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    • Heart Care
    • Genetic
    • HealthyNV Project

    Staying Heart-Healthy with Genetic Screening

    February is American Heart Month. While cardiac care is crucial every time of year – especially as heart disease stays the number one killer in the United States – American Heart Month serves as a great reminder to stay on top of your heart health. We spoke with Malina Ruiz, a cardiology nurse practitioner at Renown Health, on three key ways to embrace heart-healthy living and how genetic screening can help inform you of certain genetic risks that can play a role on the cardiac life stage.  1.  Invest in a heart-healthy diet. Eating a diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats (including monounsaturated fats such as avocados and polyunsaturated fats such as sunflower oil) is a key defense in protecting your cardiac health, according to Malina. While you are filling your plate with these nutritious foods, remember to keep an eye on your saturated and trans-fat intake, and try limiting foods that are high in those fats.   “No matter what age we are, maintaining a heart-healthy diet will always be important,” said Malina.    Need help finding cardiac-friendly meals? The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute makes it easy with heart-healthy recipes and tips from experts.  2.  Do an exercise audit. “Keeping an active lifestyle during our younger years is one of the most important factors that affect heart health in future years,” said Malina. Maintaining a regular exercise regimen that allows you to raise your heart rate and break a sweat can help prevent future cardiac events.     A good rule of thumb is to aim for 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity exercise, which averages out to 30 minutes a day on 5 days out of the week.    It’s never too late to start a regular exercise routine! Exercise doesn’t have to be something you dread – leverage American Heart Month to find activities that you enjoy. The American Heart Association can help you discover new ways to move your body. At the end of the day, as Malina emphasizes, “any movement is better than nothing!”  3. Don't skip those check-ups. Regular preventative visits with your primary care provider can help you identify possible risk factors for heart conditions before they start actively affecting your life. “Check-ups become even more important as we age, along with being aware of the signs and symptoms of heart disease, heart attack and stroke,” added Malina.     There’s no time better than the present – call our expert scheduling team today at 775-982-5000 to request a preventative check-up with your primary care provider.

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    • Pharmacy
    • Drug Use
    • Medication

    Generic Drugs – What You Need to Know About Them

    Without a doubt, taking medications can not only be expensive, but also confusing. In the United States, generic prescriptions are widely used, with 9 out of 10 people choosing them over a name brand. Pharmacists are a great resource to help us understand the benefits and side effects of any medication. We asked Adam Porath, PharmD, Vice President of Pharmacy at Renown Health, to answer some common questions about generic drugs. What is a generic drug? A generic drug has the same active ingredients of brand-name drugs. Brand-name drugs have a patent (special license) protecting them from competition to help the drug company recover research and development costs. When the patent expires other manufacturers are able to seek approval for a generic drug. However, the color, shape and inactive elements may be different. Per the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), a generic medicine works in the same way and provides the same clinical benefit as its brand-name version. Why do they cost less? Generic drug makers do not have the expense of costly development, research, animal and human clinical trials, marketing and advertising. This savings is passed on to the public. Also after a patent expires, several companies will compete on a generic version of a drug, further driving down prices.

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    • Cancer Care
    • Physical Therapy
    • Physical Rehabilitation

