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    • Sterling Silver Club
    • Recipes

    Oat Flour Pumpkin Bread

    Who knew that pumpkin bread can be nutritious and delicious? Caitlin Bus, Registered Dietitian with the Renown Healthy Heart Program shares her expertise on how to make a healthy and hearty pumpkin bread with homemade oat flour and natural substitutes for sugar. Give it a try!

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    • Healthy Aging
    • Senior Care

    Your 9-Step Guide to Prevent Falls

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one out of four adults aged 65 or older, fall each year. But less than half of those who fall talk to their healthcare provider about it. What’s more, among older adults, falls are the leading cause of both fatal and nonfatal injuries. Senior Care Plus, a Medicare Advantage Plan by Hometown Health, and Renown Health Nurse Educator, Nicholas Mannering, worked together to provide a list with simple tips to help you prevent falls.  1. Exercise Exercise strengthens both your muscles and bones and improves balance which is a key factor to preventing falls. The stronger you are, the less likely you are to fall. And, if you do fall, you are less likely to be injured.   2. Vision Check Vision is an import part of fall prevention, have your eyes check by an eye doctor at least once a year. Update your vision prescription and replace your eyeglasses as needed.   3. Install Safety Equipment in Your Bathroom Installing grab bars in your home bathroom provides a way for you to help yourself in and out of challenging situations. It also provides support if you suddenly feel week or unstable. Having a grab bar to lean on or hold onto when you feel yourself falling or slipping can help prevent falls. Rubber mats eliminate slick surfaces that increase your risk of falling.   4. Helpful Items in Your Bedroom A light within reaching distance is an important item to have in your bedroom. One reason adults fall is because they wander through a dark room, often to get to the bathroom at night, and can’t see where they are walking. Having a light within reach that is quick and easy to turn on before walking around a room can make it safer and decrease your risk of falling. Having a bedroom that is organized and furnished in a way that is easy to navigate is also important. If your bedroom is cluttered and hard to walk around without tripping or running into things, it might be worth reorganizing the area to define a clear walking path.   5. Helpful Items in Your Living Room Similar to your bedroom, your living room should have a light that is easily accessible. Sofas with armrests are helpful for support when getting up and sitting down. Avoiding clutter in your walkways, rugs that are not secured down and unstable furniture are important to consider when preventing falls.   6. Actions to Avoid in Your Home There are other ways to fall besides slipping or tripping while walking. Never stand on chairs, boxes or other unstable items in your home. Walkways should be tidy and free of objects that you could trip on. Spills should be cleaned up right away to prevent slipping.   7. Wear Appropriate Footwear Wearing shoes with non-slip soles and closed toes can help prevent you from falling.  Having shoes that fit properly, are made from hard rubber (like tennis shoes) and provide good support help prevent tripping and falling. Shoes with a collar that support the ankle and a well-padded tongue for the top of your foot can also help prevent injury to your feet.   8. Review Your Health & Medications at your Annual Health Check-Up It is important to review your health and medications with your healthcare provider so they can assess if you are at risk for falls. You should discuss your vision, heart health and blood pressure at your annual health check-up. These things can play a role in the risk of falling. Reviewing your current medications is also important. If medications are making you dizzy, talk to your provider about adjusting the dosage so you can feel more stable and balanced. When talking to your doctor about medications be sure to include your vitamins and supplements. Finally, Have your healthcare provider check your feet and discuss proper footwear yearly.   9. Avoid Smoking and Alcohol Balance is important in preventing falls. Alcohol consumption negatively affects balance and increases your risk for falls and fractures. It also increases your risk for cancer, liver damage, osteoporosis, high blood pressure and strokes. Smoking is connected to frailty in older adults. It prevents the development of muscle tissue and breaks down healthy muscle tissue due to the lack of oxygen in your body.

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    • Vaccinations
    • COVID-19
    • Community Partnerships
    • Vaccine

    How You Can be a COVID-19 Vaccine Ambassador

    We get it – the entire world has been overwhelmed with COVID-19 vaccine information, questions and celebrations around vaccines developed to combat COVID-19 induring the past several months. It’s hard to know where to start in digesting all this news and information. But one thing is clear: healthcare experts agree that the authorized COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective and recommended to help end this pandemic. If you are passionate about stepping up in your community to encourage the vaccination efforts, we’re offering a few ideas on how you can be an ambassador. Find the Facts Content on the vaccine is abundant, but and there’s a few resources that we can all rely on to help digest the information: The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) updates its website content around the vaccine regularly, and also offerings information in Spanish. Health departments across the U.S. are leading the way in distribution logistics planning, and partnering with other providers, like such as hospitals and pharmacies, to distribute give people doses. Their websites are great resources to understand options where you live. Locally, check out for vaccine updates in Washoe County. Many providers like Renown Health and other providers are sharing content around their recommendations for the vaccine. Get answers about the vaccine types from one of our pharmacists, read common concerns addressed by experts and view videos from many doctors and other specialists on our YouTube Channel.

