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    • Renown Health Foundation
    • Nursing

    Getting to Know Stephanie Kruse

    There are a lot of impressive titles you can use to describe Stephanie Kruse: entrepreneur, marketer, philanthropist, leader, adventurer, nurse. And now with her planned gift to the Renown Health Nursing Excellence Endowment, she can add one more to the list: a member of the Renown Legacy Society – a group of visionary supporters who have chosen to make a lasting commitment to the future health and wellbeing of northern Nevadans. This generous planned gift comes on the heels of a significant cash gift made to the Nursing Education Fund last summer. Stephanie is an inspiring example of someone who has dedicated her life to helping others. The daughter of a nurse and a retired nurse herself, Stephanie knows the hard work, selflessness and dedication it takes to create a successful business and community. As Chair of the Renown Health Foundation Board of Directors, she also understands the importance of attracting and retaining nurses within a healthcare system. As a way to contribute to a cause near and dear to her heart, she decided to include the Renown Nursing Excellence Endowment as a beneficiary of her retirement plans. “I wanted to honor the memory of my mother, who was a registered nurse in a small-town hospital in Iowa.,” said Stephanie. “I was always very conscious of her passion for providing great care to her patients, and I wanted to provide funding for others interested in nursing.” Across the nation, health systems are facing a shortage of nurses and nursing-related professionals. Renown is proactively implementing programs to build our pipeline of potential future nurses and keep those already in the field. Stephanie’s generous gift will help the endowment provide programs such as training, scholarships, loan repayment and professional development to increase retention and recruitment of prospective nurses. “As nurses, we are entrusted with our patients’ lives,” said Melodie Osborn, Chief Nurse Executive at Renown Health. “We have the privilege of caring for people in their most vulnerable time and helping those who cannot help themselves. Stephanie’s generous gift to the Nursing Excellence Endowment Fund will help us develop new nurses for the future so we can continue to provide care to those in need for generations to come.” No Stranger to Healthcare Long before she found herself leading the Renown Health Foundation Board, Stephanie learned the ins and outs of healthcare. She graduated from nursing school and became a part-time nurse in a Sioux Falls, South Dakota nursing home while attending Augustana College to obtain a degree in journalism and a minor in theater. As part of her journalism program, Stephanie completed an internship in the public relations department of a Sioux Falls hospital, and that led to her accepting a position as director of public relations at a sister hospital. She later was recruited by Saint Mary's Hospital and moved to Reno to be the director of marketing in 1981. She stayed at Saint Mary's for almost 10 years before starting her own company in pursuit of her passion for marketing strategy. Since launching her brand, Stephanie has grown KPS3 to a multi-million-dollar firm with more than 60 staff members. Somehow, she is still able to find time to serve on six (!) volunteer boards, most of which are dedicated to improving access to better health and human services. “I have a soft spot in my heart for organizations who strive against all odds to help those with the greatest needs,” said Stephanie.

