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    • Heart Care
    • Surgery

    Happy and Healthy Life After Heart Valve Replacement Surgery

    Watch what happens when a family’s matriarch finds out she has to have heart valve replacement surgery. Thanks to supportive cardiac care, she is now back to health and enjoying her extended family with a healthy heart.  Marilyn O’Gorman has a full heart full of love: Just ask her six children, 15 grandchildren and six great grandchildren. However, in 2009, tests showed that same heart had medical issues. So her close family was by her side when she underwent heart valve replacement surgery. O’Gorman says her heart doctor, Athan Roumanas, MD, FACS, put her at ease about the surgery. “You’re very nervous — you’re scared,” says O’Gorman. “You don’t know: Are you going to come out of it? Is it going to work?”  Heart Valve Replacement Surgery Comes with an Unexpected Question O’Gorman was asked to choose whether she’d prefer a pig or a cow valve — ultimately inquiring of Dr. Roumanas which one he’d choose for his own mother.  “And he said, ‘Well, probably pig,'” she recalls. “And I said, ‘OK, I’ll oink for you.’ And that’s how I got that, and he did a wonderful job.”  O’Gorman continues her care at the Renown Institute for Heart and Vascular Health, so she can stay heart healthy and spend her free time with the many generations of family in her life.

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    • Women's Health
    • Pregnancy and Childbirth

    What is a High-Risk Pregnancy?

    You can still have a healthy pregnancy and baby if your pregnancy is high-risk. Learn what steps you can take to give your baby the best start possible. A “high-risk” pregnancy is one that threatens the health or life of the mother or her fetus. Women with high-risk pregnancies should receive care health care specialists to ensure the best possible outcomes. Some examples of a high-risk pregnancy include: Maternal age, women 35 and higher or 17 and younger Lifestyle choices, including smoking, drinking alcohol and illegal controlled substances Existing medical history, chronic hypertension, diabetes and breathing issues Multiple gestation, pregnancy with twins or triplets Overweight and underweight  Remember: You can still have a healthy pregnancy and baby if your pregnancy is high-risk. Some ways to promote a healthy pregnancy: Schedule an appointment with your OBGYN Eat a balanced diet Avoid substances Prenatal care Healthy weight gain Reduce stress Exercise  Pregnancy & Childbirth at Renown | 775-982-KIDS (5437) When you are expecting a new baby, you can depend on Renown Children’s Hospital for all your mom and baby healthcare needs. We can help you find the right doctor and tell you what to expect during your stay. We offer childbirth education classes and tours to help you prepare. Be sure to check out our virtual tours of our Labor Assessment Area.

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    • CEO
    • COVID-19
    • Community Partnerships

    Bringing a Public Health Perspective to Healthcare

    There are many lenses through which to view health. As you would expect, medical providers typically focus on the health of individual patients. For example, doctors consider a person’s symptoms, their current lifestyle, their past medical history, and their family’s history to diagnose medical conditions and recommend treatments. The Public Health Perspective Public health professionals look beyond the health of an individual and instead focus on the health of an entire community or population of people. They strive to achieve “the greatest good for the greatest number.” As the CEO of a health system, I feel fortunate to have education and training in both medicine and public health. As Renown Health’s leader, it is my responsibility to care for the people and communities we serve. That involves bringing world-class staff and innovative medical care to northern Nevada. We also focus on prevention by looking for ways to improve health outside of our facilities. That means partnering with local organizations to address the social, economic, and environmental factors that shape our health. Or working with local government to create policies that help to prevent disease and injury. In order to make a genuine and long-lasting impact on health, we must foster a community that helps our neighbors live well. Public health is especially important during times of crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic that we’re experiencing now. During these times, health systems must be able to swiftly shift focus from prioritizing the needs of individual patients to considering what is best for our local population. For example, we may need to temporarily limit hospital visitors or educate the public about how to socially distance in order to stop the spread of disease. Being prepared to make this shift and having strong relationships with our local health department and community organizations help us better serve the public. In both good times and bad, I am thankful that my public health background provides me with the perspective to look beyond our health system and embrace the health our community.

