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    • Primary Care
    • Screening

    Why are Annual Exams & Routine Screenings Important?

    March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, and we want you to receive the best preventative care possible. Early detection can help prevent serious illness, yet many people still choose to skip their annual exams and routine screenings. Bonnie Ferrara, MD, MPH, Section Chief for Primary Care at Renown Medical Group, further explains the importance of this simple, easy way to stay healthy. Why are annual exams so important? The benefits of early detection and prevention to save lives and reduce the impacts of disease have been proven. These exams are the perfect opportunity to get your health questions answered. “This is your chance to sit down with your provider and talk about your overall health and your family’s health history as well as your concerns for the future,” says Bonnie Ferrara, M.D., family medicine. “It’s the opportunity for your provider to talk with you about your lifestyle, tobacco use, exercise and alcohol use, all of which make a difference in your future longevity.” The annual wellness exam is also an ideal time for most adult patients to discuss health screenings. In addition, these visits are the perfect time to address issues that may not directly relate to a particular medical problem or immediate illness. A good rule of thumb is to schedule these appointments around your birthday each year to make sure you and your provider are both updated on your care. Why would you need an annual exam if you aren’t feeling sick? According to Dr. Ferrara, seeing your care provider when you aren’t sick is one of the best times. “It is better if you try to arrange this visit when you are not feeling ill,” she says. “It is an opportunity to talk about wellness. Not only how to contribute to your wellness but also the changes that you can make that will make huge dividends in the future for your wellness. In addition, it allows us to do some education about what to expect in the coming years as far as your health and lifestyle changes.” What can you expect at an annual exam? Annual exams usually check your: History – lifestyle behaviors, health concerns, vaccination status, family medical history Vitals – blood pressure, heart rate, respiration rate and temperature General appearance – your care provider can find out a lot about you just by watching and talking to you Dr. Ferrara adds, “If this is a Medicare annual wellness exam, it is an opportunity to talk to your provider about depression and dementia as well as be tested for those.” You can also leverage your annual exam to speak to your provider about managing your chronic health problems. "As a provider, these visits give us the opportunity to hear how the medications and lifestyle changes we have recommended are working and if you are having problems with these, we have the opportunity to make suggestions of how to do things better for the future," Dr. Ferrara.

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    • Heart Care
    • Surgery

    Your Top 5 Questions about TAVR Answered

    Your heart is the muscle in charge of pumping blood to your entire body. This vital organ is made up of chambers, valves and blood vessels. Your heart valves work similarly to a one-way door: they open and close, controlling blood flow in the correct direction through the heart chambers.   For patients who have been diagnosed with a heart-related condition like aortic valve stenosis (narrowing), it is important to know treatment options. Most might think open-heart surgery is the only way to treat a heart valve, but many hospitals, including Renown, also offer a minimally invasive procedure called a Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR). Dr. Abhilash Akinapelli of Renown Institute for Heart & Vascular Health shares his answers to the top five TAVR questions:  1. What causes aortic valve stenosis?  Aortic valve stenosis can be caused by a variety of factors. The main reasons being wear and tear of the valve due to aging; genetically abnormal heart valve (bicuspid aortic valve); long-standing high blood pressure; and other reasons like radiation exposure.   2. Am I a candidate for TAVR?  Renown’s heart care teams are made up of your primary care provider, cardiologist and cardio thoracic surgeon. They will evaluate if patients are a good candidate for the TAVR procedure by performing a variety of screenings and tests. Some of these include:   Echocardiogram  Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)  Chest X-ray Exercise tests or stress tests  Cardiac computerized tomography (CT) scan  Cardiac catheterization  3. What are the advantages of the TAVR procedure?  The Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) procedure is much less invasive than open heart surgery, otherwise known as a Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement (SAVR). Patients can typically return to their normal lifestyles within a week after leaving the hospital.   During the TAVR procedure, a stent valve mounted on a balloon is advanced to the heart through the blood vessels in the groin without any incision. Once in position, the balloon will be inflated to firmly expand the new valve inside the diseased old valve, pushing it away to the sides. Once the new valve is in place, it begins working immediately and the deflated balloon is removed. The surgical procedure is approximately one hour long. Patients can get up and walk after four hours and will be discharged the following day if no complications arise. Compared to a SAVR, recovery time is much shorter and less risky for patients above the age of 75. A big advantage for anyone who fits under the criteria for a TAVR.  4. Is the procedure painful?  The TAVR procedure is not surgery, but you will still be asleep during the procedure. Since no incision is made, it is essentially a painless procedure. Patients may experience slight discomfort such as aches and pains at the entry site of the catheter.   5. Can I have an MRI and X-rays done after having a TAVR valve?  Yes, patients can have MRI scans and X-rays after TAVR.   For further questions and information about the TAVR procedure, please consult with your Renown heart care team at 775-982-2452 or through MyChart.