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    • Cancer Care

    Understanding the Risks of Colon Cancer

    Colorectal cancer is the second-deadliest cancer in the United States – largely because it goes undiagnosed. Dr. Christi Matteoni, Division Chief of Gastroenterology at Renown Health, discusses the symptoms and key screenings used to detect this type of cancer, along with risk factors and lifestyle changes that could affect the likelihood of getting the disease. What are some of the signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer?  Many cases go undiagnosed because polyps can develop and become cancerous without any symptoms. Additionally, since colorectal cancer begins as small polyps, symptoms usually aren’t seen until later stages. This is why screenings are especially important.  For those who do experience symptoms, the signs are often tied to your bowel habits. This can include changes such as constipation or diarrhea, narrow or dark stool, rectal bleeding, abdominal cramping, weakness and fatigue or unintended weight loss.  What are some of the risk factors associated with this type of cancer?  There are risk factors that can and cannot be controlled. Uncontrollable factors include age, race, personal and family histories as well as certain genetic syndromes that are important to discuss with your provider.  This type of cancer is more common in people over the age of 50, African Americans and those of eastern European Jewish (Ashkenazi) descent. This type of cancer is also more common in those who have been diagnosed with polyps, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and long-term inflammatory bowel disease. important to discuss any of these risk factors with your provider.  There are also lifestyle factors that can help reduce your risk. Factors include being overweight, having a diet high in red and processed meat, as well as smoking and consuming excess alcohol.  Conversely, diets high in fruits and vegetables and a regular exercise routine can help lower your risk.  If someone has some of these risk factors, what should they do? Do they need to get tested?  If you are 45 or older and have any of these risk factors, we recommend you speak with your primary care provider about a formal colorectal risk assessment.  The most common form of screening is colonoscopy. This screening lets your doctor examine the length of your colon, map out any potential problem areas and remove polyps. For most people, colonoscopies are recommended every 10 years starting at age 50. However, depending on your results and risk factors, you may need to begin screening sooner or get screened more frequently.  What do diagnosis and treatment look like for this type of cancer?  There are several diagnostic options for colorectal cancer, including endoscopic ultrasound; CT, MRI and PET scans; and biopsy and pathology reports. These technologies allow your doctor to get images of your colon and evaluate what treatment is needed, as well as how the treatment is progressing.  Treatment varies for each individual working with their doctor. In the case of colorectal cancer treatment, the William N. Pennington Institute for Cancer offers chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery and clinical trials.

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    • Recipes

    Crustless Quiche Muffins

    Are you looking for a new recipe to add to your healthy brunch menu without all the hassle? This muffin is perfect for hosting or keeping in your refrigerator and reheating whenever you need a protein-packed snack. Now, aren't eggs high in cholesterol? According to the American Heart Association, egg whites provide plenty of protein without the yolk's cholesterol. That's why our dietitian masters a lower-cholesterol egg muffin by combining eggs with an egg white substitute.

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    • Recipes

    Honey Fruit Dip

    Take a breather during spring break and make this fun, sweet treat with your kids. We've provided nutritional cream cheese and sugar alternatives to keep your family's health top of mind.

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    • Pediatric Care

    Pediatric Sepsis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

    Sepsis happens when a person's body reacts too strongly to an infection. Usually, our bodies fight infections with help from our immune system. But with sepsis, the body fights too hard, and that can be dangerous. Dr. Julianne Wilke, Pediatrics and Critical Care Medicine, examines pediatric sepsis's causes, symptoms and treatments and provides tips on preventing this potentially fatal condition. Most Common Causes Pediatric sepsis is a particularly concerning form of sepsis that can occur in children and infants. Therefore, it is vital for parents and caregivers to be aware of the indications of pediatric sepsis and to understand the causes. Bacterial infections are the most common cause of pediatric sepsis, accounting for over 80% of cases. Common Bacterial Causes: Staphylococcus infections (including Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureas - MRSA) Streptococcal infections (including those causing pneumonia and group B strep) Escherichia coli, or more commonly; E. coli Klebsiella and Pseudomonas infections Viral Infection Causes: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Influenza Parainfluenza Adenovirus Human metapneumovirus Coronaviruses (including COVID-19) Other Causes: Fungal infections (but are relatively rare) Parasites, such as Giardia lamblia Pediatric Sepsis Symptoms Parents and caregivers need to be observant of sepsis symptoms in children and can include: Fever Extremely fast heart rate Rapid breathing Lethargy Pale or discolored skin Low blood pressure Confusion Slurred speech Abdominal pain Diarrhea & Vomiting Decreased urination Difficulty breathing Use the acronym SEPSIS: S – Slurred speech and confusion E – Extreme shivering or muscle pain/fever P – Passing no urine all day S – Severe breathlessness I – “I feel like I might die.” S – Skin mottled or discolored If any of these symptoms are present, seeking immediate medical attention is imperative.

