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    • CEO
    • Family

    My Inspiration to Keep Fighting Becoming a Grandparent

    As a clinician and a cancer survivor, I know that hope is an essential force that drives people to work through difficult situations. I also believe there’s a strong correlation between hope and wellness. Hope inspires us to make healthy choices today with the understanding that these behaviors will benefit us in the future.   In addition, an optimistic outlook helps patients face illness and injury with strength and confidence. While it’s easy for some people to maintain a positive outlook, it’s common to feel hopeless on a bad day. An important part of our job as healthcare providers is to help patients cultivate hope and build a strong foundation that carries them through their medical journey. The Importance of Family A common source of hope, for me and many others, is family. My family has recently welcomed our newest member, my first granddaughter, Emory. Becoming a grandparent has inspired me to reflect on the many blessings in my life. It’s not only been a opportunity to reflect, but also look ahead to the future. I often dream about the things Emory will accomplish one day, the kind of person she will become, and the world I want her to live in. These aspirations have renewed my determination to work hard and lead by example. At Renown Health, we know that hope and resilience are just as important in the recovery process as excellent medical care. That’s why we work with our patients to find sources of strength and inspiration in their own lives. We’re committed to helping our patients keep fighting the good fight for a healthier tomorrow.

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    • Fitness
    • Safe Kids

    Pool Safety: Things To Know About Drowning

    The warm weather is here and pools are open. Swimming is a great way to keep your kids cool, occupied and exercised throughout summer, however pools come with their fair share of risks. Before you take your children swimming, check out these pool safety tips. Pool safety is something every parent needs to take more seriously. Why? Because drownings of young children ages one to four have increased in recent years. Unfortunately, drownings are the number one cause of death in this age group - we lose the equivalent of 10 school buses full of children to fatal drownings in the U.S. each year. With warmer temps and hopes of cooling off in a local pool, you can’t be too careful when it comes to protecting your children from the risk of drowning. Children are naturally drawn to water, so parents must be extra aware in order to protect their kids from diving in headfirst. Kris Deeter, MD, pediatric intensive care physician at Renown Children’s Hospital, offers tips to keep your littles safe in the water. Preparing Your Child for the Pool People aren’t born knowing how to swim. This means parents must teach their children about swimming and pool safety if they want them to be safe and confident around water. It can take years to develop these skills, so the key is to start when your children are very young. Here are some ground rules: Teach your child to swim starting at age one. We recommend enrolling your toddler in swim classes; there are several organizations in the Reno-Tahoe area that offer baby and toddler swim classes. Keep your kids away from plastic and inflatable pools - they’re easy for children to fall or climb into and drown. They’re also a breeding ground for bacteria. Floaties and water wings are not safe! They are not a safe substitute or “crutch” for learning how to swim and they can lead to drowning if the child is using them incorrectly or while unsupervised. Stay within arm’s reach of babies and toddlers when at the pool. Supervision alone is not enough – you must be within arm’s reach in case they fall in and need to be rescued quickly. Learn child and infant CPR. If a drowning does occur, the best course of action is to call 911, get the child onto dry land and conduct CPR until breathing is restored or the EMTs arrive.   Pool Parties: A Risk for Drowning? Surprisingly, pool parties, a common summer pastime, actually increase the risk of drowning incidents. Although responsible adults are usually at pool parties, distractions ranging from alcohol to pool toys can actually make it easier for drownings to occur unnoticed. Does this mean you should RSVP “no” to the next pool party your child is invited to? Not if you follow the pool safety tips below: Attend the party with your child so you can supervise them while they swim. Remove unused floaties and toys from the pool. They can obscure visibility, making it difficult to see a child in the pool. Don’t drink alcohol while supervising a pool party. Assign an adult “water watcher” to pay constant attention to children in the pool.   Pool Safety Precautions for Homeowners If you own a pool, there are several more precautions to ensure the safety of your children. Even if your kids are strong swimmers who have mastered the rules of pool safety, there may be neighbors or friends who are younger and more vulnerable to drowning. You must undertake precautions for these children too. Some of these may seem time-consuming or expensive, but they are worth it to prevent a child from a fatal drowning. To keep your pool or spa safe, please: Cover your pool or spa when not in use. Choose a pool or spa cover with safety features like locks, safety sensors or alarms. Fence in your pool or spa area. The fence should be locked and at least four feet tall. Do not leave toys in the pool area as these may attract children.

