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    • Recipes

    Healthy Summer Desserts

    Reviewed by: Jessica Blauenstein, a Board-Certified Specialist in Oncology Nutrition and Registered Dietitian at Renown Health. The saying "you can’t have your cake and eat it too” is put to the test with these refreshing summer dessert recipes. While many sweet treats feature high sugar and calorie counts, these mouthwatering options use ingredient substitutes to satisfy your sweet tooth while contributing to a balanced diet. Trust us when we say that taste hasn’t been sacrificed with these healthy treats. We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised that the flavor is on par with, or exceeds, your favorite classics. Enjoy the taste of summer with these healthy summer desserts!

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    • Active Living

    Snakes! 3 Safety Tips for Outdoor Adventures

    Seeing a snake while exploring northern Nevada’s trails is somewhat rare and the chance of a snakebite is even less common. However, it’s important to make sure you’re ready for snakes and know what to do in case of a snakebite. Hiking the rugged, stunning and varied landscapes of northern Nevada is a huge draw for many who live here. But it’s important to stay alert and be prepared while you’re out exploring the natural habitats of wildlife, especially if you encounter a snake or get a snakebite. As you prep for your next outdoor adventure, remember these three tips to stay safe in Nevada’s wilderness. 1. Leave snakes alone In general, if you don’t mess with snakes, they won’t mess with you. Seeing a snake is fairly uncommon because of their body camouflage and secretive nature, which are their first defenses in evading predators. According to the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW), most snakebites happen when a person tries to capture or kill the snake. Nevada is home to 52 species of snakes and reptiles, according to NDOW. Only six can be dangerous to people and pets: Western Rattlesnake (this is the most common type of venomous snake in northern Nevada, especially around Yerington and Fallon) Sidewinder Mohave Rattlesnake Speckled Rattlesnake Western Diamondback Gila Monster (these live in southern Nevada’s Mojave Desert) Venomous snakes, like the rattlesnakes, have a wide head and thick body. Non-venomous snakes are usually more slender and have a narrow head. If you see a snake on the trail and you aren’t sure if it’s venomous or not, it’s best to be safe and leave it alone by moving away slowly. 2. Wear the right gear and take care where you walk NDOW and the U.S. Department of Agriculture suggest doing the following to decrease your chances of a snakebite: Wear over-the-ankle boots, thick socks and loose-fitting long pants. Stick to trails and stay out of the bushes or tall grass. Don’t step where you can’t see. If going over a fallen tree or large rock, step on it. Don’t jump over it. A snake might be lying on the other side. Always check stumps or logs for snakes if you’re going to sit on it. If you see one or hear a rattle, move away from the area slowly. Don’t run or make any sudden movements. Don’t handle or move a recently-killed snake as it can still inject venom. And for your dog, the best way to prevent a snake bite is to keep it on a leash. 3. Know what to do (and not do) if you get a snakebite Renown Health primary care physician Aaron A. Bertalmio, MD, reminds us the odds of getting a snakebite are very low. Roughly 7,000 to 8,000 people get bitten annually and only 5 percent die according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. But in the event of a snakebite, here’s what to do: Get medical help as soon as possible Stay calm to help keep your heart-rate low Remove constrictive clothing or jewelry Clean the wound with soap and water if available Cover the snakebite with dry, sterile cloth or adhesive bandage if available Keep the bite snakebite area level and below your heart if possible WHAT NOT TO DO IF YOU GET A SNAKEBITE: Apply a tourniquet (a tool used to stop arm or leg blood flow) Ice the bitten area Suck out the venom You’re now prepped and ready on what you need to know about Nevada’s slithery friends so you can stay safe and enjoy the outdoors!

