with reasonable copays. What sets Senior Care Plus apart from the rest are the additional benefits for preventive health. For example, Senior Care Plus offers plans with a comprehensive dental benefit with first-dollar coverage, meaning you pay nothing until the benefit limit is reached.  Senior Care Plus Medicare Advantage Plans also have a vision benefit allowing you to get a new pair of eyeglasses every year. In addition, these plans offer a fitness benefit, so you can join a local gym because Senior Care Plus wants to keep you healthy. Another interesting benefit is the over-the-counter benefit. If you choose the Renown Preferred Plan, you can select $50 worth of over-the-counter products such as: cold medicine, dental products, diabetic supplies, and digestive aides. Remember, that’s $50 worth of over-the-counter products four times per year. All on a plan that doesn’t cost a thing. Senior Care Plus Medicare Advantage Plans offer many added benefits tailored to Nevadans.

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    • Recipes

    Coconut Flour Banana Muffins

    We are all guilty of saving our bananas as they quickly turn from ripe to overripe. "I am going to make banana bread," we tell ourselves. Well, this is your sign to take those bananas and turn them into something delicious and healthy!  Not to mention, this is a great recipe for anyone on the go looking for an easy-to-grab breakfast or a nutritious snack to send in your child's lunchbox. The coconut flour in this tasty fall recipe is not only gluten-free and grain-free but also packed with potassium, iron and plant-based protein—making it the perfect addition for those following a keto or low-carb lifestyle.

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    • Employee Story
    • Employees
    • Renown Leadership