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    • Primary Care
    • Prevention and Wellness

    Dry Weather and Your Health – What to Know

    Dry weather – as northern Nevadans we know it well. Of course this doesn’t mean we’re not affected by its health impact whether you’re new to the area or are a native. Stephanie Stutz, DO, a Renown Medical Group doctor specializing in family medicine, explains how to live comfortably in the high desert. Have you noticed dry skin, itchy eyes or more bloody noses? If you call northern Nevada home, you’re probably no stranger to these problems. “We get a lot of questions from people wanting to know, ‘what can I do to prevent things from happening from the dry weather?’” says Dr. Stutz. “We do have a dry climate, and obviously in the summertime you notice it more than in the winter, so we look at things like dry skin, dry eyes and dry nose.” It generally takes about two weeks to become used to the change in climate. Dry Weather Health Tips Fortunately, there are some easy things you can do to reduce your discomfort in dry weather. Dry skin. “If you have dry skin, use a lotion without perfumes so it won’t increase the potential for drying your skin out,” recommends Dr. Stutz. For example, one home remedy for extremely dry skin (or for those with thinner skin) is cocoa butter. “It’s thicker so it goes under the skin and takes more time to absorb. As a result, you get a much more long-lasting effect.” Dr. Stutz adds. “You can also add lavender essential oil to your cocoa butter to help you sleep at night.” Dry and itchy eyes. “Use eye drops on a regular basis and keep them with you. I recommend people have a couple of bottles – one at home and one in their bag,” Dr. Stutz suggests. Dry nose. “Overall one of the best things to use is a simple nasal wash,” she says. “You can get it over the counter; it’s a saline nasal wash. Use it a couple of times each day and it can be extremely helpful. In particular, gets up into the sinuses and clears them of any pollen or residue in there.” Dry Weather Nosebleed Advice In our dry climate, you may also notice more allergies and nosebleeds. Dr. Stutz cautions, “Surely the dry air can make your allergies much worse. It can create much more irritation, pain and pressure, particularly in the nose and sinuses.” Again, Dr. Stutz recommends using a nasal wash to remove discomfort. Using a nasal wash two to three times a day can also help prevent nosebleeds. “And if you’re someone who has severe or chronic nosebleeds, you can put a little bit of Vaseline along the inside of your nose to create a moisture barrier”. Dry Weather Medication Advice In addition to allergy and nosebleed sufferers, people on certain medications may be at greater risk for symptoms in our dry climate. “The medications you are on can make you much more susceptible to drying out and becoming slightly dehydrated,” Dr. Stutz warns. For this reason discuss all of your medications with your doctor. Specifically, see if you can time them throughout the day or look at changing the dosage. Should I Get a Humidifier? Given our year-round dry weather, you may want to purchase a humidifier to help ease your symptoms. But there are some things you should know first. “You have to be careful with humidifiers as there are pros and cons,” states Dr. Stutz. “The small tabletop humidifiers are not beneficial. You need to get one covering a huge amount of square footage and holding approximately 10 to 30 gallons of water to help your home. On the negative side, if you’re not maintaining it on a regular basis, it will hold on to mold and other allergens. So the next time you turn it on, you’re actually putting that back into the air.” Do I Need to Go to the Doctor? To be sure, it’s important to know yourself and your family. If this is something you experience each year, you can try over-the-counter medications. “But remember, there’s always the caution if you’re on prescription medications,” Dr. Stutz explains. “If you are on chronic prescriptions, come in to get evaluated just to make sure you’re not using anything which interferes with your medications.” Not Just a Summer Problem As the temperatures drop, remember this isn’t just a seasonal issue here in the Reno-Tahoe area. During the winter months, our dry climate combined with cold temperatures and heaters can still cause dry skin, aggravated sinuses and even itchy eyes. So use these helpful dry weather tips all year. Comprehensive Primary Care Renown Medical Group primary care physicians provide comprehensive primary care by appointment. Doctors coordinate each patient’s medical care including checkups, immunizations, referrals to specialists, lab work, X-ray & imaging and hospital admissions. Find a Doctor

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    • Active Living
    • Fitness

