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Renown Resumes Medically Necessary Surgeries in Phased Approach
Health System Follows Governor’s Announcement to Resume Necessary Surgeries on May 11, Remains Ready for Possible COVID-19 Surge. Renown Health announced today that they will align with the Governor’s Office and the state Medical Advisory Team in adopting a phased-in approach to resume limited medical and surgical procedures under strict guidelines and lift temporary restrictions due to the COVID-19 virus. The decision follows yesterday’s release of Governor Sisolak’s “Nevada United: A Roadmap to Recovery,” a plan designed to move forward to safely restart Nevada under a “new normal.” The health system will begin a phased approach to scheduling non-high risk patients as soon as Monday, May 4 for necessary surgeries beginning on Monday, May 11, 2020. “We’re able to resume some surgical services due to the flattening of the COVID-19 surge curve and the low COVID-19 transmission rate within our community due to the implementation of strong social distancing practices,” said Tony Slonim, MD, D.Ph., President and CEO, Renown Health. He added, “Our primary concern will always be the health and safety of our patients, physicians, healthcare employees and community members. We continue to monitor the surge curve and our current situation. Until a vaccine or cure is found, Renown Health remains prepared at all times to handle a surge and continues to care for those across northern Nevada.” “Elective-optional” procedural cases were temporarily postponed at Renown hospitals on March 17, to slow the spread of COVID-19 and to preserve critical resources. Christopher P. Demers, MD, FAANS, Managing Partner at Sierra Neurosurgery Group and Medical Director of Neurosurgery at Renown, said, “I know how important surgery is to enhancing a patient’s quality of life. I am privileged to have the opportunity to perform surgeries that help people get back to doing the activities they love. We are guided by a simple and important principle: the patient always comes first.” “This is excellent news for so many patients who may have placed their surgeries and care plans on hold due to COVID-19,” said Christos Galanopoulos, MD, chair, department of surgery for Renown Medical Group, and a specialist in oncologic surgery. “Renown’s expert team is ready to deliver safe and effective care to all patients and has earned recognition as the region’s leader in patient safety, technology and specialized care,” said Galanopoulos. “We are proud of the incredibly detailed health and safety measures in place at Renown.” Health and safety protocols in place at Renown facilities include: All individuals entering Renown sites, including team members, are screened for COVID-19 symptoms; Patients scheduled for elective procedures will be tested for COVID-19 up to 5 days prior to scheduled procedure date. Patients will remain in isolation following the test, up to the time of surgery. Positive COVID-19 patients and symptomatic patients will not be scheduled for elective surgery. All individuals entering Renown sites are asked to don a cloth mask. Patients may bring their own mask or may opt to wear one supplied by Renown. All care team members wear surgical masks and protective eye wear, as well as other necessary personal protective equipment (PPE), at all times when caring for patients. Visitor restrictions are still in place. A support person is still encouraged for surgical patients, delivering OB mothers; children under the age of 18; patients with confusion, altered mental status or developmental delays; and end-of-life patients. Six-foot social distances have been established in public areas such as waiting rooms, elevators, cafeterias. Extra cleaning and disinfection is in place for all high-touch, public surface areas. Erik Olson, MHA, Chief Executive Officer of Renown Regional Medical Center adds, “Renown’s mission is to make a genuine difference in the health and well-being of the people and communities we serve. We deliver on this promise by collaborating with expert surgeons to offer general and specialized surgical interventions to alleviate disabilities and reduce the risk of death from traumatic injuries, cancers, cardiovascular disease and other conditions. Together we are dedicated to delivering safe, high-quality, compassionate, personalized health care.” Patients who wish to schedule their elective surgery or outpatient procedure should first contact their appropriate ordering provider. -END- Those interested in supporting Renown’s healthcare heroes are invited to visit for more ways on how to help. For up-to-date information on Renown’s approach to keeping our community safe, visit our website at About Renown Health Renown Health is a locally governed and locally owned, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving northern Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. Renown is one of the region’s largest private employers with a workforce of more than 7,000. It comprises three acute care hospitals, a rehabilitation hospital, the area’s most comprehensive medical group and urgent care network, and the region’s largest and only locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown has a long tradition and commitment to continually improve the care and the health of our community. For more information, visit
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Seeking Donors Who Have Recovered from COVID-19 to Donate Plasma
New study, led by physician researchers from Renown Health and University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine seeks to understand how the immune system responds to COVID-19 with goal of developing a new treatment. Individuals who have recovered from COVID-19 may now be able to help patients currently fighting the infection by donating their plasma. Those who have recovered from the infection may have COVID-19 antibodies in their blood. These antibodies provided one way for their immune systems to fight the virus when they were sick, so their blood may be used to help others fight off the disease through convalescent plasma. Convalescent plasma is a component of blood from recovered patients that may contain precious COVID-19 antibodies. Antibodies are proteins that might help fight the infection. In this study, we will be collecting plasma from patients who have recovered from COVID-19 and investigating its efficacy in helping treat other patients with COVID-19. Convalescent plasma is being investigated for treatment of COVID-19 because there is no approved treatment for the disease and there is information that suggests it might help some patients recover from COVID-19. Renown Health and the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine (UNR Med) are leading a study locally to better understand how the body’s immune system responds to the virus, how it presents in northern Nevada and ultimately, aid in developing a new treatment for COVID-19. “Renown and UNR Med are at the forefront of conducting essential research to increase the health and safety of our community,” said Sara Healy, MD, MPH, principal investigator of the study and a pediatric infectious disease physician at Renown Children’s Hospital and UNR Med. “So little is known about effectively treating COVID-19 and we are venturing into new territory. This important study is instrumental in helping us understand the immune systems of people who were affected by COVID-19, and with their help, getting us one step closer to finding a treatment for the disease that has significantly impacted our nation and our community.” “COVID-19 survivors are in a unique and exciting position to be a part of something much bigger than the virus,” said Mark Riddle, MD, DrPH, FISTM, associate investigator of the study and Associate Dean for Clinical Research at UNR Med. “As a participant of this study, not only are you helping us to better understand the disease and the chronic health affects it has long term, but it’s a way to help those suffering from the disease to fight it and hopefully recover. We encourage participation in this important study and invaluable contributions to advancing medicine and our knowledge of COVID-19.” This community-wide study led by physician researchers from Renown Health and UNR Med is a collaborative effort with Vitalant, county and state health districts, Saint Mary’s Medical