    A Renown Anesthesiologist's Unique Journey

    Dr. Nariman Rahimzadeh’s career path has been anything but typical. From humble beginnings as a shuttle bus driver for Renown Regional Medical Center, then named Washoe Medical Center, to his service as Chief of Staff for Renown South Meadows Medical Center, the steps and detours he took along the way – and the strong support from his colleagues and family members – make up a tale of perseverance, conviction, compassion and inspiration.  However, his healthcare career journey began several years before he even joined Washoe Medical Center in the 1990s.  It all began 7,446 miles away in Iran.  This is Dr. Rahimzadeh’s story.  Defining Moments  The moment Dr. Rahimzadeh knew he wanted to dedicate his career to the healthcare field started during his childhood. Growing up in Iran during the midst of the Iranian Revolution, a thought that often came to mind was, “Who is helping all the people injured in the war?”  The answer? The doctors.  “In Iranian society, doctors are extremely valued, as they are the first to help people in need,” said Dr. Rahimzadeh. “I knew I wanted to give back to society in some way, and I see my time in Iran as very formative in my future career. I just didn’t know it yet.”  After immigrating to the U.S. with his family during his preteen years, he only had one mission: to support his family. “My desires were to help my family not fall behind,” he said. “I didn’t have career aspirations at the time. All I knew is that I wanted to help my family and my community, which immediately opened its arms up to us, as well as be a good student and a good ambassador for Iran.”  Dr. Rahimzadeh remembers several influential people that helped solidify his aspiration from “helping people” to “helping people as a healthcare professional.” Their family physician and other medical professionals in the family’s lives were monumental in helping him make this decision. Coupled with his natural love for the sciences, the decision to become a doctor became clear.   But the question remained, “How do I get started in the healthcare field?”  No Links to Healthcare? No Problem  With no physicians in his immediate family and no direct connections to healthcare, Dr. Rahimzadeh set off to follow the advice he received from the influential people in his life: get a job at a healthcare facility, regardless of what the job title is.  Some of his friends had recently joined Washoe Medical Center as patient transporters and mentioned job openings that were available. He sprang into action and headed to Washoe Medical Center to apply.  Just one problem – he didn’t have the EMT certification requirement.   Enter Barry O’Sullivan, who would be Dr. Rahimzadeh’s first supervisor at Washoe Medical Center (and a friend he still speaks with to this day). Barry saw promise in Dr. Rahimzadeh immediately. As a result, Barry made a suggestion to him that would ultimately set him on the course towards medicine.  “Barry told me that he had an open position that I could work while completing the senior year of my undergraduate degree and studying for my EMT certification and eventually becoming a patient transporter. He told me Washoe Medical Center would support me in this endeavor. So, I asked what the job was and learned it was driving a shuttle bus.”  Without hesitation, Dr. Rahimzadeh responded, “I’ll take it.”  And so, his fulfilling journey with Washoe Medical Center, and eventually Renown Health, began.  While he finished up the last few months of his degree at the University of Nevada, Reno, (UNR) Dr. Rahimzadeh proudly drove the shuttle bus a few days a week. The job not only helped him pay for his degree and put food on the table, but it also allowed him to begin living out his passion for helping people in the healthcare field.  Dr. Rahimzadeh graduated with his bachelor's degree in Pre-Medicine from UNR and finished his EMT certification program. Sure enough, Barry and Washoe Medical Center lived up to their promises and helped him secure his first direct healthcare job as an EMT and Patient Transporter with REMSA. But he didn’t stop there – after several years as a ground transporter, his career literally took flight. He joined REMSA Ground Ambulance and eventually Care Flight as a Flight EMT II, caring for patients that were flying to Washoe Medical Center from nearby communities that needed lifesaving medical care.  Helping save lives every day as a member of the emergency medical team is an ultimate feat, especially when it comes to Dr. Rahimzadeh. And he didn’t stop there.  Valuing One-on-One Connections  In the 1990s, as it is today, the U.S. experienced a significant primary care provider shortage which resulted in many medical schools encouraging students to complete their residencies in a primary care specialty, like internal medicine – which is precisely what Dr. Rahimzadeh set out to do at the University of Connecticut.   However, his mind would soon change about the course of his career.   “I had a deep, introspective conversation with my residency program director, openly and honestly chatting about my future,” Dr. Rahimzadeh said. “I ended up taking a week off of my residency and wrote a long pros and cons list about what I wanted to do with my life in the medical field.”  Eventually he decided on anesthesiology because of the opportunity to have a one-on-one relationship with every surgery patient, regardless of their procedure.  “Even though it’s for a short duration of time, it is a very impactful relationship,” he said. “I feel I am making a difference in the outcomes and lives of patients every day.”  Dr. Rahimzadeh finished his internal medicine residency in three years and passed his board exam, and he went on to do the same thing for anesthesiology. He then ventured back home to Reno.  