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    • Renown Health Foundation
    • Physical Rehabilitation
    • Donation

    A New Therapy Garden: Enhancing Recovery at Renown Rehabilitation Hospital

    Last fall, Renown Rehabilitation Hospital unveiled the Rehabilitation Therapy Garden, supported by the Estelle J. Kelsey Foundation, a space designed to support rehabilitation patients on their path to recovery. Made possible through the generosity of donors, this innovative garden provides therapeutic tools to help individuals regain independence and improve their quality of life.  "If a patient is recovering from a spinal cord injury, stroke, or brain injury, they might face challenges like stairs, ramps, and uneven surfaces for the first time. Without training, these obstacles can be hard to navigate. The Rehabilitation Therapy Garden gives patients and their families the chance to practice and gain the skills they need to move confidently in the community and become more independent,” said Shawn Morris, Renown Rehabilitation Hospital Director of Rehab Operations.  One of the garden’s highlights is a wheelchair course with ramps of varying difficulty, allowing patients to practice navigating different terrains. This hands-on therapy is essential for those recovering from strokes, brain injuries, orthopedic injuries, or trauma. It builds strength, mobility, and confidence by simulating real-world challenges in a safe and supportive environment. “The garden is great, it’s all set up to practice things like stairs and ramps, plus it’s nice to look at,” said a patient at Renown Rehabilitation Hospital. Key Features of the Rehabilitation Therapy Garden: A wheelchair course to simulate diverse terrains that patients may encounter in the community. ADA-regulated ramp with bilateral railings, like those found in public spaces. Outdoor seating areas for therapeutic and recreational use. Raised garden beds for accessible gardening activities. Lush landscaping that promotes a calming atmosphere. Tools and stations designed for physical therapy exercises. A calming fountain that enhances the garden’s peaceful atmosphere, providing a soothing environment. A putting green that promotes balance and durability and is a patient favorite. Pathways for walking, offering a safe and scenic environment for patients to practice mobility. View photos of the Rehabilitation Therapy Garden here.

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    • Renown Health Foundation
    • Donation
    • Patient Story

    Why I Give: Margo and Jim’s Story

    Lifetimes of Service in Medicine Margo and Jim Veazey are no strangers to hospitals and medicine. They are impressive duo with notable professional achievements and seem to always have service to their communities and country as their true north.   Margo was a nurse and nurse administrator for her entire career, which spanned just under 50 years, including 25 years in nursing leadership at the Connecticut VA Healthcare System. Her predecessors at the VA had only stayed a year or two prior to her, but Margo found a place where she could make a positive impact and stayed for a quarter-century.  During her time at the VA, she helped secure a much sought after $40 million grant to establish a VA Nursing Academy including funding for five new faculty members. The groundbreaking program to educate and train more nurses shares some strong similarities with Renown’s recently established Gerald “Jerry” Smith Academic Practice Partnership. Jim has had his own esteemed medical career of over four decades as an infectious disease doctor, serving in academic, clinical and research roles on the east coast. He retired from the U.S. Army as a Colonel after 29 years of combined Federal Service in 2012. Among his self-stated greatest achievements was working on the eradication of Smallpox in India (coincidentally, Renown was founded in 1862 during a Smallpox outbreak).  A Near Death Experience Rarely had the Veazeys been on the receiving end of trauma care, but that all changed in 2017 after their move to Reno, when Margo was admitted to the Renown Regional Emergency Room with a volvulus, an obstruction caused by twisting of the intestine and a very serious medical emergency. The symptoms that led her to the ER were severe and extremely uncomfortable: fever, severe abdominal pain, overly active bowel sounds, and vomiting blood.   Margo recalls: “the last thing I remember was hearing someone say my pulse was down to 20. I thought I was dying and then I blacked out. I woke up two days later in the ICU [Intensive Care Unit] as they told me to breathe out when they were removing my ventilator tube.” Jim, on the other hand, remembers it all, including the long hours waiting for Margo to wake up.  Margo’s near-death experience left quite an impression on both of them and, while traumatic, it also created deep feelings of gratitude for the care Margo received from her doctors and nurses at Renown during that time.  Reno Becomes Home Margo and Jim spent most of their lives on the east coast. They met at Dartmouth when Jim was a wide-eyed intern in the ICU, and Margo was working in the ICU as a nurse. They were married a year later and recently celebrated their 52nd wedding anniversary! You don’t have to spend much time with them to see their adoration for each other, even after all these years. In the midst of their busy careers, the Veazey’s raised a son and daughter, who now each have children of their own. Being closer to those grandchildren became a priority after Jim and Margo retired, which prompted their move to Reno in 2016.  Having access to good healthcare was on their radar when deciding where to move, and they were not sure what they would find when they arrived in Reno. Fortunately, a neighbor they met early on introduced them to Renown and the Renown South Meadows Medical Center emergency room as an option for emergency care. It was not long after that, when Margo made a visit to the Renown South Meadows ER for diverticulitis. They’ve been coming to Renown ever since for her care. Expressing Their Gratitude Margo’s visit to the South Meadows ER in 2016 and her near-death experience in 2017 were among the first in a series of unfortunate and mostly unrelated health incidents she has faced since moving to Reno. Over the past eight years she has come to Renown for eleven major health issues including six surgeries.  Her medical conditions have ranged from breast cancer to the need for a knee replacement to atrial fibrillation, and Renown has been a one-stop shop to meet her these urgent health care needs. Based on the trust she has in Renown providers, Margo counts on Renown for her preventative care too. Thanks to his long federal service, Jim receives his care at the VA.   The consistency in the high-quality, compassionate care she receives—Margo and Jim will both tell you repeatedly how much they love Renown physicians and how great the nurses are—is why they keep coming back. When asked if they recall any specific doctors or nurses, Margo responded, “we’ve been to the emergency room so many times and I’ve had so many procedures that it would take a long time to list all their names, and I received wonderful care from all of them. My brother, who was a Rhode Scholar, emergency room doctor in Florida, and a lawyer was incredibly complimentary of the care I received when he was here during one of my ER visits.”    The exceptional care is also what prompted them to include a gift to Renown Health Foundation in their estate plan. Although the Veazeys have always been charitable and support many organizations near and dear to them with annual gifts (including Renown Children’s Hospital), their legacy gift to Renown was the first time they included a charity in their estate plan.