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    • Emergency Care

    Know when to visit an ER: Top 5 concerns

    When a sudden illness or injury occurs, the emergency room (ER) provides immediate medical attention to those in need. Understanding the top reasons for visiting the ER can help people make informed decisions about seeking emergency care. Here are the five most common reasons people in Nevada visited an ER in 2023. 1. Abdominal pain  One of the top reasons people visit the ER is abdominal pain. The abdomen has many organs, including the stomach, liver, small and large intestines, gallbladder and pancreas. Significant pain in this area can be a cause of concern.  Warning signs of a serious problem include abdominal pain with fever, vomiting, and not being able to move or perform everyday tasks due to pain. Seeking medical attention when experiencing these symptoms is essential. Emergency physicians can perform abdominal exams, assess the condition and rule out significant threats.    2. Fever  High fevers that do not get better with medicine and are accompanied by other symptoms can cause concern. This can indicate that the body is fighting off an infection or illness.  Fever with symptoms like vomiting, pain, altered mental status, shortness of breath or inability to perform daily functions are warning signs to watch out for. Adults and children should visit an ER, where the team can assess the causes of the fever.   3. Chest pain and shortness of breath  Chest pain and discomfort, or pain in the upper body can suggest warning signs of a heart attack. If a person is experiencing signs of a heart attack, call 911 immediately to ensure timely treatment or assessment by a medical professional. Heart attack symptoms include:  Chest pain, including pain that can be described as chest pressure, heaviness or squeezing   Discomfort in the chest, arms, back, neck, shoulders and jaw  Difficulty breathing   Sweating with any of the above symptoms   When visiting a Renown ER for chest pain, a trained medical professional will promptly perform an Electrocardiogram (EKG) in an area where preliminary assessments, also known as triage, take place. Individuals experiencing shortness of breath or trouble breathing, whether from a respiratory infection, asthma complications or other pre-existing conditions should not ignore symptoms as these can signify more serious issues.  Warning signs of respiratory distress may include:  A significant change in breathing rate A significant change in the amount of energy used to inhale or exhale when breathing Changing of the skin color to blue, gray or paleness, which can indicate a lack of oxygen Nasal flaring  Chest retractions, which can suggest difficulty bringing air into the lungs What this looks like: the chest sinking in just below the neck, breastbone or rib cage while breathing 4. Neurological symptoms  Sudden and severe headaches or seizures may prompt individuals to visit the ER if symptoms are extremely disorientating or debilitating. These symptoms could be indicative of various conditions, including strokes or neurological disorders that require prompt evaluation.  If a person is experiencing signs of stroke, call 911 immediately to ensure timely treatment.  Stroke symptoms include:  Numbness, weakness or loss of movement in the face, leg or arm, especially on one side Confusion, including trouble speaking or understanding Trouble with vision or loss of balance  When choosing emergency care for signs and symptoms of stroke, a Comprehensive Stroke Center can provide patients with immediate intervention, including evaluation, treatment and education. 5. Cough/flu-like symptoms  Emergency departments are staffed by medical professionals trained to prioritize and treat emergency and trauma situations. Receiving care at an ER should be reserved for severe symptoms and life-threatening conditions. It’s best to schedule a visit with a primary care physician for mild cold and flu symptoms. Most urgent care locations are equipped with rapid testing options, including RSV, COVID-19, influenza, mononucleosis, urinary issues and strep throat. It is critical to distinguish between common respiratory infections and more severe cases, such as pneumonia or complications from the flu.   Symptoms that may warrant a visit to the ER include:  Rapid decline in the ability to perform regular daily activities  Coughing or throwing up blood  Severe dehydration and inability to drink fluids High fever not responsive to medication  Understanding top ER visits in Nevada  While these ER complaints are common reasons for emergency room visits in Nevada, it's important to remember that emergency care is available for all immediate medical needs. Do not hesitate to seek help at an emergency room if someone experiences a sudden or severe health concern. Quick and appropriate action can make a significant difference in keeping you and your loved ones healthy.  Renown Health is the largest locally governed, not-for-profit healthcare network in northern Nevada, providing leading emergency and trauma care by board-certified emergency physicians 24/7 at three locations, including the region’s only pediatric emergency department. Renown Health emergency rooms prioritize swift assessments, advanced diagnostic tools and compassionate care, providing leading emergency and trauma care. Trust Renown ER for not just emergency care but exceptional care. Learn more at