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    • Active Living
    • Senior Care

    5 Tips to Keep Your Brain Nimble

    Not all memory loss is inevitable — there are several things you can do to keep your brain nimble at any age. Find out how brain exercises, a healthy diet and daily movement can improve your brain’s focus. A modest decline in memory is to be expected as we get older. We forget someone’s name but recall it later. We find the need to make lists to remember things more pressing. Manageable? Yes. But frustrating nonetheless. The good news is we don’t have to sit back and succumb to age-related memory loss. There are concrete things we can do at any age to keep our brains sharp, nimble and engaged. Five Simple Brain Exercises 1. Volunteer or participate in meaningful activities outside of work. This engages your brain and emotions in a healthy, positive way. 2. Engage in moderate, regular exercise to tone body and mind. Overall good health is critical to brain health. Even casual daily walking can boost your mental abilities. 3. Eat the rainbow. Choose to include plenty of colorful fruits and veggies and ease up on processed foods in your daily diet. The proper nutrients can improve circulation to your brain, which will amp up your cognitive abilities. Consult your doctor for the best diet and supplement choices for your specific health needs 4. Get a blood test to determine your body’s hormonal and nutrient levels. Specific hormones and nutrients can affect cognition. Be mindful of your cholesterol levels, and if you take cholesterol medications, such as statin drugs, be aware they can also affect your mental faculties. 5. Engage in brain activities like reading, crossword puzzles, Sudoku and Trivial Pursuit. These types of activities can improve your brain’s focus and concentration and — most important — test your memory and general knowledge. You derive more benefit by engaging in these activities consistently for short amounts of time, so make a weekly appointment with yourself to build brainpower.

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    • Renown Health
    • Nursing
    • Safety
    • CEO

    Addressing the Threat of Workplace Violence in Hospitals

    In recent years, workplace violence against healthcare workers has been on the rise. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), about 75 percent of nearly 25,000 reported annual workplace assaults occur in healthcare and social service settings. Those who don’t work in healthcare may be surprised to learn that violent altercations are so common in our field. Hospital settings can create fear and stress for patients and their families. Pain, mind-altering medications and drugs, and difficult prognoses can amplify these feelings. While inappropriate responses may be understandable, violence cannot be tolerated. As the leader of a health system, protecting our employees is an issue that I take seriously. Reporting Workplace Violence Unfortunately, sometimes employees don’t report dangerous incidents fearing they might be blamed, or not realizing it’s a reportable offense. At Renown Health, we take these events seriously. We have clear, mandatory policies and protocols for reporting and investigating violent incidents. Each incident is investigated to ensure follow through and accountability. We also teach de-escalation skills to our hospital security teams, clinicians, and other frontline employees. As an added layer of protection, Renown Health has a first-rate security team that closely monitors activity on our campuses, addressing potential issues before they escalate. Our organization values our partnerships with community organizations including local law enforcement agencies like the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office and the Reno Police Department. Renown Health maintains a close relationship with these partners, and we alert them when our care teams experience an increase in violent incidents. I also recognize that workplace violence is a national problem that demands collaborative solutions. That’s why I am also proud to serve as a member of the American Hospital Association’s Hospitals Against Violence Advisory Committee. Nurses, doctors, paramedics, and frontline health workers care for us every day. It’s our responsibility to support them by ensuring they feel safe at work.

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    • Primary Care
    • Renown Health
    • Senior Care

    Three Things to Know About the Enhanced Benefits of Renown’s New Medicare Program

    Renown Health recently announced that it has contracted with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on a new program that offers enhanced Medicare benefits for Medicare beneficiaries. This new direct contracting Medicare program is designed specifically for patients with Original Medicare. Here are three things to know about Renown’s new program: The goal of the program is to help care providers work together to improve patients’ health by better coordinating patient care and reducing costs. Medicare beneficiaries who choose to sign up will have peace of mind knowing that they are in a program that ensures coordinated care along with potential cost-sharing assistance for chronic care management. Signing up for this program is easy – and it does not affect your existing Medicare benefits in any way. Simply click the button below, select either your current Renown Health or Geriatric Specialty Care provider from the drop down menu, complete the form and click “Submit Form.” It only takes a minute or two to fill out the form. You will be asked to provide the name of your primary care provider and be sure have your red, white, and blue Medicare card handy. Sign Up for Renown’s Enhanced Medicare Benefit Program Voluntary Alignment Sign Up Note: Participation in this program is voluntary. If you choose to sign up, your benefits will NOT change, and you can visit any doctor, other health care professional, or hospital. Learn more about Renown’s Direct Contracting Entity for Medicare Beneficiaries here. The statements contained in this document are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of CMS. The authors assume responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in this document.

