Results for 'social work'
3,000 Miles Away But Close to Home
Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice. Like slavery and apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and can overcome by the actions of human beings. Sometimes it falls on a generation to be great. You can be that great generation. Let your greatness bloom. – Nelson Mandela, February 2005, Make Poverty History Campaign in London Lifting away the curtain that symbolized the front door, I entered a dark, cinderblock room and instantly became overwhelmed by an unpleasant odor. Working with oncology patients as a Child Life Specialist and an Occupational Therapist for over ten years, I recognized that smell. I had arrived in Guatemala – more than 3,000 miles from Reno – and it was my first day of a week-long trip where I would be serving alongside physicians in low-income communities providing free medical care for residents. My name is Brittany Jemmoua, I am an occupational therapist at Renown, and I recently volunteered with Kalan Kuxtal, a non-profit Guatemalan organization. I served alongside physicians by providing free primary care mobile clinics and home visits. The care we provided focused on prevention, intervention, education and lifestyle/medication management as we partnered with local entities, such as fire stations, community centers and schools to transform hundreds of lives. Speaking in both English and Spanish, I collected patient intake information, performed exams, tested for diabetes, and collaborated on a diabetes research project focused on daily risk assessment. Beyond these tasks, I immersed myself in the culture and learned more from the Guatemalan people than I could have ever imagined. Similar to Renown, Kalan Kuxtal Operates with Community at its Core Kalan Kuxtal, a Mayan expression meaning “life guardian,” is different from other volunteer medical trip organizations, and I took home valuable insights and lessons from their way of life that I now consider daily in my practice at Renown. I expanded my knowledge about diabetes, hypertension, pharmacology, infectious diseases, pregnancy complication, vector-borne illness and tuberculosis. We conducted home visits for socially neglected populations rather than expecting everyone to come to our clinics. I found that being welcomed into people’s homes gives you a different lens in which to view how their medical diagnoses interact with living conditions, occupations, and quality of life. This is when I met Mercedes and her mom. Her mom, Ms. Valencia, had jaundice skin and a substantial Basal Cell Carcinoma aggressively protruding from her face that impacted eating, hearing, seeing, sleep and social interactions. This opportunity to serve within their home led to an important palliative care conversation that would have been missed had we stayed in the clinic. We combed the rural neighborhoods assessing people’s risk for diabetes, taking glucose tests and educating families about their next steps. Many individuals had uncontrolled diabetes and misunderstandings regarding basic health management strategies. At the end of the day, many people demonstrated feelings of empowerment by actively offering solutions regarding how they will manage their day-to-day glucose with diet and exercise. Small actions can lead to big changes, and in the long-term, these health actions can help them avoid medication costs and focus on affording basic life necessities, such as water and electricity. Kalan Kuxtal organized a cultural day that included going to local businesses and community leaders to learn more about how they support the people of Guatemala. For example, Valhalla Macadamia Farm’s main goal is to help communities gain access to income, employment, and improved wellbeing by donating macadamia trees to families to grow and then sell macadamia products. A Weeklong Trip with Lifelong Impacts Each patient made a lasting impact on me, both personally and professionally. One specific family I saw in the clinic had a unique situation in that their two-year-old daughter, Margareth Elizabeth Cifuentes Bautista, was laboriously diagnosed with irregular corneal syndrome associated with glaucoma of congenital origin. Due to Guatemala’s limited prenatal screens and interventions, Elizabeth is nearly blind. While highly spirited and happy, she trips, bumps and feels her way through life. One barrier to her healthcare access is that her hard-working parents remain well below the poverty line, making less than $900/month. I am working to connect them with generous US Ophthalmologists and pediatric eye specialists to explore how we might save her sight and help her family. Their biggest dream is that she could recover her eyesight. “I know that this is not a life-threatening situation, but it is still something that never stops hurting me,” Jorge Cifuentes, Elizabeth’s father, said. “Unfortunately, our situation here is very hard. This country [Guatemala], although beautiful, it is very difficult to get ahead. We are people living in underprivileged conditions which complicates our situation even more. However, we are still trying to thrive by being kind and hardworking people. Thank you for helping us.” I have had the privilege of an opportunity for education, access to healthcare, employment and am aware that inequity and injustice prevail. This experience reinforced my understanding that medicine is a physically and mentally demanding profession that requires a commitment to service, continuous learning and adaptation both on local and global scales. I encourage everyone to please join me in serving the underserved by volunteering. Brittany is an experienced Occupational Therapist at Renown and volunteers with Kalan Kuxtal and other entities, such as The Robert Unsworth Foundation and Rock Steady Boxing to elevate communities. She loves being an Occupational Therapist; however, her life experiences confirm that her true calling is to become a physician. She is currently applying to medical school. Brittany is eager to earn the responsibility to improve lives and communities as their engaged physician. Brittany is tentatively scheduled to return to Guatemala at the end of this year to continue partnering with the people for a better future. You are welcome to join!
Healthy Aging 5 Tips to Improve Happiness and Quality of Life
There are a few simple ways to encourage healthy aging that can translate to an improved quality of life. Here are some expert tips. What does healthy aging mean to you? If you’re like most people, you’re looking forward to removing the negative from your life — negative energy, thoughts, people and activities that don’t contribute to your best life. And while that’s a noble goal, too often we forget about ways to strengthen the positive parts of our lives. Expert Herbert “Buddy” Coard III, Ed.D, psychologist with Renown Behavioral Health, provides us with five positive behaviors to focus on to improve happiness and life satisfaction. Healthy Aging in 5 Easy Steps: 1. Connect – Make connections with friends, family, colleagues and neighbors. When you build strong connections, they can help enrich your life with new experiences and opportunities. Besides, having a support system to call upon when you need a favor is valuable as you age. 2. Be Active – Make time to get moving and work those muscles. Being active can include walking, practicing yoga, playing a game of pickleball or dancing. Exercise makes you feel good and keeps you health. Pick a physical activity that you enjoy, and don’t make excuses. Not only will being active help you build stronger muscles, it also helps you build strong connections with others. If you need a workout buddy, Meetup is a great resource to find like-minded people that share common exercise goals. 3. Take Notice – Be mindful and become more curious. Like a child, see the wonder and beauty of the world. Notice the things around you — the weather, the landscape, the mood and feelings of the people around you. By taking notice, it’s easier to learn to appreciate the things that matter. 4. Keep Learning – We never stop learning. Keep trying something new — a new course you’ve always wanted to try or a more challenging task someone has solicited for your help. Challenges keep us on our toes and increase our confidence and excitement in our day. OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Nevada, Reno), brings diverse educational and social opportunities to active older adult learners (50+). EPIC (Educational Programs Inspiring the Community), offers a divers curriculum ranging from art classes to Accelerated training certificate courses. 5. Give – Be generous with your time, your knowledge and your talents by giving to friends, family and even strangers. Some easy ways to give is to show thankfulness, smile at people and volunteer. Sharing of yourself to a wider audience gives you a greater reward than just doing things for yourself. Nevada Volunteers Volunteer at Renown Health Practice these five tips to improve happiness and quality of life at any age.