Center, Northern Nevada Medical Center, Carson Tahoe Health and the VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System, along with the many care providers in our area. People aged 18-60 in general good health who have fully recovered from COVID-19 for at least two weeks are encouraged to consider donating convalescent plasma as part of this study. There are 332 people, just in Washoe County (as of 5/1/20) who have recovered from COVID-19 and have immune systems that may now be producing antibodies to protect them from becoming infected again with coronavirus. Donated plasma is needed right now, for this clinical trial to determine definitively if this treatment works. Participating in this research study will also make it easier to donate plasma to the Mayo Clinic convalescent plasma program that Renown is a part of in hopes to find a treatment for COVID-19. There is no cost to participate in this study and participation is voluntary. An individual’s decision to participate will not affect their current or future relations with their health care provider(s), health district, or the community. Those who decide to participate are free to withdraw at any time. Confirmed COVID-19 patients who have recovered from the virus and are interested in participating in the study are invited to contact the project coordinators at the Renown Research Office at (775) 982-3646, or via e-mail at, 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. About Renown Health Renown Health is a locally governed and locally owned, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving northern Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. Renown is one of the region’s largest private employers with a workforce of more than 7,000. It comprises three acute care hospitals, a rehabilitation hospital, the area’s most comprehensive medical group and urgent care network, and the region’s largest and only locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown has a long tradition and commitment to continually improve the care and the health of our community. For more information, visit About the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine The University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine (UNR Med), Nevada’s first medical school, is a community-based, research-intensive medical school with a statewide vision for a healthy Nevada. Established in 1969, UNR Med is improving the health and well-being of all Nevadans and their communities through excellence in student education, postgraduate training and clinical care, research with local, national and global impact and a culture of diversity and inclusion. For more information, visit
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Addressing Health Equity for Communities of Color
Area Church Pastors, the City of Reno, the City of Sparks, the Washoe County School District, REMSA and Renown will be available to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on communities of color, and how they have joined together to provide free COVID-19 testing to area residents. WHAT Media is invited to interview community leaders to learn how we are coming together to address health disparities and promote equity in healthcare access and delivery. The first project to support our community and address health equity is to partner with area pastors to provide free COVID-19 nasal swab testing for adults and children of faith-based organizations, churches and school children. The first drive-through/walk-up test site will be hosted on Saturday, September 26 from 1-4 p.m., at Ministerio Palabra de Vida by Pastor Cesar Minera. Testing will be offered for members of Ministerio Palabra de Vida (Word of Life Ministries) and A.M.E.N. (Asociacion de Ministros Evangelicos de Nevada), a network of over 15 churches in the Reno, Sparks and Carson City area, as well as WCSD students and families living in that area. REMSA staff will conduct the nasal swab testing and Renown Health will process the tests. Having symptoms of COVID-19 is not required to get tested. WHEN Thursday, September 24 at 1:45 p.m. WHERE Ministerio Palabra de Vida 2375 S Virginia St, Reno, NV 89502 VISUAL & INTERVIEW OPPORTUNITIES Pastor Cesar Minera A member of the church congregation Representatives from the City of Reno (Vice Mayor Reese), City of Sparks, WCSD, REMSA and Renown Health WHY According to the American Hospital Association, the COVID-19 pandemic is disproportionately affecting our Black, Indigenous and people of color communities. Black and Latino Americans are three times more likely than white people to contract COVID-19. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports the COVID-19 hospitalization rate for Black and Latino persons also face similar grim hospitalization rates, 4.7 and 4.6 times higher, respectively, compared to white persons. Black people are dying at a rate nearly two times higher (24%) than their share of the population (13%), and, in 42 states, including Nevada, Latino people make up a greater share of confirmed cases than their share of the population, according to the COVID Data Tracking Project at The Atlantic. In support of Governor Sisolak’s proclamation of Racism as a Public Health Crisis, a partnership of faithbased organizations, churches and Pastors, along with community leaders recognize that it is critical to change the culture of medicine by addressing racism and implicit biases that contribute to health disparities. The group of northern Nevada community leaders includes; Reno Mayor Hillary Schieve; Sparks City Counselman Kristopher Dahir, Chaplain for the Northern Nevada Veterans Home, and Board President of Excel Christian School; Angela D. Taylor, Ph.D. of Washoe County School District's Board of Trustees, an ordained minister and assistant Pastor at Greater Light Christian Center; Senior Pastor Cesar Minera of Ministerio Palabra de Vida (Word of Life Ministries) and President of A.M.E.N. (Asociacion de Ministros Evangelicos de Nevada), a network of over 15 churches in the Reno, Sparks and Carson City area; Pastor Nathan DuPree of Living Stones Church and executive director of 360 Blueprint, a collaboration of the local law enforcement agencies, the Washoe County School District and local community leaders, and co-chairman of the African American Clergy Council of Northern Nevada (AACCoNN), faith-based organizations, churches and Pastors uniting to support our community focusing on families, health, education, job development, and crime prevention; Norris DuPree, Jr., Ph.D. and President of Transformations Therapy and Behavioral Consultation; Pastor DeSean Horne of Second Baptist Church, Dean Dow, MBA, CMTE, President & CEO of REMSA and Anthony Slonim, MD, DrPH, President & CEO of Renown. The first project to support our community to address health equity is to partner with area pastors to provide free COVID-19 nasal swab testing for adults and children of faith-based organizations, churches and school children of the WCSD. There is no cost to be tested. Those with insurance will be asked to provide an insurance card, all others will be tested free, with thanks to the Renown Community Benefits fund. About Renown Health Renown Health is Reno’s only locally owned, charitable, not-for-profit integrated health network. Being not-for-profit means that all income stays in the community— and is reinvested in programs, people and equipment to improve the health of the community. Renown directly contributes to the community’s overall well-being with a Community Benefit mission to reduce health disparities, promote community wellness and improve access to care for vulnerable populations. This includes offering free and discounted care to those unable to afford healthcare, and partnerships with others to address health and well-being. In partnership with many community-based organizations, area schools, human and social service agencies, and government and business leaders, Renown supports many educational, public health outreach, and community development initiatives throughout Nevada. In FY19, Renown Health, a locally-governed, not-for-profit community health network invested more than $158 Million for health education, community initiatives and non-reimbursed healthcare services. In FY20, CEO, Dr. Tony Slonim provided $150,000 in funding to 60 local agencies to support Diversity & Inclusion efforts and Social Determinants of Health.