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    • Heart Care
    • Lab Services

    A Blood Test: What Valuable Clues It Tells Your Doctor

    Blood. It can make you squeamish to think about it, yet every drop is vital to your health. In fact, a tiny vial of it can tell your doctor a wealth of information. We asked Benjamin Hansen, M.D., to explain what providers can learn from a blood test and why it’s important to get one as part of your annual checkup. CBC, the initials, sound innocent enough, right? In fact, when your favorite TV doctor orders a CBC, or complete blood count, it’s often the first step in getting an overall picture of your health. "It primarily measures white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets," explains Hansen. Although a blood test is one test you don’t have to study for, the measurements it takes can point to a host of information. What a Blood Test Says About Your Health White Blood Cell Count "The white blood cell count in your CBC helps us to determine the strength of your immune system," says Hansen. "It also helps us to determine the likelihood of infection because white blood cells fight off infection. Knowing the white blood cell count can also be helpful in patients with compromised immune systems, such as those on certain medicines or with conditions that impair immunity," he adds. White blood cells are made in your bone marrow and are alive only one to three days. Therefore, your body is constantly making them. Red Blood Cell Count "The red blood cells carry oxygen from your lungs throughout your body, while also carrying away waste.  The hemoglobin (red blood cell protein) count is important because it helps us determine how well you're able to deliver oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body," states Hansen. If these counts are low, you may have trouble breathing or experience fatigue. Red blood cells also grow in bone marrow, but they have a long lifespan – generally 100 to 120 days. Why Get a Blood Test? Although the CBC is just one type of blood test, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) there are a number of blood tests available that can help check for diseases and conditions such as: Heart disease Cancer Anemia (low iron) Diabetes High cholesterol Alcohol or Drug use disorder HIV/AIDS Additionally some tests show how well your kidneys, liver, heart and other organs are working. If you are taking a medication, a blood test can also let your provider know if it is helping you. What to Expect From a CBC Blood Test When you are not feeling well, it may take some detective work to figure out what is wrong and sometimes a CBC can be helpful. With this in mind, a lab order from your provider is needed to order a CBC blood test. Some blood tests require you to not eat food (fast) eight to 12 hours before the blood draw. Your provider will let you know the type of blood test(s) they are ordering for you. Usually it's important to drink plenty of water before your blood test, to make it easier to locate your veins. Generally a small sample of blood is taken from your arm vein and then sent to a lab for analysis. Discussing Your Results "A CBC can help your provider determine if there is an infection, your level of immunity, if you are anemic or if you are prone to bleeding," says Hansen. When to Get a Blood Test "A CBC is usually ordered for a specified purpose. If you think you might need a CBC, please call your provider. It's also important to see your provider regularly to keep an eye on your health. Many patients should see their provider at lease yearly," Hansen clarifies.

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    • Asthma
    • Kid's Health
    • Pediatric Care