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A Guide to Summer Weekend Fun During the School Year
Although students are heading back to school, that doesn’t mean the summer fun has to be over. Weekends and after-school hours still call for engaging activities for the kids, even if the extreme heat and thunderstorms don’t beckon you and your kids outside. There are several creative ways you can keep your children active indoors during those coveted out-of-school hours. Below are 10 activities sure to spark fun for the kids from the comfort of your own home. 1. Dance It Out Children are bundles of energy. Turn on your child's favorite music station, roll up the carpet and dance it out. 2. Paint Pictures Above all, kids love to use their imagination. Why not gather up some paintbrushes and some colorful paints to let your child create a masterpiece? 3. Scavenger Hunt Whenever children go on a scavenger hunt, it's a mini adventure. Collect some of your child's favorite items, and hide them around the house, giving them clues to help them find them. 4. Balloon Toss Many kids love balloons. Tossing balloons into the air and having your child keep them up in the air without having them touch the floor is an active energy burner. 5. Science Experiments In case you have a budding scientist at home, choose a science experiment to spark their imaginative spirit. Making water bottle lava lamps or frozen slime are terrific indoor STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) activities. 6. Arts and Crafts From scrapbooks with their favorite photos to crafts from household items, arts and crafts are a great way for your kids to work their innovation muscles. 7. Indoor Bowling Bowling in your own home – unexpected? Sure. Loads of fun? Absolutely! You can purchase an indoor bowling set for less than twenty dollars or create your own with household items. 8. Board Games Because of the limitless options, board games are another favorite indoor activity for the whole family. Your child can learn vital social skills like learning to wait their turn, as well as memory formation and problem-solving skills. 9. Stage a Puppet Show Making sock puppets (or even just using “hand puppets”) can really spark a day of spectacular imagination. Draft a script and perform a puppet play for the whole family! 10. Karaoke Concert Singing certainly gets you in the groove of having a great time with your family and building memories – and you don’t even need a karaoke machine to do it! There are many digital karaoke options available for your family’s delight. It’s no surprise that after-school hours and weekend days are premium play time for kids, especially during the summer months. As shown above, indoor summer activities when the weather isn’t conducive to spending time outdoors can still be fun and engaging for everyone.
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Early Onset of Puberty in Girls on the Rise
Many factors are contributing to the rise of early onset puberty in girls. Learn what they are below and how you can support your daughter. The number of girls experiencing early puberty has increased dramatically over the last few years and continues to grow. More and more girls in the U.S. are starting to show signs of development before the age of 8. Recent studies show that up to 10 percent of Caucasian girls and 23 percent of African American girls are showing signs of puberty by age 7. What’s Contributing to Early Puberty in Girls? Determining the exact cause is difficult. But experts agree that several factors may be contributing to these growing numbers. Increasing rates of childhood overweight and obesity. Excess body fat alters the levels of hormones responsible for the acceleration of pubertal timing. Physical inactivity may decrease melatonin levels, which can also trigger pubertal development. Increased animal protein intake. Higher total protein, animal protein and meat intake in children ages 3 to 7 have been associated with earlier onset of menstruation. High protein intake elevates IGF-1 levels and promotes growth, which could accelerate the onset of puberty. Poor diet. Children with lower-nutrient diets tend to enter puberty earlier. A diet rich in processed foods and meats, dairy, and fast food is disruptive to normal physical development. Exposure to EDCs (endocrine-disrupting chemicals). EDCs are synthetic chemicals found in plastics, pesticides, fuels and other industrial chemicals that inhibit or alter the action of natural hormones. Because EDCs accumulate in the fatty tissues of animals, animal foods contain higher levels of these chemicals than plant foods. Exposure to BPA (bisphenol A). BPA is an industrial petrochemical found in a variety of products including plastics, tin-can linings and even cash register receipts. Because it acts as a synthetic estrogen it may speed up pubertal development. Soy products. Soy contain isoflavones which are converted to phytoestregens in the body, and are similar to the hormone estrogen, Dr. Chelsea Wicks says. “Soy consumed from natural food sources is likely safe and will not cause abnormal hormones levels. However, when consumed in large amounts, such as with soy supplements or in more processed foods, there have been links to chronic medical problems due to elevated estrogen levels. I feel a good answer to this is to continue working on eating fresh foods and trying to avoid the processed, packaged foods as this will be best for overall general nutrition as well,” she adds. What You Can Do While some genetic factors play a role in the early onset of puberty, parents can help lessen environmental causes of the condition. Encourage and help your child to maintain a healthy weight with proper nutrition and exercise. Avoid exposure to hormones such as estrogen and testosterone that may be found in hair products, medications and nutritional supplements. Avoid exposure to EDCs and BPA. Offer your child a diet centered around whole plant foods rather than animal foods, which will help keep protein intake within a safe range and reduce consumption of EDCs. Create a supportive environment for your daughter. Avoid commenting on her appearance and instead focus on her achievements, academic successes or artistic talents. Speak to her openly and honestly about the physical changes she’s experiencing — that although these changes are normal, she’s simply developing early — and that ultimately her peers will undergo the same changes. Encourage your daughter to continue participating in social activities and pursuing her interests, and reassure her you are always open to discuss any questions or worries. If you are concerned that your child may be going through these changes before expected, speak with your pediatrician. Sources: Early Puberty: Causes and Consequences When Is Puberty Too Early? Precocious Puberty (Early Puberty) Precocious Puberty
Renown Health Achieves Key Milestone with Certification to Begin Kidney Transplant Program, Patient Assessments to Begin Immediately
