Specialty Care Now Closer to Home
What Is Specialty Care? Sometimes, your health needs go beyond regular check-ups. That’s where specialty care comes in! Whether it’s heart health, surgery, or breast care, specialists focus on specific areas of medicine to provide expert care for more complex conditions. Big News: Care Just Got Easier Great care should be convenient—and now, it is! The new Specialty Care Center at Renown South Meadows brings top-notch technology, expanded services and patient-first care, all in one easy-to-access location. What’s New at the Specialty Care Center? A Modern, Patient-Friendly Space. This 121,000-square-foot facility is designed with your comfort and health in mind. Here’s what’s new: First Floor: A cutting-edge cardiac catheterization and electrophysiology lab to diagnose and treat heart conditions. A brand-new kitchen and dining facility, offering fresh and nutritious meal options for patients, visitors, and staff. Second Floor: An expanded surgical center with six new operating rooms doubling operating capacity, and equipped with robotic technology for more precise surgeries. Coming Soon (June 2025): The future home of the Conrad Breast Center will enhance breast health care by bringing advanced diagnostic and imaging services to our region.
Clinical Research: Advancing Healthcare in Northern Nevada One Study at a Time
Did you know that the Renown Research Office has partnered with the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine Clinical Research Office to form the Integrated Clinical Research Office? This means we are able to provide more clinical research opportunities and expertise to our northern Nevada community than ever before. Over the past two years, we have significantly expanded our clinical trial offerings from 35 to 101 studies to meet the healthcare needs of our community members and keep care options local. Currently, we offer clinical research as a care opportunity in areas such as cardiology, pulmonology, endocrinology, oncology, pediatrics, neurology and immunizations. What is Clinical Research? Clinical research is simply medical research that involves human volunteers (participants). Research studies have to be reviewed and approved by ethics committees to ensure that the questions researchers want to answer are appropriate and that research participants are protected throughout the study. Often when we talk about clinical research, we are referring to a clinical trial. Clinical trials are a type of clinical research study that places research participants into groups to study the safety and effectiveness of new medications and devices on a specific health outcome. Clinical trials follow rigorous standards and must pass four phases of testing, where each phase works progressively to understand the correct dosing and effects in larger and more diverse groups of people. Why is Clinical Research Important? Did you know that all medications, diagnostic tests and medical devices prescribed and used today by physicians and health practitioners were once tested in clinical trials? Clinical research advances medical care by helping us understand how to prevent disease and to provide new and better treatments for a wide range of health conditions. At Renown Health, we know the importance of offering the latest opportunities in healthcare, especially when standard of care options have been exhausted. What Are Some Considerations for Participating in Clinical Research? Research volunteers are often drawn to participating in studies because they are interested in accessing the latest health care treatments and/or they want to contribute to scientific discovery. If you are interested in becoming a research volunteer, you should first make sure you fully understand what the study and researcher is asking you to do and consider whether you are comfortable with the study activities and commitments to time and travel such as for required study appointments. Remember, participating in a research study is completely voluntary. That means you choose whether to participate, and you can choose to stop participating in a research study at any time, for any reason. Where Can I Find More Information About Clinical Research? There are many resources you can access if you have questions or want to learn more about clinical research. Your healthcare provider can assist you in your healthcare journey by discussing care options and exploring if participating in a clinical trial may be right for you. The Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health recently launched their Clinical Trials Info for Nevadans webpage which provides information on finding clinical trials in Nevada, understanding the importance of diversity in clinical trials, and linked resources to learn more about clinical trials. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Human Research Protections provides informational videos, questions to ask researchers prior to participating and information on regulations in place to protect research participants. Finally, at the Renown Research Office, we are always here to support your clinical research journey and can be reached at or 775-982-3646. At Renown Health, our goal is to make it easy for patients to access clinical research as a care opportunity where patients can access a variety of standard care treatment options for their health condition or choose to participate in a clinical trial. For more information about clinical trial opportunities available to you or to ask any questions, contact the Renown Research Office at or 775-982-3646.
