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  • Neurosurgery

    Renown Neurosurgery Using a collaborative approach, our experts use leading-edge diagnostic tools to identify neurological conditions and treat them with the most effective surgical and non-surgical treatment techniques available.    What is a Neurosurgeon? A neurosurgeon is a doctor that specializes in surgical treatment and management of conditions for the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord and nerves. In addition to the nervous system, neurosurgeons can also treat conditions that impact the surrounding supporting structures, including your skull, spinal vertebrae, spinal disks, and blood vessels. If your care team determines surgery is the best plan of treatment, you will be referred to a neurosurgeon for consult. Conditions We Treat

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  • Mako SmartRobotics

    Personalized Robotic Surgery Renown Health is proud to offer Mako SmartRobotics™, an innovative solution for those suffering from painful arthritis in the knee or hip. Each patient is unique and can experience joint pain for different reasons. It's important to talk to your doctor about the reason for your joint pain so you can understand the treatment options available to you. It is common for patients to try medication and other treatments to treat their knee or hip pain. If you haven't experienced the adequate relief with those treatment options, you may be a candidate for Mako SmartRobotics™ for Total Knee, Total Hip, or Partial Knee replacement. How Mako SmartRobotics™ Works Mako SmartRobotics™ uses 3D CT-based planning software so your surgeon can create a personalized surgical plan. This 3D model is used to preplan and assist your surgeon in performing your joint replacement surgery. In the operating room, your surgeon follows your personalized surgical plan while preparing the bone for the implant. The surgeon guides Mako's robotic arm within the predefined area, and Mako's AccuStop™ technology helps the surgeon stay within the planned boundaries that were defined when the personalized preoperative plan was created. By guiding your doctor during surgery, Mako's AccuStop™ technology allows your surgeon to cut less by cutting precisely what's planned to help protect your healthy bone. It's important to understand that the surgery is performed by an orthopedic surgeon who guides Mako's robotic arm during the surgery to position the implant in the knee and hip joints. Mako SmartRobotics™ does not perform surgery, make decisions on its own or move without the surgeon guiding it. Mako SmartRobotics™ also allows your surgeon to make adjustments to your plan during surgery as needed. Why Choose Mako SmartRobotics™ In clinical studies, compared to manual surgery, Mako SmartRobotics™ procedures resulted in:  More accurate implant placement compared to manually surgery, which may result in improved outcomes and functioning of the joint. Less pain in the days and weeks following surgery. A shorter hospital stay. Quicker recovery, where 9 out of 10 patients were walking without aid, such as a cane or walker, three weeks after surgery. 97% of patients satisfied or very satisfied 10 years after surgery.

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    • Surgery
    • Surgical Services

    How Do I Prepare for Surgery?

    Renown’s team of nurses and respiratory therapists discuss what you need to know before undergoing surgery, including fasting guidelines and how to improve recovery. There are several things to know before you undergo surgery, including steps to prepare at home in advance of your procedure.   Fasting Guidelines: No solid foods eight hours prior to surgery You may have clear liquids three hours before your surgery. Clear liquids include water, apple juice and lemon or lime-flavored soda water (not cola). In addition, do not chew or smoke tobacco (regular or e-cigarettes) after midnight the night before your surgery, unless instructed by your doctor or anesthesiologist.

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    • Surgical Services
    • Surgery

    Why Can't I Eat Before Surgery?