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    • Renown Health Foundation
    • Donation
    • Cancer Care

    Why I Give: Yvonne's Story

    Cancer changes everything; it takes, it challenges, and it reshapes lives forever. For Yvonne Murphy, a cancer survivor and development officer at Renown Health, the experience has been profoundly transformative. Recently, Yvonne and her husband, Murray Mackenzie, made a heartfelt donation of $10,000 to support the Conrad Breast Center at the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute—a gift inspired by her own battle and in honor of those who have faced this disease. A Family’s Battle with Cancer Yvonne’s journey with cancer began with the death of her grandmother when she was a teenager, a shock that left a permanent mark on her family. "She was my friend, confidant, and angel," Yvonne recalls. "Losing her changed everything." In the years that followed, nine more of her family members passed away from cancer. These experiences highlighted the harsh reality that cancer invades every aspect of life, bringing grief and uncertainty to so many. For Yvonne, that reality grew even more personal when she was diagnosed with cervical cancer, marking a pivotal moment in her life. A Fight for Her Life During the height of COVID-19, Yvonne noticed blood in her urine, a discovery that sent her rushing to the ER at Renown South Meadows. She received the devastating news: stage one cervical cancer. "When I received my diagnosis, it felt like the world stopped," Yvonne said. "But I knew I couldn't let this define me. I had to fight, not just for myself, but for all the people I've lost." Yvonne faced a grueling course of treatment, undergoing two major surgeries within just 60 days. The first was a hysterectomy, followed by the removal of 32 lymph nodes. Her treatment also included radiation therapy and a challenging recovery, all within a single year. Throughout this intense period, Yvonne drew strength from her faith. "I prayed every day," she said. "And I promised that if I survived, I would dedicate my life to serving others." This promise became her guiding force. It inspired her to make a profound impact through her work at Renown. A Gift of Hope True to her word, Yvonne reached out to the former CEO of Renown in 2021, exactly one year after celebrating her cancer-free milestone. She was determined to contribute in any way possible. This marked the beginning of her career at Renown Health Foundation.  Today, she works as a development officer, partnering with philanthropists, corporations, and fellow employees to raise funds for vital programs and services at Renown, a not-for-profit health system. Yvonne recently had her 18th scan and remains cancer-free, a testament to her strength and perseverance.