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    • Cancer Care
    • Clinical Trial
    • Research and Studies

    Ovarian Cancer Survivor Shares Decision to Try Clinical Trial

    While there used to be three basic treatment options for cancer -- surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, or a combination of the three -- there's a fourth option: clinical trials. Here, a Renown patient shares her successful battle with ovarian cancer, aided by a clinical trial. Shari Flamm's battle with ovarian cancer began in 2011. She was experiencing prolonged bleeding, irregular thyroid levels and anemia and was scheduled to undergo a hysterectomy. Before the surgery, her gynecologist ran routine tests to check for cancer as a precautionary measure. All tests were negative for cancer, expect her CA 125 test. A CA 125 test measures the amount of the protein CA 125 (cancer antigen 125) in the blood. In some cases, a CA 125 test may be used to look for early signs of ovarian cancer in women with a very high risk of the disease. In most laboratories, the normal level is 0 to 35 units/ml. Flamm's CA 125 level was 121. As Flamm can attest, early diagnosis played a key role in her battle with ovarian cancer. September is Gynecologic Cancer and Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month – an important time to learn the signs, symptoms and risk factors of this type of cancer so your doctor can diagnosis the disease as early as possible. Ovarian Cancer: Round One Despite the elevated CA 125 results, her doctor recommended they move forward with the hysterectomy. But when surgery began, doctors discovered a mass. She had stage 4 cancer. The procedure was halted, the mass was biopsied and she was immediately seen by Dr. Peter Lim of the The Center of Hope. Following diagnosis, Flamm underwent surgery with Dr. Lim to remove the cancer, which had spread to part of diaphragm, spleen, colon and other organs. Three months after surgery, Flamm had recovered enough to start six rounds of chemotherapy in her hometown of Carson City. She continued working at a doctor's office during her treatment, and was grateful for Dr. Lim’s ability to co-manage her care so she could stay close to work and family. “To me, chemo was the scariest part because I didn’t like feeling sick,” Flamm says. Thankfully, her body responded well to the treatments and she was back to the things she loved. “I stated working out at the gym, even if it was only for 10 minutes,” she says. She also stayed positive by spending time with her grandchildren, attending a San Jose Sharks hockey game, going for walks and enjoying concerts. Ovarian Cancer: Round Two In November 2014, Flamm had a cancer check-up. That’s when doctors discovered three cancerous tumors. For this round, Flamm choose another treatment option -- clinical trials at Renown Institute for Cancer. Clinical trials are the studies that test whether drugs work, and inform doctors' decisions about how to treat their patients. Flamm participated in a clinical trial that featured oral-targeted therapy stronger than IV chemotherapy. The hope was for the drug to shrink her tumors, however the result was stabilization -- meaning the lumps weren’t growing or spreading. The best part of the clinical trial, Flamm says, was the constant monitoring. Between the CT scans every six weeks, a heart scan every three months and monthly doctor visits, she was confident that if the cancer started growing or spreading, her healthcare team would catch it right away. For Flamm, the benefits of the clinical trial included less hair loss, less fatigue and more time to focus on what’s important in her life -- her family. “I decided I wasn’t going to be that sick grandma on the couch with cancer,” Flamm says. After taking the oral medication for one year, Flamm developed a rash and discontinued treatment due to discomfort. Clinical Trials, Setbacks and Survival In June 2016, two of the three tumors began to grow and had to be surgically removed. Despite the setback, Flamm was determined to maintain a positive outlook. "You have to stay positive because cancer feeds off anger, depression and stress," Flamm says. Flamm was released to go home with clear margins, meaning the tumors were removed and are surrounded by a rim of normal tissue that does not have cancerous cells. Flamm says her outlook on life has changed drastically since her first cancer diagnosis. “Your whole mentality changes when cancer disturbs your life," Flann says. "The things that weren’t important, are now ever so important. I’m a lot calmer now,” Flamm says.