    Understanding and Managing Childhood Asthma

    Dr. Shipra Singh, a Pediatric Pulmonologist, outlines the challenges of diagnosing asthma in children due to symptoms resembling other respiratory issues. It's particularly difficult to identify in infants and young children, who may not clearly exhibit breathing difficulties. Asthma, often confused with bronchitis, croup, or allergies, is a significant chronic illness causing school absenteeism, as per the CDC. Risk factors include prenatal smoking and family history of allergies or asthma. Infants and toddlers are more susceptible due to smaller airways and respiratory viruses, which can exacerbate conditions like colds and bronchitis. How can I tell if my child has asthma? Unfortunately small children are unable to describe their symptoms, making asthma difficult to diagnose. Your child may even be active, playing and smiling, although they are experiencing chest tightness or labored breathing. Observe your child and let the child’s doctor know if: Your child’s breathing behavior has changed (coughing, wheezing, rapid breathing) Your child’s breathing pattern changes (day vs. night, with rest or activity, inside vs. outside) You have a family history of asthma or allergies Your child’s breathing is triggered by any foods or allergies With your help, your child’s doctor can make the best diagnosis to determine if your child has asthma. A pediatric pulmonologist (lung specialist) or pediatric allergist may also have to be consulted for special testing. Tests may include lung function testing, allergy tests, blood tests and X-rays for an accurate diagnosis. What is the treatment for infants and toddlers? Young children can use many of the same medications as older children and adults, although the way they take them and the dosage will differ. A nebulizer (or breathing machine) creating a medicated mist for your child to breathe through a mask may be used. An inhaler with a small spacer tube connected to a mask is also common to help your child breath medication into their lungs. Either of these options are effective. Asthma in children is treated with both fast-acting and long-term medicines to open up airways quickly for easy breathing and also to lessen asthma symptoms over time. Communicate with your child’s medical providers to create a personalized asthma management plan for them. How can I manage my child’s asthma? Recognize your child’s breathing habits and be aware of worsening symptoms. Consult with your child’s doctor on a daily asthma action plan to recognize worsening symptoms and track medications. Here’s an example of an asthma action plan provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ National Institutes of Health). Be consistent with the plan and talk to your doctor before changing it. Have an emergency plan in case of a serious asthma attack. Know where the closest ER is and know who can take care of your other children. Also know what the medical treatment coverage is under your insurance plan. Dr. Singh explains, "Discussing asthma with your child may be difficult. Some kids find the subject frightening or confusing. Others, especially the older kids, may resent the treatment and may not be interested in doing it. Talk to your doctor about advice to build an open and trusting relationship regarding your child's asthma care."

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    • Bone Health
    • Orthopedics
    • Physical Therapy

    A Therapist's Tips to Prevent and Manage Osteoporosis

    Want to know more about osteoporosis and osteopenia? We'll dive into these conditions and give you some handy tips on preventing future problems and taking care of your bones. What is Osteopenia? Osteopenia (low bone density) is the initial stage of bone mineral density loss, which can eventually progress to osteoporosis if steps are not taken to prevent it. What is Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a condition that weakens our bones. While it literally means “porous bone," it doesn’t mean that our bones are doomed to succumb to the changes that can happen to us silently over time. Our bones are living tissues that are constantly breaking down and remodeling themselves.  Osteoporosis and osteopenia are typically diagnosed by testing bone mineral density using scans that your primary care provider can easily order. This is important testing because it dictates your risk of breaking a bone in common areas like your hip, wrist or spine. It also helps set the stage for talking with your healthcare team to develop a treatment plan. Most people will reach their peak bone mass in their mid to late twenties. There are several factors that increase our risk of osteoporosis or osteopenia as we age, such as menopause, genetics and other lifestyle factors. However, there are several things you can do to mitigate this breakdown and assist your body in the constant remodeling it does to our bones. 3 Controllable Factors to Build Strong Bones 1. Talk to your primary care provider They can go over a plan and prescribe things such as vitamin D, calcium and medications that can help if you are at risk or have osteoporosis or osteopenia. 2. Maintain a healthy diet Talk to a dietician if you need further help as they can be an invaluable resource to develop a plan.  Eat foods rich in calcium, vitamin D and vitamin C. These assist with the rebuilding of bone. Examples include but aren’t limited to leafy greens, legumes, salmon and healthy dairy products.  Don’t smoke — it directly correlates with a decrease in bone mass. Smokers also take longer to heal from a fracture.  Limit alcohol to two to three beverages per week. Alcohol interferes with the production of vitamins needed to absorb calcium and the hormones that help protect bones. 3. Exercise Talk to your primary care provider to get a referral to physical therapy if you need help with exercise.  Our bones adapt to the stresses we put them through. Therefore, exercise should be tailored to putting the right stress on our bones. There is good quality research that most exercise is safe when dealing with less bone mineral density.  The exercises should be progressively challenging and increase the load for resistance and weight training at least two to three days a week. Examples include squats, step-ups, chest presses and rows.  Exercises higher in velocity will lead to more power and bone adaptation. Examples include quicker push-ups, marching and quicker walks.  Exercises that are weight-bearing will lead bones to adapt to the stress placed on them. Movements such as mini stomps, step-ups, jumping, jogging and so forth may be used depending on how your body tolerates these things to really stimulate bone adaptation. There are aspects of aging and bone health we can’t control, but we can take steps to minimize the chances of bone loss and osteoporosis. Talk to your healthcare team to determine your risk and don’t forget to show your bones a little TLC – you’re going to need them.