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    • Advance Directive
    • Renown Health Foundation

    How to Get Started and Make Updates to Your Will

    August is National Make-a-Will Month. We talked to Abbey Stephenson, Planned Giving Officer at Renown Health Foundation, to learn more about wills, trusts and estate plans and why you should feel motivated this month to get started. Why Make a Will There are so many reasons why it is difficult to make a will or put an estate plan in place. These include: Lack of time or money to prepare a plan The misperception that “only rich people need an ‘estate plan’” How intimidating legal documents can be General discomfort with planning for the future Given the barriers to making a plan, it’s not surprising that only 32% of Americans have a will or trust in place. But having a will or trust matters because these are the documents where you can say who will inherit your assets, who will manage your assets and estate, and who should be guardian of a minor or a child with a disability. Where to Begin If you have been thinking about putting together a will and don’t know where to begin, here are some next steps you can take. 1.  Learn the terms. If you have never created a will, trust, or an estate plan, the language can be hard to get used to. A few important terms to know include: Last will and testament (also known as a will): a legal document that describes how you would like your property and other assets to be distributed after your death. This is also the document where you can nominate a guardian for a minor or disabled child. Personal representative (also known as an executor): a person named in a will responsible for collecting your assets, paying your debts and final taxes, and distributing the remaining assets to those stated in your will. Personal representatives must be formally appointed by a judge and report certain information to the judge for review and approval. Living trust (also known as a revocable or family trust): a legal arrangement set up through a document called a trust instrument or a declaration of trust that gives someone called the trustee power to make decisions about the trust creator’s money or property held in the trust. Estate plan: a collection of documents that help organize what happens to you and your assets upon your disability and death. Your estate plan is comprised of documents such as a will, trust, and advance health care directive. If you want to learn more about these terms and estate planning in general, you are invited to attend a free one-hour estate planning education session on Aug. 22, 2024, at 10 a.m. or Oct. 21, 2024, at 11 a.m., hosted by Renown Health Foundation. Click here for more information and to register. 2.  Create a list of assets. Start by creating a list of your assets including real estate, investments, bank accounts, retirement accounts, business ownership interests, vehicles, life insurance, valuable personal property like jewelry or artwork, and any other significant assets. Click here and read our free estate planning guide. 3.  Put together a list of 2-3 people you trust. When you create your will, you need to name a personal representative who will collect all your assets, pay your debts, and work with the probate court to distribute the balance to the people and charities you name in your will. If you create a trust, you need to name a trustee to manage the trust assets under the terms of the trust document. It is a good idea to include at least two people who can take on these roles in case the first person becomes unavailable. If you do not have anyone you would trust as a personal representative or trustee, there are trust companies, banks, and other professionals and institutions who may be able to assist you. If you are the parent of a child who is under 18 or has a disability, you will also nominate a guardian in your will to care for that child if you and the other parent are gone.  4.  Start a list of who you would like to inherit your assets. Which people and organizations would you like to inherit the assets you own at the time of your passing? And which assets or how much would you like them to receive? You might want to consider who relies on you for support such as family members or charities, individuals and organizations that have made a difference in your life, or those you have a special fondness for. It is important to use the legal names of individuals you include as beneficiaries and the Tax ID number for any charity you include.  If you decide to make a gift to Renown as part of your will or estate plan and notify us, you will be included in the Renown Legacy Society. Legacy Society members enjoy invitations to exclusive events, special acknowledgments, and other unique benefits. Click here to learn more about the Renown Legacy Society. 5.  Put together a list of your professional advisors and enlist their help. Write down the names and contact details for any professional advisors you work with such as your accountant, financial advisor, investment manager, attorney, insurance agent, and planned giving officer.  You may want to seek their advice on how best to proceed and which assets are best gifted to which individuals and organizations from a tax standpoint. Collaboration among the professionals with whom you work can help your plan to run more smoothly when it is needed. Depending on your circumstances, it may make sense for you to introduce your trusted individuals to these professionals. 6.  Start drafting. Once you have these items in place, you will be in a good position to begin the drafting process. There are many capable estate planning attorneys in our community who can help you with drafting. There are other drafting resources available as well, but only a licensed attorney can provide you with legal advice. Click here to attend the free Family Estate Planning Series sponsored by Renown and presented by PBS Reno and the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada.

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    • Renown Health Foundation
    • Cancer Care
    • Reno

    A Journey of Support: How Grants from the American Cancer Society Impact Patients at Renown