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    • Sterling Silver Club
    • Active Living

    Simply Spectacular Sterling Silver Member Rhogenia

    Whether watching a 4th of July celebration from her father’s boat on the Saint Johns River or sneaking a peek at a post-game display over Gator Bowl Stadium from her parents’ bedroom window, the fondest childhood memories of Sterling Silver Club featured member are of fireworks. “I love watching fireworks,” says Rhogenia. “And I get just as excited by them now as I did then.” Well, fireworks are certainly a fitting introduction to this Sterling Silver Club member who shines with a spectacular collection of accomplishments, adventures and interests. A Passion for Teaching Rhogenia remembers herself as a happy, carefree child “who read all the time” while growing up in Jacksonville, Florida with her younger sister, Rosemary, and her father and mother, who was a public school teacher. It’s easy to see how this natural enthusiasm for reading (and learning), along with her mother’s influence, would spark Rhogenia’s calling – and passion – for teaching. After earning her bachelor’s degree in education, Rhogenia spent the first 2 years of her career as a kindergarten teacher in a “one traffic light” town in her home state. She then moved to Oakland, California where she taught kindergarten and first grade classes at various schools for 4 years. The Biggest Little City in the World came next, and her stay there would last much longer. In Reno, Rhogenia added a master’s degree to her credits and found a home for her teaching career at Grace Warner Elementary School – where she taught first and second grade for 20 years! During that time, she also took on the additional role of adjunct professor, teaching graduate students for the University of Phoenix, College of Education.   “A great teacher never stops learning,” explains Rhogenia. “I believe the art of teaching is the act of facilitating discovery, for students and also for myself.” In recognition of her efforts, Rhogenia received the Reno Gazette Journal’s Best of Education Award, the Washoe County Teachers Association Distinguished Performance Award, and was also awarded a grant from Learn and Serve America to help her support student programs that gave back to the community. Rhogenia’s favorite quote: “One hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove. But the world may be a little better, because I was important in the life of a child.” – Adapted from an essay by Forest Witcraft Commissions, Councils & Space Camp Life outside the classroom also kept Rhogenia busy – and inspired – throughout her career. In 1998, she was selected to participate in an educator externship, and in 1999, was chosen to be a teacher consultant to the Alliance Summer Geography Institute. These opportunities allowed Rhogenia to return to her students with exciting lessons to share about different types of industries and the importance of geography, respectively. In 2002, the governor appointed her commissioner for the state of Nevada’s Commission on Professional Standards in Education. And Rhogenia followed that up with an appointment to the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education in 2004. She also got to travel. Rhogenia was one of two teachers from Nevada chosen to participate in the Japan Fulbright Memorial Fund Teacher program on its 50th anniversary. Originally established in 1946 to foster mutual understanding between the U.S. and Japan, the trip allowed Rhogenia to represent her state, her country and her race to Japanese dignitaries, business people and students alike. For over three weeks, she toured schools, universities, factories, temples, art galleries and museums, and stayed in the home of a Japanese family for a few days – which she calls the highlight of her trip.  Oh, and then there was the time she went to space camp! The Nevada Teacher in Space Program sent Rhogenia to join teachers from across the county at the out-of-this-world camp in Huntsville, Alabama. On “Team Endeavor,” she learned what it would be like to deliver payloads and perform experiments at the International Space Station, and took a seat in flight simulators and an antigravity chair. The goal of the program was to inspire teachers to help their students learn about the infinite possibilities of math and science. Time for What Matters These days, Rhogenia enjoys spending time on the things that matter most to her. Personally, that means diving into hobbies like genealogy, music, reading, writing, cooking and the occasional card or board game. She also continues to learn and broaden herself through Osher Life Long Institute (OLLI) classes and Retired Living Truth Series seminars. But her greatest joy comes from spending time with family – four generations of her own family, her church family, retired teachers from Warner Elementary and the many acquaintances and friends she’s come to know over the years. Other things worthy of Rhogenia’s time: Giving back to the community, rainbows, sunsets and sometimes, just watching the clouds roll by. Membership & Senior-ship What does Rhogenia think about being a Sterling Silver Club member and a senior? She told us. “Before COVID, it was the face-to-face club events that I liked most,” recalls Rhogenia. “At the Silver Stars Gala, I had such a wonderful time chatting with old and new friends… the fashions, decorations and the food were delightful.” Over the past year, she also found things to love about the club’s virtual events and regularly attends lectures, cooking and yoga classes and weekly meditation sessions – from her home! It Starts with Hello offers some of her favorite club events. “It reminds me of the television show, Cheers, where everybody knows your name!” she grins. “We meet at noon on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There are a variety of topics and guest speakers, and with the virtual events, I feel like the presenters are talking directly to me… I have the best seat in the house.” As far as being a senior goes, Rhogenia is living her best life and has some advice to help others do the same. “As a senior, I have the time to explore and take advantage of the many opportunities available out there,” she says. “I live life in the present and to the fullest. I make the most of each day because tomorrow, it will be the past.” Rhogenia feels that the biggest challenges for seniors today are health and isolation, and wants people to know there’s help if they need it. “Sometimes we need a little help to make everyday activities a little easier, or just need a person to talk with,” she explains. “My advice is never be too proud to ask for help with anything! Most people are glad to help or guide you to someone who will.” “Lastly, to seniors, I would like to say this: Love yourself and make peace with who you are and where you are at this moment in time,” Rhogenia continues. “And give yourself a big hug!” The Sterling Silver Club thanks Rhogenia for dazzling us with her story, her friendship and her collaboration – and we send her and all of our members a “BIG hug.”