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    • Women's Health

    Dr. Carilyn Hoffman's Guide to Menopause Medication & Relief

    Women undergo multiple hormonal changes throughout their lives, leading to different physical and emotional experiences. Dr. Carilyn Hoffman, at Renown Women's Health, explains these confusing life stages and helps decode menopause. Perimenopause: Transitioning Towards Menopause Defined as the time "around menopause," perimenopausal symptoms are caused by hormonal fluctuations that occur as the ovarian function declines. Levels of estrogen and progesterone decrease, and follicle stimulating hormone increases. These hormonal fluctuations may cause a range of symptoms including: Irregular or abnormal periods: Initially cycles intervals vary in length by greater than 7 days, then in later stages the interval increases to greater than 60 days between cycles Hot flashes and night sweats: This is the most common symptom and 50-82% of women will have vasomotor symptoms Mood swings and memory problems Anxiety or insomnia Heart palpitations Decreased libido and vaginal dryness Weight gain and thinning hair Increased risk of urinary tract infections Decreased bone density Menopause Menopause is defined as year without a menstrual cycle and marks the timeframe when the ovaries stop making estrogen. This signifies the end of the reproductive years. The average age of menopause is 51; however, the menopausal transition can last about 8 years. This means that women in their late 30’s and 40’s may start to have symptoms of perimenopause. The worst vasomotor symptoms are typically experienced at the one-year mark since the last period. Unfortunately, some women experience symptoms throughout the entire menopausal transition. Postmenopausal After 12 months without a menstrual cycle, a woman is confirmed to be postmenopausal. This is sometimes difficult to define, as women may have had procedures that cause menstrual suppression such as a uterine ablation or hysterectomy or they may still be on contraception. Sometimes, lab work may be recommended to help determine menopausal status. However, due to the broad time period that the menopausal transition occurs and the variations in normal hormone levels throughout a cycle, lab work is not always helpful. Dr. Hoffman explains the importance of thorough counseling for patients seeking to "check their hormone levels." She emphasizes that menopause is diagnosed clinically, focusing more on the individual's symptoms rather than lab values. This approach ensures that patients understand the implications of the test results and the treatment strategy. Menopause Medical Management Medical management of symptoms should be tailored to the individual’s concerns. Abnormal Bleeding: There are a range of medications, IUDs and procedures available if the main concern is irregular or prolonged menstrual bleeding during perimenopause.  Hot Flashes and Night Sweats: Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT): HRT is currently the most effective method for relieving vasomotor symptoms. However, it's important to discuss potential risks with a healthcare provider, as HRT can increase your risk of blood clots and breast cancer. If improperly prescribed, it can also increase the risk of uterine cancer. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends the lowest dose for the shortest duration. Low-dose antidepressants: SSRIs/SSNIs may mitigate hot flashes and mood disorders for those who are not candidates or prefer to avoid HRT. Currently, only Paroxetine is FDA-approved for this use.  Fezolinetant: This is a newly FDA-approved non-hormonal medication that works at the brain's level to treat vasomotor symptoms. Gabapentin: This is an anticonvulsant medication that has been shown in several studies to be helpful for vasomotor symptoms, but it is not currently FDA-approved. Genitourinary Symptoms of Menopause:  Vaginal estrogen: Vaginal dryness and pain with intercourse due to thinning vaginal tissue is a common symptom of menopause. Vaginal estrogen is highly effective at decreasing these symptoms and has fewer side effects than systemic HRT. Ospemifene: This is a selective estrogen receptor modulator that is a non-hormonal FDA-approved medication for severe vaginal dryness. Natural Symptom Relief Strategies: Nutrition: Incorporate calcium, vitamin D, and high-quality protein to support bone health and muscle maintenance. There are limited studies on phytoestrogens (found in soy and tofu) and vasomotor symptoms. While the data doesn’t necessarily support that these phytoestrogens relieve symptoms, no detrimental effects were found and these tend to be high quality and healthy proteins. Exercise: Regular physical activity can ease menopausal symptoms and support weight management. Data doesn’t support that this reduces vasomotor symptoms, but it can be helpful in weight management and sleep quality. Beverage choices: Limiting alcohol and caffeine can help decrease the frequency of vasomotor symptoms and may also improve sleep quality. Alternative remedies: One study shows that Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture are effective at relieving vasomotor symptoms. There is not enough evidence to recommend Black Cohosh, and it is associated with liver toxicity in high doses. Studies don’t show that St. John’s Wart or Gingko Balboa are any better than placebo.  Always mention your alternative medical therapies to your provider as some do interact with other prescribed medications. By understanding and recognizing that the symptoms of menopause are real and treatable, women are empowered to manage this transition better and can maintain their well-being and quality of life. Please schedule an appointment with Renown Women’s Health if you’d like to discuss your menopause symptoms with a provider.