    For many cancer patients, a significant hurdle is simply getting to treatment. Patients from Nevada and California often face considerable financial and logistical challenges when traveling for care. Limited resources for transportation and lodging can result in missed appointments, treatment interruptions and delays in follow-up care. To address this crucial need, Renown Health Foundation partners with the American Cancer Society (ACS) to ensure our patients can access the care they need by reducing financial barriers many patients face ACS awarded $70,000 to Renown Health Foundation last year. These funds, distributed as gas cards and lodging support to qualifying patients, have proven to be a lifeline in assisting those in need. Fueling Hope with Gas Cards Through our partnership with ACS, Renown supported 128 cancer patients over the past year. This assistance provided 2,260 round trips, ensuring that patients from Nevada and California could attend their critical treatments at the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute at Renown. These patients, aged 15 to 94, traveled up to 320 miles, sometimes from remote areas such as Tonopah, Elko and Susanville, for their cancer care “We're deeply committed to supporting our patients through every step of their journey, and our partnership with the American Cancer Society is instrumental in making that happen,” said Jocelyn Mata, Oncology Social Worker at the Pennington Cancer Institute. “Without them, we wouldn't be able to provide the crucial financial assistance that many of our patients need.” Jocelyn works with qualifying patients to provide gas cards and accommodations at The Inn at Renown, a hotel at Renown Regional Medical Center. She ensures they can focus on their treatment without worrying about the financial burden. Lodging Support for Peace of Mind Along with transportation aid, we can provide safe and comfortable lodging for qualifying patients. "We encourage patients to rest and, if they have a long journey home, to stay overnight," said Dr. Max Coppes, Director of the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute. "Providing lodging support ensures they have a safe and comfortable place to recover before making the trip back." This assistance is crucial for those who travel far from home, allowing them to focus on healing without the added stress of finding and affording accommodation.

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    • Student Programs
    • Nursing
    • University of Nevada, Reno
    • Renown Health
    • Renown Health Foundation

    Meet Future Renown Nurse Jeromy Hughes

    When Jeromy Hughes became one of the 29 nursing students accepted into the first Gerald “Jerry” Smith Academic-Practice Partnership cohort, he almost couldn’t believe it. Life as both an Orvis School of Nursing student and a future nurse in our community was about to change. Not only was he about to receive full tuition support, but he also was set up for a guaranteed start to his career as a nurse at Renown Health.   The Academic-Practice Partnership was named in honor of Jerry Smith of the Nell J. Redfield Foundation. Supported by a generous gift from the Redfield Foundation and Stephanie Kruse, Foundation Board Director, the goal of this partnership is to help foster a lasting nursing workforce in northern Nevada, with nurses like Jeromy leading the charge.  From the Courtside to the Bedside Jeromy grew up playing basketball in his hometown of Las Vegas and was on the team at Bishop Gorman High School. His talent resulted in a scholarship to play basketball for Wenatchee Valley College in Washington, which would put him on a trajectory to play professionally – even though nursing was always in the back of his mind. Jeromy received a unique opportunity to play for De La Salle University in the Philippines, and with much excitement, he set off across the world.  Then, the COVID-19 pandemic hit.  When the world shut down, Jeromy had no choice but to stay in the Philippines, waiting to return to the Silver State. Three months later, he flew home to Las Vegas.  In those moments, Jeromy’s entire mindset shifted. A career in nursing was no longer in the back of his mind; it came right to the forefront. With a plan to now stay in-state, he set off to attend the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR).  “My whole family is involved in the healthcare field, and I’ve always been surrounded by healthcare in some way,” said Jeromy. “My parents own an elder care facility, my dad is a respiratory therapist in Las Vegas and my grandparents own a hospice facility down in southern California. My grandma was also a nurse for more than 50 years, and throughout her career, she worked in labor and delivery, psychiatry and medical-surgical units. I’ve always wanted to help people like my family has, and nursing resonated with me the most out of every option.”

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    • Physical Rehabilitation
    • Renown Health Foundation
    • Donation