Career Progression at Its Finest  Dr. Rahimzadeh knows that people don’t always get to settle down in a place that influenced their upbringing, care and dream, yet he was able to make that vision a reality for himself.  “I feel like Renown Health and myself have this intertwined relationship that led to my growth as a person and as a physician,” he said. “For that, I feel very blessed."  Upon his arrival back to Reno with two residencies under his belt, Dr. Rahimzadeh was quickly hired at one of the two anesthesiology groups in town at the time. He started his career with Sierra Anesthesia and after working for the group for several years, he joined Associated Anesthesiologists of Reno in 2014, which went on to become one of the largest anesthesiology groups in northern Nevada. The group continuously worked very closely with Renown, taking care of all of its surgical patient needs and eventually becoming Renown Medical Group employees as of April 1, 2022, with Dr. Rahimzadeh setting up his home base at the Renown South Meadows campus.  Today, Dr. Rahimzadeh wears three “hats” at Renown. As a medical professional first and foremost, his largest “hat” is his general anesthesiologist role, where he cares for patients in the operating room. Another significant “hat” is his role as the Medical Director for Surgical Services, where he reviews surgical patient charges alongside his dedicated team of nurses and ensures optimal patient outcomes by verifying they have had the appropriate workup to proceed with surgery in a safe manner. To round out his immense responsibilities with Renown, he serves as Chief of Staff for Renown South Meadows, where he makes connections with colleagues and collaborates with leaders to review protocols, policies and address concerns that arise.  Outside of Renown, Dr. Rahimzadeh is still a contributor within his own anesthesiology practice. He also is the current President of the Nevada State Society of Anesthesiologists and the Director to the Board of Directors of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, helping bridge the gap in anesthesia concerns between his northern and southern Nevada colleagues.  He reflects on the opportunities Renown and our local community have extended to him by saying, “If you can dream big enough and continue to chase your dreams, you can make it happen right here.”  On the COVID-19 Frontlines Nothing could prepare us for the dire situation hospitals on the east coast – especially those in Livingston, New Jersey – were experiencing at the beginning of the pandemic. Livingston was known as the “second hardest hit area” by COVID-19 in April of 2020. Hospitals were overwhelmed with patients in the ICU fighting for their lives. They needed help, and they needed help now.   Unable and unwilling to sit idly by, Dr. Rahimzadeh and six of his colleagues from his practice traveled to Livingston to help. They jumped in on the frontlines alongside other anesthesiologists and intensivists to offset the sudden influx of COVID-19 patients. Many lives were saved, and Dr. Rahimzadeh was a direct part of that.  “When you care and work with people that also care, you can move the needle a lot – it doesn’t matter where you're from,” he said.  Home Means Nevada – and Renown  Renown Health is deeply rooted in the northern Nevada community. Dr. Rahimzadeh is proud to be among a diverse team who have taken responsibility for its community for generations.   "We live in a very passionate and caring community, which is often underestimated,” he said. “It’s clear to me that Renown refuses to settle. Renown is incredibly progressive in providing the best for the community. We never remain stagnant, we keep moving forward and we take care of your loved ones. This health system has never been able to sit still and settle for the status quo. That stands out to me.”  One story especially sticks out to Dr. Rahimzadeh as the moment when he knew that Renown was home. In 1997 while working as a patient transporter, his grandmother passed away on the sixth floor of the Sierra Tower at what is now Renown Regional Medical Center. At the funeral, a huge bouquet of flowers arrived. Not being especially close to anyone in Reno yet, Dr. Rahimzadeh's family had no idea who sent the beautiful arrangement. Turns out, it was Rod Callahan, the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Washoe Medical Center at the time.   “At that point, I knew I wasn’t just a part of a workforce with thousands of employees,” said Dr. Rahimzadeh. “The COO cared so much about me that he felt compelled to send such a wonderful gift during a tragic time. That’s the value of a local, community-focused hospital; the people here know you and care about you. There’s a reason why people stay at Renown for so long – we feel that connection.”  Dr. Rahimzadeh also reflected on how far Renown South Meadows has come, from the time he immigrated to the U.S. to today. “Growing up, Renown South Meadows was kind of a ‘mom and pop shop’ primarily serving senior citizens in one wing and surgical patients in the other,” he said. “Now, I am so proud to see how far it has come. It really made its niche in the community in a great way. The future is bright!”  It’s clear that Dr. Rahimzadeh is leaving a lasting legacy with his family, from the local community to global medicine. His son is a senior at Baylor University in Texas with a strong desire to go into medicine, just like his dad. His daughter is a junior at Bishop Manogue Catholic High School in Reno and enjoys being involved in her community. His loving wife is a speech therapist in the area. The Rahimzadeh family is thriving together, and they all share the same conviction about northern Nevada and Renown:  “This is home.”

