Results for 'social work'
A Facility Designed with Seniors in Mind
Did you know that members of Senior Care Plus, the largest Medicare Advantage Plan in northern Nevada, have access to an exclusive, senior-focused Renown Health primary care office right here in Reno? The facility – and the Medicare plan itself – are both designed with seniors in mind; this includes specialty staff, longer appointment times, on-site services, supportive furniture and more. 4 Benefits of an Exclusive Senior Care Plus Facility Centrally Located with Senior-Focused Staff The Senior Care Plus facility, located on Del Monte Lane, is only open to members of Senior Care Plus. This exclusive access means that the bilingual staff – including doctors, medical assistants, nurses and personal assistants – works daily with aging health needs. On-Site Services and Enrollment Specialists The Senior Care Plus providers understand that seniors often require complex care management and geriatric-focused services. That is why this location offers on-site lab draws, saving travel time and stress. Another essential service this location offers is longer appointment times, ensuring members don’t feel rushed when discussing their health needs with providers. Another perk of the Del Monte location – on-site enrollment specialists. Members, and potential members, can stop by this location on weekdays between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. to have their SCP-related questions answered. Furniture Designed with Seniors in Mind Senior Care Plus makes a doctor visit as stress-free as possible. The office has furniture that makes each visit more comfortable for members. All of the office chairs have armrests, so seniors can easily get in and out of them. Also helpful are the exam room chairs with remote controls for reclining the chair and lifting the patient’s legs. This makes exams, such as a diabetic foot exam, less of a strain. Community Rooms Social connections are an important part of health. That is why the Del Monte Lane office has community rooms used for informative seminars and as a gathering place for members to mingle. The seminars focus on many interesting topics for older adults, such as diabetes, COPD, asthma, weight loss, nutrition, yoga and chair exercises.
Steve Shell Joins Renown to Lead the Stacie Mathewson Behavioral Health & Addiction Institute
Under Steve Shell's leadership, the Institute will continue to expand community access to prevention and intervention services for mental health disorders and alcohol and drug addiction. Renown Health is excited to announce Steve Shell is joining the Stacie Mathewson Behavioral Health & Addiction Institute at Renown as its vice president. In this role, Shell will oversee the Institute, which provides intensive outpatient treatment, partial hospitalization programs and medication-assisted treatment to serve those struggling with mental illness and addiction in our community. “We are pleased to welcome such an experienced and talented leader like Steve to our organization,” said Tony Slonim, MD, DrPH, president and CEO, Renown Health. “As vice president of the Stacie Mathewson Behavioral Health & Addiction Institute at Renown, Steve will continue the Institute’s work to change the status of mental health and addiction in northern Nevada.” Shell comes to Renown after opening and serving as chief executive officer of Nevada’s two newest behavioral health hospitals since 2013. He was instrumental in establishing Reno Behavioral Healthcare Hospital in 2016 and helped to design, set up and manage operations for the 124-bed psychiatric and addiction treatment facility for all ages. He also launched the 152- bed Desert Parkway Behavioral Healthcare Hospital in Las Vegas in 2013, a psychiatric and addiction treatment facility for all ages. “Nevada has the highest prevalence of mental illness and substance use in the nation combined with limited access to treatment and a shortage of care providers,” said Steve Shell. “I am passionate about improving the health of our community and have dedicated my career to advocating for mental health, working diligently to further elevate the care offered in our state.” Renown Health and Charles N. and Stacie L. Mathewson established the Stacie Mathewson Behavioral Health & Addiction Institute at Renown in to expand community access to prevention and intervention services for mental health disorders and alcohol and drug addiction. The Institute is working to expand intensive outpatient treatment, partial hospitalization programs and medication-assisted treatment to better serve those struggling with mental illness and addiction and is working to decrease stigma and encourage more people to seek help. “Moving the needle and improving the heartbreaking statistics of our state is a key focus for the Institute,” said Stacie Mathewson, executive director at the Stacie Mathewson Foundation. “I believe Steve’s leadership will have a positive impact on our efforts to improve the care and treatment of mental illness and addiction.” About Renown Health Renown Health is the region’s largest, locally owned and governed, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. With a diverse workforce of more than 7,000 employees, Renown has fostered a longstanding culture of excellence, determination and innovation. The organization comprises a trauma center, two acute care hospitals, a children’s hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, a medical group and urgent care network, and the region’s largest, locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown’s institute model addresses social determinants of health and includes: Child Health, Behavioral Health & Addiction, Healthy Aging and Health Innovation. Clinical institutes include: Cancer, Heart and Vascular Heath, Neurosciences and Robotic Surgery. Renown is currently enrolling participants in the world’s largest community-based genetic population health study, the Healthy Nevada Project®.