    Learn How to Manage Lymphedema

    Katherine Bunker, Physical Therapist and Certified Lymphedema Therapist (PT, DPT, CLT) at Renown, discusses how patients can manage lymphedema with changes to daily routines along with diet and exercise. Lymphedema is a condition that affects millions of people around the world. It is a chronic and progressive disorder that results in swelling of the arms, legs, or other parts of the body due to an accumulation of lymph fluid. Lymphedema can occur because of cancer treatments, surgery, or other medical conditions.   Managing Lymphedema Treatments to help reduce symptoms such as pain, swelling and discomfort associated with lymphedema can include compression garments, exercise, skin care, manual lymphatic drainage and pneumatic compression.  The goal is to avoid triggering the onset of lymphedema. Lymphedema can present itself immediately after surgery or radiation. It can appear months later or even years later. There are many factors that influence the development of lymphedema which is why prevention is so important. If you have had injury or disruption to your lymphatic system, then:  Avoid injuries to the skin near the affected area. For example: wearing gloves during gardening, using bug spray to ward off mosquitos, covering your limbs while playing with pets, keeping nails clean and avoiding cutting too close to cuticle, utilizing electric razors at the armpit (instead of a traditional razor).,   Avoid blood pressure readings to the affected limb or request blood pressure to be taken manually, not by a machine.   Avoid heat like saunas, hot tubs, sunburns, hot packs, and even massages.    Avoid tight jewelry like rings or bracelets, which can be too tight.

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    5 Tips to Overcome Weight-Loss Plateaus

    Frustrated because your weight loss goals are missing the mark? Get over weight-loss plateaus with our five expert tips. You’ve cut out treats and and you’re getting in regular workouts, yet the scale is not changing. Seriously? What gives? No need to wave the white flag of surrender in your weight loss battle. Add the tips below to your fat-torching arsenal to start seeing results. 1. Add strength training for weight-loss success Are your workouts mainly focused on cardio? Although cardio is important for keeping your heart healthy and your metabolism humming, too much cardio for too long can slow muscle growth. In other words, endurance cardio sessions (more than 90 minutes) can break down muscle mass and muscle mass burns more calories at rest than fat. Also, low-intensity cardio has been found to stimulate certain hormone levels, which may make you feel hungrier. Strength training helps to increase lean muscle mass and decrease body fat. Keeping and adding muscle is the key to weight-loss success and maintenance. You don’t want your weight loss to be muscle, and it only takes a few times a week to work your muscles. 2. Get more sleep for weight-loss According to the National Sleep Foundation, the less you sleep, the more you weigh. The purpose of sleep is to restore your body, including the hormones controlling your hunger: leptin (which signals fullness) and ghrelin (which makes you hungry). Sleep-deprived people tend to feel hungrier and eat more. In fact, adults who sleep less than seven hours per night are more likely to be overweight than those sleeping more than seven hours. Of course, if you sleep less than five hours a night, the news is even worse. A 16-year study of nearly 70,000 women determined those who slept only five hours a night were 32 percent more likely to gain weight (33 pounds or more) than those who logged at least seven hours of shut-eye. 3. Track it to lose it Cardiologist experts suggest mindfully monitoring your food intake. Even registered dietitians underestimate their calories. Get back to basics and really assess what, when, why and how much you’re eating. It can be surprising how the calories add up throughout the day. Studies have shown that those who keep daily food logs tend to lose and keep weight off more successfully. 4. Relax … really! Stress is bad for your waistline. The hormone cortisol is produced when you are stressed, which can put your normal hunger set point into overdrive. Cortisol also makes it easier for your body to store fat, especially around the waistline. Let’s face it, it feels better to eat candy or a cookie then it does to eat a handful of celery in a stressful moment. So, it’s a good idea to plan non-food related rewards for when you are stressed — take a few breaths, walk around the block, drink some water, phone a friend, or indulge in a relaxing activity for 10 minutes, like listening to music. 5. Think big picture Bottom line, take it easy on yourself. One poor choice does not mean you should throw in the weight-loss towel. Try not to focus only on the scale. Make your lifestyle changes about being healthier and taking care of your body and soul. Renown Health Improvement Programs Feel like you need a nutrition refresher to get over your weight-loss plateau? Our wellness teams specialize in nutrition counseling (non-diabetes), weight management and sports nutrition. Appointments: 775-982-5073 Make an Appointment

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    • Heart Care
    • Blood Pressure