    8 Local Hiking Trails You Need to Explore

    Need fresh hiking trails? These hiking trails offer new views, a different route or the motivation you need to get outside. Of course, whatever you’re looking for this summer, these trails were made for sunshine in Reno-Tahoe. Easy Hiking Trails Oxbow Nature Study Area Nature Trail Location: 3100 Dickerson Road, at the Truckee River. Parking: There is a parking lot onsite. Time Out and Back: 30 minutes Items to Bring: Water, sunscreen and a hat. Although this loop is just under one mile, it’s the perfect escape in the heart of Reno. And this riverside trail is accessible for all skill levels. Bird watcher? Certainly, keep an eye out for black-crowned night herons, red-shouldered hawks, mule deer, beavers and more wildlife in the area. Tahoe-Pyramid Bikeway – Sections 2 to 4 Location: West Reno to Sparks Parking: Woodland Drive, Crissie Caughlin Park, Idlewild Park, 1st Street, Rock Park and Spice Island Drive. Time Out and Back: 2-4 hours (each section, out and back) Items to Bring: Water, sunscreen and a hat. From west Reno to Sparks, this paved portion of the trail stretches more than 8 miles. And it is easy to find as it runs along the Truckee River. As one of the easiest hiking trails in the region, it includes numerous parking access points and you can walk as long or short as you desire. In particular, one great route is from Rock Park on S. Rock Boulevard to Cottonwood Park on Spice Island Drive in Sparks. It’s an easy walk for all hiking levels. Notably many evening hikers explore this area to view the bats living under the McCarran Bridge. Additionally, an array of birds and river views can also be found along this enjoyable path. For maps for sections of this path, visit Tahoe-Pyramid Bikeway’s website. Cave Rock Hiking Trail Location: South Lake Tahoe; turn right on Cave Rock Drive from Highway 50, just prior to the tunnel. Parking: Park on Cave Rock Drive. Time Out and Back: 30 minutes Items to Bring: Water and sunscreen. Not only does this short trail have breathtaking views of Lake Tahoe, but it is also meaningful. Chiefly the rock was created more than three million years ago. Equally important, it is still considered sacred to the Washoe Native Americans. Also, leashed dogs are welcome on the trail. Moderate Hiking Trails Steamboat Ditch Trail Location: To get to the trailhead, take Mayberry Drive in west Reno. Then turn south on Plateau Road and right onto Woodchuck Circle. Parking: There is a dirt area for limited parking. Time Out and Back: 3-5 hours Items to Bring: Water, layers, sunscreen and a hat. Of all the hiking trails listed, this one offers some of the best views of downtown Reno and the surrounding hillsides. Built by Chinese laborers in the late 1870s, the Steamboat Ditch is the longest ditch in the Truckee Meadows region. In fact, the water serves as a vital source for ranchers and farmers south of Reno. First, start behind the Patagonia in northwest Reno at the Tom Cooke Trail or park off of Woodchuck Circle. Next head west to find the “Hole in the Wall.” Surprisingly this is a tunnel engineered through the hill, so the ditch could supply water to the Truckee Meadows. This hike is a little over 8 miles with the halfway point just under 4½ miles. With this in mind, if you’re thinking of hiking with your four-legged friend, remember to bring your leash because rattlesnakes can be spotted. Usually there’s also little shade, so plan accordingly by bringing a hat and dressing in layers. Thomas Creek Trail Location: Head out on Mt. Rose Highway going west to Timberline Road. Then drive 1.3 miles past the end of the pavement, stay on Timberline and you will see the trail head on your left shortly after you cross the bridge. Parking: There is a paved parking area on Timberline Drive. Time Out to Back: 2-6 hours Items to Bring: Water, layers, food and a phone with GPS or map. Definitely put he Thomas Creek Trail on your hiking trails list. Located off of Mt. Rose Highway, it is a very scenic hike winding along Thomas Creek into a Jeffrey pine forest. You may choose to hike to what appears to be the end of the trail (where it meets the road) or continue further up for 1/8 of a mile into the Mt. Rose Wilderness. Hiking up the trail to the creek crossing, and then taking the dirt road back down is a great way to see the entire canyon. While this hiking trail is closer to 5 miles, it can be shortened by turning around at any point. Another option is to look for signs to turn off the Thomas Creek Trail at the junction for Dry Pond Loop. Dry Pond is a 4½-mile, out and back hiking trail from the Timberline parking lot. Ultimately you may see a pond or hilltop meadow, depending on the season and weather. Overall it is possible to go anywhere from 2 to 6 miles (or more), based on what you choose to hike. The gain along the creek is minimal, with an 800-foot gain at the top part of the trail. In particular, watch for mountain bikers, as this is also a very popular biking trail. Hunter Creek Trail Location: Go west on Mayberry Drive to Plateau Road. Then turn left and go up the hill to Woodchuck Drive. Lastly, turn right and follow Woodchuck to the hiking trail head. Parking: Paved parking on Woodchuck Drive with a bathroom and benches. Time Out and Back: 2-5 hours Items to Bring: Water, layers, a snack, sturdy shoes and sunscreen. The Hunter Creek trail is about a 7-mile day hike with a little over 1,000 feet of overall gain leading to a waterfall. Ultimately it’s totally worth the trip! This hiking trail winds up Hunter Canyon through sagebrush, Jeffrey pines and interesting rock formations. The waterfall is a great place to sit on shaded logs and enjoy lunch. This trek is very rocky and narrow at times, so good trail shoes are recommended. Furry friends should also be leashed, as rattlesnakes and wildlife are common along the trail. Difficult Hiking Trails Hidden Valley Loop Location: Hidden Valley Regional Park; drive east on Pembroke Drive and turn left on Parkway Drive. The park is at the end of the road. Parking: Park on the east side of the park, closest to the hills. Time Out and Back: 3-6 hours Items to Bring: Water, sunscreen, shoes with good traction and a lunch or snack. Overall this 6-mile loop has about 1,800 feet of gain and is located east of Hidden Valley. We recommend starting the hike from Hidden Valley Regional Park. First, head southeast on a dirt road and then turn east onto a very steep trail that winds over red dirt for about a half mile. In fact, this is the steepest part and it’s a leg burner. Once you get past the climb, the trail gradient decreases. Then you wind along the south side of a big bowl lined with pinyon pine and juniper trees. The hiking trail continues up to the ridge line where there are incredible views of the Truckee Meadows and Mt. Rose. You can hike back down from this point, but it is best to continue on the trail along the ridge line to where it isn’t as steep with incredible views. Frequently you may see wild horses while hiking in this area. Mount Tallac Location: Southwestern side of Lake Tahoe, between Emerald Bay and Camp Richardson. Turn south on Mt. Tallac Road from Highway 89. Parking: Follow Mt. Tallac Road to the parking lot. Time Out and Back: 6 hours Items to Bring: Water, layers, lunch or snacks, sunglasses, hat, sturdy shoes and sunscreen. Definitely a big hike with an even bigger reward — an incredible view of the Desolation Wilderness and Lake Tahoe. This hiking trail is 10.5 miles out and back with a 3,500-foot elevation gain. If you’d like to explore the area without the 6-hour commitment, hike 1.7 miles out to Floating Island Lake or 2.3 miles out to Cathedral Lake. Day use permits are required and you can fill one out for free at the trailhead.