The Renown Transplant Institute proudly announces a major milestone in its mission to provide life-saving care to patients with end-stage kidney disease. As of November 6, the Institute has been granted Organ Procurement & Transplantation Network (OPTN) certification, and interim approval of its application for full UNOS approval on December 13, 2024. This now enables the Institute team to begin assessing patients for kidney transplants. “This approval marks a significant step forward in our mission to deliver life-saving care for patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) who require a kidney transplant for survival,” said Brian Erling, MD, MBA, President & CEO of Renown Health. “A kidney transplant is the best life-saving option for people living with kidney disease. Our goal is that every eligible person who is seeking a kidney transplant receives one. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to UNOS which oversees organ procurement and allocation nationally, for their rapid processing of Renown’s application. Our team is working diligently to meet the highest standards of clinical excellence, and we are now ready to provide this life-changing option to patients who need it most. Together, we are paving the way for better health outcomes and a brighter future for those in need.” With the certification in place, the Renown Transplantation Institute team is now fully equipped to assess and prepare patients for kidney transplantation. This milestone underscores the Institute’s commitment to delivering the highest quality patient care while addressing the growing demand for transplant services. Expanding Access to Life-Saving Kidney Transplants Chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects more than 37 million people in the United States, with thousands of patients progressing to end-stage renal disease (ESRD) each year. For many, a kidney transplant is the best treatment option, offering improved quality of life and survival rates compared to long-term dialysis. However, access to transplantation has traditionally been limited, especially in underserved communities like northern Nevada. The need for additional organ transplantation expertise across the U.S. and Nevada is critical. According to the Nevada Donor Network, as of October 15, 2024, 659 kidney patients in Nevada are currently on a waiting list to receive a life-saving kidney transplant. Across the country, every day 17 people die each day because an organ does not become available to them while they are waiting and every 8 minutes someone is added to the waiting list. “We are excited to receive approval to assess patients for kidney transplantation for the Renown Transplant Institute,” said Rahul Mediwala, MD, MBA CEO of Renown Medical Group. “It is humbling and inspiring to have the opportunity to help build this program for our patients, community and state,” said Dr. Mediwala, a nephrologist who has practiced in the community for nearly 20 years. “I’ve seen people die here in northern Nevada, waiting for a kidney transplant. They were not able to afford being out of work or the expense of traveling to receive life-sustaining care. With the opening of the Renown Transplant Institute, we are addressing this gap by providing timely access to comprehensive transplant evaluations and essential care. Now, residents in need of advanced kidney treatment and transplantation can stay close to home and receive comprehensive transplant evaluation and treatment here at Renown. They will no longer need to endure long waits or seek residency or care in other states, which will help alleviate the financial, physical, and emotional burden for critically ill patients and their families. The transplant team is led by nationally recognized transplant surgeon Ernesto P. Molmenti, MD, PHD, MBA, and transplant nephrologist Narisorn Atsava-Svate, MD, who have joined the Renown nephrology and surgical teams in providing comprehensive transplant services, including pre-transplant evaluation, surgical procedures, and post-transplant care, all under one roof at Renown Regional Medical Center in Reno, NV. Together, the Renown Transplant Institute’s physician leadership has more than 45 years of experience caring for hundreds of kidney transplant patients. The multidisciplinary team includes a transplant surgeon, transplant nephrologist, transplant nurse coordinator, social worker, dietician, pharmacist and financial coordinator who will assist patients through the transplant journey. “Understanding the great need that exists for this critical resource, we are focusing all our energy on creating a caring, efficient and responsive environment for our patients to support them through their transplant experience,” says Ernesto Molmenti, MD, PHD, MBA. “This is a great first step, and we are eager to get started with assessing patients for kidney transplant. We recognize the courage it takes to begin the transplant journey, and we want to assure our patients that they are not alone. The goal of our program is to perform successful transplants and ensure holistic support for patients and their families. At the Renown Transplant Institute, we are pleased to bring together all collaborating specialties in a supportive environment. We want people suffering from end-stage renal disease to know that our team is here to walk beside you, every step of the way.” Dr. Ernesto Molmenti who serves as Chief of Transplantation at Renown Health, Executive Director of the Renown Transplant Institute, Professor at University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine and Director and Executive Vice President of the Nevada Transplant Institute, said, “the expansion of these essential transplantation services across our state is made possible because of our extraordinary partnership with the Nevada Transplant Institute. Together, we are working to increase access, lower costs, and enhance research and education in the field of donation transplantation. We are incredibly grateful for their support and assistance.” Transplant nephrologist Narisorn Atsava-Svate, MD, who goes by “Dr. Nate,” said, “This certification attests to the quality and capability of Renown Health, its ancillary services and the excellence of the transplant clinical team that we have assembled to care for patients suffering from advanced chronic kidney disease. Renown Regional Medical Center is on course to be one of only 250 transplant centers nationwide and one of only two centers in all of Nevada. Membership means that our institution meets all Organ Procurement & Transplantation Network requirements and that we play an active role in forming the policies that govern the transplant community. By providing kidney transplant services to patients in Nevada, we hope to improve transplant rates in our region and reduce health care disparities across the state. I am honored and privileged to be part of this exciting new program.” Assessments Now Open for Kidney Transplant Candidates “With the opening of this new program, the Renown Health team is working closely with local healthcare providers and social workers at area dialysis centers to streamline referrals and ensure a smooth transition for patients to the transplant list,” said Dr. Rahul Mediwala. The Renown Transplant Institute is now accepting referrals for kidney transplant. Candidates will undergo a thorough evaluation process to determine their eligibility and readiness for a transplant. Physicians may now refer patients, or people with end-stage kidney disease who wish to be screened for a kidney transplant by Dr. Narisorn Atsava-Svate and Dr. Ernesto Molmenti, may call 1-833-RING-NTI (746-4684). For more information visit renown-transplant-institute and To join the fight, donate to the Renown Health Foundation, a non-profit organization registered with the State of Nevada and recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) entity at or 775-982-5545. As the region’s only Level 2 Trauma Center for adults and children, Renown serves over 1 million people and 100,000 square miles. In U.S. News and World Report Best Hospital Rankings, Renown Regional Medical Center is named #1 Hospital for the State of Nevada for 2024, 2023 and 2022. About Renown Health Renown Health is the region’s largest, locally governed, not-for-profit integrated health care network serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe, and northeast California. With a diverse workforce of more than 7,500 employees, Renown has fostered a longstanding culture of excellence, determination, and innovation. The organization comprises a trauma center, two acute care hospitals, a children’s hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, a medical group and urgent care network, and the locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. For more information, visit