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    • Renown Health
    • COVID-19

    How to Talk to Your Vaccine-Hesitant Friends About Getting Vaccinated Against COVID-19

    Roughly 59% of eligible Nevadans are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 as of mid-September. That number is up 9% from only a month ago, but our work is far from done!  One of the most powerful ways to convince someone to get vaccinated is for a person they trust and respect to take the time and have that complicated conversation with them.  We know these conversations can be daunting, so we consulted Marie McCormack, MD, Primary Care Division Chief at Renown, about the six best ways to approach and frame these conversations to be productive and effective.  1. Be firm, but not aggressive. 2. Listen to what they have to say, and don’t assume you know why they haven't gotten the vaccine yet. 3. Cater your responses to their concerns. The CDC even has a helpful reference table identifying main reasons people are not getting vaccinated.   If they are scared, offer to go with them.  If they are not worried about getting sick, explain that they are more at risk of infecting those around them who are more likely to have a severe reaction to   the virus.  If they don’t know how to make an appointment, help them find the most convenient time and place for their schedule.  If they are worried about how fast the vaccine was developed, remind them that the mRNA technology used in these vaccines has been studied for years.  If they are worried the vaccine will affect fertility, tell them that in August the CDC officially recommended that pregnant people can get vaccinated.  4. When in doubt, hit them with the stats!  1 in 500 Americans has died from COVID-19.  Vaccinated people are nearly five times less likely to get infected, according to the CDC.  Vaccinated people are 10 times less likely to get so sick they ended up in the hospital, according to the CDC. 5. Remind them of all the things they might not be able to do if they aren't vaccinated.  Attend concerts or sporting events  Travel  Potentially even keep their job 6. When all else fails, use the tough love approach. Tell these people you don’t feel comfortable meeting with them in person until they are vaccinated.

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    • Sterling Silver Club
    • Active Living

    A Tale of Life Done Right

    Once upon a time … in Incline  This issue’s featured member began writing the latest chapter of her life story by retiring on Lake Tahoe’s north shore in Incline Village, NV.  “I had several criteria when selecting a place to retire,” says MaryBeth. “And a healthy lifestyle was number one. The people who have settled in Incline are very active with both their minds and their bodies. It’s not a stagnant population, it is unusually robust. I’ve made wonderful friendships here and we really watch out for each other, which means the world to me.” “I also wanted four seasons a year,” she continues. “And most importantly, I wanted a place that my son, Addison, would love to visit and share with me – and world-class skiing just minutes away scored extra points with both of us!” Zürich and Beyond  Skiing was something MaryBeth and Addison took to with a passion while living in Zürich, Switzerland. A business move to the land of the Alps (and Swiss chocolate) provided the perfect opportunity for an international education for her son and a culturally eye-opening experience for the family.  “I was unprepared for what it was going to be like living in a foreign place, and I learned a lot about empathy as a non-native and the kindness of strangers, or not. Our seven years there gave us many easily available travel adventures on the other side of the globe, and the friendships I made with people around the world have been lifelong.” “Divas” of the Garden  “Tall and showy” is how MaryBeth lovingly describes the “Divas” of her garden, aka the delphiniums. Located in the sunny part of her yard, the plants explode in a variety of colors that accentuate her home’s landscaping and are a well-earned reward for her mountain gardening challenges. “The very first thing you must do when creating a new garden is amend the soil,” explains MaryBeth. “It’s not sexy, but it’s necessary! And that’s when you learn that every shovelful of “mountain” dirt is loaded with rocks of every size – it’s fantastic exercise!” And her neighbors appreciate the hard work. “I’ve made so many friends of all ages in the neighborhood while working outside in my garden,” shares MaryBeth. “They stop, chat, inquire about the plants and take photos all the time.” Then with a smile, she adds, “You could call it my art.” Aging-In to Life with Medicare At 64 and on the cusp of Medicare eligibility, MaryBeth recently tasked herself with learning what she could about the plans and options that would soon be available to her and was overwhelmed. “I made the mistake of entering my phone number on a Medicare website for “wanting more information” and had no less than 15 calls a day from health insurance brokers – from all over the country!” she exclaims. “What one person would tell me would then be questioned by the next. I eventually quit answering the phone.” However, finding a Medicare plan that meets all of her needs is still a priority. “First and foremost, since I am a traveler (at least before the pandemic) I want to have a healthcare plan that will cover me in any state,” MaryBeth explains. “I would also like a policy that allows for alternative treatments, such as acupuncture – which I’ve had great success with in the past. I know that getting a good Rx plan now will save me money down the line, and I also want to be able to see a specialist without seeing a provider first for a referral.”