    A Gift From Dolan Auto Group

    One of the first challenges Renown Rehabilitation Hospital patients face at discharge is entering a vehicle. This task holds significant importance for those on the road to recovery. Now, patients at Renown Rehabilitation Hospital can practice getting into a car before leaving, thanks to a generous donation from the Dolan Auto Group—a Toyota Highlander. This transformative gift was received by Renown Health Foundation last November. It allows therapists to help patients relearn and practice the critical skill of independently entering and exiting a vehicle. For Renown, the Dolan donation enhances our rehabilitation programs, nurturing a brighter and more self-reliant future for those in our care. Real-world practice is invaluable for those recuperating from illness or injury. "The Highlander enables patients to gain confidence in returning home and into the community, fostering independence," said Seth Langevin, Vice President of Neurosciences & Cardiovascular Service Lines at Renown Rehabilitation Hospital. “These opportunities help patients rebuild skills for life beyond the hospital walls,” continued Langevin. Dolan Auto Group's generosity echoes the spirit of community and underscores the power a vehicle can have in shaping lives and advancing healthcare in northern Nevada. A Legacy of Generosity The Dolan family, led by Tom Dolan, the owner, and founder of Dolan Auto Group, alongside his sons, Ryan, and Brady, has a long history of supporting Renown Health. In 2019, Tom's personal experiences in healthcare inspired him to generously contribute to the existing Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program at Renown South Meadows. Tom's donation doubled the equipment in the program, significantly expanding the number of patients we can treat and improving access to pulmonary rehab for our community. In recognition of his generosity, the program was named the Thomas S. Dolan Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program. Last year, Brady Dolan, COO of Dolan Auto Group and dedicated member of Renown's business board, spearheaded their donation of the Toyota Highlander to Renown Rehabilitation Hospital. Reflecting on his donation, Brady said, “Our community thrives when we come together to support one another.” Brady's dedication to helping others extends far beyond this donation. He's been a devoted supporter of Renown for years, volunteering on the Renown Health Foundation board and actively participating in events like Miracles at Montreux for Renown Children’s Hospital. Together with his family, Brady's ongoing kindness makes a significant difference in northern Nevada. The Impact of the Toyota Highlander Since the Highlander arrived at Renown Rehabilitation Hospital, its impact has been remarkable. Functional mobility has increased by 20 percent among over 500 patients who used the car. Car transfers, one of 22 crucial functional tasks assessed by the rehabilitation team, have seen substantial improvement. “The immediate progress highlights how crucial this donation is for advancing rehabilitation efforts at Renown, reinforcing our commitment to improving patient outcomes and restoring independence,” said Langevin.

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    • Renown Health Foundation
    • Donation
    • Philanthropy

    Why I Give: Tami and Richard's Story

    If you have the chance to meet Tami and Richard Dethmers, you will quickly discover a remarkable couple who embody a heartwarming spirit. Married for 44 years, they cherish family above all else. With five children and 10 grandchildren, their family is not just their priority—it's their whole world. It is this love and their steadfast faith that led Tami and Richard to make a transformative donation to Renown Children’s Hospital. The Heart of Giving In 2023, Tami toured the construction of the new Wilbur D. May Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Renown Children's Hospital. She was touched by the idea of creating a special place for sick children and their families. That night, she talked with Richard about how they could help. Together, they both agreed to make a generous donation that could help ease the pain for families with children in the hospital. A Comforting Consultation Room Their donation established a consultation room in the Wilbur D. May NICU and PICU at Renown Children's Hospital. Tami and Richard's motivation stems from personal experience, having seen their grandson endure four open-heart surgeries. "I remember challenging conversations with doctors, surrounded by other families in the open PICU. It was difficult,” said Tami.  In this new consultation room, families have a private space to learn about the next steps in their journey, gaining insights into the illnesses affecting their children. It is a dedicated space where doctors can discuss treatment plans and medical information with families. Designed to be a supportive and calming environment, the room features art on the walls, and a window bathes the space in beautiful, natural light, offering comfort to families in need. Tami and Richard’s donation ensures that families in the NICU and PICU can navigate difficult conversations with doctors in a thoughtfully designed space. Because We Love You and We Care In the new consultation room, a powerful message is printed and framed: 'Because we love you and we care.' This phrase is an important part of Tami and Richard’s donation, reflecting words they spoke to their children while they were growing up. For them, it symbolizes love, care, and a commitment to offering support. A Legacy of Comfort Tami and Richard, along with their family, are dedicated to an ongoing legacy of giving. Together, they also donated blankets to patients and families who use the consultation room. “I hope they provide an added layer of comfort,” said Tami. Each blanket includes a custom tag repeating those same words 'Because we love you and we care.' Richard echoes Tami's sentiments. “We do what we can because we love children, and there is no greater pain than a child in distress,” Richard said, emphasizing their shared dedication to helping children in need. Together, with their children and grandchildren, they continue to make a difference, embodying the power of compassion and generosity in their family's legacy.

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    • Cancer Care
    • Renown Health Foundation
    • Women's Health
    • Patient Story

    Celebrating Resilience: Raquel's Remarkable Journey Through Breast Cancer Treatment

