Results for 'forms'
Supervisor of Lab-Support Services
Full Time - Eligible for Benefits200295 OP Lab AdministrationVaries -
Associate Application Analyst
Full Time - Eligible for Benefits200641 IT Medical ImagingDay -
Renown TeleHealth is improving the health of everyone – even our most distant neighbors. That’s why we’re leading the region in using video conferencing technology to give you the best care possible – no matter where you are. Be it an emergency, an ongoing condition, or even the need for convenient health and wellness education and support, we are always just a connection away. Renown TeleHealth is telemedicine that gives you access to top-level care and better outcomes with less stress and fewer travel costs.
Low Back Pain – How to Stop the Ache
Low back pain is not only a problem most people have at some point in life, but also the leading cause of disability in the U.S. Whether it is a sharp spasm from lifting something heavy or a daily constant ache, there are various treatments available to relieve your pain. Jessica Ryder PT, DPT, cert VRS, with Renown Health Outpatient Therapy, explains some common causes of this pain, how to treat it and ways to prevent pain flare-ups. It’s important to realize most cases of low back pain are short term. Frequently lasting only a few days or weeks. In general these cases leave no long-term damage to the spine, muscles, discs or nerves. “However, it can become episodic or chronic (lasting longer than 12 weeks) if it is not properly understood or managed by the individual, ” cautions Ryder. Causes of Pain Specifically back discomfort can be related to: Wear and tear on the spine due to age or poor movement patterns Injury to spinal discs Sprains (overstretching or tearing of ligaments) and strains (tears in tendons or muscles) Trauma Irregularities of the spine present at birth (example: scoliosis)Notably the above issues may result in a “pinched nerve” or sciatica, causing pain to extend down the leg. Risk Factors for Pain In particular, your chance of developing low back pain increases with the risk factors below: Age Being overweight Low fitness level or occasional physical activity (“weekend warrior”) Family history Pregnancy Poor posture Jobs requiring heavy physical work (landscaping, plumbers, construction, etc.)
Early Childhood Teacher - Per Diem
Per Diem - Non Benefited100718 Child Care CenterVaries -
Imaging Tech Aide
Full Time - Eligible for Benefits200253 Comp Tomographic ScanNight -
Registered Nurse-Oncology
Full Time - Eligible for Benefits200382 Medical Oncology AdultDay -
RTOC Coordinator
Full Time - Eligible for Benefits200751 RTOC Renown Transfer Operations CenterDay -
Full Time - Eligible for Benefits510701 AdministrationVaries -
Provider Contract Manager
Full Time - Eligible for Benefits500606 ContractingDay -
Physician_Primary Care Internal Medicine
Full Time - Eligible for Benefits510701 AdministrationDay -
Physician_Internal Medicine - Carson Valley/Gardnerville, NV
Full Time - Eligible for Benefits510701 AdministrationDay