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    • Alzheimer's Disease
    • Neurology

    Alzheimer’s Disease – How to Spot the Signs

    Alzheimer’s disease is not normal forgetfulness as we age. Instead, it is a specific form of mental decline. And according to the Alzheimer’s Association it accounts for nearly 80 percent all dementia cases. Natasa Dragicevic, MD, PhD., behavioral neurologist and Alzheimer’s disease specialist with Renown Institute for Neurosciences, weighs in on diagnosing it and the importance of early medical action. How to Diagnose Alzheimer’s Disease In general, the signs of Alzheimer’s disease occur slowly, getting worse over time. For example, forgetfulness is a daily search – for shoes, keys and other misplaced items. Not only is memory affected, but also speech patterns and behavior. There is no single test for Alzheimer’s disease. “Specifically, a neurologist should be the one to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease given differences in presentation,” clarifies Dr. Dragicevic. “And ideally a behavioral neurologist (Alzheimer’s sub-specialist) will be managing the treatment,” she adds. Brain Imaging Diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease involves multiple approaches and medical providers. In short, medical history is reviewed along with a physical exam, lab tests and other diagnostic testing. “A medical workup includes a variety of tests. These include MRI and other brain imaging, as well as neurological and psychological testing. Furthermore, a lumbar puncture is performed to look for markers of the disease,” she states. What Causes Alzheimer’s disease? Although no one knows the cause, researchers think many factors play a role. Uncontrollable risk factors include your genetics and having a family member with the disease. However, the controllable risk factors include: reducing the risk of head injury and keeping your heart healthy. It’s important to realize that high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke and diabetes play a role in brain health. Blood loss to the brain causes vascular dementia, leading to long-term blood vessel damage. Symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease Generally speaking, the signs of this disease differ in each person. Yet noticeable behaviors include: • Losing the way to familiar places • Forgetting to pay bills • Trouble finding the right words when talking • Repeating questions • General confusion • Social withdrawal Alzheimer’s Disease – Benefits of Early Diagnosis Equally important, spotting Alzheimer’s disease early allows more time to benefit from medications and possible clinical trials. Likewise, nutrition and exercise changes can be made, increasing blood flow to the body, and perhaps delaying symptoms. Early diagnosis also allows for personal health decisions and quality-of-life conversations to take place.   According to the Alzheimer’s Association, these benefits include: 1. Medical advantage 2. Emotional and social comfort 3. Time to plan ahead 4. Cost savings A Brain Supporting Lifestyle “At the present time, treatment is limited,” explains Dr. Dragicevic. “Usually Alzheimer’s is a progressive ongoing disease – any management at this time is purely symptomatic.” However, she states the following lifestyle changes can help support brain health: • New hobbies such as painting, pottery, music classes or learning a new language • Crosswords, puzzles and playing games, such as Scrabble • Brain challenging mobile apps, such as Luminosity • 30-45 minutes of mild to moderate physical activity per day, such as walking • Eating a Mediterranean diet (primarily plant based foods)