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    • Employees
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    • Technology

    Department Spotlight: Clinical Engineering

    Renown Health strongly supports and advocates for innovative medical technology. Our diverse lineup of medical equipment enables our care leaders to provide quality care to every patient. But what if a piece of technology breaks down? What happens when our care teams are ready for technological upgrades? Where do employees go when they have a question about a complicated piece of equipment?  Enter the Clinical Engineering department. This sophisticated team is staffed with intelligent, science-minded individuals who are ready to jump in and help at any given second. From newborn incubators to robots that clean the hospital floors, these team members are the med-tech masters that keep our health system running.  Equipment Experts  Upon entering the Clinical Engineering department’s workshop, you are welcomed with an abundance of high-tech equipment undergoing repairs and upgrades. The department takes care of more than 26,000 pieces of equipment throughout the entire healthcare network, including the technologies at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine, which they just took over this past year. To the average person, this may seem overwhelming; however, for this team, this is the exact environment they thrive in to make the technology magic happen.  “I am motivated and engaged every day at work,” said Tony Martinez, Supervisor of Clinical Engineering for Renown. “Our department is fast-paced and rewarding, and that’s a big plus.”  While some team members enter the department as equipment generalists, this team offers training to develop their skills on certain pieces of equipment, eventually becoming specialists.   “Every month, we encourage our colleagues to undergo specific training on more delicate equipment,” said Tony. “Once we get to that point in their training, we assign different equipment to our team members every month. They pick up the experience very quickly.”  As a Clinical Engineering Technician for Renown, Rylie Nickerson took advantage of the training and educational opportunities offered to her and is now a ventilator specialist especially for Renown’s neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). “Regardless of whether I’m working on ventilators or on another piece of equipment I’m assigned to, I’m always thinking about how I can help the patients, nurses and doctors,” said Rylie.  Raul Hernandez, a Clinical Engineering Specialist for Renown, is the go-to person for anesthesia, heart-lung bypass, red cell saver and life support equipment. He embraces the fact that, regardless of whether you are a specialist or a generalist, there is no typical day working in this department. “Every day brings different challenges,” said Raul. “I really enjoy the mental exercises I do every day. They keep me grounded and focused.”  On top of their day-to-day work and any special projects or emergencies that come up, the team is on an ongoing preventative maintenance schedule. Think of this work like your car’s oil change – routine maintenance to prevent something from breaking down in the future. “At any point, we might have 100-200 extra pieces of equipment to handle during preventative maintenance,” said Taylor Gray, a Clinical Engineering Technician for Renown. “We are always helping each other through any issues.”  Our Clinical Engineering team shows exactly what it means to be collaborative. Even though their to-do lists are ever-growing, this team never feels alone. They know they can always lean on each other for support, regardless of the workload.  “We always have each other’s backs,” said Taylor. “I feel so happy and satisfied in my job, and my coworkers are a large part of that.”  Celebrating the Genuine Difference  The Clinical Engineering department is driven by their desire to help and take care of the entire health system, and in turn, make a genuine difference for the communities we serve, from the medical staff to the patients.   “The satisfaction you get in our field when we impact patients’ lives and their healing process is so motivating and engaging,” said Tony Martinez. “It’s a great feeling.”  The team knows the common saying ‘Walk a mile in someone’s shoes’ very well; so well, in fact, that they take it to the next level, doing everything they can to prevent frustrations and extended down times. “We try to walk a mile in someone’s shoes before they get angry,” said Reagan Jordan, Director of Clinical Engineering for Renown. “Your satisfaction is our mission, and our team continually works to improve their outcomes every day.”  This department is where the entrepreneurial spirit and science-focused mind meet. For people like Raul Hernandez, who came from a business background as well as decades of medical technology experience, Renown helps him bring both his personal and business skills into focus. “This environment is very beneficial for Renown, me, and of course, the patients,” added Raul.  Being members of a team that is committed to excellence and purpose inspires them to reach new heights in patient care.  “I am constantly reminded of the positive impact we have by witnessing the individual experiences we have and hearing the enthusiasm and thankfulness in their voices,” said Raul. “It gives me a great sense of pride to work at Renown.”  "There is a strong feeling of mutual respect here,” added Ed Trejo, a Clinical Engineering Technician at Renown. “We are always here to help.”  The proof is in the data. The Clinical Engineering team scored as one of the top departments in the recent Renown employee engagement survey, with their results sitting at more than 94 percent.   “This speaks to not only our department leadership but also the team as a whole,” said Reagan. “I am extremely proud of them. Despite the pandemic, they are knocking it out of the park.”  For this department, coming to Renown is easy; staying at Renown is even easier.  “Staying at Renown is the easy choice,” said Raul. “And this team is only going to grow.”  Workflow Whizzes and Kindness Champions  “Rolling with the punches,” as Tony Martinez says, comes naturally to the Clinical Engineering team. With the constant workflow of equipment coming into the shop, every team member has learned how to be experts at prioritizing, especially based on the needs of our organization.  Even though their jobs can bring a lot of intensity, this department’s positive attitude radiates throughout the hospital. Upon entering the workshop, everyone is greeted with a smile from every team member, along with an immediate willingness to dive into the complex world of engineering.  “The experience of helping other people with their unique needs is invaluable,” said Taylor Gray.  If this work environment sounds enticing, great news – the Clinical Engineering team is growing. Motivated, aspiring engineers with a passion for healthcare and an associate’s degree in a related field are welcome.   Military experience is also valued very highly in this team. As many of our military servicemen and servicewomen gain specialized engineering experience while enlisted, the military-to-engineer career ladder at Renown is especially strong. In fact, according to Paul Joseph, a Clinical Engineering Technician at Renown, the majority of their teammates come from a military background.   Above all, being capable of prioritizing on the fly, thinking critically, having an open-mined outlook and being self-driven are the top skills that this department values. As Ed Trejo states, “If you’re willing to wear different hats, you will do very well here."  “Go with the flow, and expect the unexpected,” added Rylie Nickerson.  Those who join this team feel at home. The warm embrace of the team’s kind nature and the supportive environment they all foster inspires an efficient workflow that helps our entire hospital system function at the top of its game. At the end of the day, everyone who joins the team, or anyone who even interacts with the team in any capacity, will be in good hands.  Mandy Noriega, a Clinical Engineering Technician for Renown, closes these thoughts with a great reminder to each and every one of us: “After all, teamwork makes the dream work.”

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    • Employees
    • Women's Health
    • Baby Health