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A Token of Appreciation: Renown’s Employee Giving Program
Pictured above from left to right: Jessica Bajwa, Nancy Bell, Laurie Goodman and Troy Fernandez As we approach the holidays and the season of giving, we reflect on the generosity and kindness that our employees here at Renown embody. Since 2007, Renown employees have donated $2,931,018 through Renown’s Employee Giving Program. This program provides our staff with the opportunity to make a difference by funding advanced equipment, research, community health initiatives, professional training and more. Regardless of the dollar amount, every contribution has a meaningful impact and remains entirely within Renown to support our mission. Employees can participate in the program at any time of the year by signing up for recurring payroll deductions or by making a one-time donation of any dollar amount. They can donate to one of Renown’s top priority areas of support or a different fund of their choice. Meet Jessica, Nancy, Laurie and Troy Renown employees Jessica Bajwa, Nancy Bell, Laurie Goodman and Troy Fernandez all have their own reasons for participating in the Employee Giving Program, but they all share the same goal: To give back to their community. Jessica Bajwa has been working at Renown for about seven years. She was at an employee event five years ago and found out about the Employee Giving Program through Renown Health Foundation. They explained the different areas she could donate to and how to get signed up. When Jessica looked back on the comforting care and healing her daughter had received at Renown Children’s Hospital, she felt empowered to give back to other children and families staying at Renown, so she enrolled in recurring payroll deductions to donate to Healing Arts. “It’s so easy and convenient to sign up,” said Jessica. “It means a lot to me to give to this area where they provide a healing environment, especially for patients and families at Renown Children’s Hospital – My daughter still has a blanket they gave her when she was there,” Jessica said she likes that the Employee Giving Program allows employees to choose their area of support to donate to and donation amount. Nancy Bell said she’s proud to give back to Renown after having received a great amount of support from her coworkers during an incredibly difficult time when a family member of hers was being cared for in Renown’s ICU, just three weeks into her employment at Renown. “I had employees from not just my team but also across the organization reaching out to me and checking in to see how I was doing,” said Nancy. Nancy said she was positively impacted by that kind of support through her work family at Renown and decided to start giving back in 2011 by signing up for recurring payroll deductions to donate to the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute – to this day, she is still making donations to this area of support. When Laurie Goodman began working at Renown in 2013, Renown’s Human Resources team offered her different ways to give back as an employee. “At the time, I was often caring for foster children and seniors,” said Laurie. “My family and I have always wanted to help others in need.” Laurie had been taking care of an elderly woman who was a patient at the old Renown Skilled Nursing Facility and decided to enroll in payroll deductions to donate to this facility. When that facility closed, she received a letter asking which area she wanted to transfer her donations to, and she decided to begin donating to Renown Children’s Hospital to give back to kids in the community. “I’m fortunate for not only my employment at Renown, but my husband’s and daughter’s employment as well. As employees of Renown, we have such great jobs, benefits and opportunities, and I think we should all strive to give back to express our gratitude and appreciation.” At his employee orientation in 2012, Troy Fernandez heard about Renown’s Employee Giving Program and learned that funds were needed for individuals who needed financial support to pay for healthcare services at Renown. He knew his donations would go to a good cause and signed up for recurring payroll deductions to donate to the Greatest Need Fund. “It feels good to be able to give back to those who are less fortunate than us,” said Troy. “It was very easy to enroll in this program, and I’ve been donating to the same support area ever since.”
Read More About A Token of Appreciation: Renown’s Employee Giving Program
Health Insurance Terms Explained: HMO, EPO and PPO Plans
When it comes to purchasing a health insurance plan, you’ve probably heard of the two plan types, HMO and PPO, but what exactly do these terms mean, and what is an EPO? Let’s learn more about these plan types and how you can choose the plan that meets your needs. What is an HMO Plan? HMO stands for “Health Maintenance Organization.” HMO plans contract with doctors and hospitals creating a network to provide health services for members in a specific area at lower rates, while also meeting quality standards. HMO plans typically require you to select a primary care physician (PCP) and obtain a referral from your PCP to see a specialist or to have certain tests done. If you choose to see a provider outside of the HMO’s network, the plan will not cover those services and you will be responsible for all charges. What is an EPO Plan? An EPO stands for “Exclusive Provider Organization.” This plan provides members with the opportunity to choose in-network providers within a broader network and to visit specialists without a referral from their primary care doctor. EPO plans offer a larger network than an HMO plan but typically do not have the out-of-network benefits of PPO plans. EPO plans do not require you to select a primary care physician (PCP) giving you a broader network of providers. EPO options are a great cost-saving option with more flexibility than a standard HMO plan. What is a PPO Plan? PPO stands for “Preferred Provider Organization.” PPO plans are often more flexible when it comes to choosing a doctor or a hospital. These plans still include a network of providers, but there are fewer restrictions on the providers you choose. PPO plans do not require you to select a primary care physician (PCP), giving you a broader network of providers. So, which plan should you choose? Each plan type has different benefits, so it depends on your health needs when choosing the right plan type. If you are looking for flexibility when choosing providers and locations, a PPO plan may better fit your needs. An EPO plan may be a better option if you want the flexibility of a larger network, but don’t necessarily need out-of-network benefits. If you regularly seek care in a certain geographic area and are looking for a health insurance plan at a lower price point, consider an HMO plan. To keep costs low, insurance carriers contract with providers and partner in plan members’ health to ensure quality care at the lowest cost. Whether you choose an HMO, EPO or PPO option, partnering with your health insurance carrier and your healthcare provider will help you receive the best care while controlling your out-of-pocket costs. Keep in mind that most insurance carriers offer emergency care coverage for all three plan options (HMO, PPO, EPO). Get the most out of your health insurance benefits! Established in 1988, Hometown Health is the insurance division of Renown Health and is northern Nevada’s largest and only locally-owned, not-for-profit insurance company providing wide-ranging medical coverage and great customer service to members.