    Know Your Numbers, Save Your Heart

    There are some important numbers to know when it comes to good health. Learn more and receive a free blood pressure check at a primary care open house Feb. 27 at Renown Medical Group – Double R. Know Your Numbers Adults are pretty good at knowing and memorizing numbers — from passwords and PINs to addresses and phone numbers. But what about the numbers that could help save your life? Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the U.S., with 633,842 deaths attributed to the disease in 2016, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. The American Heart Association lists the vital numbers you need to monitor to help prevent heart disease as blood pressure, total cholesterol, blood sugar and body mass index (BMI). With these numbers, your doctor can assess your risk of developing heart issues such as atherosclerosis, which can lead to other serious heart conditions. Atherosclerosis is a condition wherein plaque builds up in the arteries — the blood vessels that transport oxygen-rich blood to cells, the heart and other organs. These fatty deposits clog the arteries, inhibiting blood flow and reducing the amount of much-needed oxygen the body receives. These blockages can lead to angina, coronary heart disease, peripheral artery disease and even heart attack or stroke. But knowing your numbers and keeping them in healthy ranges can mitigate your risk of atherosclerosis and other heart conditions. First things first: Make an appointment with your healthcare provider to see how you’re doing. Learn your numbers and discuss how they may increase your personal risk of heart disease: Total Cholesterol Because cholesterol contributes to the buildup of plaque, keeping your numbers in check means keeping your arteries free of blockages. Check LDL (bad) cholesterol and HDL (good) cholesterol. Your body needs low levels of LDL, but not enough good cholesterol in your system can also increase risk. You can maintain healthy numbers by staying physically active and consuming a heart-healthy diet low in cholesterol and sodium. Statins, the class of drugs used to reduce LDL cholesterol, have proven so effective that the U.S. Preventive Service Task Force recommended in November that all adults older than 40 with one or more risk factors consider taking them. Blood Pressure High blood pressure places undue strain on your heart and arteries to move blood and oxygen throughout the body. And a heart that’s working too hard can lead to stroke, heart attack and heart failure. High blood pressure cannot be cured, but it can be managed by eating a heart-healthy diet low in alcohol, staying active and maintaining a healthy weight. Blood sugar Given that the body converts most of the food we eat into glucose, or blood sugar, for energy, adding sugar to the diet can raise blood sugar to unhealthy levels and damage the heart, increasing risk of cardiovascular disease and obesity. Opt for foods that are low in fat and added sugars and, instead, get your sweets in naturally occurring foods. Let added sugars be a treat and not the norm. Body Mass Index (BMI) Your BMI is used to determine whether you’re at a healthy weight. If you’re carrying extra pounds, the heart has to work harder, which increases risk of heart disease. Losing those pounds and maintaining a healthy weight reduces the burden on your heart and blood vessels and improves your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. So eat a heart-healthy diet and get active — even if you simply walk for 30 minutes a day. Because no symptoms indicate that you have poor cholesterol numbers, high blood pressure or high blood sugar levels, getting screened and learning your numbers is vital. Your doctor can determine what healthy levels look like for you individually and work with you to develop a plan for staying in optimum ranges. That plan will include heart-healthy eating, exercise, abstaining from smoking and, in some cases, medication. It’s up to you to stick with that plan between doctor visits. Do it for yourself, but consider making a pact for a more heart-healthy, active life with a buddy. Research shows people stick with exercise plans longer when they have a partner. This article also appeared in the Reno Gazette-Journal’s Health Source Aug. 27.

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    • Women's Health
    • Pregnancy and Childbirth