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Open Enrollment for Medicare Advantage Begins Oct. 15
Eligible individuals can now enroll in northern Nevada's 4-star Medicare Advantage Plan with premier access to the region's most preferred healthcare network*. Nevada is fortunate to be home to one of the over 100 provider-owned health insurance plans across the United States. Together, they cover more than 26 million enrollees, or about 8% of the population (2017). Kaiser Permanente is the most well-known nationally, but there are many other regional plans, including not-for-profit, Hometown Health based in Reno, NV. Today's dynamic health care marketplace has created an environment in which some hospitals and health care systems are operating a health plan - either on their own or in partnership - as part of their strategy to advance health in their communities. Beginning Thursday, Oct. 15, area Medicare recipients will have the opportunity to enroll in locally-owned Senior Care Plus, a 4-star Medicare Advantage Plan from Hometown Health. Senior Care Plus is available for eligible beneficiaries residing in Carson City and Washoe County during the 2021 Annual Election Period, taking place Thursday, Oct. 15 through Monday, Dec. 7. “Health policy experts celebrate the benefits of provider-owned insurers. As insurers, we have incentives to control costs and improve the health of the community we serve,” said Tony Slonim, MD, DrPH, president and CEO of Renown Health. “As an integrated provider network, we are able to work with physicians and providers, increase value by improving outcomes and better managing the total cost of care for patients.” Senior Care Plus members have access to the locally-owned and governed integrated care network, Renown Health. This network is the region’s most preferred healthcare network offering primary, specialty care and hospital and emergency services across northern Nevada. In U.S. News and World Report Best Hospital rankings, Renown South Meadows Medical Center was listed #1 in the State of Nevada. Renown Regional Medical Center was named #2 Best Hospital in Nevada. Hospitals earning a high performing rating were significantly better than the national average. “We are proud to offer Hometown Health and Senior Care Plus members specialized resources, tools and services created to help them thrive,” said David Hansen, CEO of Hometown Health. “Working closely alongside the team at Renown Health, we continuously look for new and innovative ways to enhance the health and well-being of our community.” “At Senior Care Plus, we are proud to be your partners in health,” said CJ Bawden, director of government programs at Hometown Health. “Our members enjoy premier healthcare at an unmatched value, along with locally-based, world-class service from our friendly and knowledgeable team of customer service specialists. It truly is an honor to serve our members and their health as they set out to live their best lives.” Affordable Care, When and Where You Need It According to the Medicare Plan Finder, of the 22 Medicare Advantage plans available in Washoe County, Senior Care Plus plans occupy the top two spots when ranked by plans offering the lowest drug and premium costs. In addition to high-quality and affordable in-person care, members can take advantage of urgent care and medical services delivered in the comfort of their homes thanks to a partnership with Dispatch Health. Furthermore, members have convenient access to Renown care providers through virtual visits, along with Teladoc services available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Senior Care Plus Benefits Senior Care Plus offers a wide range of plans, many of which have no monthly premiums. Plan options also offer supplemental benefits not covered by original Medicare, such as hearing, dental and vision coverage as well as $20 chiropractic visits, prescription drug gap coverage at no cost, and complimentary gym memberships. “Beginning, Wed., Oct. 14, the newest Renown Medical Group location at 1525 Los Altos Pkwy, Reno, NV, opens to provide care to primary care, lab services to patients of all ages, and will debut the first Senior Care Lounge featuring beautiful spaces to better serve members of Hometown Health’s Medicare Advantage Plan,” said Ty Windfeldt, chief operations officer for health services. “We are excited for the community to see this gorgeous space, filled with natural light, healing colors and images, as well as state-of-the-art clinical equipment. Furthermore, members with a Renown-based primary care provider have access to a personal assistant who can help with appointment scheduling and healthcare screening coordination, medication coordination, health insurance and billing questions, and more. For more details about Senior Care Plus, to attend a virtual meeting, or schedule an in-person meeting, visit or call 775-982-3112. About Senior Care Plus & Hometown Health Senior Care Plus is the largest Medicare Advantage plan in northern Nevada serving more than 17,000 members. Senior Care Plus is offered by Reno-based Hometown Health, Nevada’s largest not-for-profit health insurance company and the insurance arm of Renown Health. Originally named Hospital Health Plan, Hometown Health was founded in 1988 and has grown to more than 160,000 members. The Hometown Health name reflects the organization’s commitment to the communities in which it operates and its involvement in what matters most, the people it serves. To learn more about Senior Care Plus visit and to learn more about Hometown Health, please visit *Reported by the National Research Corporation, July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019
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Renown Health Announces Cancer Program Leadership Team