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    • Kid's Health
    • Safe Kids

    Transitioning Your Child Out of Their Car Seat

    Car seat technicians often find parents are moving their child to their next car seat stage too soon, as they get older. Here are a few reminders of when to transition your child from their booster seat to a seat belt. Moving to a booster seat too soon According to Safe Kids Worldwide, nearly 9 in 10 parents remove children from their booster before they’ve reached the recommended height, weight, or age of their car seat recommendations, which leaves the seat belt in a position on the child that could injure them. If the child is not the proper height, the seat belt can rise up on the belly, instead of the hips where it’s supposed to sit, which can lead to spinal cord damage or whiplash in the event of a car crash. Solution: You can switch from a car seat to a booster seat when your child has topped the weight allowed by the car seat manufacturer; typically 40 to 80 pounds (18 to 36 kilograms). Remember, however, that your child is safest remaining in a car seat with a harness for as long as possible. Booster seats must always be used with a lap and shoulder belt — never a lap-only belt.  Transitioning to a safety belt too soon Older children need booster seats to help ensure the seat belt stays properly positioned on their body. The lap belt should lie low across the child's hips and pelvis with the shoulder belt crosses the middle of the child's chest and shoulder, so that in the event of a crash, the forces are applied to the hip bones and not the abdomen. If the lap belt is not positioned properly then it could lead to injuries to the spinal cord and abdominal organs.  Solution: Most kids can safely use an adult seat belt sometime between ages 8 and 12. Always use a booster seat until the child passes the 6-step test Your child reaches a height of 4 feet, 9 inches (nearly 1.5 meters) Their back is flat against the seat back. Knees bend over the edge of the seat and feet are flat on the floor. The shoulder belt sits on their shoulder and chest (not face or neck.) The lap belt sits low on their hips and touches their upper thighs (not on their stomach.) Your child can sit comfortably this way for the entire trip.   The American Academy of Pediatrics reminds us that the back seat is the safest place for children younger than age 13.

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    • Neurology
    • Multiple Sclerosis
    • Fitness

    Powerlifting through MS Diagnosis

    When Tabitha Cox received a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS), she was in shock, denial and felt that she was too strong for something like this to be happening to her. As the disease progressed, Tabitha realized she needed to do what she could to stay as healthy as possible. “I heard, ‘You have a quarter-size lesion on your brain,'” recalls Tabitha Cox. “At that moment, that was literally all I heard come out of her mouth.” Tabitha’s official diagnosis was multiple sclerosis (MS), an unpredictable, often disabling disease of the central nervous system that slowly debilitated her mom. “I was numb,” says Tabitha. After her diagnosis, Tabitha went on with her life as if the disease was nothing more than a doctor’s diagnosis. However two years later, Tabitha realized something wasn’t right and sought care at Renown Institute for Neurosciences – Brain and Nerve Care. Her form of MS was aggressive, and her doctor recommended treatment right away.

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    5 Easy Food Tips for Healthier More Beautiful Skin