    Why Didn't You Tell Me? 10 Pregnancy Surprises, Revealed

    We asked, you answered: Moms and dads who have been there, done that offer up 10 pregnancy surprises. These are the things they wish they knew before, during and after their pregnancy. Check out these real examples of insights that would have proved helpful and enlightening to these parents and parents-to-be. When you’re pregnant or considering becoming pregnant, it seems the unsolicited advice runs rampant. You’ll hear people tell you what kind of Boppy Pillow to buy. You’ll have people tell you that you should “definitely” have a natural birth or a pool birth or a doula or a therapy dog present. And you’ll definitely hear about what kinds of foods to induce labor, what kind of tea to drink to reduce nausea during your pregnancy and what kind of underwear for less “chafing.” But something you might not hear as often: Some of the symptoms and side effects, both before and after giving birth, that were totally unexpected. These are the ultimate pregnancy surprises. So we asked the question of moms and dads who have been there, done that: What do you wish you had known would happen during your pregnancy — you know, during the time you were supposed to be all sweet and beautiful and glowing? Here is Part 1, featuring 10 real-life, crowdsourced pregnancy surprises from parents. And yes, there are multiple parts to this post, because people are passionate about sharing their wisdom! We’ll publish the second part later this month. Pregnancy surprises: What do you wish you had known about pregnancy? “The only symptom I never heard anyone talk about is extra blood flow making me feel all sorts of weird feelings in my head. I feel like I’m in a dream half the time. I looked it up online when it started happening, and tons of women have the same symptom.” — Anna K. “For me it was an after-birth surprise. I had no clue your tummy doesn’t just spring back to where it was pre-pregnancy. It was a rude awakening in the hospital when I had to have my husband go home and get a pair of maternity sweatpants to get dressed to go home in. I’d hoped to dress in my old cute jeans…. nope!” — Suzanne M. “I didn’t know that while you’re pregnant, friends and strangers would tell you their nightmare delivery stories. Oh — and that complete strangers will, uninvited, touch your baby bump. I didn’t know that you’re in the safety zone while pregnant and that men and women openly adore you. I didn’t know that besides the mother, the nurses do most of the work. I didn’t know that even though they’ve obviously seen hundreds of deliveries, nurses and doctors cry too once your baby is out. I didn’t know even though I thought they must be crazy to send a tiny human home with me, that you instinctively know how to parent. I didn’t know what it meant to love something more than myself and how that changes everything.” — Cathy B. “I had no idea the weird things that it does to hair. My bangs stuck straight out for months, and I just had to go with it. There wasn’t enough product that would make them lie down.” — Heidi P. “That you may not go home with your child if there are any complications. That was a sad day. But 22 years later, we are blessed, because everything turned out fine.” — Kristine F. “I didn’t know people would opine out loud to you, that you must not have purposely gotten pregnant with Baby #2 or 3, etc., implying you failed basic high school biology and that you should have known better than to have more than one kid.” — Jessica L. “I didn’t know that near the pregnancy’s end, as the hips widen, that those bones could begin to separate. I was sore and achy. And I wish I’d slowed down and rested more in the last few weeks.” — April C. “I had heard about food cravings, but no one told me food aversions were also a thing. I bought a whole load of groceries for the week, and by the time I got home, I suddenly couldn’t even look at the ground turkey (that’s not an exaggeration), let alone cook it and eat it. I didn’t throw up necessarily, but my body told me to avoid most meats and vegetables. I pretty much lived on plain bagels and cereal for half my pregnancy.” — Danielle S. “Morning sickness is SO not just in the morning! All-the-time sickness is what I experienced. And why didn’t anyone warn me about butthole pain during and after birth?” — Stephanie C. “The juiciness. Every possible secretion was in hyper drive.” — Jane F. Giving Birth at Renown At Renown Regional Medical Center we have the skill, expertise and technology — along with a friendly environment — to make your experience a memorable one. Pre-register for childbirth, take virtual tours of our rooms and facilities, and learn more about our labor and delivery offerings at the link below. Explore Our Services

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    • Heart Care
    • Prevention and Wellness