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    • Recipes

    Healthy Potato Salad A Creamy Dreamy and Light Picnic Favorite

    Potato salad is the superstar of summer picnics, a delightful sidekick at backyard BBQs, and a tasty everyday treat! Our friends at Renown's Health Improvement Programs whipped up a fabulous, health-conscious version that doesn't skimp on the creamy dreaminess we crave. This salad features purple potatoes for a dash of delightful color. It's also easy to make, with protein-rich Greek yogurt and egg whites. This simple but classic dish will indeed become your circle's new favorite—talk about a tasty transformation!

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    • Food and Nutrition

    Nourishing Your Loved One Through Cancer Treatment

    Eating healthy is a daily challenge for many, but for those with cancer, it is an even harder struggle. A cancer diagnosis affects not only those diagnosed but family members and friends, too. One key area of concern is making sure your loved one stays well by eating healthy food every day. Here are some vital cancer nutrition tips from Jessica Blauenstein, a Board Certified Specialist in Oncology Nutrition and Registered Dietitian at Renown Health. Help to Prepare Meals and Snacks for Daily Cancer Nutrition Make it grab and go. Easy-to-make meals help reduce the burden of having to cook and prepare food. Having easy to grab snacks on the counter or in the fridge can help ensure your loved one has access to those nutrients when needed. Sit outside of the kitchen. This allows your loved one to avoid cooking smells which can make them feel sick as a side effect of cancer treatments. Also try serving them cold foods such as sandwiches, cheese and crackers, or shakes which have a mild scent. Try drinkable meals. Some people with cancer find it easier to sip their calories over the course of 30 minutes to an hour. Consider smoothies or supplemental shakes such as Ensure Complete, Fairlife shakes, Orgain shakes, or Boost Plus to name a few. A great foundation for a smoothie is a protein source (Greek yogurt, protein powder, nut butters or milk) with a carbohydrate (fruits, juice or berries). Add other ingredients as desired, such as spinach, kale, and ground flaxseed or chia seeds to give it more vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Snack Ideas for Those Undergoing Cancer Treatment The following ideas are both quick and easy to make for your loved one. Chicken or tuna salad with whole grain crackers or as a sandwich on whole grain bread Greek yogurt mixed with cereal, fruit and/or nuts Cottage cheese with banana, cinnamon and/or peanut butter Favorite fruit with 100% natural peanut or almond butter spread - Try peanut butter with bananas, apples, or even celery Their favorite veggies dipped in a salad dressing of your choice - For example, carrots with hummus, tahini, or ranch dressing Cheese and whole grain crackers - Add tomato slices with a small amount of avocado, and a dash of oregano on top for more flavor Eggs scrambled with cheese, vegetables and/or salsa Peanut butter and jelly sandwich on whole grain bread A baked sweet potato with some favorite toppings Hard boiled eggs and/or egg salad with whole grain crackers, or as a sandwich on whole grain bread Oatmeal or cream of wheat prepared with milk, fruit and/or nuts Sometimes your loved one may not feel like eating or refuse to eat. If treatment side effects are impacting your loved one’s ability to eat, please visit the websites below containing recipes tailored to treat side effects. Cook for Your Life ELLICSR Of course, you may also consult a registered dietitian and/or the patients care team, if you have more cancer nutrition concerns.