Read More About Health Insurance Terms Explained: HMO, EPO and PPO Plans
Gratitude and Generosity: The Henson's Journey with Renown Health Foundation
It doesn’t take long to feel at ease when you sit down with Michael and Lorraine Henson. They are the kind of people you immediately know you can count on and want to be friends with. They have had more than their fair share of hard knocks and yet they still maintain an air of warmth and gratitude. That sense of gratitude towards Renown and connection to this community is what led them to make a generous gift in their family trust to Renown Health Foundation. Home Means Nevada Michael and Lorraine met as students at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) and they’ve been together ever since. Lorraine moved from Las Vegas to attend UNR and never left. They have deep roots in Reno and deep roots with Renown going back to its Washoe Medical Center (Washoe Med) days. As Michael put it, he is “Reno born and Reno proud.” Michael’s mother was born at Washoe Med in 1937, but it was his personal experiences with Renown that formed his bond with the organization. When Michael was a teenager, his brother was diagnosed with brain cancer. He was treated over the course of the next six years at Renown before passing away at the tragically young age of 24. The impact on his family was life altering. Michael is an Eagle Scout and turned down a spot at the Air Force Academy to stay close and be with his brother. Renown provided support to Michael and his family during this incredibly difficult time as well as other times such as when his father was in hospice and when Lorraine had a health scare. The Ties That Bind A few years after his brother’s death, Michael joined the Renown team and has now been an employee for 31 years! Lorraine too has many connections to Renown. She was an employee for several years, volunteers for Renown Children’s Hospital and is a grateful patient. Making Their Mark Through Renown’s employee giving program Michael and Lorraine have given over $6,500 to support Renown’s mission to make a genuine difference in the health and well-being of the people and communities we serve. “These two are a wonderful example of how small gifts over time really add up and their decision to include Renown Health Foundation in their estate plans can be an inspiration to us all this month in particular, as August is Make a Will Month,” said Greg Walaitis, Chief Development Officer at Renown Health Foundation. “Michael and Lorraine have supported Renown in every way imaginable over the years, including with their time, their talents and their treasure. It is an honor to have them as part of our Renown family.” We are also incredibly grateful to have Michael and Lorraine as members of the Renown Legacy Society, which recognizes donors who have provided for Renown Health Foundation in their estate plans, and we look forward to celebrating them at the Inaugural Renown Legacy Society Celebration taking place on August 30.