How a New Recreation Therapy Program Creates Valuable Bonds
The Recreation Therapy Alumni Program is a new addition to Renown Rehabilitation Hospital’s current programs. After daily hospital physical therapy ends, it is an opportunity for other adventures. Shaun Stewart, CTRS (Ceritified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist), tells us about the new Renown Alumni Recreation Therapy Program, its partnership with the City of Reno and upcoming events. It’s no secret that being active and social supports a satisfying, happy life. With this in mind, the Renown Alumni Recreation Therapy Program reinforces this idea. Its goal is to help patients experience the energy, teamwork and commitment that sports and recreation provide beyond the hospital walls. “We are happy to partner with the City of Reno’s adaptive and inclusion programming to create an active community of adaptive sports participants. There are many options for outdoor recreation in our area. This program looks to share these opportunities with those with a traumatic spinal cord injury,” says Shaun. April Wolfe, CTRS, with the City of Reno adds, “The program’s main objective is to empower individuals living with spinal cord injury to live and recreate independently in the community. We also want them to enjoy the activities, improving their emotional and physical well-being by taking part in the Renown Alumni Recreation Therapy program.” First Successful Therapy Event On Aug. 27, 2020, the recreation therapy program’s first event was an introduction to adaptive mountain biking. Eight participants enjoyed a morning of adaptive biking thanks to a grant in partnership with the City of Reno. “Getting back to an active leisure lifestyle following injury can increase your quality of life both socially and physically,” explains Shaun. “It was great to be outside with people of all abilities enjoying the beautiful Nevada sunshine.” We encourage patients of all abilities to develop active skills, make lasting friendships and, of course, have a blast. Certainly any activity is possible with adaptive equipment and a motivated attitude. Future Recreation Therapy Events Below are the details for the next event. Event: Introduction to Wheelchair Rugby Learn the rules of the sport and play with local athletes. When: Sunday, Nov. 1, from 2 – 5 p.m. Where: Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center, 1301 Valley Rd., Reno, NV 89512 Cost: Free RSVP: or 775-982-3612 by Tuesday, October 26, 2020 This event has a 10 participant limit, following six feet distancing guidelines. Please bring a mask to wear. In particular, this will be a learning event and no scrimmages will occur Rugby wheelchairs will be provided. Please RSVP, to ensure the reservation of the appropriate equipment. In case you cannot attend this event, please look for upcoming events which will include adaptive archery, skiing and scuba diving. Renown Rehabilitation Hospital | 775-982-3500 Renown Rehabilitation Hospital is the region’s only hospital with certification by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). It is certified for: Comprehensive Integrated Inpatient Rehabilitation Program Stroke Specialty Program Medical Rehabilitation Case Management Take a Virtual Tour
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Renown Awards Grants to 55 Area Organizations Addressing Diversity and Inclusiveness
Renown Health, in keeping with its mission, vision and values and the organization’s long-standing commitment to addressing the social determinants of health, today announced its support of $145,000 to 55 nonprofit organizations with projects aiming to increase the presence and participation of women, racial and ethnic minorities, LBGTQ+ people, people with disabilities, people of low socioeconomic status, and other underrepresented groups. “Improving the health of our community is the foundation of our work. Our mission, vision and values are the essence of what makes us Renown. We are committed to fostering an environment of diversity, inclusion and cultural competence where all are appreciated, fully engaged and motivated to make a genuine, positive difference in the health and well-being of the people and communities we serve,” said Tony Slonim, MD, D.Ph., Renown’s President & CEO. Annie Zucker, manager of community impact at Renown adds, “Social determinants of health have a major impact on health outcomes—especially for the most vulnerable populations. I am proud that Renown, as a not-for-profit healthcare organization, considers social determinants of health to enable more compassionate and comprehensive healthcare for the patients and families we serve.” The following organizations applied for and were awarded Diversity and Inclusiveness financial grants today from Renown Health: Urban Roots Diversity and Inclusion in the Garden Sierra Nevada Ballet Free BOYS ONLY BALLET Eddy House Eddy House- Children's Cabinet (EHCC) Outreach Boost Terry Lee Wells Nevada Discovery Museum The Discovery's Cultural Competence Learning Institute Communities In Schools of Western Nevada CIS of Nevada Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Change Team Dress for Success Reno - Northern Nevada Professional Women's Group Nevada Elite Wrestling Nevada Elite Girls Youth Wrestling Arts for All Nevada Artist in Residency Program Community Health Alliance Conveying CHA Values in New Employee Orientation Forever 14 Empowering Teens to Go Above & Beyond Experiential Spread The Word Nevada Building Home Libraries- Diversity, Culture & Inclusion Head Injury Association of Northern Nevada Physical Fitness Training for Traumatic Brain Injured Survivors Urban Lotus Project Urban Lotus Project - Service Staff Training Program The Zawadisha Fund We Are Change Makers Tyler Robinson Foundation Family Financial Grant Program Note-Able Music Therapy Services Improving Cultural Responsiveness & Organizational Diversity Achievement Beyond Obstacles - Reno-Sparks Rotary District 5190 Achievement Beyond Obstacles Leadership Academy Nevada Volunteers Inclusion Begins with Removing Language Barriers Special Olympics Nevada Special Olympics Nevada Awaken The Awaken Drop-In Center Nevada Humanities Democracy and the Informed Citizen: An Online Salon Series Nevada Gay Men's Chorus Happy Holiday's, a Welcome Back Concert Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northern Nevada General Mentoring Program High Sierra Industries, Inc . X-treme Ability Challenge Junior League of Reno Safe Embrace Children's Playroom ReDirect Youth Outreach ReDirect Youth Outreach & Boxing Boys & Girls Clubs of Western Nevada Positive Action for Low-Moderate Income Youth Domestic Violence Resource Center Domestic Violence Resource Center American Cancer Society Nevada HPV Cancer Prevention Collaborative Reno Cancer Foundation Reno Cancer Foundation under served population grant Pinocchio's Moms on the Run Pinocchio's Moms on the Run Temple Sinai Reno Access for All Sierra Arts Foundation Road Maps The All Of Us Project Reno-Sparks Negro Business & Professional Women's Clubs, Inc. Reno-Sparks Negro Business & Professional Women's Club Sierra Nevada Journeys Sierra Nevada Journeys’ Community Needs Assessment Sierra Nevada Journeys Sierra Nevada Journeys’ Community Needs Assessment Reno Little Theater Reno Little Theater- IDEA Grant Reno Little Theater Reno Little Theater- IDEA Grant High Fives Nonprofit Foundation Peer Mentorship Program High Fives Nonprofit Foundation Peer Mentorship Program Nevada Diabetes