    What should you be eating for more radiant, youthful, beautiful skin? The answers may surprise you. Here’s insight from a medical aesthetician about what to eat, and what to avoid. Perhaps nowhere is the common refrain “You are what you eat” more clearly reflected than in your skin. The body’s largest organ — your skin — basically tells a tale of the foods you feed your body. So do more than apply the right creams and serums: Feed it the right foods! Here, Heidi Nicol, medical aesthetician with Renown Dermatology, Laser & Skin Care, walks us through which foods to eat and which to avoid for a healthy glow. Start with Fruits and Vegetables Fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which give them their brilliant colors. Eating a wide array of colorful fruits and vegetables will provide the necessary protection against cellular oxidation and the production of cancer cells. Avoid Sugar When you consume sugary food, the sugar in your bloodstream attaches to proteins like collagen and elastin fibers. This process, called glycation, forms harmful new molecules. This is important to note because these fibers keep skin firm and elastic. Once damaged, those fibers become hard, brittle and dry. What does this mean for your skin? This glycation process can actually age us, causing wrinkles, age spots, uneven skin tone and other negative effects. Beautiful Skin Vitamins A nutritious diet is essential to the maintenance of overall health and radiant skin. Consuming certain vitamins, minerals and other beneficial compounds is one of the best ways to improve its look and feel. Here are several universally-recognized essentials and a few of their common sources: • Vitamin A: Cod liver oil, cream, butter and egg yolks • Zinc: Liver, red meat, seafood, shellfish and pumpkin seeds • Vitamin C: Citrus fruits, bell peppers, dark leafy greens and broccoli • Omega-3 fatty acids: Salmon, tuna, walnuts, olive oil and flax seeds • Biotin: Egg yolks, liver, swiss chard, almonds and walnuts • Selenium: Chicken, beef, pork, cheese, sunflower seeds, brown rice, tuna and spinach • Silica: Leeks, green beans, garbanzo beans, strawberries, cucumber, mango and celery • Niacin: Red meat, poultry, tuna, salmon, seeds, milk, dark leafy vegetables, coffee and tea • Vitamin K12: Butter, egg yolks, liver, sauerkraut and cheese • Probiotics: Yogurt, kefir and fermented foods • Vitamin E: Soybeans, canola, corn and other vegetable oils, spinach, turnips, chard, sunflower seeds, almonds and bell peppers • Vitamin B5: Broccoli, tomatoes, strawberries, yogurt and whole wheat A nutrient-rich diet with these vitamins, minerals and other compounds will be a powerful tool in treating skin problems leading to a vibrant glow. Avoid Alcohol Drinking alcohol can cause enlarged blood vessels, burst capillaries, flushing, redness and angiomas (small, red moles). In addition, alcohol dehydrates your body, which makes skin appear less plump and fresh. Alcohol also breaks down the immune system, and the extra sugar in alcohol causes system inflammation, which contributes to cell damage and skin aging. To help combat some of these effects, be sure to alternate alcoholic drinks with water, which will help prevent you from getting too dehydrated. Drink Plenty of Water Speaking of water, an increase in wrinkles is a common response to lack of moisture. When cells are not fully hydrated by water (and water-rich foods), they cannot function properly. If you are not getting enough water, your skin turns dry, tight and flaky, and lines and wrinkles become more pronounced. Water aids in circulation, digestion, absorption and excretion. Proper water intake will lead to a radiant, healthy, younger looking complexion. Renown Dermatology | 775-982-8255 Renown Dermatology, Laser & Skin Care offers a comprehensive range of treatments and products to address any skin care need. Visit our beautiful office in south Reno and browse our product lines. Experts are available to answer any questions concerning your skin care and health and wellness needs. Request an Appointment

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    • Pediatric Care
    • Kid's Health