    If you’re having surgery on your shoulder, why does it matter what’s in your stomach? We asked Dr. Matthew Hoberg to explain more about pre-surgery directives, including fasting. If you have an upcoming surgery, your care team likely gave you instructions to fast before your procedure. But why? We asked Matthew Hoberg, M.D., medical director of Renown Surgical Services, to explain why it’s important to forgo food and drinks before surgery. Why are patients instructed to fast before surgery? Regardless of surgery type or site, we want the stomach to be empty before having anesthesia, because anesthesia can reduce your body’s ability to protect and prevent food or acids from the stomach from entering the lungs. Normally, your body is able to prevent this, but anesthesia medicines make it harder for your body to do so. When food or liquids from the stomach get into the lungs, doctors call it “aspiration.” This is rare, but can be dangerous if it does happen. Solid foods and liquids leave the stomach at different rates too. Solid food takes longer to empty from the stomach than liquids, so the time to stop eating solids (eight hours) is longer than that for clear liquids (two hours). The body has energy reserves to produce needed nutrients and fuel during fasting. Recently, studies have shown it is important to stay hydrated and have some carbohydrates in clear liquids up to two hours before surgery, so clear liquids are allowed until two hours before surgery. There are also special rules for babies and young children who need surgery. For example, you may give breast milk up to four hours before surgery. If your baby drinks formula, you should stop six hours before surgery, and all solid foods you should stop eight hours before. Your child’s doctor or nurse will give you exact instructions. What if you show up for surgery and have broken the no-eating rule? Will surgery be re-scheduled? If patients have not followed the fasting guidelines, surgery will be postponed or rescheduled due to the possible increased risk associated with not having an empty stomach. The exception would be emergency surgery that cannot be delayed in which case special precautions are taken to help prevent anything from getting into the lungs. What other pre-operative rules should be followed to the letter? All instructions given to patients before their surgery or procedure should be followed. There are specific medical reasons behind all the instructions and they are designed for safety — to minimize risks, lower complications like infections and enhance the recovery process to help patients get back to normal as quickly as possible. Also, many patients ask if they should continue taking medications before surgery. The answer is: It depends. Your doctor or nurse will tell you which medicines you should take and when. Some medicines need to be stopped before surgery. But for others, it’s important you keep taking them as usual. You may also get new medicines to take before surgery. You may be asked to take some medications before surgery as part of advanced pain management protocols. If you need to take medicine right before your surgery, you can take it with a sip of water.

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    • Surgical Services
    • Surgery

    Want to Recover from Surgery Faster? Get Moving!

    To be on the move is a scary concept when you’re recovering from surgery. But did you know getting up and at ’em could be the key to a quicker recovery, post-surgery? Here’s some expert insight from Renown Surgical Services. The team at  has some news for you: Rest and movement are important to prevent serious complications. Here are some tips about how to get mobile after your procedure — and why it’s fundamentally important. Tip 1: Start Simple While you’re in bed, move your legs and feet up and down. Be sure to ask the nurses to help you get out of bed and into the chair for all your meals, or walk to the bathroom when needed. If you feel up to it, take a walk in the hallways with the nursing staff. Tip 2: The Sooner, the Better This may be surprising, but too much rest is not necessarily a good thing. The old saying “You use it, or you lose it” rings very true to maintaining the strength needed to get yourself out of bed. Beginning the mobility process early in your hospital stay will not only help you maintain strength and function, it may also help you get home sooner. Though it may seem counter intuitive, lying in bed all day can delay your healing time and cause serious complications to arise, including pneumonia, deep vein thrombosis or blood clots, pressure ulcers and sometimes constipation. Tip 3: Mobilize Your Support System Getting out of bed, sitting in a chair for meals and walking around your room or hospital unit can help reduce your risk of complications. The nursing staff will help you out of bed the same day of your surgery if it’s cleared by your doctor. Tip 4: Safety First The nursing staff is here to keep you safe, so make sure you call them for assistance getting out of bed. Even if you think you can do it yourself, use your call light to notify the nursing staff you are ready to get up and move. In addition, new medications can sometimes impair our judgment, balance and safety, so it’s always better to have help even though you may not need it. This is also why you may have a “bed alarm” on, to remind you to call for help and keep you safe while you are recovering. Tip 5: Move, But Manage Your Pain Many people find that getting up and moving actually helps their pain, rather than making it much worse. Taking the right amount of medication at the right times will minimize your pain and help you to get moving. Your care team will work with you on how much pain medication is right to manage any postoperative pain, with the goal for you to be comfortable enough to be able to move and gradually increase your activity each day. Tip 6: Maintain that Momentum at Home Mobility doesn’t end once you’re discharged from the hospital. It’s key to keep moving to maintain health and function. When you first arrive home, it’s crucial to take frequent movement breaks throughout the day. Increase activity as it becomes more comfortable, and be sure to ease back into an active daily routine. If you have concerns about your mobility once home, be sure to discuss this with your doctor at your follow-up appointment. Renown Surgical Services | 775-982-3993 Ask your doctor if you have any questions about your medical condition or the specific surgical procedure planned, or contact the team at Renown Surgical Services. Learn More