Dr. Max J. Coppes announced as Cancer Center Directory, Larry Duncan as Cancer Center Administrator for Renown's Institute for Cancer, with goal to improve the health and well-being of Nevadans. Renown Health is excited to announce that effective today, Max J. Coppes, MD, PhD, MBA has been appointed to a new leadership role as the Cancer Center Director for Renown’s Institute for Cancer. Dr. Coppes, a pediatric oncologist by training, has experience in leading large-scale, nationally-recognized academic adult and pediatric cancer center teams in both the U.S. and Canada. “If you know Dr. Coppes, you know he has the passion, dedication and commitment to build and foster the partnerships needed to create a leading comprehensive cancer center and program that spans the spectrum for patients and their families; from prevention to treatment to survivorship to palliative care,” said Tony Slonim, MD, DrPH, President and CEO, Renown Health. Also effective today, Larry Duncan, MS, has been appointed as Cancer Center Administrator for Renown Health, working in dyad partnership with Dr. Coppes to support the development of this important service line. Larry will also continue his service as Vice President of Pediatrics and Surgery & Administrator of Renown Children's & Women’s Services “Together, as they have done so successfully for Renown Children’s Hospital, Dr. Coppes and Larry Duncan will be responsible for the strategic direction, operations, fiscal management and recruitment of professionals to the Renown Institute for Cancer,” said Sy Johnson, MBA, chief of staff for Renown Health. “As one of Renown’s ‘Destination Health’ service lines, Dr. Coppes and Larry will continue to support an integrated leadership model that puts the patient at the center of all that we do.” Dr. Coppes came to Reno in 2014 from the British Columbia Cancer Agency in Vancouver, where he served as president with responsibility for six regional cancer centers and two cancer research centers. He was an attending physician at BC Children's Hospital, an adjunct professor of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University, and a professor of Medicine and Pediatrics at the University of British Columbia. During his career, Coppes served as senior vice president at Children's National Medical Center in Washington, D.C. and held positions at several prestigious facilities in the U.S. and Canada including The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) in Toronto, Georgetown University, The National Cancer Institute, and the Cleveland Clinic. Since 2016, Dr. Coppes has served in the joint leadership role as the Nell J. Redfield Chair of Pediatrics at the University of Nevada School of Medicine and pediatrician-in-chief at Renown Children's Hospital, a position made possible through generous philanthropic support from the Nell J. Redfield Foundation along with investments by Renown Health and the UNR School of Medicine. Over the last five years, Duncan has served as Vice President of Pediatrics and Surgery & Administrator of Renown Children's and Women's Hospital, with oversight for Renown’s Pediatric Emergency Room and general and specialty pediatric physician practices. He has also served as Chief Operating Officer for Renown Regional Medical Center with oversight of pharmacy, imaging, nutrition, laboratory services and operating rooms. Prior to coming to Renown, Duncan served as CEO for El Paso Children’s Hospital and served in executive capacities for Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and Rush University Medical Center. “The Renown Institute for Cancer has Full Accreditation with Commendation from the Commission on Cancer of the American College of Surgeons in all 7 areas. Only 25% of cancer programs attain this distinction, which recognizes the quality of comprehensive, multidisciplinary patient care. Renown is the only accredited Community Hospital Comprehensive Cancer program in northern Nevada to be selected, and one of only three programs statewide,” says Max J. Coppes, MD, PhD, MBA. “That is certainly an excellent foundation on which to build on, and such a gift for our community.” “Renown’s cancer nurses, patient navigators, social workers, palliative care specialists, geneticists, nutritionists, clinical trial researchers, physical rehab specialists and the entire team provides prevention and screening to help reduce the incidence of cancer and reduce the late stage presentation of cancers,” says Larry Duncan, MS. “Helping patients and families navigate their journey begins at the time of diagnosis, with the help of our nurse navigators, and extends throughout the patient’s treatment. We are making great strides in long-term survivorship and are pleased to be recognized for the comprehensive nature of our research, care, education and community outreach programs.” According to the National Cancer Institute, the Age-Adjusted Death Rate of 153.5 per 100,000 population due to Cancer for Washoe County has seen significant improvement in the last several years, and now meets the Healthy People 2020 national health target of reducing the overall cancer death rate below 161.4 per 100,000 population. The Healthy People 2030 national health target is to reduce the overall cancer death rate to 122.7 deaths per 100,000 population. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) defines cancer as a term used to describe diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues. According to the NCI there are over 100 different types of cancer, but breast, colon, lung, pancreatic, prostate, and rectal cancer lead to the greatest number of annual deaths. Risk factors of cancer include but are not limited to; age, alcohol use, tobacco use, a poor diet, certain hormones, and sun exposure. Although some of these risk factors cannot be avoided -- such as age -- limiting exposure to avoidable risk factors may lower risk of developing certain cancers. About Renown Health Renown Health is the region’s largest, locally owned and governed, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. With a diverse workforce of more than 7,000 employees, Renown has fostered a longstanding culture of excellence, determination and innovation. The organization comprises a trauma center, two acute care hospitals, a children’s hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, a medical group and urgent care network, and the region’s largest, locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown’s institute model addresses social determinants of health and includes: Child Health, Behavioral Health & Addiction, Healthy Aging and Health Innovation. Clinical institutes include: Cancer, Heart and Vascular Health, Neurosciences and Robotic Surgery. Renown is currently enrolling participants in the world’s largest community-based genetic population health study, the Healthy Nevada Project® . For more information visit, www.renown.