    Department Spotlight: Labor & Delivery

    Parents welcoming their new bundles of joy into the world might be overcome with emotions. They're exhausted yet excited to meet their new baby and hold them in their arms. That’s where Renown Health’s Labor & Delivery (L&D) department comes in. When patients arrive at the L&D unit in Renown Regional Medical Center, they are embraced with caring, compassionate nurses, surgical technicians and physicians ready to serve their family. As they get ready for the big moment in their private L&D room or family suite, you can be certain that you, they can be certain that they will receive the excellent care they deserve. Unpredictable, but Never Unprepared  Ushering in new life can bring a lot of surprises for parents, but the L&D department is prepared for any challenge. Whether the unit is helping with a routine or high-risk delivery, every patient and newborn are treated with personalized care that is uniquely tailored to their own individual needs and birth preferences, from labor evaluation and birth to post-birth lactation consultation and navigating the nursery.  “Our floor is never predictable,” said Bri Goode, Renown L&D nurse. “Our nurses and our staff work as a team to ensure the best care for our patients. I commonly say that we are all 'nurses’ for each patient!”  The state-of-the-art technology at their fingertips – including advanced 3D ultrasound machines – coupled with the love and passion the team has for their patients allows them to create an optimal environment for every mother and baby. The unit is also equipped with a Labor Assessment Area, where expectant mothers are evaluated to determine what stage of labor they are in, removing the guesswork and allowing providers to treat the patient and unborn child more efficiently and meet them exactly where they are at in the labor process.  Nothing can replace the careful guidance and words of encouragement a patient needs in the delivery room. The L&D department are true patient advocates and firmly believe in the power of listening and the power of staying calm and collected.  “To help our patients and ease their fears and anxieties, we always ensure them that our biggest goal is to have a healthy mom and healthy baby,” said Lindsay Strowmatt, Renown L&D nurse. “We constantly reinforce that they are strong and capable. Empowerment goes a long way!”  “We always take the time to actually sit down and listen to the patient, no matter how busy we are,” added Krystie Mortensen, Renown L&D nurse and DAISY Award winner. “It’s important for us to understand where their nerves are stemming from and address any changes in plan of care along the way.”  While the L&D unit is seen as a “happy place,” as described repeatedly by the members of the team, a seemingly low-risk patient can also turn into an emergency in a matter of seconds.   "Our line of work can involve high-stakes emergency care,” said April Tucker, Renown L&D nurse. “We view change as a necessary part of growth, and we save lives.”  These steps result in high patient outcome scores, which can be attributed directly to the unit.  “We have continually great outcomes from hard work and consistency in care,” said Roya Galata, Renown L&D nurse and Nursing Organizations Alliance (NOA) Lifetime Achievement awardee. “I have tremendous love for my patients and the type of work I do.”  Awards Without End  With patient safety and experience always top of mind, and with the team continually going above and beyond for all parents and their newborns, it’s no wonder why the L&D department has achieved a long and growing list of both local and national awards and accolades.   This year, U.S. News & World Report ranked the L&D unit at Renown Regional as "High Performing in Maternity Care – Uncomplicated Pregnancy.” This award is only the latest in this department’s “Best Of” accolades list, as the unit also achieved a win as the Best Place to Have a Baby in the 2022 Best of Reno Awards.  Not only is the department continually recognized, but individual team members also receive coveted awards within their professional associations. As previously mentioned, Krystie Mortensen is a DAISY Award winner, which means that she has been recognized for the “super-human work” she has done throughout her career. Additionally, three team members, including Roya Galata, have received NOA awards, celebrating their contributions to the nursing profession as a whole.  Many nurses in this department also choose to pursue lifelong learning by taking advantage of the educational benefits that Renown offers. Several team members have completed their continuing education in midwifery and advanced practice, reaffirming their dedication to delivering healthy babies and helping parents manage their first few days with their newborns.  “The teamwork on this unit is phenomenal, and the energy and commitment that the staff comes in with every single day amazes me,” said Lora Carlson, Renown L&D Manager of Nursing.  Internally, the L&D department loves to show their spirit at Renown. In December, they received the Best Holiday Decoration award during the 2021 holiday season. The team also enjoys participating (and scoring well) in Renown-sponsored Halloween costume contests.  In 2023, the L&D department will only pursue greater heights to continue producing patient outcomes.  A Work Family  “I stay here because this is my family. My work family.”  These strong words were proudly stated by Jeanne Bufkin, Renown L&D Surgical Technician, and echoed by virtually every L&D employee. Having each other’s backs during both times of need and times of celebration is a must in this department, and they do so proudly.  “Our staff constantly back each other up,” added Lora Carlson. “They display a lot of adaptability and flexibility. That’s why our unit functions as well as it does.”  Several team members in this department experienced the care of the L&D unit at Renown before they became fully-fledged employees.  “I had two of my babies here and had wonderful experiences both times,” said Judy McBride, Unit Clerk. “I love being a part of the reason why the next woman can say the same!”  Bri Goode also delivered her child at Renown and loved her experience so much that she was also inspired to join the team. “I chose to work at Renown because when I had such a positive experience during my delivery while I was in nursing school, I knew it was a team I wanted to be a part of.”  Coming to Renown was clearly an easy decision for this team; staying at Renown is even easier.  “I stay here because I love what I do and who I do it with,” said Judy McBride. “I truly feel like I am treated as an asset to this department, and it makes me want to come to work every day and make a difference in these mothers’ lives.”  The closeness of this department and the top-of-the-line collaboration displayed by every provider can be felt by the patients during their entire stay at Renown.   “We have an amazing collaborative team of physicians, nurses, scrub techs, unit clerks, patient access representatives and environmental services personnel that strive to provide our patients with the best possible care,” said April Tucker.  The labor and delivery process is a team effort – and those interested in jumping in on this team effort are welcome to join. Delivering healthy babies and supporting new mothers are cornerstone acts in meeting Renown’s mission of making a genuine difference in the communities we serve. Our L&D department does precisely this and more, never giving up in Fighting the Good Fight.