Association Changing Outcomes for Young Adults Nevada Diabetes Association Changing Outcomes for Young Adults Sky Tavern Sky Tavern Ability Sports Day Sky Tavern Sky Tavern Ability Sports Day Reno Bike Project Future Cycle Tu Casa Latina Outreach to Underserved Communities Sierra Association of Foster Families CELEBRATING THE HOLIDAYS WITH HEALTHY BODIES! Women and Children's Center of the Sierra Regrouping and Moving Forward during the Pandemic Ridge House, Inc. Health Literacy & Recruitment of Underrepresented Groups Alzheimer's Association Latino Outreach/Spanish Speaking Caregiver Support Group On Common Ground -at-Home Kits for the Heart of Community Program On Common Ground Cook-at-Home Kits for the Heart of Community Program University Studies Abroad Consortium Renown Health Diversity & Inclusion Study Abroad Scholarship University Studies Abroad Consortium Renown Health Diversity & Inclusion Study Abroad Scholarship University of Nevada, Reno Foundation Building Inclusivity through Recovery Collaboration University of Nevada, Reno Foundation Building Inclusivity through Recovery Collaboration University of Nevada, Reno Foundation Northern Nevada Latino Health Assessment University of Nevada, Reno Foundation Northern Nevada Latino Health Assessment Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada Feeding the Hungry Reno Sparks NAACP Northern Nevada Minority Health Symposium Sierra Kids Foundation Sierra Kids Foundation ACCEPT Positive Action & Health Education Risk Reduction for HIV.AIDS Northern Nevada Literacy Council Empowerment through Literacy and Education Scholarship United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra Equity Learning Community Nevada Volunteers Inclusion Begins Removing Language Barriers Renown Health issued a request for proposals on June 18 and had anticipated funding 8 organizations. The employee Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee was impressed by the community response and Dr. Tony Slonim, president and CEO, chose to support all 55 applications. He notified all not-for-profit agency leaders today in a virtual meeting. Members of Renown Health’s Diversity & Inclusion Committee include: Mitch Harper, Gretna Canterbury Amber Marraccini, Rebecca Doheny, Sean Savoy, Savanah Gonzalves, Jen Walker, Barbara Mader Scherrer, Kristy Cahoon, Katie Mercer, Kara Martinezmoles, Julia Page Hensen, Annie Zucker, Meghan Meagher, Michelle Hernandez, Vivian Cruz, Mary-Ann Brown, Julia Miod and Heather Bridges. As non-profit hospitals, Renown must meet community benefit requirements to qualify for tax-exempt status, this includes funding programs that respond to public health needs and improve overall community health. About Renown Health Renown Health is the region’s largest, locally owned and governed, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. With a diverse workforce of more than 7,000 employees, Renown has fostered a longstanding culture of excellence, determination and innovation. The organization comprises a trauma center, two acute care hospitals, a children’s hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, a medical group and urgent care network, and the region’s largest, locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown’s institute model addresses social determinants of health and includes: Child Health, Behavioral Health & Addiction, Healthy Aging and Health Innovation. Clinical institutes include: Cancer, Heart and Vascular Heath, Neurosciences and Robotic Surgery. Renown is currently enrolling participants in the world’s largest community-based genetic population health study, the Healthy Nevada Project® . For more information, visit
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Artown Partners with Renown to Bring "Love" Sculpture on Mill St.
The “LOVE” sculpture, a one-ton, welded aluminum artwork with letters 10-feet tall and eight-feet wide, will find a temporary home at Renown Regional Medical Center’s main entrance at 1155 Mill Street in Reno, Nevada. Debuting at Burning Man in 2019, the free-standing structure is wired for illumination, has weighted steel base plates for anchorage and will be visible to vehicular and pedestrian traffic along the Mill Street and Ryland Street corridors. “The overall footprint of the sculpture is 40-feet long by 4-feet deep,” says artist Jeff Schomberg, who has collaborated with artist/designer Laura Kimpton, to create 18 letter-based sculptures— including the popular “BELIEVE” piece at Civic Center Plaza in downtown Reno and the “HOME” sculpture for the Reno Aces at Greater Nevada Field. Each letter in the “LOVE” sculpture took Schomberg three to four weeks to build, and the piece takes on an added dimension when illuminated. “The sculpture is lit from within with color changing LED lights. The combination of the LEDs and the aluminum produce(s) a unique look at night,” Schomberg states. Artist-designer Laura Kimpton, who is dyslexic, says creating monumental word art has been a powerful form of healing and expression. “I can’t tell you how beautiful it is that people will be able to see this work of art at the hospital, contemplate it and be inspired by it,” Kimpton emphasizes. For Artown, inspiring community through the arts is paramount—especially at this moment. “Artown is extremely honored to be able to provide comfort through our partnership with Renown and this incredible work of art by Laura Kimpton and Jeff Schomberg,” says Artown Executive Director Beth Macmillan. “This piece of art and the message of love during these uncertain times, promises to help enlighten, engage and heal the spirits of patients, physicians, nurses and employees at Renown who are fighting the good fight. People passing by the hospital will be warmed and inspired by the art and this one word, LOVE! Now, more than ever, the power of art will provide something beautiful to focus on and restore our confidence.” Providing comfort is in alignment with the non-profit healthcare provider’s mission “to make a genuine difference in the health and well-being of the people and communities we serve…” and is in-step with Renown’s awareness that “during a patient’s most difficult moments, art can be a source of inspiration, comfort and strength.” Dr. Tony Slonim, president and CEO of Renown says, “I have so much respect for artists like Laura and Jeff, and the way they connect with people through their art. Creating and installing this LOVE sculpture is an act of love they are doing for others. Caring for others and their emotions is also an art. I am inspired by the many passionate caregivers today practicing the art of medicine with patients within the walls of our hospitals, practices and homes. I know this work of art will inspire them. My appreciation goes out to all who helped bring this LOVE sculpture and bright light into our world. Art has been an inspiration to me for a long time and I hope that its beauty helps to bring inspiration and comfort to everyone who gets a chance to see it.” Members of the media are invited to attend the inaugural lighting of the LOVE sculpture, taking place on Thursday, April 16 at 8 p.m. at the artwork’s new, temporary location at Renown. Due to social distancing, the lighting will NOT be open to the public, however, a live stream of the event will be available through Renown’s Facebook page. In an effort to shine a light on our healthcare workers, several area businesses and neighborhoods are lighting up in conjunction with the LOVE sculpture lighting. Individuals are invited to do the same by placing an enclosed candle or light outside their home. The installation of the “LOVE” sculpture was funded by generous donors and the Renown Health Foundation. The sculpture will be on display from April 16-July 16 at Renown’s Regional Medical Center, located at 1155 Mill Street, Reno. About Artown Artown is a non-profit organization whose mission is to strengthen Reno’s arts industry, foster its civic identity and enhance its national image, thereby creating a climate for the cultural and economic rebirth of our region. The month-long summer arts festival features approximately 500 events produced by more than 150 artists, cultural organizations and businesses in locations citywide. For more information, go to About Renown Health Renown Health is a locally governed and locally owned, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving northern Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. Renown is one of the region’s largest private employers with a workforce of more than 7,000. It comprises three acute care hospitals, a rehabilitation hospital, the area’s most comprehensive medical group and urgent care network, and the region’s largest and only locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown has a long tradition and commitment to continually improve the care and the health of our community. For more information, visit