Read More About Gratitude and Generosity: The Henson's Journey with Renown Health Foundation
Three Emergency Room Options for You and Your Family
Renown Health has three emergency rooms open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, ready to serve our community. We checked in with Amy Hawkins, Manager of Clinical Nursing at Renown South Meadows, to learn more about the emergency room experience and how each can accommodate your emergency care needs. 1. Renown Regional Emergency Room The emergency room at Renown Regional Medical Center is the only Level II Trauma Center between Sacramento and Salt Lake City, treating more than 80,000 ER and trauma patients annually. Services Offered: This location offers immediate emergency care covered by general surgeons and coverage by the specialties of orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery, anesthesiology, emergency medicine, radiology and critical care. In addition, tertiary care needs include cardiac surgery, hemodialysis and microvascular surgery. (Patients may be referred to a Level I Trauma Center.) Renown Regional ER Location 2. Renown South Meadows Emergency Room South Reno is expanding, and so is Renown South Meadows ER! Exciting transformations are happening across this campus, including the new 121,000-square-foot specialty care center and upgrades to the existing medical center—expanding care to our patients. Added benefits to the more intimate setting at South Meadows: Smaller ER also means more personal experience. The team traditionally has more time to spend with each patient at the bedside. A smaller campus means convenient parking, as the ER is just outside the front entrance; however, patients are reminded to follow marked road signs when approaching the campus during construction. Most patients arrive by private vehicle versus an ambulance, so we are very accustomed to thinking quickly on our feet. Benefits to new construction: A new Cath lab will allow us to treat patients experiencing a heart attack and needing immediate intervention to open vessels in their hearts. Additional lab and imaging capabilities for our patients Services Offered: This location offers immediate emergency care staffed with board-certified emergency physicians. Patients can expect one-on-one interactions with trusted providers and shorter wait times. All emergency room services are open during construction, and patients are reminded to follow marked road signs when approaching the campus. South Meadows ER Location 3. Renown Children's Hospital Emergency Room This location offers immediate emergency care, with pediatric specialists always on staff. In addition, the Children's ER lobby is ideal for our littlest patients, with a child-friendly atmosphere and vibrant colors to help decrease the anxiety accompanying emergencies. Medical equipment is sized just for kids, and we offer a distraction machine, games and movies to help children cope with what can be a traumatic experience, like getting an IV. In addition, we have Child Life Specialists available to provide emotional support to both children and their families. When to Bring Your Child to the ER: Allergic reactions Asthma attacks Baby under three months old with a temperature higher than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit Broken bones Burns Choking or poisoning Difficulty breathing Eye injuries Fainting, dizziness and confusion Head injuries Heart attack Rashes Seizures Severe bleeding Severe headache Severe pain Skin infections Stitches Stroke Venomous stings and bites Renown Children's Hospital Location
Read More About Three Emergency Room Options for You and Your Family
A Q&A with Dr. Brian Erling, CEO & President of Renown Health
On behalf of Renown’s more than 7,000 employees, we are thrilled to introduce our healthcare system’s next CEO and President, Brian Erling, MD, MBA. Dr. Erling joins Renown after working for more than 20 years in Colorado, most recently as the CEO and President of Penrose-St. Francis Health System in Colorado Springs for Centura Health. “I am so excited to join Renown Health at this important time. Healthcare and our economy are amid a major transformation, and Renown Health is very well positioned for the future,” Dr. Erling said. “Our ongoing success will hinge on our ability to establish positive and productive relationships, maintain high-quality patient clinical outcomes and experiences, reduce healthcare costs, encourage innovation and improve access and affordability for patients and members.” Q: Let’s start at the beginning. When did your interest in healthcare first begin? A: Believe it or not, I started my healthcare career during high school in Minnesota when I worked as a nursing assistant. I then worked as a monitor tech while pursuing my undergraduate degree in biology from Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. Q: Where did you go to medical school, and what was your first job after training? A: After graduating from The John Hopkins University School of Medicine and spending three years at the University of Virginia for my residency, I spent more than a decade in the emergency department at a level 1 trauma center. Q: Does your experience as a physician impact your approach to healthcare leadership? A: Yes, absolutely. I have worked my fair share of nights, weekends and holidays, and I know the sacrifices healthcare workers – and their families – make to care for our communities. I will never take it for granted. I also understand how complex healthcare organizations are, and I have experienced these complexities from both the clinical and non-clinical sides. I have provided clinical leadership for a large, regional health system and understand that quality, safety and innovation come from the people doing the work, not from a corporate office. But you also need strong managers and leaders to facilitate and prioritize the work while providing support and coaching. Q: What is the key to a successful healthcare system? A: Teamwork. In fact, being part of a high-performing, mission-driven team is my number one motivation. It’s what gets me up in the morning and why I work in healthcare. I view our greatest resource to be our people, meaning Renown’s more than 7,000 employees. Modern technologies – such as fancy robots and imaging equipment – are essential and pretty cool, but they are not why our patients choose us. They come for trusted care in their hometown. Q: Renown Health is going through a lot of exciting changes right now. What is one thing that excites you about joining this healthcare system in a rapidly expanding area of the country? A: I am very excited about the new partnership with Renown and the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine. While still in its infancy, it provides the platform for us to be the center for training, research and tertiary care for the region and beyond. Q: What is something you have learned from working with CEOs at other healthcare systems? A: Healthcare leaders often have a short half-life, but that is not me. I believe it is difficult to create and move an organization toward a unified vision when your leader changes every few years. As my track record will support, this is not my style. I have been in Colorado for over twenty years and now look forward to making Reno and Renown my home for years to come. Q: As you know, Hometown Health is Renown’s health insurance arm. How does equitable access to insurance fit into a person’s and a community’s overall well-being? A: Most health systems would love to have their own health plan. The reality is that you cannot meaningfully improve the health of the population without managing value and risk. We are fortunate to have Hometown Health as part of Renown Health, and in our community, and I am excited to work with Bethany and the team to fulfill the mission of the organization. Q: What does working at a not-for-profit healthcare system mean to you? How does it differ from the for-profit sector? A: I have worked in for-profit and not-for-profit healthcare. Renown is unique as the only not-for-profit health system in the market. What that means is that we invest every penny earned back into caring for our community. We don’t send money to shareholders in California or Pennsylvania, we invest it right here in Nevada. Not only is a not-for-profit healthcare organization where I want to work for, but it is where my family and I want to go for care. Q: What do you like to do for fun? A: I love spending time with my wife and three adult children. I met my wife, Jessica, while attending medical school in Baltimore. She was working as a nurse in the surgical ICU, and I was smitten. I offered to help her with a 3 a.m. bed linen change and bath for our trauma patient, and the rest was history. I also love exploring the outdoors, especially snowboarding!