Read More About Renown Health Announces Cancer Program Leadership Team
Renown Regional Medical Center Recognized Among Nation's Top Hospitals in Critical Care
The region's only trauma center receives top honors from Healthgrades. Healthgrades, a leading national resource for trusted information about physicians and hospitals, recently announced the recipients of their 2021 Specialty Excellence Awards. These awards recognize hospitals with superior performance, and have selected Renown Regional Medical Center in Reno, Nev. as northern Nevada’s top hospital for critical care. Hospitals in this ranking demonstrate excellent patient clinical outcomes in treating pulmonary embolism, respiratory system failure, sepsis and diabetic emergencies. Healthgrades further distinguishes hospitals that stand out as America’s 100 Best Hospitals for Specialty Care™, with Renown Regional Medical Center identified as Nevada’s only critical care hospital to be bestowed with this honor. “At Renown, I am honored to work beside dedicated healthcare heroes who are working tirelessly to make a genuine difference in the health and well-bring of every patient and family we serve,” says Tony Slonim, MD, DrPH, FACHE, president and CEO of Renown. “Having trained and served as a pediatric intensive care physician, this honor from Healthgrades does so much to recognize the compassion, skill and determination of this incredible team. I join with our community in saluting the Renown Regional Medical Center’s critical care team as one of the best critical care hospitals in the nation.” “As the only accredited trauma center between Sacramento and Salt Lake City, we receive and care for critically-injured patients from over 100,000 square miles. Our communities depend on Renown Regional Medical Center for outstanding critical care,” says Dawn D. Ahner, DSc, FACHE, Chief Operating Officer, Acute Services. “Our multi-disciplinary critical care and intensive care healthcare teams are specially-staffed, equipped and designed to care for, closely monitor and comprehensively care for patients with life-threatening conditions.” “Having a specialty-trained team of physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists, care managers, physical and occupational therapists around the clock, every day ensures that, no matter the illness or injury, a patient will be treated with the highest degree of care right away,” says Paul Sierzenski, MD, MSHQS, CPE, FACEP, Chief Medical Officer, Acute Services. “What it comes down to is this; the quicker and more accurately you get treated, the better your outcome will be. That's what makes being one of the most respected critical care teams in the country, so vital to all of us.” “At Renown, we have done so much over the years, to prepare to meet the need for rapid surges in critically ill or injured patients. Through this pandemic, many patients suffering from complications of COVID-19 have needed intensive care services,” says Erik Olson, MHA, Chief Executive Officer of Renown Regional Medical Center. “As the demand for critical care and intensive care continues to increase, the ratio of ICU beds to hospital beds will continue to rise as the ICU occupies an ever-larger role at the center of acute hospital care. We appreciate the recognition from Healthgrades demonstrating the Renown team’s unwavering commitment to the highest level of patient care and safety.” Renown has been recognized by several national organizations for quality and excellence, including U.S. News & World Report, American Stroke Association, Joint Commission, American College of Surgeons and the American College of Radiology. Renown’s Roseview, Sierra and Cardiac Intensive Care Units (ICUs) are the only ICUs in Nevada to receive the Beacon Award of Excellence from the American Association of Critical Care Nurses. Renown is currently recruiting outstanding employees at About Renown Health Renown Health is the region’s largest, locally owned and governed, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. With a diverse workforce of more than 7,000 employees, Renown has fostered a longstanding culture of excellence, determination and innovation. The organization comprises a trauma center, two acute care hospitals, a children’s hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, a medical group and urgent care network, and the region’s largest, locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown’s institute model addresses social determinants of health and includes: Child Health, Behavioral Health & Addiction, Healthy Aging and Health Innovation. Clinical institutes include: Cancer, Heart and Vascular Heath, Neurosciences and Robotic Surgery. Renown is currently enrolling participants in the world’s largest community-based genetic population health study, the Healthy Nevada Project®. For more information, visit About Healthgrades Healthgrades is dedicated to empowering stronger and more meaningful connections between patients and their healthcare providers. At Healthgrades, we help millions of consumers each month find and schedule appointments with their provider of choice. With our scheduling solutions and advanced analytics applications, we help our health system and life sciences clients cultivate new patient relationships, improve patient access, and build customer loyalty. At Healthgrades, better health gets a head start.
Senior Care Plus to Provide Affordable, High-Quality Healthcare
New collaboration in Clark County grants aging adults access to a premier health plan with a nationally-recognized care model. Senior Care Plus, the Medicare Advantage plan from Hometown Health, and nationally-recognized CareMore Health, have joined forces to serve Clark County seniors with two exclusive Medicare Advantage plans, designed to improve health outcomes for aging adults and those with complex health needs. As more than half a million Medicare recipients in Nevada make decisions about their healthcare during the annual Medicare open enrollment period beginning Thursday, Oct. 15, Clark County residents will have the option to receive personalized care to address their unique health needs through two new Senior Care Plus health plans, with access to CareMore Health providers and services. Competitive plan benefits include $0 premiums, preventive and comprehensive dental coverage, no to low co-pays for commonly used services, low out-of-pocket maximums, and targeted programs and benefits to help every member optimize their health. “CareMore’s mission and its successful value-based model aligns perfectly with our commitment to offer those with Medicare insurance, the highest-quality care,” said David Hansen, CEO of Hometown Health, the non-profit health plan offered through Renown Health, the state’s most trusted health care system. “We’re proud to announce our new partnership and exclusive Medicare Advantage plans available to Clark County residents to improve their health and healthcare experience.” For over 25 years, CareMore’s patient-centered model has delivered highly-coordinated, integrated care to help every member achieve optimal health outcomes, including those with chronic conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes and congestive heart failure (CHF). The model continues to evolve, adding new programs to address important issues like food inequity, mental health and senior isolation. CareMore’s care delivery system has served the Clark County community for 10 years. The CareMore model includes an integrated team of healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, behavioral health and other specialists who work collaboratively to address patients’ medical, physical, and overall health and help address barriers to accessing needed care. As part of the Senior Care Plus and CareMore Health collaboration, patients will receive care where and when they need it, including care delivered in their home, virtually, in CareMore’s three Care Centers, and if needed, in the hospital. In response to COVID-19, the care delivery system has ramped up its telehealth capabilities, in addition to safety measures put in place, to ensure everyone’s safety. “This new partnership will deliver a