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  • Sports Medicine

    Renown Sports Medicine assesses injuries and other concerns that impact one’s daily activities. Our board-certified sports medicine specialists provide examinations and will refer to an additional sub-specialist or for a diagnostic test as needed. This practice can see children ages three and older, as well as adults. Many specialties, testing and physical therapy require a provider referral, which makes Renown Sports Medicine an ideal first step for the following issues: Sprains, strains and acute muscle injuries Joint pain or swelling, bone pain, arthritis and mobility issues Tendonitis and overuse issues Concussions Fractures Spine Pain (neck or lower back)

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  • Travel Vaccine Program

    Infectious Disease – Travel Vaccine Program  The Travel Vaccine Program, offered by Renown Medical Group, maintains a wide selection of vaccinations and prescribes medications you need to stay safe and healthy during your trip. Please call 775-982-4754 to get started! Travel vaccinations are provided on Wednesdays from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. We recommend scheduling your appointment at least 4-6 weeks before your travels. This timeframe allows enough time for immunizations to take effect and fill prescriptions. We will accommodate last-minute travelers as best we can. What Our Travel Vaccine Program Provides Required and recommended immunizations  Prescriptions to prevent malaria, traveler's diarrhea and altitude sickness  International Certification of Vaccination (ICV)  Stamps for yellow fever, as required for entry into some countries  Letters of exemption for those with medical contraindications to vaccinations  Record of immunizations for your primary care provider Infectious Disease Specialists Renown's specialized travel medicine providers have an extensive understanding of infectious disease and immunization needs based on geography, culture, and climate. Your individual travel needs will be considered, and customized advice will be offered based on health history, risk factors, travel destination, and itinerary. In addition, you'll receive recommended immunizations and prescriptions on the same day. Bon voyage! Please note that Renown's Travel Vaccine Program is not affiliated with the University of Nevada's Travel Medicine Program.

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    • Primary Care
    • Diversity
    • Public Health