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    • Recipes
    • Food and Nutrition

    Bruschetta Chicken Bake

    Bruschetta Chicken Bake is quick, affordable, and super easy to prepare on a busy schedule. The best part is that you don’t even have to pre-cook the chicken! Instead, serve this meal with a bagged salad and a crusty loaf of bread, and you’ll have a healthy, homemade dinner on the table in no time!

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    • Sterling Silver Club
    • Recipes

    Healthy Zucchini Manicotti

    Often, when we think of Italian dishes, we think of pasta. In fact, there are more than 600 different pasta shapes, each holding the task of delivering Italy’s flavors.  While we all crave pasta, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), a cup of pasta shells contains about 166 calories, 6 grams of protein and 32 grams of carbohydrates. When you add all the other comforting ingredients that comes with cooking Italian, it’s nearly impossible to keep it healthy.  Caitlin Bus, Registered Dietitian with the Renown Healthy Heart Program shares a healthier version of an Italian favorite –deconstructed manicotti using zucchini as a substitute for noodles. If you’re looking for a healthier Italian dish and wondering how to use a spiralizer to turn vegetables into noodles, this recipe is for you.

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    • Women's Health
    • Men's Health
    • Virtual Visit

    Take Charge of Your Sexual Health

    Much like general physical and mental health, sexual health is an essential aspect of your overall well-being. Therefore, educating yourself on your sexual health is an important piece regarding your overall wellness. Secure & Private Virtual Visits Did you know that many sexually transmitted disease appointments can happen virtually, in the privacy of your own home? Our providers can perform a screening examination for sexually transmitted illness (without symptoms) when it’s convenient for you. This is a great option if the topic makes you uncomfortable during an in-person visit, or if you can’t find time to visit your primary care provider or local urgent care. After the telehealth appointment, your provider will determine the  next steps for you. Remember, in-person visits are always an option as well.   Here’s how you can take charge of your sexual health:  Get Comfortable with Getting Tested  Surprisingly, some people with STDs don't show symptoms, meaning they may not even know they have an STD unless they get tested. Even if an STD shows no symptoms, the result of non-treatment can be serious. Bret Michael Bellard, MD, with Renown Medical Group, shares that it’s important for people to get tested for STDs because if left untreated, they can cause the following health problems: Loss of fertility Pregnancy complications Other health issues  When to Visit Your Primary Care Provider  Who should get tested and how often? “The recommendations are that everyone from ages 13 to 64 should get tested at least once for HIV. All sexually active adults should also be tested for other STDs once a year, and all pregnant women should be tested at the start of their pregnancy,” says Dr. Bellard. Some STDs, like syphilis, can be passed from mother to baby, so it's important for women to get tested as soon as they know they’re pregnant.  Dr. Bellard recommends going to your primary care provider for testing. “They can also give advice on prevention and other health topics.” If you don’t have a primary care provider, this is a great reason to get established with one. Women with an established OB/GYN can have STD testing done simultaneously with their annual pelvic exam. The providers in Renown's network care for patients of all ages and specialize in family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics and OB/GYN.   Practice Safe Sex  STDs are preventable. Practicing safe sex and getting tested routinely are your best defenses against all types of STDs.  For many, the conversation about sexually transmitted diseases is awkward and many avoid it. To lower your risk of contracting an STD, don’t wait until you’re “in the moment” to have the conversation with your partner about the last time you were both last tested. If you haven’t gotten tested in-between new partners, use latex condoms every time you have sex until you are both confirmed negative of STDs. Condoms are not 100% effective at preventing disease or pregnancy. However, they are extremely effective if used properly.   To establish Primary Care, visit or call 775-982-5000