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    • Employees
    • Pharmacy
    • Medication

    Department Spotlight: Pharmacy

    When it comes to each patient’s healthcare journey, medication is often a key chapter. After all, medication is one of the most common treatment methods to help patients on the road back to health. In 2023, 4.83 billion prescriptions were filled in the U.S., and with this number only anticipated to rise annually, having an expert pharmacy team on your side to make certain you are prescribed the ideal dosage to treat your condition, prepare your prescriptions on time and help you manage your medications responsibly is important.  Fortunately, at Renown Health, we have best-in-class inpatient and outpatient pharmacy teams to fill both prescriptions and promises for excellent care. Renown Pharmacy plays a vital role in helping us foster a health system that prioritizes patient well-being above all else. This department exemplifies the impact that a unified, expert pharmacy team can have on patient outcomes now and in the future.  The Masters of Medication Spanning three hospitals plus ambulatory locations across the health system, Renown’s growing pharmacy team – full of dedicated pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and even medical assistants – manages medications in a wide variety of patient settings, touching nearly every aspect of the healthcare continuum: Outpatient Retail Pharmacies Renown Regional Medical Center – 75 Pringle Way The Healthcare Center – 21 Locust Street Renown South Meadows Medical Center – 10101 Double R Blvd  Inpatient Pharmacies Renown Rehabilitation Hospital Renown Regional Medical Center (including Renown Children’s Hospital) Renown South Meadows Medical Center COMING SOON: Conrad Breast Center Pharmacy (in honor of Kristina Ferrari) in the Specialty Care Center at Renown South Meadows Ambulatory Pharmacies Anticoagulation Services – Institute for Heart & Vascular Health (IHVH) Pharmacotherapy Program – IHVH and Renown Medical Group Locations Congestive Heart Failure Pharmacotherapy Program – Center for Advanced Medicine B at Renown Regional Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Pharmacotherapy Program – Renown South Meadows Endocrinology Pharmacotherapy Program – Renown South Meadows Additional Pharmacy Programs Medical Reconciliation Pharmacy Residency Clinical pharmacists at Renown bridge the gap between medicine and compassionate support, making sure each patient receives personalized care one prescription at a time.  “There are various roles pharmacists play within Renown,” said Clarissa Munoz, Clinical Pharmacist in the Renown Regional Inpatient Pharmacy. “Staff pharmacists work diligently to ensure correct medications are dispensed, and if compounded, make sure they were prepared properly. They also work hard to answer medication messages and phone calls, help verify orders and make sure ode trays/RSI kits are appropriately stocked and ready when needed. Clinical pharmacists work from satellite pharmacies on the floor and focus on reviewing patient charts and aim to provide additional interventions to the providers to optimize treatment strategies. We also serve as a resource for nursing staff and help answer medication questions.”  “My role in the pharmacy is pretty expansive,” added Chanelle Ajimura, Clinical Pharmacist in the Renown Regional Outpatient Pharmacy. “I maintain inventory to confirm patients can receive their medications in a timely manner both for our discharge and retail patients while balancing the Meds to Beds program, which offers medication delivery to the bedside and bedside medication counseling; collaborating with an interdisciplinary team to find the most affordable price for patients; and verifying that the dose, strength, indication, etc. is appropriate for the patient from start to finish.”  “In the pharmacy, I make sure patients are receiving appropriate drug therapy by checking for major drug interactions and ensuring appropriate dosing,” added Courtney Church, Clinical Pharmacist in the Renown Regional Outpatient Pharmacy. “I also make recommendations to providers so patients can get cost-effective therapy.”  Our pharmacy technicians work behind-the-scenes ensuring efficient medication management, making a difference in the lives of patients every day.  “A pharmacy technician is responsible for making sure the patient gets their medications on time and at the lowest price possible,” said Nate Graham, Pharmacy Technician in the Renown Regional Outpatient Pharmacy. “This is done by working with patients, insurance companies and case workers. We fill prescriptions, enter prescriptions into our system, receive and send orders for medications and maintain a clean pharmacy with an accurate inventory.”  “We do a variety of things; the task people probably know the most is counting out the medications and putting them in the amber vials,” added Rachel Vallin, Pharmacy Technician in the Renown Regional Outpatient Pharmacy. “We also help patients at the front of the pharmacy, ring out their prescriptions, answer some basic questions (deferring to a pharmacist as necessary) and billing insurance. Meds to Beds is my favorite part because I feel the most involved. I take medications to patients who are discharging up to their hospital rooms so they have it with them when they leave.”  “As a technician, I confirm that all medications of new admissions are available in our machines prior to admitting and then maintain stock during each patient’s stay,” added Tammara Axtman, Pharmacy Technician at Renown Rehabilitation Hospital. "I also assist our nurses when needed in regard to any of their questions with both EPIC and Omnicell.”  Our pharmacy team is also on the move all across our health system, thanks to our Ambulatory Pharmacy programs. For patients experiencing a serious heart, lung, or endocrine condition that requires ongoing drug therapy maintenance and guidance, our ambulatory pharmacies step in to carefully monitor how their medications impact their health and well-being.  “Our role as pharmacists in this department is non-traditional because we actually see patients in the exam rooms face-to-face,” said Cory Lankford, Ambulatory Care Clinical Pharmacist for Renown’s Anticoagulation Services. “We modify their medication regimens and drug recommendations under collaborative practice agreements.”  “Because our role is so unique, we have a lot of opportunities to make a positive impact on patients,” added Janeen Abe, Ambulatory Care Clinical Pharmacist for Renown’s Anticoagulation Services. “We do a lot of direct patient interaction, including counseling patients on their medications and helping them navigate through their disease state.”  “As a medical assistant in this department, we’re called the patient ‘liaisons’ to orchestrate who they should go to whether it’s a nurse, a provider or a pharmacist,” added Kiara Scruggs, Medical Assistant for Renown’s Anticoagulation Services. “We look at each patient’s medications and help with the Warfarin blood thinner monitor. We get to do a lot with patients." A key resource within the Pharmacy department and the emergency admission process, our Medical Reconciliation ("Med Rec") team stays on top of each patient's medication records. By ensuring each medication regimen is accurately reflected in each patient's chart and that patients continue to take their at-home medications while admitted to the hospital, this team provides vital insight into medications that could be a contributing factor to each patient's symptoms, including drug interactions. “Our medication reconciliation pharmacy technician team are true detectives,” said Heather Townsend, Clinical Pharmacy Supervisor. “When a patient arrives to the hospital, Med Rec works with patients, families, caregivers and outpatient pharmacies to compile a list of medications the patient has been taking a home. This list is used to make sure medications are not contributing to the patient’s symptoms and to assure medications are continued throughout the hospital stay. The addition of the medication reconciliation team has been one of the greatest advancements in medication safety.” “As a Med Rec Tech, we interview patients and family members and call pharmacies, skilled nursing facilities, etc. to obtain an accurate and complete medication list/history to outline what the patient is currently taking on a daily basis,” added Kara McGee, Medical Reconciliation Pharmacy Technician. “We make sure that we document the correct medication, dose, route, frequency and directions. This information is crucial because the nurses, pharmacists and physicians look at our work to figure out if any medications are contributing to the patient's health condition, and for the continuation of home medications on admission.” “Even though the Med Rec Tech might seem small in the hospital realm, it is very vital for patient information and beneficial to the patient's health,” added Brizza Villafan, Medical Reconciliation Pharmacy Technician. “There is never a dull moment in this work.” No matter the diagnosis, having Renown Pharmacy as an integral part of your healthcare team is a win-win situation for both you and them: you receive access to medication to help you heal, delivered to you with precision and care, and the pharmacy team has the opportunity to care for you and make a positive impact, a role they take seriously.

