3 DIY Fall Face Masks for Glowing Skin
September 21, 2017
Cold-weather fruits have more than one purpose: In addition to being delicious, when applied topically, many of these crops do amazing things for your skin. Below, find three fruit-flavored face masks that will make your skin glow and tips on how to make your own version in the comfort of your home.
Amazing Apples
Did you know that autumn’s most famous crop, apples, do amazing things for your skin? The fruit is full of vitamin C and vitamin B — which will make your skin soft, dewy and reduce inflammation.
How to DIY it: Puree the apple in a food processor, blender, or any other appliance used to puree food. (Leaving the peel on the apple is optional.) Blend with a few tablespoons of honey, oatmeal or egg yolk. Smooth the mixture over your face, avoiding the eye area. Let sit for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.
Pomegranate Power Play
Pomegranate seeds are chock full of antioxidants, meaning they have the ability to rejuvenate aging skin and provide other anti-aging benefits.How to DIY it: To make a mask, blend a few pomegranate seeds and apply all over your neck and face. Or mix a tablespoon of pure pomegranate juice with bentonite clay from your local health food store to make a clay mask. Stir together to mix well, let it sit on your face for an hour or so, and wash off gently.
Also, if you can’t find a good exfoliator, grind some seeds and apply to your face. They’ll release their nutrients onto your skin, enriching it from the outside in. Be sure to wash your face thoroughly after exfoliating.
Pumpkin Perfection
Pumpkin contains wrinkle-fighting vitamins A, C and E, and it gets its orange hue from beta-carotene — which can help eliminate redness and enhance your complexion as well.
How to DIY it: Like the other recipes offered here, this face mask almost sounds like the beginning of a baked dessert. Mixed with honey, yogurt and olive oil this is a refreshing mask that will nourish your skin. Mix 2 cups of pureed, cooked fresh or canned pumpkin with 4 tablespoons unflavored yogurt, 4 tablespoons honey, 1/3 cup ground almonds, 1/4 teaspoon olive oil. Apply to clean, moist skin.
For a personalized skin care assessment, visit Renown Health’s Dermatology, Laser & Skin Care or call 775-982-8255. Appointments may also be scheduled online.