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    • Recipes
    • Sterling Silver Club

    Citrus Black Bean Quinoa Salad

    Looking for the most delicious plant-based, protein-rich salad to add to your recipe repertoire? Look no further. We asked our registered dietitian, Caitlin Bus, with Renown Healthy Heart Program for the one recipe that all her class participants rave about. Caitlin’s popular recipe offers a bounty of fiber and protein. This dish is a showstopper because quinoa is a healthy grain. A cup contains 8 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber, compared to 4 grams of protein and only 1 gram of fiber in a cup of white rice. With the perfect amount of citrus flavor combined with corn, bell pepper, and beans this dietitian approved quinoa salad will be a staple for all occasions. Enjoy!

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    • Physical Rehabilitation
    • Community Partnerships

    Renown Hosts Adaptive Sports Day for All Abilities at Sky Tavern RASE Event

    Despite the challenges of a pandemic, the Renown Rehabilitation Hospital continues to help their patients thrive outside of the hospital walls. On July 31, 2021, they hosted the first-ever Renown Alumni Sports Extravaganza, or RASE, a day focused on adaptive sports for all abilities. “Sports and recreation have a unique way of breaking down emotional barriers,” states Jared Worchel, DO, MS. The alumni used their skills on a climbing wall, Frisbee golf, archery, an obstacle course and bag toss. Over 20 people spent the day cruising the first adaptive mountain biking trail in the Tahoe region. “Having old friends meet up and seeing new friendships form had to be the highlight of the weekend,” says Shaun Stewart Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) with Renown Rehabilitation Hospital. “RASE was a great way to learn new methods to improve outdoor recreation engagement from both participants and the many programs involved.” Dr. Worchel agrees, “The smiles really make it worth it, and we even saw several touching moments with tears of joy when participants completed a task and finally felt like they were getting past their injury, mentally, after years of being so focused on recovery.” Adaptive Climbing and Camping One touching moment came on the adaptive climbing wall. Cassie Firchau, an occupational therapist at Renown, recalls a rehab alumni who had never been on a climbing wall (pre or post injury) conquering the wall. “Everyone was cheering him on. I was impressed with how he used the ascending pull up bar to get up the wall,” she remembers. Mark Wellman, the founder of No Limits, provided the climbing wall. “I had heard of Mark, but I had no idea that he climbed El Capitan only a few years after his spinal cord injury,” says Cassie. “Having him at the event was a great opportunity to learn how to stay active and enjoy the things you love, no matter the circumstance.” After dark, the event continued with a DJ spinning hits followed by overnight camping. That evening Shaun Stewart had the chance to talk to one of the alumni. “He spoke on how he was nervous about camping and how it would go in a new campground. He said that he was happy for an opportunity to practice with our group prior to going out on his own,” remarks Stewart. “Knowing that this event can help create opportunities even outside our events is great to know.” Adaptive camping activities allow all abilities to not only enjoy nature, but also connect. “We also saw a lot of interaction between the participants themselves, sharing their journeys with each other during the down times which was possible with the extended format,” explains Dr. Worchel. “Overall it was an overwhelming success and we are already looking forward to next year.” Northern Nevada's Adaptive Sports Community Not only did the Renown Rehab alumni come together at RASE, but so did the greater northern Nevada community. Along with the hard work of the Renown Rehabilitation employees, the City of Reno Adaptive and Inclusion Programs, Wasting Arrows, Disable Sports Eastern Sierra, No Limits, and High Fives Foundation, provided support and equipment for the alumni. “It was so great to see multiple groups, volunteers and non-profits collaborating to support alumni participants to live life to the fullest, and to experience outdoor recreation in such a dynamic way,” states Josh Patterson, Supervisor of Rehab Therapy Services at Renown Health. "The City of Reno is so grateful for this sponsorship to bring together new and old Renown alumni to learn and encourage each other. There were many firsts this weekend, and we look forward to future participation in City of Reno Adaptive programs,” says April Wolfe, CTRS, City of Reno Parks and Recreation. For more information on future alumni adaptive events, please email:

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