Read More About A Q&A with Dr. Brian Erling, CEO & President of Renown Health
Why I Give: Rebecca's Story
Giving back to the community is important to Rebecca Dickson. For over 35 years, she’s been unwavering in her support of Renown Health and Reno’s non-profit community. Hearing that she’s made a difference in someone’s life feels good. But for Rebecca, the greater reward is something more personal. “Giving back is a way of life,” Rebecca said, “that’s what you do.” Inspired by her parents, the act of generosity was instilled in her from a young age. Growing up, Rebecca remembers her mother’s thoughtful generosity with others. It was her mother, Fianna Dickson Combs, who inspired and helped plan Fianna’s Healing Garden in the heart of the Renown Regional Medical Center campus. The garden is Fianna’s legacy and gift to those in need of comforting, healing and quiet contemplation. Walking through the garden, Rebecca points out the fountain. She talks about choosing it for its calming sound. Birds chirp on the trees overhead. The space is beautiful; it’s tranquil and comforting. Fianna’s Healing Garden was completed in 2009. In 2020, to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the garden, Rebecca and her uncle, Harvey Fennell, led an expansion project to grow the space. Inside the garden, there are pathways, benches, sculptures, fountains and over 2,000 plants and trees. Roses are life “The rose garden is special,” said Rebecca. It was carefully curated in honor of Fianna and her sisters to create a peaceful space for reflection. There are 21 roses of differing sizes and colors. “The roses should be experiential. The fragrance, the colors; they are life with good days and bad. Fianna was a master gardener and felt that gardens tend to the mind, body and soul,” says Rebecca. Honoring Fianna’s Legacy Throughout the hottest days of summer, Rebecca and her partner, David Geddes, visit the garden. They maintain the roses, removing damaged branches and pruning them. “It’s not work,” says Rebecca, “it’s a joyful opportunity that makes us feel good.” Being in the garden reminds Rebecca of her mother and the need for healing gardens in healthcare. When her mother was in the hospital, her doctor encouraged her to get outside and into nature. At the time, Renown didn’t have an outdoor garden space. From then on, it was Fianna’s mission to create a healing garden for patients, caregivers and visitors. Nature reduces stress and anxiety. It also provides comfort and distraction. Healing gardens offer spiritual and healing benefits, and they’ve been proven to improve health outcomes. Before Fianna passed, her plans for at healing garden at Renown were already underway. Making an Impact Rebecca is a lifelong philanthropist. She serves on countless boards, volunteering her time to give back to the community. She currently sits on Renown Health Foundation’s Board. Through her volunteer work, Rebecca not only gets to experience the joy of helping others first-hand, but she also gets an inside view of how non-profits operate and what they need most. That information helps her decide how to direct her support in the most impactful way. Rebecca receives cards and phone calls thanking her for Fianna’s Healing Garden and the comfort it provides. But Rebecca insists that she’s not to thank. Rebecca remembers every person who has supported the garden. Fianna’s Healing Garden is donor-funded, and would not be possible without the support of the community, her uncle, Harvey Fennell, Fianna’s closest friends, Renown physicians and employees, Renown Health Foundation and countless community foundations and local donors. She says, “The garden is a collaborative project. It takes a village to build and maintain, but it’s worth it!” From all of us at Renown, thank you, Rebecca, for your inspiration and dedication to Renown! Fianna’s Healing Garden is located at Renown Regional Medical Center and is open for all to experience the healing power of nature. Click here to take a virtual tour of the garden. Renown Health Foundation’s Why I Give series recognizes donors, volunteers, corporations, foundations and others who provide philanthropic support to Renown. We are fortunate to have generous donors whose funding helps support and expand our efforts to meet the growing needs of the communities we serve. To learn more about how you can support Renown, please email or call 775-982-5545.