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    • Surgical Services
    • Weight Loss
    • Obesity
    • Patient Story

    A Transformative Journey: Mary's Bariatric Surgery Story at Renown Health

    Embarking on the path to bariatric surgery is a unique and deeply personal journey. Individuals like Mary Escobar choose this life-changing route for reasons ranging from improved cardiovascular health to managing diabetes or finding relief from various health complications. In Mary's case, her two-decade-long healthcare journey not only underscores the challenges she faced but also highlights the support and expertise that ultimately led to her successful transformation through bariatric surgery. Mary's Resilience: December 2002 through February 2003 More than two decades ago, Mary experienced unforeseen health complications just days after giving birth via c-section. Septic shock, hemolytic uremic syndrome, thrombocytopenia, renal failure and a blood clot in her lung plunged her into a critical state. Intensive care, plasma exchange and a long recovery followed. After being discharged with compromised kidney function, Mary faced complete renal failure two years later, leading to dialysis and a spot on the donor list. Mary's brother, a perfect match, selflessly donated his kidney on Dec. 14, 2007, marking a turning point in Mary's health. However, the post-transplant period brought new challenges, including diabetes, high blood pressure and a significant weight gain, reaching 230 pounds. Determined to regain control, Mary explored various diets without success until she consulted with a bariatric doctor. Journey to Bariatric Surgery: November 2009 - April 2021 In November 2009, Mary opted for a gastric band, shedding 40 pounds within a year. Despite initial success, issues with the gastric band arose, prompting a consultation with Dr. John Ganser at Renown Health in April 2021. Together, they decided to transition to a gastric sleeve, with comprehensive education provided to ensure long-term success.

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    • Wednesday, May 04, 2022