    A Day in the Life of a Child Life Specialist

    March is Child Life Month, meaning this is the perfect time to ask: What exactly does a Child Life Specialist do? To find out, we “virtually” tagged along with one for a day. This is what a typical day looks like in this important role. For Child Life Specialist Brittany Best, play is a natural part of her work day. She approaches her role with a keen understanding of how the seemingly small tasks she performs every day — comforting children prior to a procedure, writing thank-you notes to donors, training interns — positively impact the lives of the children she serves and their families. So what does it take to work in Renown’s Child Life Program? Best shares some of the highlights from a “typical” shift. A Child Life Specialist’s Day 7:30 a.m. Clock in, put my belongings in my office, and print the patient census information. This helps me to get a sense of the day ahead, as I’m covering three areas today. 8-9 a.m. I look over the census sheets for all three areas and check in with the nurses in each area and then try to prioritize my day. 9:00 a.m. I attend Interdisciplinary Rounds for the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, where the most critically ill or injured children are treated. Additionally, Interdisciplinary Rounds enable several key members of a patient’s care team to come together and offer expertise in patient care. 10:00 a.m. I come up to the specialty clinic/infusion center to check on the patients that have arrived already and see how things have been going since I had last seen them. We see patients frequently up here, as they are receiving treatment for cancer or other disease processes. 10:55 a.m. I’m notified by an RN that a patient needs an IV started, so I go meet with the patient and their family. I meet with a 6-year-old and mother to explain what an IV is and why it is needed. We go through an IV prep kit, looking at all the different items the nurse will use including cold stinky soap, a tight rubber band and also a flexible straw. I also teach this patient a breathing exercise to help them relax during the procedure with a simple exercise known as “smell flowers, blow out candles.” I demonstrate how to take a deep breath in through the nose — like smelling flowers — then how to blow that breath out — like blowing out birthday candles. 11:10 a.m. I walk with the patient and mom to the procedure room on the Children’s Patient Floor for an IV procedure. The Vecta distraction station is set up and running with its bright lights and water tube that bubbles with plastic fish swimming. The parent holds the patient in their lap, and with the distraction and medical preparation, we are successful! I give the patient a toy and provide emotional support to both the young patient and his mom. It’s easy to forget that these procedures can be stressful for the parents as well. 11:30 a.m. I finish rounding with staff to catch up on patients. In addition, I introduce myself to patients and put my contact number on the board in each room so the families know how to get a hold of me should they need anything. With support from volunteers, we distribute movies, games, and “All About Me” forms to patients and their families. These forms help us get to know our patients with things like their favorite foods and televisions shows. 12:45 p.m. I help with a lab draw in Children’s Specialty Care. A 3-year-old patient is very anxious about the “shot,” so I meet with the patient and parents to discuss coping techniques. The patient holds the Buzzy Bee and does well during the lab draw. The mom is relieved, and the patient is excited for a toy. The Buzzy Bee actually helps block the transmission of sharp pain on contact through icy numbing and also tingly vibration. 1 p.m. Joan, an artist with our Healing Arts Program, arrives on the Children’s Patient Floor to perform art therapy with patients. She helps two young patients who are interested in watercolor paintings. 1:15 p.m. Time for lunch and also a trip to Starbucks. 1:45 p.m. I finishing rounding and introducing myself and our services to the patients I have not met yet. 3 p.m. At this time, I meet with the parents of a newly diagnosed diabetic patient who is in intensive care. A new chronic diagnosis is always difficult, so I am there to provide emotional support. It’s instances like this that remind me every day why I love the work I do. 3:30 p.m. I meet with a new volunteer, discuss their role and also give the new volunteer a tour of the units. We are very thankful for all our volunteers on the floor, as their contributions help us provide a variety of basic services to a larger number of children. This also allows the Child Life Specialist to devote time to children who require more intense or specialized service. 4-5 p.m. I finish charting on patients and help two newly admitted families before I start to wrap up for the day. This evening we have a volunteer covering the times during shift change, which is helpful as it makes for a smooth transition for families during the meal time and change of shift. During this time, I write a note for this volunteer indicating the patients I want her to focus on. 5-5:30 p.m. Check in with critical patients and families before leaving for the day. All-in-all, it was a good day.

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    • Renown Health
    • Awards and Accreditations
    • Senior Care

    Local Organization Receive $250K Build Health Challenge Award

    Award given to Truckee Meadows Health Communities, Renown Health & Washoe County Health District. Truckee Meadows Healthy Communities (TMHC), Renown Health and the Washoe County Health District received the BUILD Health Challenge® award, a $250,000 grant to support Caring For Reno’s Elders (C.A.R.E.) program. The award comes as a collaborative result of more than 30 local organizations submitting a proposal for the funding. Renown Health announced that the organization is matching the grant alongside other pledged funding from the community, bringing the current C.A.R.E. support to $580,000. Together the entities will focus on senior loneliness and the health issues it creates. The partners are honored that Truckee Meadows was selected as one of 18 communities to receive funding from BUILD in the 2019-2021 term. “C.A.R.E will be a community approach to enhance life quality for elders by reducing social isolation and loneliness, issues that seriously impact senior health,” said co-team leader Kindle Craig, Sr. Director Renown Institutes. “Loneliness is the root cause of many issues including suicide1 , chronic disease2 and a reduction in lifespan3 . Washoe County senior suicide rates are two and four times the national rate for those aged 65 and 85 years, respectively4 . That is unacceptable.” Sharon Zadra, TMHC executive director and co-team leader, said this project will tackle barriers to socialization such as access to affordable housing, transportation and healthcare.  “We’ll bring the entire community on-board, long-term, to increase social connectedness and reduce health and mortality issues associated with loneliness by starting a cross generational ‘Kindness Epidemic,’” Zadra said. The BUILD Health Challenge is a national program focused on bold, upstream, integrated, local and data driven projects that can improve community health. The award provides funding, capacity building support and access to a national peer-learning network to enhance collaborative partnerships locally to address our community’s most pressing health challenges. The C.A.R.E team expresses special thanks to the BUILD Health Challenge for its support of this initiative. “Loneliness and isolation in our senior population leads to declines in both mental and physical health, and increased mortality,” said Kevin Dick, Washoe County District Health Officer. “We are incredibly honored to join the BUILD cohort, teaming with TMHC and Renown Health to bring long-term solutions by building a cohesive social network to improve the health of our elders.”  The BUILD Health Challenge® is made possible with the support of: BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Foundation, the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Foundation, Blue Shield of California Foundation, Communities Foundation of Texas, de Beaumont Foundation, Episcopal Health Foundation, The Kresge Foundation, Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc., New Jersey Health Initiatives, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and W.K. Kellogg Foundation. TMHC, Renown Health and WCHD have worked united for the last five years, rallying diverse partners and community leaders to influence and advocate for the region’s capacity to ensure a healthy community.