premier healthcare solution and proven care delivery model for Medicare recipients in Clark County, said Peter Emigh, General Manager of CareMore Health, Nevada. “The CareMore delivery system has served the Clark County community for 10 years, and we look forward to working with Hometown Health to help area residents reach their health goals, thereby improving the health and welfare of the community.” Senior Care Plus has proudly served residents of Clark County since 2019, offering competitive benefit options, exceptional customer service and experienced care management. The partnership with CareMore Health is the latest example of Senior Care Plus’ commitment to Nevada’s Medicare beneficiaries. Medicare’s annual open enrollment period runs between Oct. 15 and Dec. 7, 2020. Virtual enrollment meetings, as well as online and phone enrollment options are now available. Visit for more information about Senior Care Plus coverage options. About Senior Care Plus & Hometown Health Senior Care Plus is the largest Medicare Advantage plan in northern Nevada serving more than 17,000 members. Senior Care Plus is offered by Reno-based Hometown Health, Nevada’s largest not-for-profit health insurance company and the insurance arm of Renown Health. Originally named Hospital Health Plan, Hometown Health was founded in 1988 and has grown to more than 160,000 members. The Hometown Health name reflects the organization’s commitment to the communities in which it operates and its involvement in what matters most, the people it serves. To learn more about Senior Care Plus visit and to learn more about Hometown Health, please visit About CareMore Health CareMore Health is a physician-founded, physician-led integrated care delivery system that harnesses the power of teamwork to treat the whole person. Through a focus on prevention and highly coordinated care, its clinical model and designed-for-purpose approach to managing chronic disease proactively addresses the medical, social and personal health needs of its patients, resulting in clinical outcomes above the national average and ultimately, healthier people and communities. Over the past nine years, CareMore has expanded from one state to ten. And today, the CareMore delivery system provides care for enrollees in Medicare Advantage and Medicaid health plans in Arizona, California, Connecticut, Georgia, Iowa, Nevada, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and Washington, DC. CareMore also is participating in a dual demonstration project in parts of Los Angeles County in conjunction with state and federal regulators to coordinate care for people eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid. To learn more about CareMore, go to and follow us on Twitter and Facebook @caremorehealth. CareMore Health Media Contact: Charla Hawkins M: 562-480-2130 E:
Read More About Senior Care Plus to Provide Affordable, High-Quality Healthcare
Roundabout Catering and Renown Health Partner to Provide Nourishing Meals to Hospital Employees through COVID- 19 Crisis
Roundabout Catering, the area’s most comprehensive resource for special event catering and Renown Health, a locally governed, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network are partnering to provide meals for purchase in the Renown Regional Medical Center cafeteria through the COVID-19 crisis. Roundabout Catering will prepare its Roundabout meals for Renown Health, one of the region’s largest private employers, supplying approximately 1,600 meals daily. Well-balanced menu items include breakfast options, sandwiches/wraps, salads, hot entrees, fruits and snacks. The meals are made fresh at the main Roundabout facility locally in Sparks, Nev. “For me, there’s nothing better than a home-cooked meal made with love,” says Dr. Tony Slonim, president & CEO of Renown Health. “We are pleased that Roundabout is able to provide locally- made meals for our dedicated physicians and employees. This allows our excellent Renown Food Services chefs and team to now focus their full attention on serving their delicious and nutritious meals to the increased number of patients we expect to see over the next several weeks. I appreciate this local partnership and the teamwork demonstrated by all.” This partnership also benefits our local community, and keeps the Roundabout employees working. “Thanks to the Renown team, we are able to keep members of our culinary team working. Roundabout has a core team of chefs who are excited to support health care professionals on the frontline, and we have resources to be available to assist,” said Colin Smith, owner-chef for Roundabout Catering. “We hope the variety, quality and freshness of the food we are creating for Renown employees, gives every health care hero a delicious meal to look forward to.” Roundabout Catering is now on site at the Renown Regional Medical Center Cafeteria, and offering employees a protein station, fresh hot foods, Roundabout Meal Prep grab & go options and a dessert station. “With a trusted company like Roundabout, we are able to continue to provide a consistent, quality product to our healthcare team,” said Justin Bart, executive chef at Renown Health. “While our internal culinary team is focusing on preparing and serving meals to patients, we want to be sure our physicians, nurses and employees stay sustained and nourished. Our partnership with Roundabout Catering allows us to bring fresh, delicious meals to Renown caregivers every day, without any delay.” Chris Wood, director of hospitality adds, “Renown is pleased to partner with such an extraordinary restaurant partner. Roundabout has a stellar reputation for creating outstanding meals of the highest quality and freshness, and was the only local catering facility who could meet the rigorous standards, including a large industrial kitchen and a fleet of delivery trucks – and they are right here in our community.” Background on Roundabout Catering. In 2007, Colin and Mary Beth Smith opened Roundabout Bistro in the Somersett area (which is where the name came from), and it quickly became a locals’ favorite. The Bistro expanded to include a market with a burger bar, where patrons could purchase locally grown fresh produce and other locally-sourced products. In 2011, the Bistro closed so that Roundabout Catering & Party Rentals could focus on the catering and event planning business. The business quickly moved from a home kitchen to a comprehensive catering facility featuring a large industrial kitchen, a fleet of delivery trucks, a full- sized food truck and a warehouse of party rental equipment. The team services several schools with a school lunch program, and also operates Roundabout Meal Prep out of the catering facility. In 2016, the Smiths debuted Roundabout Grill inside The Whitney Peak Hotel in the heart of downtown Reno. Chef Colin’s inspired and fun approach to comfort food with a twist came to life in one of the most beautiful restaurant spaces in the city. The restaurant also services the Tesla and Panasonic team, and Roundabout Catering manages food services onsite at the Tahoe-Reno Industrial Center. In 2018, Roundabout acquired Tannenbaum Events Center. Chef Colin is the consulting chef for the Escape Lounge in the Reno-Tahoe International Airport, and the consulting chef and director of food and beverage for the Club at Rancharrah. The Catering team also services the National Automobile Museum and The Elm Estate. B-roll footage and interviews with Justin Bart and Colin Smith can be accessed here. About Roundabout Catering & Party Rentals Roundabout Catering & Party Rentals specializes in unforgettable, personalized special events for individuals and companies. Roundabout has a long-standing reputation in the region for creative, inspired cuisine and unparalleled service. Roundabout Catering operates several business units including Roundabout Grill, Roundabout Meal Prep, party rentals and Tannenbaum Events Center. To stay up-to- date on us, follow us on Instagram, or like us on Facebook. About Renown Health Renown Health is a locally governed and locally owned, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving northern Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. Renown is one of the region’s largest private employers with a workforce of more than 7,000. It comprises three acute care hospitals, a rehabilitation hospital, the area’s most comprehensive medical group and urgent care network, and the region’s largest and only locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown has a long tradition and commitment to continually improve the care and the health of our community. For more information, visit