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    • Recipes

    Sweet and Tangy Chipotle Chicken

    If you have 5 minutes and a blender, you have homemade marinade! This simple and quick grilled chipotle chicken recipe packs a smoky punch, complemented by the sweet and tangy flavors of honey and lime. Simply marinate and grill for an easy summer weeknight meal.

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    • Recipes
    • Heart Care

    Paleo Garlic Mashed No-Tatoes

    This scrumptious mashed potato substitute is super easy, tasty and gluten-free.

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    • Recipes

    Cranberry-Jalapeño Cream Cheese Dip

    Add a dash of holiday cheer to your gatherings with this vibrant Cranberry-Jalapeño Cream Cheese Dip. Its festive red and green hues perfectly capture the spirit of the season, while the delightful blend of sweet, spicy, tart, and creamy flavors is sure to delight and tantalize your guests' palates. Simple to prepare, this appetizer is an irresistible addition to any holiday feast!

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    • Tuesday, Jun 30, 2020

    Panda Express Donates PPE and Orange Chicken to Renown Children's Hospital

    Panda donates 26,000 masks, cash donation and Orange Chicken Love to local healthcare heroes. Renown Health Foundation announced today that Panda Express®, through its philanthropic arm Panda Cares, has donated 26,000 personal protective masks to healthcare workers as part of the American Chinese restaurant brand’s ongoing commitment to supporting medical professionals on the frontlines of Reno, Nevada. “At Panda, we are deeply appreciative to Renown Children’s Hospital and thank every staff member for their heroic work to serve those in need, especially the children and families in our community. We hope that these donations not only provide physical support but also encouragement to continue to fight the good fight!” said Peggy Cherng, co-CEO and co-founder of Panda Restaurant Group. “These heroic men and women continue to dedicate their lives to save the loved ones of others, and we are honored to contribute in this way and provide some comfort and care during this difficult time. Thank you to our guests’ generosity to make these donations happen—we are stronger together, as one community. ”With shortage of masks in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, this donation fulfills an essential need to ensure the health and well-being of the hospital staff and their patients. The Panda Express donation includes: 26,000 Surgical Masks $30,000 Cash Donation - to be used exclusively to purchase PPE 200 hot Panda Express® meals for frontline healthcare heroes serving the COVID-19 units Renown Children’s is the only dedicated children’s hospital in northern Nevada, offering emergency pediatric care, programs and services for families from a 100,000 square mile area, from Sacramento, CA to Salt Lake City, Utah. Renown Children’s provides the area’s only Children’s Emergency Room, Pediatric ICU (PICU), children’s imaging center and the largest neonatal ICU (NICU), a level III intensive care unit. “Led by a team of 22 pediatric physician specialists, Renown Children’s clinicians provide over 50,000 patient visits annually, offering an exceptional level of care to help families. As a testimony to the community’s confidence in the care provided, and our generous donors, we now care for 9 out of 10 children right here at home, in northern Nevada. Formerly, families had to travel out of our area to receive pediatric specialty care,” said Larry Duncan, Vice President of Pediatrics and Surgery & Administrator, Renown Children's Hospital. “We thank the co-CEOs and co-founders of Panda Express Andrew and Peggy Cherng and all of the Panda associates for their fundraising and this generous and important donation. We are prepared- always, to care for our community and our children. We are very grateful for our long-term partnership with the local Panda Express restaurant team, who are always there for us,” said Tony Slonim, MD, D.Ph., president and CEO, Renown Health. Since the partnership began with local Panda Express restaurants in 2007, funds raised in support of Renown have provided almost a half-a-million dollars in support to benefit patients and families at Renown Children’s Hospital, including: Giraffe Omni-beds for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit; Ultrasound machine for the Children’s ER; Panda warmers and an Accuvein machine which locates the veins beneath the skin’s surface; Child Life Program to support sick patients and