    56 Anesthesiologists Join Renown Health to Provide High Quality Services to Area Patients and Surgeons

    Innovative anesthesiology practice improves diagnosis, medical management and quality of life for patient. If you are preparing for a surgical procedure, you have probably given a lot of thought to the education, training and experience of the surgeon performing the procedure. But you may not have thought much about the physician anesthesiologist or the importance of his or her medical expertise in your procedure — before, during and after — to keep you safe and comfortable. "Our leadership team has thought a lot about physician anesthesiologists over the past year,” says Sy Johnson, MBA, President and Chief of Staff for Renown Health. “As the region’s only not-for-profit integrated healthcare network and trauma center, we are trusted and chosen by patients as the top provider of inpatient care, including surgeries, for northern Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. To serve the needs of hundreds of surgeons and thousands of patients with safe, high quality and effective anesthesia coverage, we now employ fifty-six anesthesiologists through our Department of Surgery and have established Renown Medical Group Anesthesiology, a new local practice for northern Nevada.” “Renown Medical Group anesthesiologists provide 24 hour surgical and procedural coverage based on clinical skill sets, surgeon preference and patient preference. Patients who choose Renown for their care can feel certain that they are receiving anesthesia care from a physician anesthesiologist who has attained board certification. Renown Health hospitals are pleased to provide patient care exclusively by physician anesthesiologists,” says Thomas Graf, MD, FAAFP, CEO, Chief Clinical & Quality Officer of Renown Health and Senior Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine. “We are the doctors trained to administer and manage anesthesia given to a patient during a surgical procedure to ensure anesthesia care is as safe and effective as possible,” says Nariman Rahimzadeh, MD. Dr. Rahimzadeh serves as Medical Director and Chief of Staff for Renown South Meadows Medical Center, is a member of the new group and has practiced in Reno for fifteen years. “We also play a key role in taking care of patients who are having minor surgery or who may not require general anesthesia, such as women in labor who need to be awake and alert but require effective pain management.” “Our innovative anesthesiology practice is now staffed by fifty-six anesthesiologists. We are serving patients and surgeons at Renown Health hospitals with one fully integrated model of care to improve diagnosis, medical management and quality of life,” says Christos Galanopoulos, MD, MBA, MSc, FACS; Chair, Department of Surgery and Vice President at Renown Health. “We strive to advance anesthesia through clinical excellence, education, innovation and people. Our nationally recognized medical staff and dedicated support team perform the majority of anesthesia procedures in our market, and evaluate, monitor, and supervise patient care before, during, and after surgery to deliver effective anesthesia and ensure optimal patient safety.” “Physician anesthesiologists have 12 to 14 years of education, including medical school, and 12,000 to 16,000 hours of clinical training,” adds Scott Parkhill, MD, FASA, who serves as a Medical Director and Vice Chief of Staff at Renown Regional Medical Center and is a member of the new group. “Physician anesthesiologists in the United States complete a four-year undergraduate college degree that includes satisfying pre-med requirements. Like other medical doctors, they must follow undergraduate education with four years of medical school. After medical school, a physician specializing in anesthesiology completes a four-year anesthesiology residency program. Following completion of a residency program, residents are eligible to sit for the American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA) exam. We are pleased that all of our Renown Medical Group anesthesiologists are board certified.” Adds Kelsey Larsen, MBA, Chief Operating Officer for Renown Medical Group, “We are thrilled to welcome and employ forty-two physician anesthesiologists who started with us on April 1. An additional nine physicians joined last week and five other physicians have requested to start over the summer for a total of 56 anesthesiologists that have joined Renown Health to provide services to patients.” Patients served include those at Renown Regional Medical Center, the only Level II Trauma Center between Sacramento and Salt Lake City, and named #1 Hospital in the State of Nevada by U.S. News and World Report Best Hospital Rankings for 2021. Physician anesthesiologists will also provide services to patients at Renown South Meadows Medical Center, named #1 Best Hospital for 2020 by U.S. News & World Report; and to patients at Renown Rehabilitation Hospital, northern Nevada’s only Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) accredited hospital, specializing in the treatment of patients with brain injury, spinal cord injury and stroke. Renown Health is integrated with the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine, Nevada’s first medical school, which serves to enhance the health of the community through increased access to care, innovative health care delivery, expansion of clinical research and training for the next generation of physicians and health care professionals. 51 ANESTHESIOLOGISTS WHO JOINED RENOWN IN APRIL 2022: Samuel Beck, MD Heber Becker, MD  Peter Billharz, MD  Kara Bjur, MD  Brian Brewer, MD Brian Buehler, MD Carrie Buehler, MD Catherine Burton, MD Joshua Cartinella, MD  Nicholas Cirac, MD  Gordon Curry, MD  Scott Dougan, MD  JoAnn Ellero, MD  Daryl Fenio, MD  Dirk Fletcher, MD  Tobey Gansert, MD  Benjamin Garol, MD  Jeffery Grudzinski, MD  Keith Hanson, MD  Min Hein, MD  Mark Janes, MD  Scott Jeannes, MD  Kevin Lasko, MD  Sarah Lim, MD  Jay Markin, MD John Marshall, MD  Eric Moody, MD  John Mortensen, MD  Jobin Nash, MD Mel Nutter, DO      Scott Parkhill, MD   Nariman Rahimzadeh, MD   Suresh Raman, MD   Shaina Richardson, MD   Alan Sarabia, MD   Heidi Sarabia, MD   Mitch Seman, MD   Daniel Sorensen, MD   Ryan Stites, MD   Aaron Wallace, MD   Duncan Browne, MD   Tyler Hartley, MD   Jie Lan, MD  Pamela Russell, MD  Scott Reineck, MD   Brian Landreth, DO      Kara Sievert, MD   Chiaki Nakanishi, MD  Philip Phu, MD  Matthew Sabatini, MD   Robert Kyper, MD  About Renown Health Renown Health is the region’s largest, locally governed, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. With a diverse workforce of more than 7,000 employees, Renown has fostered a longstanding culture of excellence, determination and innovation. The organization comprises a trauma center, two acute care hospitals, a children’s hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, a medical group and urgent care network, and the region’s largest, locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown is currently enrolling participants in the world’s largest community-based genetic population health study, the Healthy Nevada Project®. For more information, visit