Join Forces with Local Businesses to Make Isolation Gowns
The availability of face masks for healthcare workers has been a popular topic of discussion amid the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there’s another piece of essential personal protective equipment (PPE) that’s become difficult to come by – isolation gowns. To help meet local demand for this critical piece of equipment, University of Nevada, Reno’s Department of Art Fabrication Lab, Miller’s Jackets and Printing Services of Nevada have teamed up to use their unique resources to produce isolation gowns at no cost to Renown Health. The isolation gown production process starts at the Fabrication Lab – commonly referred to as the “Fab Lab” – with rolls of Kona Cotton fabric purchased by Renown. From there, Fab Lab manager Nicole Miller feeds the fabric into the Zund G3 digital CNC machine to begin the production process. Using a design software, Miller digitized Renown’s isolation gown template and created three sizes – small, medium and large. These digital blueprints serve as instructions for the machine to cut the fabric. Thanks to this state-of-the-art cutting machine and Miller’s streamlined efforts, it takes just 68 seconds to cut out one gown. See the Zund G3 digital CNC machine in action. “COVID-19 has affected us all in unprecedented ways,” said Miller. “It means so much knowing that we can help our local healthcare workers who are working so hard for the whole community. At its core, the department of arts’ Fab Lab is designed to enable our students and faculty to create interdisciplinary research. Pivoting to PPE production just allows us to use our equipment and skill set to solve problems in an applied design environment.” From there, the cut gown fabric is taken to Miller’s Jackets where it is sewn in accordance with Renown’s gown pattern. The company had previously sewn masks to help meet the demands of local hospitals towards the beginning of the pandemic. Jeff Richards, owner of Printing Services of Nevada and partner of Miller’s Jackets, saw how quickly Renown employees responded to the COVID-19 crisis and wanted to give back to area healthcare workers in any way he could. “With less work coming in due to the shutdown, I wanted to offer my time and resources to assist the community,” said Richards. “I strategized with my partner at Miller’s Jackets, Chris Robb, about what to do next. After discovering Renown’s need for isolations gowns, it was an easy decision for us to continue putting our staff and sewing machines to good use for our local hospitals.” Tony Slonim, MD, D.Ph., president and CEO of Renown Health states, “There is nothing more important to me than providing our caregivers at the front line with the resources they need to Contact: Renown Public Relations M: 775-691-7308 E: feel well-cared for, supported and confident in their practice. In my experience, as both an intensivist and a registered nurse, there is special feeling when you wear a garment that was hand-made for you. I know our caregivers will feel the love and appreciation expressed by the talented craftspeople of the University of Nevada, Reno’s Department of Art Fabrication Lab, Miller’s Jackets and Printing Services of Nevada when they don these special garments. We appreciate the innovative thinking and generosity of these local business leaders to support Renown Health caregivers and patients. Despite the slowing of business, Printing Services of Nevada is committed to paying Miller’s Jackets employees and volunteers for their time, and covering the cost of any materials beyond the fabric supplied by Renown Health. Miller’s Jackets has opened up its industrial sewing machines for the isolation gown project and also called on volunteers to sew from their personal machines at home. “Renown’s healthcare workers put their lives on the line for the public every day,” said Robb. “They don’t have the luxury of getting to stay out of harm’s way. They do so much for us. If there’s anything we can do to make their lives a little easier and less stressful, it’s worth it.” Since the inception of this collaboration on April 16, the Fab Lab, Miller’s Jackets and Printing Services of Nevada have helped produce 150 isolation gowns, which will all benefit Renown caregivers. Once worn, the gowns can be sterilized and reused, helping Renown extend the life of its personal protective equipment, which helps ensure the health and safety of care givers. Renown’s director of service excellence Amber Maraccini says, “One of the many positives I’ve seen come out of these uncertain times is our community’s willingness to give and collaborate. We extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to those helping our caregivers fight the good fight every day.” Renown has a total goal of 10,000 community-donated isolation gowns. To help Renown reach this goal, community members can access Renown’s gown pattern here. Those interested in supporting Renown’s healthcare heroes are invited to visit for more ways on how to help. For up-to-date information on Renown’s approach to keeping our community safe, visit our website at About The Fabrication Lab The Fabrication Lab is part of the School of the Arts and facilitates hands-on production and learning by enabling innovation and interdisciplinary connectivity at the intersection of art and technology. The Fab Lab is committed to advancing teaching and research to enrich art department programs and plays a key role in the education of art students at the University of Nevada, Reno. For more information, visit About Renown Health Renown Health is a locally governed and locally owned, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving northern Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. Renown is one of the Contact: Renown Public Relations M: 775-691-7308 E: region’s largest private employers with a workforce of more than 7,000. It comprises three acute care hospitals, a rehabilitation hospital, the area’s most comprehensive medical group and urgent care network, and the region’s largest and only locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown has a long tradition and commitment to continually improve the care and the health of our community. For more information, visit About Printing Services of Nevada LLC Printing Services of Nevada LLC is a family owned company that has served Northern Nevada since 1985. After operating as one of the area’s premier printing brokerage firms for most of that time, the company began a transformation to in-house production to provide better, and faster service at a reasonable price. Since then, Printing Services of Nevada LLC has grown substantially in both technology and capability to one of the regions premier digital printing companies. The recent acquisition of the Xerox Iridesse Production Press along with the newest Duplo bindery machines for post-press needs allow Printing Services of Nevada LLC to offer superb quality at a competitive price. Whether servicing large businesses or a single person, at Printing Services of Nevada LLC the philosophy is simple. First, build mutually beneficial relationships with our customers and vendors and be true in those relationships. Second, give back to the community through programs that we have implemented such as no-charge resume printing for those searching for a job, promotion of suicide awareness through Motivation United, a non-profit which the owner of Printing Services of Nevada LLC has started to place inspirational signs throughout the community, and working with other non-profits to provide the services they need while working within their limited budget. Printing Services of Nevada LLC…dream it and imagine the possibilities!