families; Meeting room in the Children’s Specialty Center; In-kind donations, volunteer time and support of local events such as the University of Nevada- Reno, Wolf Pack Dance Marathon. “We are very fortunate to have such generous partners like Panda Express. They truly want to help our patients and their families, as well as our pediatric healthcare teams. They’ve been working with Renown Health Foundation to support Renown Children’s Hospital for several years and have inspired us with their generosity and willingness to help children,” said Greg Walaitis, Chief Development Officer, Renown Health Foundation. “It also comes at the time when children across the country are at risk for COVID-19 and a new condition called Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C). This is serious illness whereby different body parts become inflamed and the child requires admission to a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. MIS-C is a serious condition, even deadly occasionally, but most children who were diagnosed with this condition have gotten better with medical care. The exact cause of MIS-C is still being investigated, but we know that many children with MIS-C had a COVID- 19 infection, or had been physically close to someone with COVID-19. As we too are dealing with these new medical challenges, we value community support and this donation from Panda Cares is most appreciated,” said Max J. Coppes M.D., Professor & Nell J. Redfield Chair of Pediatrics, Physician-in-Chief, Renown Children’s Hospital. Ways to Support Renown Children’s Hospital Make a gift at Call Renown Health Foundation at 775-982-5545 Mail a check to Renown Health Foundation, 1155 Mill St., O2, Reno, NV 89502 Venmo: @RenownFoundation     About Panda Express® On a mission to inspire better lives, Panda Express, home of American Chinese comfort food, is the largest Asian dining concept in the U.S. Family-owned and operated since 1983 by co-founders and co-CEOs Andrew and Peggy Cherng, Panda Express is best known for creating a wide variety of industry-first recipes, including its best seller the Original Orange Chicken® and award-winning Honey Walnut Shrimp, which have defined the category of authentic American Chinese cuisine. Each dish at Panda Express, including the Wok Smart® selections, is thoughtfully crafted with quality ingredients and inspired by bold Chinese flavors and culinary principles. The restaurant brand has more than 2,200 locations throughout the U.S. and has introduced American Chinese cuisine to more than ten international countries. Powered by this global family of associates, Panda Cares, the organization's philanthropic arm, has raised more than $212 million and countless volunteer hours in bettering the health and education for over 12 million youths as well as supporting communities in need since 1999. In 2020, Panda established the Panda Cares Scholars Program to provide the necessary funding, academic support and leadership development to help high school and college students learn, lead and thrive towards a bright future. For more information, visit, or find us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.   About Renown Health Renown Health is the region’s largest, locally owned and governed, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. With a diverse workforce of more than 7,000 employees, Renown has fostered a longstanding culture of excellence, determination and innovation. The organization comprises a trauma center, two acute care hospitals, a children’s hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, a medical group and urgent care network, and the region’s largest, locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown’s institute model addresses social determinants of health and includes: Child Health, Behavioral Health & Addiction, Healthy Aging and Health Innovation. Clinical institutes include: Cancer, Heart and Vascular Heath, Neurosciences and Robotic Surgery. Renown is currently enrolling participants in the world’s largest community-based genetic population health study, the Healthy Nevada Project®. For more information, visit

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  • Heart Nurse Navigators

    Helping You Navigate Heart Care Renown is home to the area's only heart nurse navigators - experienced, registered nurses who work with the care team to meet each patient's needs during and after a hospital stay. Heart nurse navigators provide: A calming presence Care team access Diagnostic testing Appointment scheduling Psychological evaluations Diagnosis and treatment education Wellness program information