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    • Tuesday, Jan 21, 2025

    Renown Health Welcomes Two Nationally Recognized Colo-Rectal and General Surgeons

    Providing Access to the Latest Advances in Surgery and Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Care Renown Health, the region’s largest, locally governed, not-for-profit integrated academic health care system serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California is proud to announce the appointment of Matthew Crapko, MD and Michael Scott Thomas, MD, PhD to the Department of Surgery. Drs. Crapko and Thomas bring essential and advanced expertise in colorectal care, further enhancing Renown’s commitment to delivering exceptional, patient-centered care to the community. Both Drs. Crapko and Thomas are nationally recognized surgeons and have served thousands of patients across northern Nevada for years. They joined Renown on Nov. 11, 2024, and were formerly with Western Surgical Group. “The rise in colorectal health issues across our state, and the U.S., is a growing concern, as conditions like colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease and other gastrointestinal disorders are becoming increasingly prevalent,” says Brian Erling, MD, MBA, President and CEO, Renown Health. “At Renown Health, we are addressing this need by investing in advanced surgical experience and state-of-the-art, minimally invasive robotic technology. By employing highly skilled and respected local surgeons like Dr. Matthew Crapko and Dr. Michael Scott Thomas, we can ensure patients have access to the highest quality care close to home. Keeping care local improves patient outcomes and provides comfort and convenience to people experiencing challenging health conditions.” “We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Crapko and Dr. Thomas to the Renown Health family,” says Rahul Mediwala, MD, MBA, CEO of Renown Medical Group. “They join Christos A. Galanopoulos, MD, MBA, MSc, FACS, VP, Chairman, Department of Surgery to lead a multidisciplinary team of specialists dedicated to providing comprehensive colon and rectal care. From evaluation and preparation for surgery and post-operative care, our team oversees every aspect of the patient’s journey. Together, they have combined, over 30 years’ experience in performing successful colon and rectal surgeries and are dedicated to a multidisciplinary approach, compassionate care and improving quality of life.” Matthew Crapko, MD Dr. Crapko specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of colorectal and general surgical conditions, including colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, anorectal disease, gallstones, diverticulitis and hernias. He is highly skilled in performing minimally invasive and robotic surgeries, which allow for faster recovery times and improved outcomes for patients. Dr. Crapko earned his medical degree from Medical College of Wisconsin with honors in research. Dr. Crapko completed his residency in general surgery at Boston University Medical Center and at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas. He went on to pursue advanced fellowship training in Colon and Rectal surgery at Baylor University Medical Center, where he gained specialized expertise in the latest surgical techniques.  Dr. Crapko is affiliated with the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine as a clinical assistant professor of surgery and is involved with educational and research efforts through UNR. He served as co-director of the third-year medical student clerkship from 2021-2024. He is board-certified through the American Board of Surgery and is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgery. Michael Scott Thomas, MD, PhD Dr. Michael Scott Thomas earned his medical degree from the University of Texas Medical School in Galveston, TX. He also earned a PhD in the Department of Neuroscience and Cell Biology and completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology from UT Med. Dr. Thomas completed his residency in general surgery at Tulane University and advanced fellowship training in Colon and Rectal Surgery at Ochsner Medical Center, both in New Orleans. Prior to attending medical school, Dr. Thomas taught chemistry as a high school teacher in Corpus Christi, TX. He also served in the United States Navy as a hospital corpsman with the First Marine Division. Dr. Thomas has conducted extensive medical and scientific research including advanced minimally invasive techniques for tumor removal, and research insights into environmental toxicology, developmental biology and aging. He has research grants and an extensive portfolio of