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    • Emergency Care
    • Urgent Care
    • Primary Care

    When to Seek Care for Abdominal Pain

    Abdominal pain is one of the most common complaints that brings individuals to the emergency room. We spoke with emergency physician Bret Frey, MD, to ask about when and where to seek care for abdominal pain.   Dr. Frey advises that any time you feel something is developing inside your body that is substantially different from what is normal for you, understand that something is wrong. He further explains that warning signs of an acute medical situation include fever, vomiting or a rapid change in function and ability to move due to pain. These symptoms indicate that one needs to be evaluated by a medical professional.   This evaluation will include the care team conducting an examination and asking a series of questions to determine if additional diagnostics, such as lab work or imaging, are needed. Be prepared to discuss where the pain is and what it feels like, in addition to how long it’s been bothering you and if it’s constant or intermittent.  While appendicitis often comes to mind when thinking about abdominal pain, Dr. Frey says that this is not the bulk of cases that the Emergency Department sees. In fact, often the pain does not have a specific diagnosis, but our team of board-certified emergency physicians are experienced in assessing and caring for those experiencing the acute symptoms he described.   “We often don’t come away with an answer about exactly what it is, but we substantially rule out life threats in a very methodical and systematic way,” said Frey.  The abdomen includes many organs, including the stomach, liver, small and large intestines, gallbladder and pancreas. In addition, pain stemming from your chest, pelvis or back may be felt in the abdominal area.  If you are experiencing abdominal issues that are persistent but not an emergency, talk to your primary care doctor about what you are experiencing, and be prepared to review the history of this pain, medications, allergies and diet. He or she will be a good partner to review conditions such as gas, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, inflammation or menstrual and ovulation pain. Drinking plenty of water is always an important part of supporting your health.

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    • Prevention and Wellness
    • Food and Nutrition

    What to Know Before You Try Intermittent Fasting

    As many people search for diets to try to achieve weight loss resolutions, Kim Colegrove, Renown Dietary Educator, has all you need to know about one of the trendiest diets – intermittent fasting. What is intermittent fasting? Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that switches between periods of fasting with no food or very restricted caloric intake, and periods of unrestricted eating. The diet has come into popularity as a way to help people lose weight without restricting what they eat, just when they eat. How does it work? The rationale behind intermittent fasting is that the pattern of eating promotes weight loss due to hormonal changes – namely, the decrease in insulin levels – as well as effects on your gut and overall decreased energy consumption. There are various schedules, including alternate-day fasting and time-restricted feeding. For example, one popular method involves restricting your eating period to eight hours per day and then fasting for the remaining 16 hours. Another requires fasting for 24 hours once or twice per week. What should people consider before they try intermittent fasting? Some people have found success in losing weight with intermittent fasting. However, it’s important to note that it’s not a diet that necessarily promotes sustainable habits and lifestyle changes. There’s also not enough research conducted that shows its lasting impact on health, weight, or metabolic improvement. For most, an intermittent fasting diet is just that – a diet. A person will likely lose weight because they consume fewer calories, but keeping the pounds off is an aspect of healthy weight loss that requires a permanent lifestyle change. Who should NOT try intermittent fasting? Intermittent fasting is not for everyone and it can pose a health risk to women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, people with diabetes, and children and adolescents in an active growth stage. Also, it would not be appropriate for those with a history of eating disorders, as well as people with certain health conditions that require them to eat every few hours. You should always talk to your doctor before beginning a restrictive diet such as this, especially if you have a chronic health condition or are taking certain medications.

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    • Neurology
    • Spine, Sports, and Pain Medicine
    • Urgent Care