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    • Friday, Jan 08, 2021

    Final Doses of COVID-19 Vaccines Administered to Renown Physicians

    Renown Health is working with the Washoe County Health District (WCHD), the state, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to distribute the initially available, limited supplies of COVID-19 vaccines. Because there may be limited supply, the vaccine continues to be distributed in a tiered approach. Today, the light at the end of the tunnel shined brighter than ever as many of Renown’s Tier 1A recipients received their second and final doses.  Please see B-roll from today's event and photos, B-roll and interviews from the first event here. An important pandemic milestone “The health and safety of our staff is our top priority, and we remain steadfast in our determination to fight the good fight for our community. Administration of the final doses of the vaccine is an important pandemic milestone as it brings an overwhelming sense of hope and relief to all of us at Renown,” said Tony Slonim, MD, DrPH, President & CEO of Renown Health. “The healthcare heroes vaccinated today have been batting this pandemic on the front lines and working around the clock for the past 11 months to keep our community safe. It’s reassuring knowing they have an added, strong layer of protection, so they can focus their efforts on putting an end to this long and difficult battle.”  Today, Renown healthcare workers received the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine which received emergency use authorization from the Food and Drug Administration last month. Administered 21 days after the initial dose, this dose marks the final dose of the vaccination series. Many Renown employees have also received the Moderna vaccine, of which second doses will be administered after 28 days.  The intricacies of vaccine administration Renown’s COVID-19 vaccination process includes pre-scheduling physicians and employees through the Epic MyChart electronic medical record used by Renown. Employees are masked, and in their personal vehicles, as they drive through the vaccination site at Hometown Health. Each physician and healthcare worker provides their verification, identification, documentation and consent. They then extend their upper arm to receive the vaccination. Following the receipt of the vaccination, they have a 15-minute observation period to assure they do not experience any immediate side effects.  Similar to receiving the first dose, these Tier 1A healthcare employees were encouraged to schedule their vaccination after their completed work schedule to have time to rest. As with all vaccinations, there is a potential for injection site reactions (redness, swelling and pain) as well as fever, fatigue, headache, chills, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle pain and/or joint pain. Fever is not an infrequent side effect, especially on the second dose, so these vaccinated employees will self-monitor their temperatures, as they cannot work at Renown with a fever. Renown invited media to help commemorate this triumphant vaccination event. Present during today’s event were- Dr. Bret Frey, representing the Medical Staff and Emergency Medicine physicians at Renown; Dr. Jacob Keeperman, Medical Director, Renown Regional Transfer and Operations Center representing physicians in Renown’s Intensive Care Unit; and Holly Irwin, a Clinical Respiratory Therapist. Vaccine one more tool to help fight pandemic “The best protection from COVID-19 will be a combination of getting a COVID-19 vaccine, wearing a mask, staying at least 6 feet away from others, avoiding crowds, and washing your hands often,” says Amy McCombs, MSN, RN, CCRN, CNML, vice president of Quality for Acute Services for Renown, and the champion of the vaccination effort for Renown. “No one tool alone will stop this pandemic, it will take a combination of all of us using all of these efforts to fight the spread of this virus. We are getting closer to widespread vaccine development every day; however, until then, everyone must remain vigilant, take precautions and follow public health orders.”  “This vaccination is a game-changer in terms of improving the health of our community,” said Paul Sierzenski, MD, MSHQS, Chief Medical Officer, Acute Services, Renown Health. "Given the demands of this COVID-19 pandemic, we are pleased to be able to provide second doses of this vaccination to help in the fight. We continue to follow CDC recommendations for a tiered approach to vaccine distribution. Our goal is that by spring, all Renown physicians; employees and their family members; and all Hometown Health members and Renown patients interested in receiving the vaccine will have an opportunity to be vaccinated.”  The COVID-19 vaccine is not mandatory for all Renown employees, but is strongly advised. Renown is covering all costs of the vaccine, and it is being offered free of charge to employees. Register for Renown Epic MyChart now. To streamline the notification, consent, scheduling and reminder process for vaccine distribution, as well as to post to Web IZ Nevada’s Statewide Immunization Information System, all who are interested in receiving the vaccine through Renown will need to enroll and obtain an Epic MyChart account.  Stay Up-to-date on COVID-19 Renown Health is prepared to safely screen, diagnose and care for patients with respiratory illness, including COVID-19. To stay up-to-date on communications regarding Renown’s distribution of the COVID19 vaccine, FAQs and the scientific evidence behind the vaccine, visit Join the Renown team Renown Health remains committed to hiring key roles in our organization to support the health and well-being of our community. To join the Renown family to Fight the Good Fight, apply on line at  Support the Renown team Renown Health, a charitable, not-for-profit organization, is so grateful for our community’s support during these unprecedented times. To donate to Renown patients or providers, visit   About Renown Health Renown Health is a locally governed and locally owned, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving northern Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. Renown is one of the region’s largest private employers with a workforce of more than 7,000. It comprises three acute care hospitals, a rehabilitation hospital, the area’s most comprehensive medical group and urgent care network, and the region’s largest and only locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown has a long tradition and commitment to continually improve the care and the health of our community. For more information, visit  About the Washoe County Health District The Washoe County Health District has jurisdiction over all public health matters in Reno, Sparks, and Washoe County through the policy-making Washoe County District Board of Health. The District consists of five divisions: Administrative Health Services, Air Quality Management, Community and Clinical Health Services, Environmental Health Services and Epidemiology & Public Health Preparedness. More info can be found here.