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    Honoring Our Veterans

    Renown Health President and CEO, Tony Slonim, M.D., Dr.PH., FACHE, recognizes veterans and their invaluable service and sacrifice to our country. Here he shares Renown Health’s commitment to supporting employees who serve. Every November, Veterans Day serves as an important reminder to pause and honor the men and women who have served our country. At Renown, we make it a priority to also express our gratitude all year by providing opportunities for service members and veterans to have fulfilling careers at home, in Nevada. These opportunities include: Employing more than 200 active military and veterans. Our recruiters recognize the valuable skills veterans learn while serving our nation. They also recognize the countless ways they can apply those talents to serve our patients and community. Renown Health provides administrative assistance in the pre-deployment process. Our team also makes a point to stay in touch with our deployed employees and their families. Recognizing our National Guard and Reserve employees in staff publications. Partnering with the Army’s Partnership for Youth Success Program (PaYS) to help those who serve our country prepare for their futures. Working together with the Reno VA to understand and address veterans’ unique health and wellness needs. Renown Recognized for Honoring Veterans In 2017, Renown Health was humbled to receive the Secretary of Defense’s Employer Support Freedom Award, the highest honor given to employers who support employees who serve in the National Guard and Reserve. We were thrilled to receive recognition for our efforts to honor active military and veterans. But even more importantly, we are proud to make a difference in lives of those who have served. From 1995-1999, I personally served as one of the 6,500 public health professionals and medical officers in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, stationed at Bethesda Maryland. It was our duty to assist in public health responses to man-made and natural disasters and participate in rural health missions helping some of the neediest populations in our country. It was there that I began working with others to improve the health of communities. I feel fortunate to have this first-hand experience. I appreciate all the sacrifices made by our active-duty military and veterans each day. Dr. Anthony Slonim is an innovator and proven leader in healthcare on both the regional and national levels. During his notable career at major healthcare organizations and academic institutions, Dr. Slonim has developed a national profile as an expert in patient safety, accountable care, healthcare quality and innovative care delivery models focused on improving health within the community. For more Healthy Perspectives, follow Dr. Slonim on Twitter.

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    • Physical Therapy
    • Back Pain
    • Prevention and Wellness

    Low Back Pain – How to Stop the Ache

    Low back pain is not only a problem most people have at some point in life, but also the leading cause of disability in the U.S. Whether it is a sharp spasm from lifting something heavy or a daily constant ache, there are various treatments available to relieve your pain. Jessica Ryder PT, DPT, cert VRS, with Renown Health Outpatient Therapy, explains some common causes of this pain, how to treat it and ways to prevent pain flare-ups. It’s important to realize most cases of low back pain are short term. Frequently lasting only a few days or weeks. In general these cases leave no long-term damage to the spine, muscles, discs or nerves. “However, it can become episodic or chronic (lasting longer than 12 weeks) if it is not properly understood or managed by the individual, ” cautions Ryder. Causes of Pain Specifically back discomfort can be related to: Wear and tear on the spine due to age or poor movement patterns Injury to spinal discs Sprains (overstretching or tearing of ligaments) and strains (tears in tendons or muscles) Trauma Irregularities of the spine present at birth (example: scoliosis)Notably the above issues may result in a “pinched nerve” or sciatica, causing pain to extend down the leg. Risk Factors for Pain In particular, your chance of developing low back pain increases with the risk factors below: Age Being overweight Low fitness level or occasional physical activity (“weekend warrior”) Family history Pregnancy Poor posture Jobs requiring heavy physical work (landscaping, plumbers, construction, etc.)

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