    Raquel was 33 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was April 2023, when she found a lump in her breast and was referred to the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute. After comprehensive imaging, she was diagnosed with invasive lobular carcinoma, which is a type of breast cancer that begins in the milk-producing glands of the breast. Between June 2023 and January 2024, she received a total mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiation at Renown Health. “Breast cancer is uncommon in women under 40, but any woman with a mass or lump in her breast should have an exam by a physician and imaging at any age,” said Dr. Lee Schwartzberg. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), only 9% of all new cases of breast cancer in the U.S. are found in women younger than 45. “It was a pretty scary diagnosis, but I’ve been led by great people through the process,” she said. “They were so helpful and there for me throughout the chemo and radiation.” Raquel's journey through breast cancer treatment at the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute was marked by the exceptional care provided by the Renown Health team, including nurses, nurse navigators, therapists, support teams and providers. Among the dedicated professionals, Dr. Michelle Chu and Dr. Lee Schwartzberg played pivotal roles in Raquel's diagnosis and subsequent treatment plan. Their expertise, compassion and commitment to patient care left an indelible impact on Raquel's experience. Their thorough examination and comprehensive approach ensured that Racquel received the best possible care for her invasive lobular carcinoma. In addition to the care provided at Renown, Raquel greatly benefitted from being connected with a mentor by Dr. Chu. This mentor, Kayla, had undergone a similar diagnosis and treatment plan, and at the same age Raquel. They texted and called each other throughout Raquel’s treatment, providing additional support through a challenging time. As of January 2024, Raquel is done with her treatment and continues to see her care team for follow-up appointments. “I’m through the worst and ready to rebuild my life,” Raquel said. To help celebrate this milestone, Nevada Athletics invited Raquel to receive the game ball at a Nevada Men’s Basketball game. She was joined on the basketball court for this special recognition by her husband, Raul; mother, Arlene; and two daughters, Ryleigh and Rhiannon. Racquel's journey is not only a testament to her resilience but also a tribute to the invaluable contributions of Dr. Chu and Dr. Schwartzberg in guiding her towards triumph over breast cancer.

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    • Renown Health Foundation
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    • Philanthropy

    The Impactful Role of Renown Health Foundation's Board of Directors

    Above: Brian Cushard (left), Renown Health Foundation Board Chair, with his family At Renown Health Foundation, our mission is simple yet powerful – to raise funds that support Renown Health, the largest not-for-profit health system in northern Nevada. We are the driving force behind initiatives that bring state-of-the-art equipment, conduct groundbreaking research, enhance healthcare services, improve patient outcomes and contribute to the overall well-being of our community.  Our Dedicated Board of Directors  Our impactful work would not be possible without our Board of Directors – a fantastic team of 27 local volunteers. They bring diverse skills to the table, working together to create positive changes in healthcare for northern Nevada. Our board is at the core of our Foundation's success by guiding important decisions, sharing valuable insights and actively engaging in community relationships.  Meet Brian Cushard – Renown Health Foundation’s Chair  Brian Cushard took on the role of Foundation Board Chair at the beginning of 2024. Brian, who is the President of LP Insurance Services in Reno, will lead us for the next two years, bringing a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to community well-being. Since joining Renown Health Foundation’s Board in 2018, Brian has been instrumental in shaping our strategic direction.  Brian’s Vision: Advocating for Renown Health’s Mission and Making a Difference  We had the opportunity to sit down with Brian and explore his passion for healthcare philanthropy and the positive changes he envisions. Brian's 'why' is firmly rooted in the belief that a robust health system serves as the backbone of the community. His vision extends beyond fundraising; it's about inspiring the community by sharing remarkable stories of care and championing Renown's impactful contributions.  Q: Why does Renown's mission matter to you, and how do you see your role making a difference?  A: Renown's mission matters deeply to me because, without a highly functioning healthcare system, the economic structure of the community can be impacted. At LP Insurance, where I work, we see ourselves as guardians of our clients' hopes and dreams. This translates to my role on the Board as stewards for the health of others. Advocating for a highly functioning health system is crucial in supporting community members and clients alike. Surrounding ourselves with a solid network is essential. As advocates, our voices are integral in ensuring that everyone's voices are heard.  Q: Can you share a moment that made you want to support healthcare causes?  A: There are those stop-in-your-tracks healthcare moments that make you reassess life's priorities. I've had moments where life comes to a standstill, and what you once thought was important takes a backseat to the basics of life—getting better, one step at a time. In those vulnerable moments, you realize the importance of every person at the hospital. In desperate need, we rely on them. It's eye-opening and gives perspective on what's truly valuable in life.  Q: Tell us about a time when you saw the positive impact of healthcare or philanthropy. How did that influence your decision to get involved?  A: One impactful moment in philanthropy stands out — the Music and Miracles concert featuring the Beach Boys. LP Insurance was a major donor, contributing $100,000 to benefit Sophie’s Place, a music therapy room coming to Renown Children's Hospital. On the day of the event, my wife and I volunteered and saw the remarkable community support for Renown Children’s Hospital. The collective efforts that day raised over $1 million, specifically designated to establish Sophie’s Place. This experience inspired me to want to do more, as I recognized the profound positive impact that philanthropy can have on healthcare and the community.  Note: Sophie’s Place, opening later this year, will offer vital care and healing experiences for young patients at Renown Children’s Hospital.