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    • Safety
    • Employees
    • Careers

    Department Spotlight: Security

    “Safety is Number One,” isn’t just a saying – it's a fact of life, especially at Renown Health. The safety of all patients, visitors, staff and volunteers is always the top priority, and our Security Department takes that commitment seriously. This team is devoted in their efforts to provide a safe environment for all, building cooperative and proactive security processes leveraging crime prevention techniques and state-of-the-art technology. Renown Security sets the safety and well-being bar high, and they continually exceed that standard day in, day out at all of our hospitals and urgent care, primary care and lab locations.  Specially Trained, Continually Present  Our Security Department isn’t staffed with your run-of-the-mill Security Officers; these team members surpass security and safety expectations. Think city and state police-level standards. You read that right – many of Renown’s Security Officers come from Nevada Highway Patrol, the Washoe County and Carson City Sheriff’s Offices, the state probation and parole board and more.   This team fosters specialized training in a collaborative environment. Every member of the security team has extensive training in compassion, empathy and de-escalation techniques to provide the highest levels of safety and security. They implement this training in all their daily duties, whether they are saying a simple ‘hello’ to a patient passing by or preventing harm to a staff member.  Before their shift begins, the team meets to debrief meeting to discuss major incidents that occurred on the previous shift. These meetings ensure the next shift is aware of situations to be on special alert for and individuals to look out for. After, the team members head off to their assignments.  “The day could be as mellow as greeting someone at the welcome table, or it could be as chaotic as de-escalating someone in distress,” said Emmanuel Fernandez-Orozco, Supervisor of Security at Renown Regional. “Regardless of the day, every experience is rewarding in its own way. The only thing that is promised is that every day will be different.”  While every Security Officer has varying experiences, one aspect of their job always stays the same: they are always on alert for any potential safety issue. Even on the “slowest” days, it is important for this team to stay vigilant in order to mitigate any potential risks. There are several security programs that the team uses to keep everyone at Renown safe and secure: Renown's security operations center team (also known as dispatch) monitors all cameras in real time, with security officers patrolling parking areas 24/7.   Security escorts are always available for any employee, patient or guest at every Renown location. Security Officers can escort anyone to their designated site, check surroundings for danger and monitor the person until they safely leave for their next destination.     Rescue officers are available for any Renown location where an employee feels unsafe.  Security maintains a strong relationship with the Reno Police Department (RPD) and assists with reporting and providing information that aids RPD in pursuing and deterring criminal activity.  “In security, we are a counselor, teacher and rule enforcement officer, all rolled into one,” said Bob Stone, Supervisor of Security for Renown Health. Talk about master multitaskers!  Protection is only one part of the job. Through positive and meaningful interactions with guests, patients, community and staff, regardless of where they are posted, the Security Department continually helps Renown achieve its mission of making a difference for the people they serve.  Devoted Dispatch Speaking of multitasking, no one does this better than the Security Dispatch Center. Security Dispatchers are the “eagle eyes in the sky” at Renown, keeping a close watch on everything that happens within every Renown location, as well as REMSA (including Care Flight). From overlooking the many cameras around campus and administering codes over the PA system to manning the radio and phones to ensure Security Officers are dispatched quickly, our dispatch team helps ensure every safety or security issue at Renown is immediately addressed.  When a call comes in, dispatchers like Jessica Fernandez, Security Dispatcher for Renown Health, go through a quick discovery process (sometimes in seconds) to figure out the details of the situation or code and what level of security is needed to assess and de-escalate.   According to Jessica, the ability to prioritize is something she values in her work. “80 percent of our duties are on the phone and the radios, and we are skilled in prioritizing concerns based on the sheer volume of calls we get,” she said.  Jessica and her teammates are proud of the outcomes from their calls. Their attentiveness to every nook and cranny at Renown and their quick response times to make them not only a valued partner to the Security Department but also a necessity to our health system.  Your In-House De-Escalation Experts  Being in a hospital environment is undoubtedly stressful for any patient, and many factors can increase these emotions. The Security Department takes these feelings seriously and never hesitates to take appropriate action to ensure the safety of everyone at Renown. With the unfortunate rise of violence against healthcare workers, especially amid the pandemic, our first-rate security team has been crucial in countering violence with specialized de-escalation techniques.  The key to de-escalating, according to the Security Department, is to put yourself in the shoes of whoever you are working with. As stated by Bob Stone, the team approaches each situation by asking themselves: How would I want to be treated if I was in the same circumstance?  “Being empathetic to their situation and listening to what is going on in their lives is key to re-directing them accordingly,” said Bob. “Applying real-life experience to similar circumstances can make them feel like they are not alone. Educating people on hospital policies can also help them reduce their anxieties and solve the problems.”   Jhorddy Lopez, Security Officer at Renown Regional, approaches each situation with the mindset of knowing that each person’s reactions are different. “Different techniques need to be implemented every time,” said Jhorddy. “You have to use your best judgment call.”  Quick and effective judgment calls are a task that the Security Department has conquered. Rosie Garcia, Security Officer at Renown Regional, knows that using your best judgment means getting both sides of the story. “Whenever I need to step in and de-escalate a situation, I first speak with whoever is attending to the patient and gather information,” said Rosie. “Then, I always get the patient’s side as well. I want to understand how they’re feeling, so both the staff member and the patient can meet in the middle and come up with a collaborative solution.”  An example of the heroism and advanced de-escalation displayed by our Security Officers takes us back to last spring. In the middle of the night, a Care Flight helicopter transporting a patient and their family was about to touch down on the landing pad outside of Renown Regional. Right as the helicopter was about to land, an individual jumped over the safety barricade and onto the landing pad. Alexander Pico, a former Security Officer Lead at Renown Regional (who recently joined the Carson City Sheriff’s Department) immediately communicated with the individual to leave the area. The individual then went under the rear blade, which is the most dangerous part of the helicopter. Knowing that he had to risk his own life at this point to save another, Alexander ran around the back of the helicopter and tackled the individual, preventing catastrophic injury or even death. Steve Perkins now uses this example of a swift judgment call, which was captured on dispatch cameras, as training material for new staff.  Exceptional character, compassion and emotional intelligence are the attributes that every member of the Security Department holds. As noted by Steve Perkins, these attributes “allow for a quick assessment of each situation in order to de-escalate and move towards the best possible solution."  Securing the Job  The Security Department at Renown is actively hiring caring, dedicated team members who are ready to jump in and perform exceptional high-risk healthcare security services for our health system.  “We seek people with the right combination of ability and demeanor,” said Steve Perkins. "The training and skills development we provide result in a high caliber of success.”  Every team member in the Security Department is passionate about the same thing: helping others. And in a healthcare environment, this is important.  “Working a healthcare security job is far different than working any other security job,” said Jhorddy Lopez. “At a hospital, you get the chance to interact with people one-on-one. I get to experience the feeling of, ‘I can make a difference in this person’s life.’”  Any interaction can change the course of a person’s day, and the Security Department embraces this fact. “I really do love helping people so much, whether it be an elderly patient who needs help with their wheelchair or a situation where I need to step in and de-escalate,” said Rosie Garcia.   In order to succeed in this fast-paced department, being a collaborative team member is crucial. “A good coworker is a team player – someone that loves to work in a team atmosphere,” said Emmanuel Fernandez-Orozco.  Jhorddy Lopez reiterates this, adding that “communication and trust are also extremely important. Everyone has to have great communication skills and have each other’s backs.” For people like Bob Stone, having a special connection to Renown inspires him to serve. As someone who experienced two life-saving hospital stays here, he is proud to give back to the organization that gave so much to him. “It was only natural to return to a facility I was familiar with my entire life,” said Bob. “After serving as a paramedic and transporting patients into Renown from Plumas County, I knew I was not done giving back to the community. Renown was the place to do exactly that.”  All Genders Welcome  A common misconception about the security field is that it is strictly a “man’s job.” In Renown’s Security Department, that couldn’t be further from the truth.   As a female Security Officer, Rosie Garcia is a prime example of proving that idea wrong. As a master patroller and de-escalation expert, she ensures everything is running smoothly and that everyone feels safe at all times.  “When I first started here, I knew right away that nobody that works here is biased,” said Rosie. “Everyone is equal, and I am treated as an equal in this department. I know I can do the job as well as any man."  Both Rosie and her counterparts in the Security Department firmly believe that this line of work is for everyone, and they continually lift each other up and support one another.  “No matter your gender, as long as you have confidence and integrity, you will do well,” adds Rosie.  The Bottom Line If you are passionate about creating a secure environment to ensure patients get the care they deserve and employees receive the safety they merit, the Security Department is your team to join.  “I come into work with pride,” said Jhorddy Lopez. “Knowing that I can change someone’s life – that makes me proud to work here.”  “You’re in good hands with us,” closes Steve Perkins.