Renown & The National Guard: How These Employees Serve with Maximum Impact
Jason Farnsworth, Evan Fox and Jennifer Jenni are three of Renown’s more than 500 employees who currently serve, or who have served, in our miliary. Their deep-rooted passion for helping our community extends to the Nevada National Guard (NANG), an organization that shares many values with Renown. We sat down with Jason, Evan and Jenni to ask their perspective on what propels them to serve people in our home state and learn more about how Renown's partnership with the Nevada National Guard has supported their personal and professional growth. Meet Jason Farnsworth, the Face Behind Renown’s Partnership with the National Guard Jason Farnsworth is the Director of Respiratory Care Services at Renown and the Chief Master Sergeant, Medical Superintendent of the Nevada National Guard. He has been with the Guard and Renown for 23 years. Jason joined the Guard over 20 years ago to help pay for his college education. After using up his paid vacation time from Renown for Guard events like deployments or training in his initial years as a Guard member, Jason approached Renown senior leadership with the idea of paid military leave. “In full support of employees who choose to serve, Renown stepped up to give a resounding, ‘yes,’ as they have time and time again for our military community,” Jason said. From that day forward, policies were implemented at Renown to further support individuals who serve our country with paid military leave. As a result, Jason submitted an Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Secretary of Defense Freedom Award nomination and Renown Health won the highest-level department of defense employer recognition in the nation. Since then, Jason has received four associate degrees, one bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree with the government’s support and has been promoted several times to his current roles at Renown and the Guard. “As I progressed at Renown, I was able to progress in the National Guard. They've complimented one another on leadership skills and clinical competencies.” How Evan Fox Finds Synergy in His Roles at Renown and the National Guard After five years as a cardiac intensive care unit (ICU) nurse at Renown Regional Medical Center and two years as a First Lieutenant Critical Care Nurse in the Guard, Evan Fox has implemented care plans for many community members and put his expertise to good use. The countless trauma hours he has completed at Renown have directly translated to the field as a Guard member. He states that “his roles are synergistic, and his innumerable hours of critical care are worth their weight in gold because of the transferability between the two positions.” Evan’s Roles Provide Service to Our Community, and Beyond Evan feels passionately that his experience with the Guard is unique because you live in the area that you serve, whereas with other military branches you are often stationed elsewhere. Recently, he’s cared for many people involved in firefighting missions in our surrounding areas. As a member of the medical group of the Nevada National Guard, Evan is prepared to provide critical care at any given moment in the event of deployment due to a natural or man-made disaster. He can provide critical care in our region and across the nation. How Jennifer’s Leadership Journey Continues to Grow Jennifer Jenni is the nurse manager of the cardiac ICU and intermediate care unit at Renown Regional Medical Center. She has been with Renown for 13 years and initially started at Renown South Meadows Medical Center in the general surgical unit. She felt compelled to take advantage of Renown’s development programs as she worked her way up to supervisor and now as a manager. She is also a registered nurse and captain in the Nevada National Guard as well as a member of an enhanced resource force team, equipped to provide aid anywhere in the nation in the event of a disaster. With Jennifer, People Always Come First Her dedication to serving people has always been a part of who she is, even before she became a leader. From an early age, Jennifer felt strongly that she wanted to be involved in the military in some way stating that “the Guard is very much a service to the people, whether it's our community or nationwide.” While her clinical leadership qualities and skills have translated well to her role as a captain, holding two leadership titles is no easy feat – especially when it comes to the continued training her roles require. However, because of the support Renown provides its military community, Jennifer was able to confidently attend officer training in Alabama last year. Jennifer was fully supported by her Renown team when she was away and took advantage of her paid military leave benefit. More Than Just a Partnership, but a Family Jason, Evan and Jennifer are among the many employees who choose to serve both here at Renown and in the Guard. You might see National Guard members who are also Renown employees in areas like the cardiac ICU, trauma ICU, emergency department or medics who work on hospital floors. “Not only is my family out at the National Guard, but they are also here at Renown. It’s amazing to see how many people spend their lives giving back,” Jason said.