Are Blue Light Glasses Necessary?
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, more people are working from home than ever before, leading to a rise in digital screen time. Between spending eight or more hours staring at a computer screen, and some downtime hours spent looking at a smartphone or watching TV, it’s almost inevitable to feel some adverse effects at the end of a day. Blue Light Effects vs. Digital Eye Strain Blue light is all around us, and the most natural source comes primarily from sunlight. Other forms of blue light are artificial and emitted by digital screens including LED TVs, smartphones, tablets and computers. Surprisingly enough, research shows blue light can actually have health benefits such as promoting alertness, boosting memory and cognitive function, elevating mood and regulating circadian rhythm. However, studies indicate that an excess in blue light exposure can lead to depletion of melatonin production, a hormone that regulates our sleep cycles. In today’s eyewear industry, blue light glasses are one of the more popular items purchased by consumers. Companies who sell the glasses claim they help with reducing or eliminating digital eye strain, while also increasing natural melatonin secretion to get a good night’s sleep. Other than their slight yellow tint to filter out blue light, they mostly look like regular glasses and come in many different stylish frames. You can find blue light glasses through various eyewear retailers. Most adults have experienced digital eye strain. Common symptoms of digital eye strain include headaches, blurred vision, irritated eyes, and fatigue. Many believe that digital eye strain is caused by overexposure to blue light, but medical vision experts say that is not the case. “Digital eye strain is related to how we use our digital devices, not the blue light coming out of them,” says Mitchell Strominger, MD, a neuro and pediatric ophthalmologist with Renown Health. Do Blue Light Glasses Even Work? Since blue light glasses aren’t medically proven to help with digital eye strain, you’re probably wondering if they’re even worth using. “If you’re one to binge a TV show or scroll though social media before bedtime, the blue light from those digital screens can disrupt your circadian rhythm and cause you to lose sleep, which can ultimately lead to other adverse health effects,” says Dr. Strominger. “While more research is still needed, some studies have shown that blue light glasses may prevent melatonin suppression and increase quality of sleep. There is no harm in trying them out and seeing if they work for you.” As for preventing digital eye strain, Dr. Strominger shared several helpful tips: Try using the 20-20-20 rule, which entails looking away from your screen and looking at an object 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. Sit at an arm’s length (about 25 inches) away from your screen. Adjust the brightness and contrast of your screen, especially before bedtime. There is a night mode setting on most smart phones you can use. Reduce your screen time whenever you can and give your eyes a break.
Supporting LGBTQ+ Community Health – Why it Matters
Renown Health has long supported northern Nevada’s LGBTQ+ community Pride events with sponsorship, and we’ve collaborated with local and regional LGBTQ+ organizations as an ally. Renown’s Pride Committee works to deepen and broaden our external and internal efforts around LGBTQ+ community engagement, advocacy, and healthcare issues related to sexual and gender minorities, which is part of the greater Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts Renown is undertaking. According to Harvard Chan School, data shows that nearly a sixth of LGBTQ+ adults feel they were discriminated against based on their sexual orientation and gender identity. As a result, this brings to light the important need for education within the healthcare setting. Renown Health is bridging the gap for our LGBTQ+ population, and we know more work needs to take place in order to become an inclusive organization. Below are a few ways we’re working on improving our response to LGBTQ+ needs, and celebrate, respect and honor our diversity by being inclusive. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion subcommittee was formed to heighten the awareness and develop a plan on how to better serve all of our diverse populations, including our LGBTQ+ patients. As the largest healthcare provider in northern Nevada, we knew that we could do a better job. The subcommittee provides us a forum to discuss ideas and develop plans to provide better care to these populations. Updated Medical Records with Preferred Name and Pronouns Of course healthcare is personal. We meet patients at their most vulnerable states. And relating to every person by the correct pronoun shows we respect their gender identity. A new medical records update supports our doctors, nurses and care team in capturing this vital information. We are now able to capture every person’s preferred name, sex and sexual orientation to better care for them. Kathleen Zaski BSN, RN, Manager of Clinical Informatics and IT Applications at Renown explains why this is so important. “Your name and identity are core to who you are as a person, and here at Renown, we aim to take care of you as a whole person and to provide the