    Supporting LGBTQ+ Community Health – Why it Matters

    Renown Health has long supported northern Nevada’s LGBTQ+ community Pride events with sponsorship, and we’ve collaborated with local and regional LGBTQ+ organizations as an ally. Renown’s Pride Committee works to deepen and broaden our external and internal efforts around LGBTQ+ community engagement, advocacy, and healthcare issues related to sexual and gender minorities, which is part of the greater Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts Renown is undertaking. According to Harvard Chan School, data shows that nearly a sixth of LGBTQ+ adults feel they were discriminated against based on their sexual orientation and gender identity. As a result, this brings to light the important need for education within the healthcare setting. Renown Health is bridging the gap for our LGBTQ+ population, and we know more work needs to take place in order to become an inclusive organization. Below are a few ways we’re working on improving our response to LGBTQ+ needs, and celebrate, respect and honor our diversity by being inclusive. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion subcommittee was formed to heighten the awareness and develop a plan on how to better serve all of our diverse populations, including our LGBTQ+ patients. As the largest healthcare provider in northern Nevada, we knew that we could do a better job. The subcommittee provides us a forum to discuss ideas and develop plans to provide better care to these populations. Updated Medical Records with Preferred Name and Pronouns Of course healthcare is personal. We meet patients at their most vulnerable states. And relating to every person by the correct pronoun shows we respect their gender identity. A new medical records update supports our doctors, nurses and care team in capturing this vital information. We are now able to capture every person’s preferred name, sex and sexual orientation to better care for them. Kathleen Zaski BSN, RN, Manager of Clinical Informatics and IT Applications at Renown explains why this is so important. “Your name and identity are core to who you are as a person, and here at Renown, we aim to take care of you as a whole person and to provide the highest level of quality care to our community – all while ensuring the experience is exceptional and tailored to the individual. In other words, having the patient’s preferred name and pronoun in the medical record is important to validate their identity, and show we care, in an already high stress environment. Specifically, giving our providers easy access to the patients preferred name and pronoun in the medical record, allows them to properly address their health concerns. This also helps the health care provider foster a closer relationship with the patient. Studies have found this actually increases the quality of care by creating a more open and comfortable environment.” Gender Neutral Restrooms Mitch Harper, Senior Program Development Manager at Renown, recognizes there’s still so much more to improve upon in becoming an inclusive organization. “At the end of the day, it’s about creating a safe and welcoming environment for our community and our employees. Access to basic human services shouldn’t be contingent on an individual’s skin color, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, or beliefs. Ensuring that private restrooms are equally available to everyone on our campus is just one way we can provide a more inclusive, caring space for the people we serve.” Updated restroom locations: Roseview Tower: 10 Sierra Tower: 14 Tahoe Tower: 14 Helping to Lead and Influence Change Sean Savoy, Manager of Spiritual Care at Renown "The foundation of spiritual care is compassion – being with people in need by caring, supporting, and showing empathy, and promoting a sense of well-being. Being a member of the LGBTQ+ community informs that deep sense of compassion and empathy in a very special and unique way. Our human value, social validity, the very reality of who and what we are, even our right to exist, love and just be, are often called into question. This, in turn, can cause many of us to question ourselves and wonder about our self-worth. This experience should engender compassion and empathy so that we can better recognize, listen to and meet others’ needs to help them achieve inner peace, explore coping strategies to overcome obstacles during illness or crisis, and even find new balance by re-conceptualizing themselves in the context of health and illness. I have found that the intersectionality of my gay and spiritual selves has been a blessing in my life." Matthew Maloy, Team Lead Applications Specialist at Renown “I am a Team Lead Epic analyst in the IT department that is responsible for clinical based workflows for ED, Trauma, and Critical Care and have worked at Renown for 15 years. Being a part of the LGBTQ+ community influences my daily work by ensuring the Electronic Health Record reflects best practices such as giving clinicians the ability to document a preferred name, and displaying that throughout the medical record for consistency. Having the ability to influence decisions that move our community toward human value for all of us is a priority in my daily work.” Our Mission Renown Health’s mission is to make a genuine difference in the health and well-being of the people and communities we serve, including the LGBTQ+ community. We continue to build relationships to improve care, fostering better health outcomes for ALL of our patients by creating a more inclusive health system.

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    • MyChart
    • Vaccinations

    MyChart Proxy Access

    What is Proxy Access? Proxy access allows parents, legal guardians and caregivers to log into their personal MyChart account and connect to the health information of a patient they represent. As a proxy, you can view upcoming appointments, request appointments, view lab results, email a doctor on the patient’s behalf, view medications, request prescription refills and view health reminders. How Do I Establish Proxy Access? Login to your MyChart account with your username and password Go to the Profile menu at the top of the screen, then select Personalize From this screen you can see whose records you currently have access to Click Request Access to a minor’s chart Complete all of the fields When finished click Submit Request What if I Don’t Have a Renown MyChart Account? If you don’t have a Renown MyChart account, call 775-982-2781 and someone from the Renown Health MyChart team can help you set up proxy access. Keep in mind, the ability to request proxy access is only available on the MyChart website and not via the mobile app. However, the website can be accessed with your smartphone or tablet by using the web browser and going to

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