Read More About Renown & The National Guard: How These Employees Serve with Maximum Impact
Department Spotlight: Emergency
The emergency department is a central part of Renown Health’s hospitals. Serving patients in need of emergent attention, this team has an incredible level of dedication to not only tending to emergencies big and small, but also saving lives 24 hours a day and seven days a week. This critical work happens daily at Renown Regional, Renown South Meadows and Renown Children’s Hospital. Patients in Renown’s emergency rooms (ER) are in the best hands, and it is all thanks to the devoted, hard-working teams who run the show. Saving Lives Around the Clock As the only Level 2 trauma center between Sacramento and Salt Lake City, taking care of a constant stream of patients in the Renown Regional, Renown South Meadows and Renown Children’s ERs come naturally for these teams. Whether it be 3 a.m. or the lunch hour, this team is always ready to spring into action to attend to virtually any health emergency under the sun. According to Gabby, an RN in the Renown Regional ER, everyone in the ER must be ready for anything. “We are the first line of care that the patient receives before they are admitted or discharged,” which means the team sees a wide variety of emergency situations each day. Patients rely on the ER to protect them and help them heal from severe conditions. From head injuries and broken bones to heart attacks and strokes, this team has seen it all at every time of the day and night. “The ER is an uncontrolled, unpredictable environment,” said Miriam, an RN in the Renown Regional ER. “It’s essential that we all are ready to jump in and help at any time.” Beyond the general ER at Renown Regional, Renown Children’s Hospital is the only accredited Children’s Hospital Emergency Room in all northern Nevada. The first and only facility of its kind in the Reno-Tahoe region, this robust emergency department is equipped with pediatric specialists and child-sized equipment to give children the highest level of support. “We are proud to keep a fun atmosphere with vibrant colors to help our young patients ease their anxieties, making them as comfortable as possible while providing excellent care,” said Ginger, Manager of Nursing for Renown Children’s ER. While the majority of patients are treated onsite and discharged that same day, several ER patients get admitted to the hospital, when that happens, the emergency department works quickly with the Renown Transfer and Operations Center (RTOC) to get patients in a bed as soon as possible. All day and all night, ambulances and helicopters deliver members of our community in need of care. But never fear – our incredibly capable emergency department is here. Kicking off into immediate action is a core requirement for the emergency department, and it is a task the entire team has nailed down to a science. Team Tenacious When asked about their team, members of the emergency department echoed the same notion: “I am not alone.” The emergency department never leaves their colleagues out to dry, and in an emergency environment, always being able to lend a hand whenever needed is vital. For Ashley, an RN at Renown Regional, one of the main reasons why she continues to work at Renown is because of her colleagues, along with a myriad of resources and state-of-the-art technology that are at their disposal. She adds, “It is such a joy to come in to work alongside my team.” Amy, Supervisor of Nursing for the Renown South Meadows ER, feels the exact same way. “Being an emergency department, we sometimes see things you don’t always see every day,” said Amy. “It’s a relief for our patients to know that they are in the best place in the region for their care. I credit all of that to my team.” As our emergency room capabilities continue to grow, this also includes our Children’s Hospital ER. Last year, the William N. Pennington Foundation provided a $7.5 million gift to the Renown Health Foundation to keep pediatric care – including pediatric emergency care – closer to home and expand our availability to our youngest patients. As reported last year, Dr. Joseph Gassen, a pediatric emergency doctor with Children’s Hospital, was the only pediatric emergency physician in the region as of 2021. Thanks to this gift, he was able to move to Reno to provide care in the Children’s Hospital ER. “The hospital is dedicated to improving the care of children in northern Nevada, and I wanted to be a part of this amazing vision," said Dr. Gassen. “I would not have been able to relocate to Reno without the support from the hospital and the William N. Pennington gift.” Besides achieving optimal outcomes for their patients, their efforts also paid off in the form of awards and recognition. Internally, the emergency department recognizes Employees of the Month for their outstanding work. Recently, Renown Regional Emergency Physician Dr. Patrick Russell and Claire, an RN, were recognized with this honor. Outside organizations have also noticed these exceptional team members. The Reno Gazette Journal’s recognized the Renown Regional ER as the Best Emergency Room in the 2022 Best of Reno Awards, complimenting Renown Regional’s wins as the Best Hospital and Best Place to Have a Baby. The tenacity of the emergency department continues to surpass expectations, and their published achievements only scratch the surface of what is sure to come. A Growing Team of Heroes To