highest level of quality care to our community – all while ensuring the experience is exceptional and tailored to the individual. In other words, having the patient’s preferred name and pronoun in the medical record is important to validate their identity, and show we care, in an already high stress environment. Specifically, giving our providers easy access to the patients preferred name and pronoun in the medical record, allows them to properly address their health concerns. This also helps the health care provider foster a closer relationship with the patient. Studies have found this actually increases the quality of care by creating a more open and comfortable environment.” Gender Neutral Restrooms Mitch Harper, Senior Program Development Manager at Renown, recognizes there’s still so much more to improve upon in becoming an inclusive organization. “At the end of the day, it’s about creating a safe and welcoming environment for our community and our employees. Access to basic human services shouldn’t be contingent on an individual’s skin color, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, or beliefs. Ensuring that private restrooms are equally available to everyone on our campus is just one way we can provide a more inclusive, caring space for the people we serve.” Updated restroom locations: Roseview Tower: 10 Sierra Tower: 14 Tahoe Tower: 14 Helping to Lead and Influence Change Sean Savoy, Manager of Spiritual Care at Renown "The foundation of spiritual care is compassion – being with people in need by caring, supporting, and showing empathy, and promoting a sense of well-being. Being a member of the LGBTQ+ community informs that deep sense of compassion and empathy in a very special and unique way. Our human value, social validity, the very reality of who and what we are, even our right to exist, love and just be, are often called into question. This, in turn, can cause many of us to question ourselves and wonder about our self-worth. This experience should engender compassion and empathy so that we can better recognize, listen to and meet others’ needs to help them achieve inner peace, explore coping strategies to overcome obstacles during illness or crisis, and even find new balance by re-conceptualizing themselves in the context of health and illness. I have found that the intersectionality of my gay and spiritual selves has been a blessing in my life." Matthew Maloy, Team Lead Applications Specialist at Renown “I am a Team Lead Epic analyst in the IT department that is responsible for clinical based workflows for ED, Trauma, and Critical Care and have worked at Renown for 15 years. Being a part of the LGBTQ+ community influences my daily work by ensuring the Electronic Health Record reflects best practices such as giving clinicians the ability to document a preferred name, and displaying that throughout the medical record for consistency. Having the ability to influence decisions that move our community toward human value for all of us is a priority in my daily work.” Our Mission Renown Health’s mission is to make a genuine difference in the health and well-being of the people and communities we serve, including the LGBTQ+ community. We continue to build relationships to improve care, fostering better health outcomes for ALL of our patients by creating a more inclusive health system.
Read More About Supporting LGBTQ+ Community Health – Why it Matters
Local Organizations Receives $250K BUILD Health Challenge® Award to Improve Seniors' Health
Award given to Truckee Meadows Health Communities, Renown Health & Washoe County Health District. Truckee Meadows Healthy Communities (TMHC), Renown Health and the Washoe County Health District received the BUILD Health Challenge® award, a $250,000 grant to support Caring For Reno’s Elders (C.A.R.E.) program. The award comes as a collaborative result of more than 30 local organizations submitting a proposal for the funding. Renown Health announced that the organization is matching the grant alongside other pledged funding from the community, bringing the current C.A.R.E. support to $580,000. Together the entities will focus on senior loneliness and the health issues it creates. The partners are honored that Truckee Meadows was selected as one of 18 communities to receive funding from BUILD in the 2019-2021 term. “C.A.R.E will be a community approach to enhance life quality for elders by reducing social isolation and loneliness, issues that seriously impact senior health,” said co-team leader Kindle Craig, Sr. Director Renown Institutes. “Loneliness is the root cause of many issues including suicide1, chronic disease2 and a reduction in lifespan3. Washoe County senior suicide rates are two and four times the national rate for those aged 65 and 85 years, respectively4. That is unacceptable. ”Sharon Zadra, TMHC executive director and co-team leader, said this project will tackle barriers to socialization such as access to affordable housing, transportation and healthcare. “We’ll bring the entire community on-board, long-term, to increase social connectedness and reduce health and mortality issues associated with loneliness by starting a cross generational ‘Kindness Epidemic,’” Zadra said. The BUILD Health Challenge is a national program focused on bold, upstream, integrated, local and data driven projects that can improve