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    • Friday, Jul 16, 2021

    Got a Cough, Runny Nose, Sore Throat and Fever? It Might Be RSV Virus

    Renown Urgent Care team prepares you to stay alert and safe this season and is available for medical assistance, 7 days a week at 11 locations across northern Nevada. In June, staffers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sent a Health Advisory requesting that clinicians and caregivers watch for the respiratory syncytial virus, usually known as RSV, an infection that puts thousands of toddlers and senior citizens in the hospital each year with pneumonia and deep lung inflammation. According to the CDC, RSV results in roughly 58,000 hospitalizations and 100 to 500 deaths each year among children under five as well as 177,000 hospitalizations and 14,000 deaths among adults 65 and above. RSV was cropping up in 13 southern and southeastern states, the agency warned, and clinicians should test for the virus if kids showed up sneezing, wheezing, or with poor appetites and inflamed throats. Usually a winter infection, RSV is usually gone by June. Instead, this year, it is spreading—and has since continued to spread across the country, and to northern Nevada. “We know that many of the good hygiene habits we developed to defend against COVID-19 disrupted the viral landscape over the past 16 months, suppressing infections from almost every pathogen. Now RSV’s out-of-season return tells us that we need to continue to be on the alert,” says Robert Thole, MD, a physician with Renown Urgent Care. “We are surprised to be seeing so many kids with RSV right now.” “We ask parents and caregivers to keep a watchful eye out for a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection. Symptoms are usually mild and resemble those of the common cold. RSV infection sometimes leads to bronchiolitis, pneumonia, or both. Symptoms of these complications include; difficulty breathing; wheezing; coughing that is getting worse; lethargy, increased tiredness, decreased interest in surroundings, or loss of interest in food,” explains Dr. Thole, who is board certified in family medicine. Catching and spreading the virus People with RSV infection may spread the virus through their secretions (saliva or mucus) when they cough, sneeze, or talk. You can catch the virus by: Touching an object or surface contaminated with the virus and then touching your nose, eyes, or mouth without first washing your hands. The virus can survive for more than 6 hours on countertops and other hard surfaces, such as doorknobs, and for 30 minutes on hands, clothing, or tissue. Close contact. If an infected person coughs or sneezes near you, you could breathe in RSV that is in his or her saliva or mucus. The virus spreads easily in crowded settings, such as childcare facilities, preschools, and nursing homes. Children attending school often spread the virus to their parents and siblings. The incubation period—the time from exposure to RSV until you have symptoms—ranges from two to 8 days but usually is 4 to 6 days. People are most likely to spread the virus within the first several days after symptoms of RSV infection begin and remain contagious for up to 8 days. Babies and young children may spread the virus for at least 3 to 4 weeks. Most children and adults feel better after a week or two. Treatment For an otherwise healthy child who has symptoms of an upper respiratory infection, such as a cough or runny nose, home treatment usually is all that is needed. It is important to watch for signs of complications, such as dehydration. Watchful waiting may not be a good choice when your child with an upper respiratory infection has an increased risk for complications. Watch your child closely if there are symptoms of an upper respiratory infection. If symptoms get worse or new symptoms develop, see a doctor right away. There is no