continue meeting the growing need for emergency care regionally, especially when it comes to trauma and children’s services, the emergency department is looking forward to welcoming new team members. For those looking for a fast-paced, team-oriented atmosphere and the opportunity to be on the healthcare frontlines, the emergency department is a perfect fit. As teamwork is clearly essential, the emergency department is an ideal environment for someone who is “not afraid to ask questions and always eager to learn new things,” according to Miriam. While one staff member’s patients may be settled, staff one assignment over could be overwhelmed with patient volume, so it is an imperative skill for a colleague to be a self-starter and take the initiative to help wherever needed. Bryan, an emergency trauma technician at Renown Regional, emphasizes this point, adding, “A good colleague is one that knows you well and can infer your body language. They know how to read a situation and pre-plan for the next step. Being attentive, a valuable resource and knowledgeable about patient populations – that's the works!” Career growth and lifelong learning are important to this group, so career-minded individuals will be in good company in the emergency department. “I choose Renown so I can jumpstart my career as a nurse in the top ER in the region,” said Gabby. This team is always learning and always on top of the latest research – which only further solidifies Renown’s place as the preeminent ER in northern Nevada and northeastern California. If you take one thing from this article, let it be these parting words from Amy: “These are some of the smartest, most devoted individuals you will ever meet, and we are so lucky to have them serving our emergency department. You will only regret not working with this team.”
Avoid Heat Exhaustion With This Simple Checklist
Young children under 4 and adults over 65 are especially vulnerable to heat exhaustion. Avoid heat exhaustion this summer with some expert tips. Northern Nevada summers can be downright hot, and although the balmy temperatures can feel great, they may cause heat-related illness, also known as heat exhaustion. Infants and children under 4 and adults over 65 are particularly vulnerable to heat exhaustion because their bodies adjust to heat more slowly. Without proper intervention, heat exhaustion can progress to heat stroke, which can damage the brain and other vital organs and even cause death. The Warning Signs of Heat Exhaustion Heavy sweating Elevation of body temperature Paleness Muscle cramps Tiredness, weakness, dizziness Headache Fainting Nausea or vomiting Cool and moist skin Fast and weak pulse Fast and shallow breathing Heat stroke happens when the body’s temperature rises rapidly and the body loses its ability to sweat. The Symptoms of Heat Stroke Body temperatures rising to 106 degrees or higher within 10 to 15 minutes Red, hot and dry skin (no sweating) Rapid, strong pulse Throbbing headache Dizziness or nausea Prevention and Treatment Make sure your air conditioner works Stay indoors and drink plenty of fluids Limit strenuous outdoor activities to mornings and evenings Drink plenty of water throughout the day Avoid caffeine and alcohol Do outdoor activities in the shade and wear light, loose clothing Take plenty of breaks and drape a wet bandanna around your shoulders to cool down If you suspect you or someone else is headed toward heat exhaustion or heat stroke, call 911 immediately.
Read More About Avoid Heat Exhaustion With This Simple Checklist
Three Things to Know About the Enhanced Benefits of Renown’s New Medicare Program
Renown Health recently announced that it has contracted with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on a new program that offers enhanced Medicare benefits for Medicare beneficiaries. This new direct contracting Medicare program is designed specifically for patients with Original Medicare. Here are three things to know about Renown’s new program: The goal of the program is to help care providers work together to improve patients’ health by better coordinating patient care and reducing costs. Medicare beneficiaries who choose to sign up will have peace of mind knowing that they are in a program that ensures coordinated care along with potential cost-sharing assistance for chronic care management. Signing up for this program is easy – and it does not affect your existing Medicare benefits in any way. Simply click the button below, select either your current Renown Health or Geriatric Specialty Care provider from the drop down menu, complete the form and click “Submit Form.” It only takes a minute or two to fill out the form. You will be asked to provide the name of your primary care provider and be sure have your red, white, and blue Medicare card handy. Sign Up for Renown’s Enhanced Medicare Benefit Program Voluntary Alignment Sign Up Note: Participation in this program is voluntary. If you choose to sign up, your benefits will NOT change, and you can visit any doctor, other health care professional, or hospital. Learn more about Renown’s Direct Contracting Entity for Medicare Beneficiaries here. The statements contained in this document are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of CMS. The authors assume responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in this document.
Read More About Three Things to Know About the Enhanced Benefits of Renown’s New Medicare Program