community health. The award provides funding, capacity building support and access to a national peer-learning network to enhance collaborative partnerships locally to address our community’s most pressing health challenges. The C.A.R.E team expresses special thanks to the BUILD Health Challenge for its support of this initiative. “Loneliness and isolation in our senior population leads to declines in both mental and physical health, and increased mortality,” said Kevin Dick, Washoe County District Health Officer. “We are incredibly honored to join the BUILD cohort, teaming with TMHC and Renown Health to bring long-term solutions by building a cohesive social network to improve the health of our elders.” The BUILD Health Challenge® is made possible with the support of: BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Foundation, the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Foundation, Blue Shield of California Foundation, Communities Foundation of Texas, de Beaumont Foundation, Episcopal Health Foundation, The Kresge Foundation, Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc., New Jersey Health Initiatives, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and W.K. Kellogg Foundation. TMHC, Renown Health and WCHD have worked united for the last five years, rallying diverse partners and community leaders to influence and advocate for the region’s capacity to ensure a healthy community. Truckee Meadows Healthy Community Truckee Meadows Healthy Communities is a collaborative of thought leaders and influencers who seek to make an impact on the health of their community. The collaborative seeks to build a model where all community members strive toward a culture of health in the Truckee Meadows. This model will include the intersection of the health, education and community development sectors in our region. Truckee Meadows Healthy Communities seeks to create a healthier community through a collective impact project. Renown Health Renown Health is a locally governed and locally owned, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. Renown is one of the region’s largest private employers with a workforce of more than 7,000. It comprises three acute care hospitals, a rehabilitation hospital, the area’s most comprehensive medical group and urgent care network, and the region’s largest and only locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown has a long tradition and commitment to continually improve the care and the health of our community. For more information, visit The Washoe County Health District has jurisdiction over all public health matters in Reno, Sparks, and Washoe County through the policy-making Washoe County District Board of Health. The District consists of five divisions: Administrative Health Services, Air Quality Management, Community and Clinical Health Services, Environmental Health Services and Epidemiology & Public Health Preparedness. Sources: 1. Ariel Stravynski, Richard Boyer, (2001). Loneliness in Relation to Suicide Ideation and Parasuicide: A Population-Wide Study. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 32-40. 2. Hannah Schulze, Sean Wilson, (2018). Harvard University Blog. Loneliness: An Epidemic? 3. Resurgence & Ecologist, (2018). Compassion is the Best Medicine. Issue 307 4. Washoe Region Behavioral Health Profile, (2018). Figure 54: Death Due to Suicide/Intentional Self-Harm by Age Group, Washoe County, Nevada, and United States, 2012-2016 Aggregate Data: pp. 42. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. Underlying Cause of Death 1999-2016 on CDC WONDER Online Database, released December 2017. Data are from the Multiple Cause of Death Files,1999-2016, as compiled from data provided by the 57 vital statistics jurisdictions through the Vital Statistics Cooperative Program. Accessed at
Keeping Pediatric Care Close to Home
As our community grows, so does the need for specialized care. Thanks to a generous gift, there’s a healthier future for families in the region as a $7.5 million gift to the Renown Health Foundation is helping keep care close to home. Being in the hospital is often a stressful experience, especially for a child and their caregivers. If you add the need to travel out-of-state for care into the mix, unnecessary anxiety and financial burdens can be placed on a family that is already worried about a sick child. With our quickly growing community and close to 100,000 children under the age of 18 in Washoe County alone, the need for local specialty care is needed. The William N. Pennington Foundation recognized this need and donated $7.5 million to the Renown Health Foundation – the largest gift the health system has received – to keep care close to home and establish the William N. Pennington Fund for Advanced Pediatric Care. Thanks to this gift, Renown Children’s Hospital has hired more than 15 pediatric specialists who provide care for children in our community. Below, we introduce you to three key specialized pediatricians in northern Nevada: Joseph A. Gassen, M.D. “Having pediatric specialists in the community is invaluable,” says Joseph A. Gassen, M.D., pediatric emergency medicine. “It allows families and patients to stay in Reno and not have to travel far distances to get quality care.” Gassen, the only doctor specializing in pediatric emergency medicine in the