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    • HealthyNV Project
    • Research and Studies
    • Mammogram
    • Genetic
    • Cancer Care

    Optimizing Mammogram Screenings: A Genetic Approach to a Personalized Screening Schedule

    © Arthon Meekodong via Breast cancer screening has long been a cornerstone of women's healthcare. With 1 in 8 women diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime1, the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has developed screening recommendations to help detect early-stage cancer. Notably in 2023, the USPSTF revised the recommended age for biennial mammogram screenings for women with average risk to start at age 40 instead of 502, estimated to result in 19% more lives being saved3 by starting screening earlier. While initiating screening at an earlier age offers advantages to a wide demographic, concerns about the potential of over-screening prompted research into the feasibility of identifying women with lower breast cancer risk who could safely delay mammograms. While guidelines address high-risk individuals, a notable gap exists in providing recommendations tailored to those at lower risk. To gain insight into a patient's risk level, physicians are able to utilize genetic testing to understand an individual's genetic makeup, providing precise insights into their predisposition to various health conditions, including breast cancer. Armed with this genetic information, healthcare providers could craft tailored screening strategies that align with an individual’s specific risk profile. This genetic risk-based approach underscores the value of genetics in individualizing the onset of screening to help avoid over-screening and its associated costs. Surprisingly, genetic information is not currently being widely utilized to identify women at risk of breast cancer or other diseases in clinical practice, despite its potential to make a significant positive impact for patients. A recent retrospective analysis of 25,591 women from the Healthy Nevada Project4 sheds light on the potential benefits of this genetic risk-based approach. The study classified 2,338 (9.1%) of these women as having a low genetic risk for breast cancer. What's remarkable is that these women exhibited a significantly lower and later onset of breast cancer compared to their average or high-risk counterparts. This finding suggests that it might be safe for low-risk women to delay mammogram screening by 5 to 10 years without compromising their health.

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    • Pediatric Care
    • Vaccine

    What You Need to Know About RSV

    Respiratory syncytial virus, also known as RSV, is a common respiratory virus that impacts the lungs and breathing pathways. The virus can be dangerous for infants and young children and is also concerning for older adults. While most older kids and adults only experience cold-like systems and recover in a week or two, an estimated 58,000-80,000 children younger than 5 years old are hospitalized due to RSV each year, and in 2022 healthcare organizations across the country are experiencing higher infection rates than in years past.  "We are experiencing a strong RSV season and do not expect it to go away anytime soon," said Dr. Kris Wilson, Division Chief of Renown Children's Primary Care. "Infants who are infected with RSV almost always show symptoms of runny noses and cough. Call your healthcare provider immediately if your child is having difficulty breathing, is not drinking enough fluids, or is experiencing any worsening of these symptoms.” Symptoms of RSV: Runny nose  Decrease in appetite/inability to drink Dry diapers, an indication of dehydration  Cough, which may progress to wheezing or difficulty breathing Irritability (most common in very young infants) Decreased activity (most common in very young infants) Decreased appetite (most common in very young infants) Apnea, pauses in breathing for more than 10 seconds (most common in very young infants) What to do if you think your child has RSV: Call your pediatrician! If you suspect your child might have RSV, consulting their healthcare provider is the best first line of defense. From here they will help you build an appropriate treatment plan for child. Keep in mind that many pediatrician offices offer 24/7 call lines.  If your child is experiencing retracted breathing (when the area between the ribs and in the neck sinks in when a person attempts to inhale), dehydration (not drinking and decrease in wet diapers) or apnea (pauses in breathing for more than 10 seconds) please call 911 or go to the closest emergency room.

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