    Top 3 Cholesterol Questions Answered

    With more than 29 million adult Americans having high cholesterol, it’s important to know the facts. We asked Jayson Morgan, MD, a cardiologist with Renown Institute for Heart and Vascular Health, explains the numbers, the risk factors and how to maintain healthy levels. What is cholesterol? There are two types: Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, also known as the “bad” variety, because it can eventually build up within the walls of your blood vessels and narrow the passageways. High-density lipoprotein (HDL), also known as the “good” variety, because it helps remove other forms of cholesterol from the bloodstream. In adults, total cholesterol is considered high if it is more than 200 mg/dL. If the total is more than 200 or if high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels are less than 40, your heart and brain may not be getting as much oxygen-rich blood as they need. This puts you at greater risk of heart attack and stroke. HDL levels greater than 60 mg/dL can actually lower your risk. What are the risk factors for high levels? Diet high in saturated fat Excess body weight Lack of exercise Smoking Family history Age (as people age, they are more prone to high levels) How often should someone get their numbers checked, and what kind of test is done? The American Heart Association recommends all adults age 20 or older have their cholesterol checked every four to six years. Those with cardiovascular disease or who are at higher risk of it may need their levels and other risk factors assessed more often. Your primary care provider can perform the test, along with assessing your other risk factors to help determine a treatment plan if necessary. The test will likely be one you will need to fast for, meaning no food, beverages or medications for around nine to 12 hours. Your healthcare provider will let you know if, and for how long, to fast. A simple blood test is all that’s needed to get your levels. What are some ways to lower “bad” cholesterol and raise “good” cholesterol? To achieve healthier levels, people should: Eat a heart-healthy diet: Choose healthier fats, eliminate trans fats, eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and increase soluble fiber. Increase physical activity: Exercise on most days of the week. Quit smoking: If you smoke, it’s time to stop. Quitting smoking will improve HDL “good” cholesterol levels. Lose weight: Losing as little as five to 10 percent of your weight can improve cholesterol levels. Drink alcohol only in moderation. And finally, if lifestyle changes aren’t enough, your care provider might recommend medication to help lower your numbers. Renown Institute for Heart & Vascular Health For optimal heart health, the American Heart Association encourages you to “Know Your Numbers” which include: blood pressure, body mass index (BMI), cholesterol and fasting blood sugar, by scheduling a visit with your doctor. These numbers are critical in assessing your current risk for heart disease and stroke. Find a Cardiologist

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    • Careers
    • Employees