region, moved to Reno to provide care in the emergency room at Renown Children’s Hospital. “The hospital is dedicated to improving the care of children in northern Nevada, and I wanted to be a part of this amazing vision," Dr. Gassen says. I would not have been able to relocate to Reno without the support from the hospital and the William N. Pennington gift.” Working with children and their families are what Dr. Gassen finds most rewarding. "I get to provide care for a child, which in turn makes the parent feel better,” he says. “Essentially, I get to treat the whole family, even though I only directly care for the kids.” Colin Nguyen, M.D. Also among the first new specialists is Pediatric Neurologist Colin Nguyen, M.D., who has done extensive work with epilepsy and epilepsy surgery. “In any growing and expanding community, we need the multitude of social, financial, political and well-being services to sustain that growth and progress,” Dr. Nguyen says. “The ability to offer more breadth of medical services to our local population allows families to spend more time together and fulfill work obligations, without the need to travel long distances to obtain that specialized care.” Dr. Nguyen says he enjoys caring for children because they are honest in their emotions and reactions, as well as simple in their intentions. “It is the overall joy and unique sadness that comes in working with children, which drives many of us to continue our work -- I am no exception.” Jacob Zucker, M.D. The third pediatric specialist providing care thanks to the Pennington gift has close ties to northern Nevada. Jacob Zucker, M.D., pediatric hematologist-oncologist, was born and raised in Reno and attended medical school at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine before moving to the Midwest for his residency and fellowship. Dr. Zucker feels fortunate to have been offered the opportunity to return home and give back to the community that has given so much to him. “I can say with absolute resolve that northern Nevada is an exceptional community to practice medicine in. The care offered here at home is top rate and the providers that live and practice here truly understand the purpose of community.” The addition of these three specialists and the future specialists that will be coming to our area will impact thousands of children and their families. “With a growing population, the vision of leadership at Renown, and with the generosity of the William N. Pennington Foundation, northern Nevada is in position for the first time to make local pediatric subspecialty care a reality and to keep our families at home in their community,” Dr. Zucker says.
Renown Health Vision for Value Based Care
In recent years, healthcare has undergone many important transitions. One of the greatest changes has been the transition from a fee-for-service model to a value-based care model. Historically, healthcare organizations were paid for the amount of services they performed. This payment model resulted in more tests and procedures ordered, which, in turn, increased our country’s health care costs. However, now our government incentivizes health systems to provide the highest quality of care at the lowest cost possible. This new payment model is called value-based purchasing or value-based care. In this model, providers focus on delivering more coordinated and effective care. Additionally, healthcare organizations track important metrics like patient engagement, population health, and hospital readmissions. At Renown Health, we know that progress on these metrics represents real improvements in our patients’ lives. Shifting Focus from Illness to Wellness Healthcare organizations have traditionally viewed a hospital stay as the center of a patient’s wellness journey. At Renown Health, we believe a key part of our job is to help people live well every day. This means we focus not only on treating illness and injury but also on prevention efforts to keep people out of the hospital. For example, our employees help patients hazard-proof their homes to prevent falls, as falls are the leading cause of injuries in older adults. We also provide affordable health screenings to catch disease in its early stages, when it is more treatable. Renown Health also recognizes that many of the diseases our patients face – from diabetes to cancer – have social and environmental origins. We know that creating a healthier community will have a positive impact on their physical and mental health. Renown Health partners with local organizations to address community-based issues like addiction, pedestrian safety, air and water quality, climate change, and nutrition. Working together, we can lower the number of people who need care and improve the health and wellbeing of our community. Creating healthier environments and communities will help us prevent disease, which in turn will help us decrease spending and improve health. Most importantly, it will help people live up to their full potential. Dr. Slonim on Twitter | @RenownCEOTonyMD Interested in hearing more of Dr. Slomin’s thoughts on health and healthcare? Engage with him on Twitter. Follow Tony
How to Get Your Kids to Sleep, Screen-Free