    Concussion Risks and Prevention

    It’s important to be aware of the risk of a concussion, which can have serious health implications. Susan Park, MD, discusses the effects of concussions and how they can be prevented. According to Susan Park, MD, a Renown Medical Group doctor who specializes in sports and family medicine, concussions are a serious issue — especially among children whose developing brains “are more susceptible to brain injury and long-term effects from concussions.” All parents, coaches and athletes, she points out, should be aware of the risks of concussions and take precautions to avoid them. What is a concussion and how does it occur? Dr. Park describes a concussion as a traumatic brain injury resulting from direct or indirect impact to the head or body, during which the brain shakes back and forth in the skull. This may cause some bruising of the brain. In severe cases, traumatic head injuries can cause bleeding, which if not treated quickly, can be fatal. What are the health implications of a concussion? Symptoms of drowsiness and confusion can be a sign of a concussion after a head injury. Some short-term effects may include headaches, dizziness and difficulty concentrating. Long-term concerns can further include mood disorders, sleep disturbance and problems with cognitive function-concentration, which may affect school performance. What sports carry the highest risk of suffering a concussion? Dr. Park notes participation in any impact sport can result in a head injury. But among school-age kids, she treats more concussions from football and soccer than any other sport. However, during the winter months, skiing and snowboarding injuries can be a common cause of concussions Any blow to your head, neck or upper body can result in a concussion with symptoms including, but not limited to, feeling dazed or confused, dizziness, nausea/vomiting or a headache. Initial treatment of concussions varies depending on severity. Rest, avoiding vigorous activity and a reduced school workload help young athletes recover after a concussion. Dr. Park notes that sometimes further imaging and an ER visit will be required. Otherwise, rest from activities is the main treatment, along with not returning to sports activities until further clearance from a healthcare provider.

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    • Surgical Services
    • Weight Loss
    • Obesity
    • Patient Story

    A Transformative Journey: Mary's Bariatric Surgery Story at Renown Health

    Embarking on the path to bariatric surgery is a unique and deeply personal journey. Individuals like Mary Escobar choose this life-changing route for reasons ranging from improved cardiovascular health to managing diabetes or finding relief from various health complications. In Mary's case, her two-decade-long healthcare journey not only underscores the challenges she faced but also highlights the support and expertise that ultimately led to her successful transformation through bariatric surgery. Mary's Resilience: December 2002 through February 2003 More than two decades ago, Mary experienced unforeseen health complications just days after giving birth via c-section. Septic shock, hemolytic uremic syndrome, thrombocytopenia, renal failure and a blood clot in her lung plunged her into a critical state. Intensive care, plasma exchange and a long recovery followed. After being discharged with compromised kidney function, Mary faced complete renal failure two years later, leading to dialysis and a spot on the donor list. Mary's brother, a perfect match, selflessly donated his kidney on Dec. 14, 2007, marking a turning point in Mary's health. However, the post-transplant period brought new challenges, including diabetes, high blood pressure and a significant weight gain, reaching 230 pounds. Determined to regain control, Mary explored various diets without success until she consulted with a bariatric doctor. Journey to Bariatric Surgery: November 2009 - April 2021 In November 2009, Mary opted for a gastric band, shedding 40 pounds within a year. Despite initial success, issues with the gastric band arose, prompting a consultation with Dr. John Ganser at Renown Health in April 2021. Together, they decided to transition to a gastric sleeve, with comprehensive education provided to ensure long-term success.

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    • Women's Health
    • Prevention and Wellness

    Understanding the Reasons Behind Heavy Menstrual Cycles

    While menstrual cycles can be an annoying inconvenience for many women, heavy bleeding (menorrhagia) is not normal and can disrupt your life. A few days of heavy flow at the start of your period is usually nothing to worry about. However, if you’re frequently experiencing very heavy periods, you should discuss it with your gynecologist or primary care provider.  Dr. Megan Fish, an OB-GYN with Renown Women’s Health, discusses various reasons, evaluation and treatment methods when it comes to heavy menstrual cycles.  What is classified as heavy menstrual bleeding?  The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists considers heavy bleeding to be any of the following signs: Bleeding that lasts more than 7 days. Bleeding that soaks through one or more tampons or pads every hour for several hours in a row. Needing to wear more than one pad at a time to control menstrual flow. Needing to change pads or tampons during the night. Menstrual flow with blood clots that are as big as a quarter or larger. What are the most common reasons for heavier periods?  A variety of reasons why someone might have heavy periods. Fortunately, most of these problems are treatable. Because each woman's period is unique, only a doctor can definitively determine the cause of your heavy periods. Some of the most common issues that cause heavy periods include: Hormone imbalances such as anovulation, thyroid disease and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Structural abnormalities in your uterus such as polyps or fibroids.  Precancer and cancer such as uterine, cervical, vaginal, ovarian or endometrial hyperplasia.  Infections such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, endometritis or vaginitis. Other medical conditions such as liver disease, kidney disease or Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. Medications such as blood thinners and aspirin, hormone replacement therapy, Intrauterine devices (IUDs), birth control pills and injectables. Pregnancy-related problems such as a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

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