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    • Renown Health Foundation
    • Employees
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    • Professionals

    Department Spotlight: Renown Health Foundation

    Kick off 2024 with us as we celebrate the team behind our very own Renown Health Foundation!  When you visit Renown Health, you take a look around and can’t help but notice the robust programs in place. You look left and see our thriving Children’s Miracle Network Hospital at Renown, making a lasting impact on pediatric healthcare in our region. You look right and see the advanced William N. Pennington Cancer Institute, providing leading-edge treatments right here in our community. You look around you and notice an influx of smiling nurses from the Orvis School of Nursing at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) who receive tuition assistance, thanks to generous donations to the Gerald “Jerry” Smith Academic Practice Partnership. Then, you think to yourself: “These programs must need a lot of money and support. So, how on earth is this all possible?”  What you may not know is that these programs are funded by the generosity of our community, all made possible by the work of Renown Health Foundation. As the largest not-for-profit health system in northern Nevada, our mission to make a genuine difference in the health and well-being of everyone we serve flourishes because of the donations, sponsorships, endowments and more that our Foundation brings in from philanthropists all over the region.  Making It Happen  The reach of Renown Health Foundation has proven to be virtually limitless, with a clear focus on supporting and raising funds for programs and initiatives that enhance the lives of our patients and their families, all for the betterment of our community for years to come.  Under their growing umbrella, the dedicated team at the Foundation makes miracles happen through administering a wide range of philanthropic programs, including: Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (CMNH), a nonprofit organization that supports the health of 10 million children in the U.S. and Canada every year. Renown Children’s Hospital is proudly recognized as a member of CMNH. Gerald "Jerry" Smith Academic Practice Partnership, a partnership between Renown Health and the UNR Orvis School of Nursing to provide 24 nursing students a year with full-ride tuition assistance and a guaranteed career in nursing at Renown. Fianna’s Healing Garden, a healing garden bringing serenity to all at Renown Regional Medical Center, built from the vision of Fianna Dickson Combs. Miracles at Montreux Golf Tournament, an annual golf tournament that takes place at Montreux Golf & Country Club and consistently raises hundreds of thousands of dollars for Renown Children’s Hospital. A full slate of individual giving programs, including Legacy Giving, Employee Giving and Leadership Giving.  But it doesn’t stop there – the Foundation is helping our health system build more ways to care for our community by securing major gifts to fund advanced healthcare facilities and innovative healthcare solutions:  William N. Pennington Cancer Institute, the premier oncology institute in the region providing a large array of personalized cancer care services, including Medical Oncology, Infusion Services, Clinical Research and more. Renown Institute for Robotic Surgery, offering the latest advancements in surgical technology with robotic-assisted surgeries, which ensure precision, faster recovery and improved outcomes. Sophie’s Place, a state-of-the-art music therapy room currently in construction at Renown Children’s Hospital. This new space will be specially designed for children and their loved ones to enjoy the healing power of music and engage in the arts. Conrad Breast Center, the latest addition to the planned Specialty Care Center at Renown South Meadows Medical Center which will include breast imaging, infusion and surgery services along with a wellness center. Jeanne and Raymond Conrad donated a $5 million lead gift to support this important project and the Foundation team is currently working to raise an additional $6 million in 2024. It may go without saying that a day-in-the-life of these spirited team members is never a dull one. Every day brings on a new challenge to face and a goal to meet.  “A day at the Foundation is a day full of emails, calls and visits with friends of Renown,” said Abbey Stephenson, Planned Giving Officer. “Our main goal is to raise funds to support the mission of Renown, and most of our outreach efforts are to encourage philanthropy and donations. We have a very collaborative team, so we can often be found in each other’s offices strategizing about fundraising initiatives, communications and next steps with specific supporters.”  “For me, a typical day involves making sure I have a donor scheduled for coffee or lunch, working on proposals that may need research and preparing presentations,” added Jerry Cail, Major Gifts Officer. “Staying connected, I send thank you notes for any donations-usually once a week and make at least three ‘Grateful Patient’ calls to set appointments. I always make sure I am ready to contribute to any meetings I have for the Foundation."  While the scope of the Foundation’s charitable efforts goes beyond hospital walls, they also thrive right here in our own health system. Through our Grants Program, Renown’s departments and programs can leverage the connections and skills Renown Health Foundation has in order to secure funding from a multitude of grant sources.  "Grant funds from foundations, and local, state and federal governments benefit the patients and communities we serve to further our mission, vision and values,” said Pam Citrynell, Development Officer. “Past grants have supported the purchase of state-of-the-art equipment, facility development, pandemic recovery, research and clinical trials, physician and researcher recruitment, community health programs and educational training for our healthcare professionals.”  Every Foundation team member lives their passion every day while at work, frequently expressing gratitude for the immense impact they have the opportunity to make.  “I love coming to work because I get a very real opportunity to make a genuine difference and meet some fantastic people who believe in and support our mission,” said Leah Nelson, Director of Community Giving. “I have had the honor of meeting donors and the families they support. I couldn't be prouder of what our team has accomplished over the years and am excited for what is to come.”  The impact of the Foundation team’s tireless efforts extends far into the future, securing Renown’s lasting legacy in contributing to the continued health and well-being of our community.  “Philanthropy is not only a financial science but a very specific methodology where connecting resources are paramount; it requires careful intelligent management coupled with lots of hard work, patience, and vision,” said Yvonne Murphy, Development Officer. “The work that the foundation does every day makes resources available to enhance the healthcare experience for all those who seek care at Renown. Our work impacts not only this present moment but in fact is a legacy that will bless this community beyond our lifetime.”