If you’re a parent, you’ve probably been there — the sometimes-nightly struggle to get your little ones off to bed. Elaina Lantrip, an APRN with Renown Pediatrics, offers some tips and explains how your child’s electronics may be getting in the way of a good night’s sleep. These days, kids are consuming media from a very early age on all types of devices — from tablets and phones to TVs. While they can benefit from some media use, it can have a negative impact on bedtime. We asked Elaina Lantrip, an advanced nurse practitioner with Renown Pediatrics, for some advice on downloading a better bedtime routine. What are the most important practices for parents to establish for their children’s bedtime routines? I often have parents tell me that their child won’t go to bed — or to sleep. Parents frequently ask for tips on bedtime routines that work. My first question is whether their regular bedtime routine involves television, iPad, tablet, phone or anything with a screen. It’s very important that bedtime includes a bath, reading a story, talking, singing and bonding with young ones, rather than using any devices. Why shouldn’t children have a device at bedtime? A growing body of research supports that screen time at bedtime contributes to delays in a child’s falling to sleep; overall inability to reach the important REM, or deep sleep; waking up during the night; nightmares and night terrors. For older youth, engaging with social media before bedtime can bring up stresses, emotions and relationship issues with peers that don’t exactly create peaceful bedtime thoughts. Bedtime should be a screen-free, stress-free, peaceful time of day. It’s a great time for parents to promote self-esteem, talk through things going on in the child’s life, to encourage and build them up. Children grow up fast — bedtime is a great the opportunity with younger children to cuddle up and read a story or sing a lullaby. What are other major considerations in making bedtime smooth and relaxing for kids and their parents? Another factor that contributes to positive sleep habits includes children getting enough activity during the the day so they’re genuinely tired at night. Also helpful are ambient noise makers, peaceful music, avoiding sugar two hours prior to bedtime, consistency in bedtime routine, comfortable pajamas and comfortable temperature in the home. Is it important to keep the child’s bedroom dark? Dimming the lights is important, regardless of the time of year. This is another reason to ban screens, as they emit light that stimulates wakefulness.
Department Spotlight: Infusion Services
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Join us in honoring our Chemotherapy & Infusion Services team at Renown Health! Living life with a chronic condition is never easy – and the road to recovery can take many different turns. When it comes to a daunting diagnosis like cancer or a lifelong illness like multiple sclerosis or rheumatoid arthritis, chemotherapy, transfusions and IV medications are often significant parts of the puzzle. We’re proud to introduce our experts that provide that crucial puzzle piece. The Chemotherapy & Infusion Services department at Renown Health is where compassionate care meets cutting-edge expertise. Proudly boasting a 100% patient satisfaction rate for 2023, this team – which encompasses nurses, physicians, pharmacists, dietitians, social workers, scheduling and insurance staff and financial counselors – embodies a profound dedication to healing while simultaneously empowering patients to face their diagnosis with resilience and hope. Going Above and Beyond The expertise within the Infusion Services team is unmatched in the region, offering education and treatment for a wide variety of illnesses, including: Cancer Multiple sclerosis (MS) Anemia Osteoporosis Osteomyelitis Rheumatoid arthritis Genetic disorders Polycythemia vera According to this team, it truly takes a village to deliver this expert care to all their patients. “It's really impressive how many key players are involved in caring for our patients!” said Kaitlin Hildebrand, Supervisor of Infusion Services. “The process starts with our amazing Medical Oncology team or community providers referring patients to us. Our nurses are the absolute best advocates for our patients and are amazing at what they do; over half of us are Certified Oncology Nurses. We couldn’t do what we do without our CNAs or our pharmacy team as well; they are such valuable resources for us.” “It is remarkable to think of the details that take place to ensure care for our patients,” added Amanda Thomas, Chemotherapy RN Specialist. “First, our incredible intake team schedules and obtains authorization, and the patient access representatives check in our patients. From there, our CNAs greet our patients, take their vital signs, ensure they have the proper nutrition and make sure they feel welcomed and comfortable with the process. Then, our chemotherapy specialist RN – which is my role – reviews treatments and coordinates with providers, personalizing care for each patient. In the background, the pharmacy specialists perform safety checks and medication preparation. And of course, our sincerely caring team of nurses assess, care and treat the patient while ensuring they feel educated, led by the charge nurse who supports the team doing safety verifications for all chemotherapies.” Managing a diagnosis is more than medication – the hope and healing this team provides their patients