Read More About Artown Partners with Renown to Bring "Love" Sculpture on Mill St.
Alzheimer’s Disease – How to Spot the Signs
Alzheimer’s disease is not normal forgetfulness as we age. Instead, it is a specific form of mental decline. And according to the Alzheimer’s Association it accounts for nearly 80 percent all dementia cases. Natasa Dragicevic, MD, PhD., behavioral neurologist and Alzheimer’s disease specialist with Renown Institute for Neurosciences, weighs in on diagnosing it and the importance of early medical action. How to Diagnose Alzheimer’s Disease In general, the signs of Alzheimer’s disease occur slowly, getting worse over time. For example, forgetfulness is a daily search – for shoes, keys and other misplaced items. Not only is memory affected, but also speech patterns and behavior. There is no single test for Alzheimer’s disease. “Specifically, a neurologist should be the one to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease given differences in presentation,” clarifies Dr. Dragicevic. “And ideally a behavioral neurologist (Alzheimer’s sub-specialist) will be managing the treatment,” she adds. Brain Imaging Diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease involves multiple approaches and medical providers. In short, medical history is reviewed along with a physical exam, lab tests and other diagnostic testing. “A medical workup includes a variety of tests. These include MRI and other brain imaging, as well as neurological and psychological testing. Furthermore, a lumbar puncture is performed to look for markers of the disease,” she states. What Causes Alzheimer’s disease? Although no one knows the cause, researchers think many factors play a role. Uncontrollable risk factors include your genetics and having a family member with the disease. However, the controllable risk factors include: reducing the risk of head injury and keeping your heart healthy. It’s important to realize that high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke and diabetes play a role in brain health. Blood loss to the brain causes vascular dementia, leading to long-term blood vessel damage. Symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease Generally speaking, the signs of this disease differ in each person. Yet noticeable behaviors include: • Losing the way to familiar places • Forgetting to pay bills • Trouble finding the right words when talking • Repeating questions • General confusion • Social withdrawal Alzheimer’s Disease – Benefits of Early Diagnosis Equally important, spotting Alzheimer’s disease early allows more time to benefit from medications and possible clinical trials. Likewise, nutrition and exercise changes can be made, increasing blood flow to the body, and perhaps delaying symptoms. Early diagnosis also allows for personal health decisions and quality-of-life conversations to take place. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, these benefits include: 1. Medical advantage 2. Emotional and social comfort 3. Time to plan ahead 4. Cost savings A Brain Supporting Lifestyle “At the present time, treatment is limited,” explains Dr. Dragicevic. “Usually Alzheimer’s is a progressive ongoing disease – any management at this time is purely symptomatic.” However, she states the following lifestyle changes can help support brain health: • New hobbies such as painting, pottery, music classes or learning a new language • Crosswords, puzzles and playing games, such as Scrabble • Brain challenging mobile apps, such as Luminosity • 30-45 minutes of mild to moderate physical activity per day, such as walking • Eating a Mediterranean diet (primarily plant based foods)
5 Health Benefits of Spending Time Outside
Spending time in the great outdoors is undoubtedly beneficial for our physical and emotional health. According to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, getting outside and experiencing “green space” is linked to a reduced risk of chronic disease or even death. Living in northern Nevada makes it easy to enjoy time outside. Reno was voted the happiest place to live by Outside Magazine in 2023, partly because of our easy access to the outdoors. In fact, Outside Magazine reported that 76% of Reno residents live within a 10-minute walk of one of our city’s 87 parks. The Nevada Division of Forestry and Nevada Division of Outdoor Recreation encourage every Nevadan to engross yourself in the beauty – and positive health effects – of nature and to enjoy time outdoors responsibly. Below are five benefits you may experience by spending at least a few minutes a day outside: 1. Improved Mental Health Being in nature helps lower the body’s stress hormone, otherwise known as cortisol levels, and increases feelings of relaxation and well-being. Whether it’s taking a walk in the park, hiking along one of northern Nevada’s many trails or simply sitting in a garden, being surrounded by green spaces has been shown to elevate mood and reduce mental fatigue. 2. Boosted Immune System Exposure to fresh air and natural environments can improve your immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells, which are what helps your body fight infections. Spending time outside can easily increase your exposure to sunlight, and in turn, your vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is essential for bone health, immune function and the prevention of certain chronic diseases. 3. Better Sleep Sleep issues are a common concern among adults across the country. By taking some time to get outdoors every day, your sleep quality may actually improve at night. Being exposed to natural light during the day helps regulate your circadian rhythm, which is the body’s internal clock that controls sleep and wake cycles. 4. Stronger Social Connections Socializing in outdoor environments such as a walk with a friend, participating in an outdoor group workout class or attending one of Reno’s many community festivals. can strengthen your bonds with others. Outdoor activities create opportunities to spend quality time with family and friends, helping to improve overall emotional well-being. 5. Better Heart Health Spending time outdoors, especially while engaging in physical activities such as cycling or hiking, has a direct impact on heart health. Regular outdoor exercise can lower blood pressure, improve circulation and reduce the risk of heart disease. As an added heart-healthy bonus, the relaxing and stress-reducing effects of nature can also act as a key prevention piece against heart disease. In the Reno-Tahoe region, the outdoor possibilities are endless. Head over to for more ideas on how you can experience the expansive nature that lies within our region.