authored textbook chapters. He is board-certified through the American Board of Surgery and is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgery. “Drs. Crapko and Thomas have stellar reputations for excellence in patient care, with a holistic approach that emphasizes surgical outcomes and post-surgery support, nutrition, and lifestyle changes for long-term success,” says Dr. Christos A. Galanopoulos, VP and Chairman Department of Surgery at Renown Health. “We are fortunate they have chosen to join our team. The addition of colon and rectal surgery aligns with our mission to provide comprehensive and essential healthcare services to our growing community. Drs. Crapko and Thomas are superb clinicians, skilled investigators and effective educators. Their expertise is a critical resource for people looking to achieve healthier, more fulfilling and active lives.”  Clinical Experience Provided by Renown Surgical Care Now Includes:      Diagnostic and Preventative Services Colonoscopy: Screening and diagnostic procedures to detect colon cancer, polyps and other abnormalities. Endoscopic Procedures: Minimally invasive techniques to diagnose gastrointestinal issues.  Cancer Risk Assessment: Evaluating patients with family histories of colorectal cancer or genetic conditions.  Surgical Treatment Colorectal Cancer Surgery: Removing cancerous tissues from the colon or rectum, often using minimally invasive or robotic-assisted techniques.  Diverticulitis Treatment: Surgical intervention for severe or recurrent diverticulitis. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Surgery: Managing Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis through resections or other specialized procedures.  Hernia Repairs: Treating abdominal or inguinal hernias. Management of Benign Conditions Hemorrhoid Treatment: non-surgical and surgical management of internal and external hemorrhoids.  Fistula and Fissure Repair: Addressing anal fistulas and fissures with advanced techniques.  Abscess Drainage: Treating perirectal or anal abscesses.  Pilonidal Disease Management: Treating cysts near the tailbone.  Pelvic Floor Disorders Constipation Management: Diagnosing and addressing chronic constipation caused by structural or functional issues.  Rectal Prolapse Repair: Correcting rectal prolapse through minimally invasive surgery.  Minimally Invasive and Advanced Techniques Laparoscopic Surgery: Using small incisions for faster recovery and reduced scarring.  Robotic-Assisted Surgery: Enhancing precision and outcomes in complex procedures.  Trans anal Surgery: Removing polyps or early-stage rectal cancer through the anus without external incisions.  The Region's Leader in Robotic Surgery Renown Health offers physician-guided da Vinci Robotic Surgery. Benefits may include less pain after surgery, minimal to no scarring, a shorter hospital stay and a quicker recovery.  Dr. Crapko and Thomas are now accepting new patients. If you are a physician and would like to refer patients, or a person who wishes to be screened for surgery by Dr. Crapko or Dr. Thomas, please contact Renown Surgery Care at 775-982-6270. The surgeons see patients at Renown Surgery at 1500 E 2nd St, Ste 300 in Reno, NV.  As the region’s only Level 2 Trauma Center for adults and children, Renown serves over 1 million people and 100,000 square miles. In U.S. News and World Report Best Hospital Rankings, Renown Regional Medical Center is named #1 Hospital for the State of Nevada for 2024, 2023 and 2022.  Renown Health is the region’s largest, locally governed, not-for-profit integrated academic health care network serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe, and northeast California. With a diverse workforce of more than 7,500 employees, Renown has fostered a longstanding culture of excellence, determination, and innovation. The organization comprises a trauma center, two acute care hospitals, a children’s hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, a medical group and urgent care network, and the locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health.

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  • Renown South Meadows Specialty Care Center
    Renown South Meadows Specialty Care Center
    10201 Double R Blvd
    Reno, NV 89521
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    5 a.m. - 7 p.m.
    6:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  • Renown South Meadows Medical Center
    Renown South Meadows Medical Center
    10101 Double R Blvd
    Reno, NV 89521
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    Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
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