is a huge aspect of each patient’s journey. “We work together to take care of this amazing population of patients,” said Stacy Demitropoulos, Infusion Services RN. “We go above and beyond. It is more than just giving patients their medications. It is about human connection, helping them navigate this journey in their health and so much more! We help to troubleshoot problems they may be having and help give them resources.” “I view going through someone’s cancer journey with them as a privilege,” added Ashley Gravelle, Infusion Services RN. “I try to just meet them where they are. Sometimes we are the only people patients are truly able to express themselves to, whether that be complaining about symptoms, talking about death and dying or being lighthearted about something really serious. I will be whatever the patient needs me to be that day.” While the work of infusion therapy is fast-paced and requires close attention to time and detail, these teammates are never alone. They work closely together to ensure every patient gets the individualized care they need and deserve. “Infusion Therapy is busy and extremely time-oriented,” said Audrey Arthur, Infusion Services RN. “Between handling chemotherapy, immunotherapy, blood products, injections, antibiotics and central lines, there is always a task that needs to be handled. There is an expectation to provide detailed care as swiftly as possible so that these patients can go back home to their families. Additionally, you must keep treatment moving forward so the next person waiting in the lobby can receive their treatment in an appropriate and timely manner.” “Life in the infusion center is fast-paced but rewarding,” added Nick Leid, Infusion Pharmacist. “The protocols that have been put in place by our clinical specialists allow us to provide patient care for dozens of patients every day while remaining safe and accurate. On the pharmacy side of the infusion center, we ensure that protocols are being adhered to: Making sure doses are calculated correctly, labs are appropriate for treatment, pre-medications for nausea and other symptoms are ordered correctly and that the products delivered to the patient are made correctly.” “A day in the life of an infusion nurse is a busy one,” added Ashley Gravelle. “We care for usually 9-10 patients each on a given day, and the treatment ranges from chemotherapy and antibiotics to various biologics, TP, injections, lab draws and port/central line care. You have to be an excellent multitasker and be able to switch gears very quickly. It is impossible to do this work without our whole team. When one of us needs help, someone is always there to jump in. We work as a well- oiled machine.” Together, the infusion services team exemplifies the power of compassionate care, dedication and expertise, lighting the way for healthier tomorrows.
A Journey of Support: How Grants from the American Cancer Society Impact Patients at Renown
For many cancer patients, a significant hurdle is simply getting to treatment. Patients from Nevada and California often face considerable financial and logistical challenges when traveling for care. Limited resources for transportation and lodging can result in missed appointments, treatment interruptions and delays in follow-up care. To address this crucial need, Renown Health Foundation partners with the American Cancer Society (ACS) to ensure our patients can access the care they need by reducing financial barriers many patients face ACS awarded $70,000 to Renown Health Foundation last year. These funds, distributed as gas cards and lodging support to qualifying patients, have proven to be a lifeline in assisting those in need. Fueling Hope with Gas Cards Through our partnership with ACS, Renown supported 128 cancer patients over the past year. This assistance provided 2,260 round trips, ensuring that patients from Nevada and California could attend their critical treatments at the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute at Renown. These patients, aged 15 to 94, traveled up to 320 miles, sometimes from remote areas such as Tonopah, Elko and Susanville, for their cancer care “We're deeply committed to supporting our patients through every step of their journey, and our partnership with the American Cancer Society is instrumental in making that happen,” said Jocelyn Mata, Oncology Social Worker at the Pennington Cancer Institute. “Without them, we wouldn't be able to provide the crucial financial assistance that many of our patients need.” Jocelyn works with qualifying patients to provide gas cards and accommodations at The Inn at Renown, a hotel at Renown Regional Medical Center. She ensures they can focus on their treatment without worrying about the financial burden. Lodging Support for Peace of Mind Along with transportation aid, we can provide safe and comfortable lodging for qualifying patients. "We encourage patients to rest and, if they have a long journey home, to stay overnight," said Dr. Max Coppes, Director of the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute. "Providing lodging support ensures they have a safe and comfortable place to recover before making the trip back." This assistance is crucial for those who travel far from home, allowing them to focus on healing without the added stress of finding and affording accommodation.