Renown Health Officially Opens Life-Saving Kidney Transplant Program, Patient Assessments to Begin Immediately
New Renown Transplant Institute will transform lives through advanced care and innovation Renown Health announced the official opening today of the Renown Transplant Institute, a multidisciplinary team of leading surgeons, physicians, and healthcare professionals working together to bring essential services, hope and life-saving treatment to people with end-stage kidney disease. Today’s press conference announcement was attended by physicians, clinical staff, area health care and dialysis leaders, transplant recipients, administrators, donors and supporters. “Today marks a significant step forward in our mission to deliver life-saving care for patients with end-stage renal disease who require a kidney transplant for survival,” said Rahul Mediwala, MD, MBA, CEO of Renown Medical Group. “It is humbling and inspiring – and such a gift this holiday season- to announce this program for our patients, community and state.” Dr. Mediwala is a nephrologist who has practiced in the community for nearly 20 years. He added,” Chronic kidney disease affects more than 37 million people in the United States, with thousands of patients progressing to end-stage renal disease each year. For many, a kidney transplant is the best treatment option, offering improved quality of life and survival rates compared to long-term dialysis. However, access to transplantation has traditionally been limited, especially in underserved communities like northern Nevada.” Dr. Mediwala said, “I’ve seen people die here in northern Nevada, waiting for a kidney transplant. They were not able to afford being out of work or the expense of traveling out of the area to receive life-sustaining care. With the opening of the Renown Transplant Institute, we are addressing this gap by providing timely access to comprehensive transplant evaluations and essential care. Now, residents in need of advanced kidney treatment and transplantation can stay close to home and receive comprehensive transplant evaluation and treatment here at Renown. They will no longer need to endure long waits or seek residency or care in other states, which will help alleviate the financial, physical, and emotional burden for critically ill patients and their families.” Introducing the Renown Transplant Team Dr. Mediwala introduced the Renown Transplant Team to area media and the community. “Together, the Renown Transplant Institute’s physician leadership has more than 65 years of experience caring for hundreds of kidney transplant patients. The multidisciplinary team includes transplant surgeons, a transplant nephrologist, transplant nurse coordinator, social worker, dietician, pharmacist and financial coordinator who will assist patients through the transplant journey. Supported by the Renown nephrology and surgical teams, the Renown Transplant Institute team provides comprehensive transplant services, including pre-transplant evaluation, surgical procedures, and post-transplant care, all under one roof here at Nevada’s #1 ranked hospital, Renown Regional Medical Center in Reno, NV.” The Executive Director of the Renown Transplant Institute and Chief of Transplantation at Renown Health is nationally recognized transplant surgeon Ernesto P. Molmenti, MD, PHD, MBA. Dr. Molmenti has 25 years of experience in performing successful transplant surgeries and is dedicated to improving patient outcomes and quality of life. Most recently Molmenti served as System Chief, Surgical Innovation; Vice Chairman, Department of Surgery; Director, Kidney Transplantation; and Professor, Departments of Surgery, Medicine, and Pediatrics at Northwell Health and the Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell. There he established the adult (2007) and pediatric (2016) kidney transplant programs, founded the multi-disciplinary Division of Surgical Innovation across 24 hospitals. After completing an adult and pediatric abdominal transplant fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh, he has led multi-organ transplant efforts at Baylor University Medical Center/Children’s Medical Center of Dallas; The University of Texas Southwestern; The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; and The University of Arizona College of Medicine. Dr. Molmenti has authored 500 peer-reviewed manuscripts/chapters and written 6 textbooks translated into multiple languages. His research interests include interventions to eliminate disparities in transplantation and increase organ donor registration. “Understanding the great need that exists for this critical resource, we are focusing all our energy on creating a caring, efficient and responsive environment for our patients to support them through their transplant experience,” says Ernesto Molmenti, MD, PHD, MBA. “We are eager to begin assessing patients for kidney transplant. We recognize the courage it takes to begin the transplant journey, and we want to assure our patients that they are not alone. The goal of our program is to perform successful transplants and ensure holistic support for patients and their families.” Dr. Molmenti referenced the Renown Transplant Institute team including: David C. Mulligan, MD, FACS, FAST, FAASLD, is the newly appointment Director of Liver Transplantation and Living Donor Liver Transplantation for the Nevada Transplant Institute. Dr. Mulligan’s expertise and groundbreaking work in transplantation surgery further elevates Renown’s commitment to providing world-class care for patients in need of life-saving organ transplants. Dr. Mulligan has over 25 years of experience in performing successful hepatic and pancreatic surgery and liver, kidney and pancreas transplants. Dr. Mulligan was most recently at Yale School of Medicine/Yale New Haven Health System, where he served as Chief of Transplantation and Immunology; Professor of Surgery, Transplantation and Immunology at the Yale School of Medicine, and Director of Yale-New Haven Hospital's Transplantation Center. Dr. Mulligan is also a liver transplant specialist with international acclaim for his work in living donor liver transplantation. He spent 15 years with the Mayo Clinic in Arizona and was involved in the establishment of their solid organ transplant program. He is a devoted champion for organ donations on a national scale. He has performed more than 250 living donor transplants and has authored more than 180 publications. He also has served on numerous editorial review boards and presented across the U.S. and internationally. Narisorn Atsava-Svate, MD, is the transplant nephrologist for the Renown Transplant Institute. With over 18 years of experience, Dr. Atsava-Svate is recognized for his expertise in managing complex kidney conditions, pioneering innovative treatment methods and improving patient outcomes in the field of nephrology and kidney transplantation. Before joining Renown, Dr. Narisorn Atsava-Svate was a transplant nephrologist with INTEGRIS Nazih Zuhdi Transplant Institute, a leading solid organ transplant program based in Oklahoma City. While there, he helped build one of the largest and most experienced transplant programs in the U.S. and completed over 2070 kidney transplantations as part of a comprehensive team. Dr. Nate, as he likes to be called, completed his ACGME accredited Internal Medicine Residency at Texas Tech