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    • Renown Health Foundation
    • Renown Health
    • Donation
    • Employees

    A Token of Appreciation: Renown’s Employee Giving Program

    Pictured above from left to right: Jessica Bajwa, Nancy Bell, Laurie Goodman and Troy Fernandez As we approach the holidays and the season of giving, we reflect on the generosity and kindness that our employees here at Renown embody. Since 2007, Renown employees have donated $2,931,018 through Renown’s Employee Giving Program. This program provides our staff with the opportunity to make a difference by funding advanced equipment, research, community health initiatives, professional training and more. Regardless of the dollar amount, every contribution has a meaningful impact and remains entirely within Renown to support our mission. Employees can participate in the program at any time of the year by signing up for recurring payroll deductions or by making a one-time donation of any dollar amount. They can donate to one of Renown’s top priority areas of support or a different fund of their choice.  Meet Jessica, Nancy, Laurie and Troy  Renown employees Jessica Bajwa, Nancy Bell, Laurie Goodman and Troy Fernandez all have their own reasons for participating in the Employee Giving Program, but they all share the same goal: To give back to their community. Jessica Bajwa has been working at Renown for about seven years. She was at an employee event five years ago and found out about the Employee Giving Program through Renown Health Foundation. They explained the different areas she could donate to and how to get signed up. When Jessica looked back on the comforting care and healing her daughter had received at Renown Children’s Hospital, she felt empowered to give back to other children and families staying at Renown, so she enrolled in recurring payroll deductions to donate to Healing Arts. “It’s so easy and convenient to sign up,” said Jessica. “It means a lot to me to give to this area where they provide a healing environment, especially for patients and families at Renown Children’s Hospital – My daughter still has a blanket they gave her when she was there,” Jessica said she likes that the Employee Giving Program allows employees to choose their area of support to donate to and donation amount.   Nancy Bell said she’s proud to give back to Renown after having received a great amount of support from her coworkers during an incredibly difficult time when a family member of hers was being cared for in Renown’s ICU, just three weeks into her employment at Renown. “I had employees from not just my team but also across the organization reaching out to me and checking in to see how I was doing,” said Nancy. Nancy said she was positively impacted by that kind of support through her work family at Renown and decided to start giving back in 2011 by signing up for recurring payroll deductions to donate to the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute – to this day, she is still making donations to this area of support.   When Laurie Goodman began working at Renown in 2013, Renown’s Human Resources team offered her different ways to give back as an employee. “At the time, I was often caring for foster children and seniors,” said Laurie. “My family and I have always wanted to help others in need.” Laurie had been taking care of an elderly woman who was a patient at the old Renown Skilled Nursing Facility and decided to enroll in payroll deductions to donate to this facility. When that facility closed, she received a letter asking which area she wanted to transfer her donations to, and she decided to begin donating to Renown Children’s Hospital to give back to kids in the community. “I’m fortunate for not only my employment at Renown, but my husband’s and daughter’s employment as well. As employees of Renown, we have such great jobs, benefits and opportunities, and I think we should all strive to give back to express our gratitude and appreciation.”  At his employee orientation in 2012, Troy Fernandez heard about Renown’s Employee Giving Program and learned that funds were needed for individuals who needed financial support to pay for healthcare services at Renown. He knew his donations would go to a good cause and signed up for recurring payroll deductions to donate to the Greatest Need Fund. “It feels good to be able to give back to those who are less fortunate than us,” said Troy. “It was very easy to enroll in this program, and I’ve been donating to the same support area ever since.”

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