vaccine and few specific treatments aside from supportive care, such as administering pain relievers and fluids. In the most severe cases, some children or adults might need additional oxygen. Not just in kids, older adults at risk Dr. Thole explains, “RSC is not only seen in children. Adults older than 65 have an increased risk of complications following infection with RSV. Pneumonia is a particular risk, especially if other health problems exist, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or heart failure. It may take older adults longer to recover from RSV infection and its complications than people in other age groups.” Call 911 or other emergency services immediately if: Your child has severe trouble breathing. Your child's breathing has stopped. Start rescue breathing. Call your doctor now if your baby or child has moderate trouble breathing. Call a doctor if your child: Breathes slightly faster than normal and seems to be getting worse. Most healthy children breathe less than 40 times a minute. Has cold symptoms that become severe. Has shallow coughing, which continues throughout the day and night. Has a poor appetite or is being less active than usual. Has any trouble breathing. Hospitalization Doctors sometimes give a monoclonal antibody treatment to high-risk babies throughout the respiratory season to prevent them from catching the virus or developing a severe infection. Some hospitals have started to increase use of the prophylaxis in response to the recent uptick in RSV cases. “Those kids were being protected,” said Kristina Deeter, MD who was quoted in a July 1st Wall St. Journal article on this topic. Dr. Deeter is a pediatric intensivist and medical director at Renown Children’s Hospital Pediatric Intensive Care and Hospitalist Medicine. Dr. Deeter, who also oversees Pediatrix Medical Group’s critical-care team in dozens of pediatric intensive care units across the country, said hospitals are also considering taking additional precautions in the neonatal intensive-care unit similar to some wintertime protocols. At Renown Children’s Hospital, there were no children hospitalized with RSV throughout the winter season, Dr. Deeter said, when there are normally hundreds of cases in our county- many of which do not need to be hospitalized.” A total of 31 cases have been reported in Washoe County, Nev., since April, and 26 of those occurred within the past three weeks. Preventing infection To prevent infection, or at least to mitigate them, wear masks, stay home when sick, and washing hands could make a difference in how the next viral season unfolds. For more information on RSV, visit Renown Urgent Care Renown Urgent Care is available for medical assistance, 7 days a week at 11 locations across northern Nevada providing treatment for a wide range of minor injuries, illnesses and medical concerns that are urgent but not life-threatening. If you require same-day medical attention, you can avoid the long wait times and high prices of the emergency room at 13 convenient sites, including Reno, Sparks, Carson City, USA Parkway, Fallon and Fernley. You can walk-in or book ahead online. About Renown Health Renown Health is a locally governed, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving northern Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. Renown is one of the region’s largest private employers with a workforce of more than 7,000. It comprises three acute care hospitals, a rehabilitation hospital, the area’s most comprehensive medical group and urgent care network, and the region’s largest and only locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown has a long tradition and commitment to improve the care and the health of our community. For more information, visit

    Read More About Got a Cough, Runny Nose, Sore Throat and Fever? It Might Be RSV Virus

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