    Department Spotlight Community Care Management

    When thinking about taking care of your total health, what comes to mind? Perhaps participating in your annual check-ups, taking your prescribed medication, eating a nutritious diet, checking in with your mental health, the list goes on and on.   Now, put yourselves in the shoes of someone who may not know where their next meal may come from, someone who may be homebound and not have access to transportation, someone who may be on a fixed income, someone facing homelessness or even someone who may be struggling with substance abuse issues. Getting healthy – and staying healthy – comes with a unique set of obstacles, or social determinants of health, for these patients to overcome. Inequities around social determinants and health behaviors have an outsized impact on patient outcomes, and social and economic factors make up 40 percent of those inequities.  This is where the caring and compassionate community health workers, social workers and registered nurses that make up Renown’s Community Care Management (CCM) department rise to the occasion. As the need for resources grows in northern Nevada, these dedicated team members fill those gaps and ensure every patient feels prepared, educated and equipped with everything they need to continue their care journey and live a healthy, fulfilling life.  Defying Disparities  When our community at risk faces healthcare disparities, it can create complications in each patient’s life that may keep them from addressing their healthcare needs and affect the likelihood of them being admitted or readmitted to the hospital or continuing to struggle with their care management – but not on CCM’s watch. Whenever possible, the CCM team steps in to provide critical resources, education and care journey guidance for any patient that finds themselves in need.  “In the simplest terms, we do outpatient case management with vulnerable populations,” said Barb Mader-Scherrer, Director of Community Care Management. “It may be anyone from elderly people who need help managing chronic diseases, to patients experiencing homelessness who are being discharged from the hospital. We work with folks who are facing all sorts of challenges.”  Several roles make up the CCM department, including Community Health Workers. These team members are the resource experts, on the front lines of helping educate patients and supporting them as they navigate through the facets of their care. Their main goals? Avoid admissions and readmissions to the hospital and continue to meet their unique goals.  “I have the pleasure of working with patients who may need financial help, transportation help or even help utilizing the food pantries in our community," added Steve Arm, Community Health Worker. “We help patients navigate healthcare and social services, address social determinants of health, encourage self-efficiency and provide general health education for many chronic conditions. We also provide home visits for our patients who need extra support.”  “The day in the life of a Transitional Community Health Worker is to outreach to the patient while being admitted, do a bedside assessment, complete the social determinants of health evaluation and provide any resources needed to avoid readmission,” added Sherrie Skaggs, Community Health Worker. “Our main population is Medicaid, and many are homeless and financially challenged. As needed, we continue to ensure that follow-up is completed, and all needs and goals are met.”  For those learning to cope with their condition and needing hands-on help especially after discharge, the CCM Social Work Care Coordinators take on this complex aspect of the healthcare journey. These individuals provide support and intervention for Renown patients facing a chronic, behavioral health or substance dependency condition to improve their overall quality of life beyond hospital walls, developing a strong framework to build a long-term healthcare plan.   “As social work care coordinators, we help connect patients with mental health resources, welfare programs, community support, caregiver burnout resources, placement for loved ones with terminal illnesses and much more,” said Irina Osmolovska, Social Work Care Coordinator. “Requests that come to us run the gamut of homelessness, family crisis, food insecurity and even situations where a patient has no electricity for their life-saving medical equipment. We receive challenging requests and are always ready to go above and beyond to advocate for our patients.”  Possessing a profound understanding of the delicate balance between medicine and the patient spirit, the CCM RNs help bridge the gaps between the hospital or primary care practice and post-discharge settings, ensuring a smooth transition for patients as they move from one healthcare setting to another. With their expertise in care coordination and patient education, these RNs help enhance patient outcomes and promote continuity of care.  “Our group is responsible for making discharge follow-up calls to patients who have Medicare, as well as scheduling their hospital follow-up visit if needed,” said Vanessa Alford, Consulting RN. “The goal is to have every patient see their primary care physician within 14 days of discharge for continuity of care and to prevent readmissions. We also screen patients for eligibility for Chronic Care Management or Personal Care Management. In addition to setting up the patient for follow up, I review each patient's medications, answer any questions they may have about their medications and health conditions.”  As another important part of unpacking the intricate web of social determinants impacting health, CCM RN Care Coordinators have the extraordinary opportunity to extend this department’s compassionate care beyond the boundaries of the traditional in-office environment. Whether it be through virtual connections, heartfelt conversations over the phone or in-person encounters outside the hospital, RN Care Coordinators create holistic and enduring plans of care for individuals facing chronic challenges – including behavioral health issues and chemical dependency struggles – at every stage of life.  All in all, the CCM department recognizes the interconnectedness of physical, emotional and social well-being for all patients, fostering a sense of wholeness and empowerment to ensure they continue to meet their goals and live healthier, happier lifestyles.  “Our team has a holistic approach to our work,” said Barb Mader-Scherrer. “We look at the whole picture. What are the medical things we can do for this person? What education do they need to help them manage their condition? Do they have food in their house? Do they have a safe living environment? Are there substance abuse issues? Do they need help in managing their medications?”  “My 18 years of experience in various areas of hospital nursing and home health have given me the knowledge to serve patients in our community holistically, and I feel good about what I do,” added Vanessa Alford. “I hope that I am able to lessen the load on the medical assistants and providers in the clinics so they can focus on their patients on site.”