University Health Science Center in Lubbock, Texas. He continued his education at the University of Colorado, completing both a general Nephrology and Advanced Nephrology fellowship specializing in Transplantation Nephrology. Dr. Atsava-Svate has a special interest in transplantation immunobiology and managing transplantation patients with high immunologic risk. The entire RTI team, including the transplant nurse coordinator, social worker, dietician, pharmacist and financial coordinator were introduced. Expanding Access to Life-Saving Kidney Transplants Dr. Mediwala stated, “we are so grateful and excited to partner with Joe Ferreira and the Nevada Transplant Institute team to bring kidney transplant services to Nevada, marking a monumental step forward in healthcare access for our community,” Dr. Mediwala welcomed Mr. Ferreira to the podium. Mr. Ferreira said, “Today’s milestone is not just about providing lifesaving medical care, it’s about offering hope, healing and the promise of a healthier future to individuals and families who have been waiting for this second chance at life. The expansion of essential transplantation services across our state is made possible because of our extraordinary partnership. Together, we are working to increase access, lower costs, and enhance research and education in the field of donation transplantation. We are incredibly grateful for their support and assistance.” He added, “the need for additional organ transplantation expertise across the U.S. and Nevada is critical. According to the Nevada Donor Network, 644 kidney patients in Nevada are currently on a waiting list to receive a life-saving kidney transplant. Across the country, every day 17 people die each day because an organ does not become available to them while they are waiting and every 8 minutes someone is added to the waiting list. Across the country, 90,000 people are waiting for a kidney transplant.” One of those people is Reno’s own, Massiel Smith, who Mr. Ferreira introduced to the audience to share her story. Reno’s Own Massiel Smith Shares Her Kidney Transplant Story Massiel Smith shared that she is a grateful recipient of a kidney transplant who continues to fight on behalf of the hero who gave her the ultimate gift. As a teenager, she was diagnosed with IgA nephropathy, a type of kidney disease that would ultimately require a kidney transplant. As she began a career in dialysis, she gained a new perspective on life. A year later, she was on the transplant waiting list and decided to volunteer with Nevada Donor Network. During a volunteer event, Massiel met a donor mom who shared her story about her son. She didn't mention her transplant journey or that she was waiting for the ultimate gift, but it truly was a moment which reminded her to keep fighting. Two years after this pivotal meeting, she received the call that she had been anxiously hoping for, her ultimate gift, a kidney transplant. Massiel had to leave the area to receive a kidney transplant. She believed this time in her life was the most pure and humbling experience. She thanked the team at Renown Transplant Institute and Nevada Transplant Institute, for bringing these essential services to the northern Nevada community- and the patients and families who will benefit from them. Brian Erling, MD, MBA, President & CEO of Renown Health, thanked Massiel for sharing her story, saying, “A kidney transplant is the best life-saving option for people like Maissel living with kidney disease. Our goal is that every eligible person who is seeking a kidney transplant receives one.” He announced that the Renown Transplant Institute has been granted Organ Procurement & Transplantation Network (OPTN) certification, and UNOS approval. This makes Renown Regional Medical Center one of only 250 transplant centers nationwide and one of only two centers in all of Nevada. “By providing kidney transplant services to patients in Nevada, we hope to improve transplant rates in our region and reduce health care disparities across the state. This now enables the Renown Transplant Institute team to begin assessing patients for kidney transplants.” “This holiday season,” he said, we are reminded of the power of gratitude and giving. We are proud to announce a transformative $5.5 million donation from the William N. Pennington Foundation, and we thank those who are with us today from The Pennington Foundation, for their extraordinary generosity. This gift supports the recruitment and start-up phase for kidney transplants including covering costs for transplant surgeons, nephrologists, medical personnel and personnel staff and related costs. The grant also establishes the William N. Pennington Patient Assistance Fund, a program dedicated to supporting transplant patients and their families during their medical journey. Our goal is to ensure that all those in need have access to the best possible care regardless of their financial situation. In recognition of their generous gift, the 9th floor of the Center for Advanced Medicine at Renown Regional Medical Center, will be named the William N. Pennington Transplant Suite.” He closed the press conference by saying, “All of us at Renown are forever grateful to our patients, community and donors for their many gifts.” We are working diligently to meet the highest standards of clinical excellence, and we are now ready to provide this life-changing option to patients who need it most. Together, we are paving the way for better health outcomes and a brighter future for those in need.” Assessments Now Open for Kidney Transplant Candidates With the opening of this new program, the Renown Health team is working closely with local healthcare providers and social workers at area dialysis centers to streamline referrals and ensure a smooth transition for patients to the transplant list. The Renown Transplant Institute is now accepting referrals for kidney transplant. Candidates will undergo a thorough evaluation process to determine their eligibility and readiness for a transplant. Physicians may now refer patients, or people with end-stage kidney disease who wish to be screened for a kidney transplant by Dr. Narisorn Atsava-Svate and Dr. Ernesto Molmenti, may call 1-833-RING-NTI (746-4684). For more information visit and To join the fight, donate to the Renown Health Foundation, a non-profit organization registered with the State of Nevada and recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) entity at or 775-982-5545. As the region’s only Level 2 Trauma Center for adults and children, Renown serves over 1 million people and 100,000 square miles. In U.S. News and World Report Best Hospital Rankings, Renown Regional Medical Center is named #1 Hospital for the State of Nevada for 2024, 2023 and 2022. About Renown Health Renown Health is the region’s largest, locally governed, not-for-profit integrated academic health care network serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe, and northeast California. With a diverse workforce of more than 7,500 employees, Renown has fostered a longstanding culture of excellence, determination, and innovation. The organization comprises a trauma center, two acute care hospitals, a children’s hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, a medical group and urgent care network, and the locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. For more information, visit