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    • Expert Advice
    • Holiday
    • Safe Kids

    Keeping Kids Safe on Halloween

    Halloween is around the corner. So while you're prepping pumpkins for carving, putting together creative costumes and coordinating trick-or-treating plans, safety is one more detail to remember.   Masks, haunted houses, witches, ghosts and ghouls — it all spells Halloween, and what could be more frighteningly fun, right? For children, however, Halloween can indeed be frightening and not so fun.  According to Dr. Kristina Deeter, Physician-in-Chief of Renown Children’s Hospital and Chair of Pediatrics for the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine, it is common for younger children to express Halloween fears — being afraid of monsters, the dark or really anything out of the norm. “It's normal for children to struggle with separating reality from fantasy,” she explains.   For children who fall into this category, the month of October can be traumatizing. Halloween may not come until the end of the month. Still, in the weeks building up to the spookiest night of the year, little ones are bombarded on all sides with decorations — mummies, skeletons, coffins, vampires, you name it. For a child with a blossoming imagination who, as Dr. Deeter said, is still learning to differentiate real from pretend, this can cause additional fears and anxieties. In commemoration of Halloween Safety Month, Dr. Deeter shares safety tips for the spooky holiday from the American Academy of Pediatrics:  Dressing Up & Heading Out  Plan costumes that are bright and reflective. Ensure shoes fit well and that costumes are short enough to prevent tripping, tangling or coming into contact with flames.   Consider adding reflective tape or striping to costumes and trick-or-treat bags and baskets for greater visibility.  Masks can limit or block eyesight. Instead, consider non-toxic makeup and hats, which should fit properly to prevent them from sliding over the eyes. Test makeup ahead of time on a small patch of skin to test for allergies before full application.  When shopping for costumes, wigs and accessories, look for and purchase those with a label clearly indicating they are flame resistant.  If a sword, cane or stick is a part of your child's costume, make sure it is not sharp or long. A child may be easily hurt by these accessories if he stumbles or trips.  Do not use decorative contact lenses without an eye examination and a prescription from an eye care professional. While the packaging on decorative lenses will often make claims such as "one size fits all," or "no need to see an eye specialist," obtaining decorative contact lenses without a prescription is both dangerous and illegal. This can cause pain, inflammation, serious eye disorders and infections, which may lead to permanent vision loss.  Review with children how to call 9-1-1 (or their local emergency number) if they ever have an emergency or become lost.  Carving Pumpkins  Leave the carving to the grownups. Have children draw the pumpkin design with markers, but keep knives away.  Consider using a flashlight or glow stick instead of a candle to light your pumpkin. If you do use a candle, a votive candle is safest.  Candlelit pumpkins should be placed on a sturdy table, away from curtains and other flammable objects, and not on a porch or any path where visitors may pass close by. They should never be left unattended.  Prepping Your Home  Keep your entryway safe for trick-or-treaters by removing all items from the porch or front yard that a child could trip over, like garden hoses, toys, bikes and lawn decorations.  To ensure visibility, check outdoor lights and replace burned-out bulbs.  Sweep leaves (or snow) from sidewalks and steps.  If there are dogs in the home, take steps to ensure they don't jump on trick-or-treaters. Hunting for Treats  Young children should always be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult.   Give each child and adult a flashlight (with fresh batteries).  If older children are heading out to trick-or-treat alone, plan and review a route you can agree on, as well as a specific time they are supposed to return home.   Only visit homes with a lit porch light. Never enter a home or a car for a treat.  Notify law enforcement authorities of any suspicious or unlawful activity immediately.  Since pedestrian injuries are the most common injuries to children on Halloween, remind youngsters to take crosswalk safety precautions.  For more key tips regarding Halloween safety for your young trick-or-treaters, visit our partners at Safe Kids Worldwide for a variety of spooky safety resources.

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    • Cancer Care
    • Mammogram
    • Screening

    Ladies! Get Screened for Breast Cancer

    Early detection is a significant piece of the breast cancer puzzle. Susan Cox, Renown Health Director of Cancer Operations, discusses what you need to watch for and how the latest technology can help detect potential cancer sooner. When should women start getting breast exams? It depends on risk factors: Average-risk women: Most medical organizations recommend the first mammogram between 40 and 44. Higher-risk women: Dependent on their high risk, which will dictate when they start screening, but generally around the age of 30 and not before 25 years old.

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