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    • Fitness
    • Urgent Care

    Emergency Hiking Kit Essentials

    With the help of Aaron Bertalmio, MD of Renown Urgent Care, we're sharing nine essential must-have items for your hiking emergency kit. 9 Essential Items For Your Hiking Emergency Kit With more than 300 days of sunshine in Reno-Tahoe and plenty of trails to explore, you'll want to keep these essential items in your kit. 1. Water Surprisingly, this no-brainer, however, is often overlooked. Bring enough water to last for the entire adventure. This amount of water can be heavy depending on the distance, altitude or intensity. With this in mind, the next best bet is to filter or purify water from a lake or stream. Here's how: You can do this with iodine or chlorine dioxide tablets, charcoal or an ultraviolet light wand. Tip: Look for water that is moving or rushing over rocks. Having enough water or filtration cannot be underestimated. "If you become injured and need to wait for help, you can only last about three days without water," Dr. Bertalmio says. 2. Food Meals-Ready-to-Eat (MREs) or dehydrated food pouches are essential, ensuring you have plenty to eat if you're outdoors longer than expected. 3. Maps Bring a printed map, compass or GPS. You can't always rely on your smartphone, so this is the perfect backup plan. 4. First-Aid Supplies Your hiking first-aid kit should change based on the type of hiking. As a basic rule, keep the following items in your pack: Fever/pain reliever Sewing kit with safety pins Tweezers Bandages and moleskin Antibiotic ointment Duct or medical tape Whistle 5. Light Source Wear or pack a small headlamp to illuminate the way if you get caught outside after sunset or in a poorly lit area. Headlamps are also great in emergencies because they are hands-free. 6. Emergency Shelter Even if you're only going out for the day, pack a low-weight emergency blanket for the trip. In other words, if the day trip turns into an overnight adventure, the blanket will keep you warm and alive in the event of cold temperatures. 7. Fire Starter Pack small tools in your hiking emergency kit to ensure an easy fire start. Waterproof matches, a knife, a lighter, or a strike fire starter are great options. Tip: Bring a multi-tool, including a knife and scissors that can be used for first-aid. 8. Layers of Clothing Mother Nature likes to change her mind in northern Nevada, and temperatures vary significantly within 24 hours. Therefore, pack a compact, lightweight waterproof and windproof jacket. This will protect you from being uncomfortably chilly and experiencing hypothermia. "Hypothermia is when your body temperature drops to a dangerously low level. You want to avoid this completely by keeping body temperature regulated outdoors and avoiding cold water immersion," says Dr. Bertalmio. 9. Sun Protection Certainly, sun protection should be part of your daily routine and an essential in your hiking emergency kit. You'll want to bring enough sunblock to reapply in direct sunlight and layers to cover exposed skin every two hours. Dr. Bertalmio reminds everyone the sun is intense in northern Nevada. "The higher altitude means an increased risk of sun-induced skin damage," he explains. "Some trails can reach above 10,000 feet, and at that altitude, UV radiation could be 35 to 45 percent more intense than at sea level."

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    • HealthyNV Project
    • Research and Studies
    • Lab Services
    • Primary Care

    Understanding Your Risks for Fatty Liver Disease

    Did you know that about one in four adults and one out of every ten kids in the U.S. might have a liver problem called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)? This happens when too much fat builds up in the liver, and it's not because of drinking alcohol. The most serious type of this liver problem is called metabolic and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (M/NASH). It means there's damage and can be scarring in the liver. About 20% of people with fatty liver disease have M/NASH. What's worrying is that many people don't even know they have it. Dr. Catherine McCarthy, a family medicine doctor at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine, talks about the main risks of M/NASH and how you can check your risk for liver disease during Liver Health Matters Month, or anytime.  Who Might Get M/NASH?  Doctors aren't sure exactly why some people get fatty liver or M/NASH. While anyone can get M/NASH, people who might be more at risk include those with:  Type 2 diabetes Insulin resistance or prediabetes High body mass index (BMI) or obesity High cholesterol or other fats in the blood High blood pressure Signs of liver problems from tests or biopsies A family member living with M/NASH How Do Doctors Find Out If You Have M/NASH? Doctors can do different checks and tests to see if someone has fatty liver or M/NASH. They might look at your liver health through non-invasive tests such as blood work, ultrasounds or MRIs. They might also suggest a special blood test called an Enhanced Liver Fibrosis (ELF) test– offered at no-cost through the Healthy Nevada Project – to check your risks of advancing liver disease.  How Can You Treat Fatty Liver Disease or M/NASH?  Patients with moderate to advanced liver scarring may also be prescribed a recently approved therapy called Rezdiffra. However, prevention of advancing disease is still the best option.  Actions you can take to improve your liver health and reduce your risk include: Eating healthy, especially low-carb foods Exercising regularly Losing weight if needed Not drinking alcohol Keeping an eye on blood sugar if you have diabetes No-Cost Liver Screening Through the Healthy Nevada Project  If you live in Nevada and are 18 or older, you can qualify for a no-cost liver health screening by enrolling in the Healthy Nevada Project, one of the largest community-based population health studies in the entire country. This study helps doctors understand your liver health better and plan early treatments to stop liver disease from getting worse.  By joining the Healthy Nevada Project, you can: Get the FDA-approved ELF test to check your risks for liver disease See your test results in your medical record to help your doctor plan your care better Help doctors and researchers learn more about M/NASH and work on future treatments Participate in genetic sequencing for high-risk conditions linked to heart disease and certain cancers, including breast and ovarian cancer Gain high-level health insights, including food sensitivities, and ancestry information. Enrolling in the study is easy: Schedule a Virtual Consent Appointment through MyChart where a study representative will answer any questions, confirm your eligibility and sign you up. Once you’re signed up, your representative will schedule your blood test. Go to your blood draw appointment. By taking part in this study, you're helping to make a difference in liver health research!

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    • Friday, Apr 03, 2020

    Preparing For an Anticipated Surge of Patients Amidst COVID-19

    Across the country, we are seeing an increase in COVID-19 cases including significant surges in hospitalized patients in many communities. As our nation experiences the impact of this international pandemic, we at Renown Health are focused on preparing for what could occur in our own community.  We continue to safely screen, diagnose and care for patients with respiratory illnesses, including those at risk for COVID-19. We have been, and will continue to use, current local, national and international data, analytics, public data sets and predictive modeling. Based on these predictive models, we anticipate seeing a surge in hospital patient volumes over the next several weeks. We are preparing for potential patient census increases, requiring a planning effort that challenges us to think outside of the box. Serving this level of hospital patients, which is called a “surge” will challenge us to ensure we have the beds, procedure capacity and spaces that accommodate staff, technology, supplies, equipment and services to meet the needs of our patients. To meet the increasing needs, a new temporary patient care area will be created within the Mill Street parking structure to serve additional hospitalized patients at Renown Regional Medical Center. This location allows caregivers to remain on campus, and still have accessibility to existing hospital infrastructure such as lab, pharmacy, imaging, food services and other critical services. This solution also allows for an efficient level of care escalation and other emergent interventions as needed. Crews will begin construction shortly and will include will include flooring, electrical infrastructure, lighting, water, technology and wall partitions. This facility will be equipped with beds and basic patient care support equipment. Hospitals in other communities around the country have successfully taken this approach, including Vanderbilt University Hospital. All around the country, hospitals are implementing creative approaches to ensure patient care needs can be addressed. As the work continues in the Mill Street Parking structure, we will evaluate the best way to incorporate our media partners and our community in seeing what the finished alternate care site looks like. We would like to send our sincere appreciation to our local partners in this project who have been working around the clock to make this work happen: Clark/Sullivan Construction, Curtis Bros. Construction, PK Electrical, Ainsworth Associates Mechanical Engineers, Intermountain Electric, Mt. Rose Heating & Air Conditioning and Frank Lepori Construction. For up-to-date information on Renown’s approach to keeping our community safe, visit our website at     About Renown Health Renown Health is a locally governed and locally owned, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving northern Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. Renown is one of the region’s largest private employers with a workforce of more than 7,000. It comprises three acute care hospitals, a rehabilitation hospital, the area’s most comprehensive medical group and urgent care network, and the region’s largest and only locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown has a long tradition and commitment to continually improve the care and the health of our community. For more information, visit

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