Read More About Join Forces with Local Businesses to Make Isolation Gowns
Renown Health Unveils New Strategic Plan, Mission, Vision and Values; Launches Community Grants Program to Support Most Critical Healthcare Needs
Cultivates partnerships with urban and rural not-for-profit organizations to address community health issues Renown Health today announced the launch of its new strategic plan, a comprehensive initiative designed to advance health across the region while addressing the evolving needs of the communities it serves. New Strategic Plan Renown Health has developed a new strategic plan for 2025+ based on the input of thousands of employees, physicians and community members who participated in the process over the past year and contributed to shaping the future direction. The new strategic plan will guide the organization through the next five years and beyond. Renown Health, the healthcare leader for the region, serves over 1 million people and is the only Level II Trauma Center for both adults and children across 100,000 square miles between Salt Lake City and Sacramento. "We take pride in being Nevada’s only locally governed, charitable, not-for-profit, integrated academic healthcare system, reinvesting every dollar earned back into the health of our community,” said Brian Erling, MD, MBA, President & CEO, Renown Health. “As an important and treasured community asset, our Board and leadership have an important responsibility. We must ensure that we are delivering on our promise of excellence, and that we have the resources needed to ensure access to high quality and affordable care for all. We know that change is certain, and to take on the challenges ahead we must work together now, to ensure a bright and healthy future for our kids, grandkids, and future generations." The plan will advance five major strategies and key imperatives: Commit to a People-First Culture and Mindset Ensure Access to High Quality and Affordable Care Expand Renown’s Not-for-Profit Mission Provide Essential and Advanced Care Options Build an Integrated Academic Health System New Renown Mission, Vision and Values As part of the new strategic plan, Renown Health has updated its mission, vision and values to better reflect its commitment to the community. Mission: Established in 1864 as Nevada’s first hospital, we proudly serve our community as the only not-for-profit academic health system, committed to saving lives, nurturing minds and caring for all people. Vision: Create a healthier future through exceptional care and discovery. Values: People First: We create environments where people feel safe, valued, supported, and respected. Compassion: We show genuine concern for others' well-being through kindness, support and mutual respect. Integrity: We always demonstrate honest and ethical behavior. Collaboration: We work together, sharing knowledge, listening and receiving feedback to achieve shared goals. Excellence: We strive to provide safe care and the highest quality in all we do. These guiding principles underscore Renown Health’s unwavering commitment to caring for the people of northern Nevada. Notably, Renown provides 66.5% of hospital services in the Reno/Sparks, NV area and 72.2% of Medicaid and uninsured care in the region. In Calendar Year 2023, Renown Health provided $274.M in Community Benefit, predominantly for unreimbursed healthcare services, community health improvement and health professions education. Renown Addresses Community Health Needs “Our Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) supports Renown’s new mission, vision and values in a very tangible way; by identifying the most urgent health care needs, and directing allocated resources more effectively for outreach, prevention, education and wellness initiatives,” says Kerry Kelly, MPH, Community Health Manager, Renown Health. “We work with clinical experts and community partners to develop approaches that target the social determinants of health, to complement our healthcare system’s current services, offering quality, affordable healthcare to everyone, and improving the overall health of our community.” New Better Together Community Grants Program As part of this new vision, Renown Health also introduced a new community grants program, the Better Together Community Grants Program, aimed at reducing health disparities, promoting wellness and improving access to care. The Better Together Community Grants Program will provide funding opportunities for 501 (c)(3) non-profit organizations, community groups, public agencies, health departments, school districts and other government entities committed to addressing pressing community health issues across the region. Renown is seeking to fund Request for Proposals (RFPs) on projects that address the following three critical health care needs areas of people living in the areas served by Renown Regional Medical Center and Renown South Meadows Medical Center. PRIORITY AREA #1: Mental Health PRIORITY AREA # 2: Access to Healthcare and Community Services PRIORITY AREA #3: Maternal and Child Health Eligible applicants must hold a current 501(c)(3) designation and demonstrate alignment with Renown Health’s new mission, vision and values. Applicants can submit one proposal for 2025. Grants will be awarded funding up to $10,000, determined by their alignment with priority populations, the scope of their work, and the strength of their project plan. For more detailed definitions of the critical healthcare needs, applicants can review the 2023 Community Health Needs Assessment at An online briefing session will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 29 from 9-10 a.m. PST. For those who cannot attend, the session will be recorded and available for access at Interested organizations are encouraged to file an online application here no later than Friday, Feb. 14 at 5 p.m. PST. Organizations will be notified and invited to the second-round interview stage by Monday, March 10, 2025. Funding for the 2025 Better Together Community Grants Program is made possible through Renown Health Community Benefits. As the region’s only Level 2 Trauma Center for adults and children, Renown serves over 1 million people and 100,000 square miles. In U.S. News and World Report Best Hospital Rankings, Renown Regional Medical Center is named #1 Hospital for the State of Nevada for 2024, 2023 and 2022. Renown Health is the region’s largest, locally governed, not-for-profit integrated academic health care network serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe, and northeast California. With a diverse workforce of more than 7,500 employees, Renown has fostered a longstanding culture of excellence, determination, and innovation. The organization comprises a trauma center, two acute care hospitals, a children’s hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, a medical group and urgent care network, and the locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. For more information, visit
Renown Health Welcomes Two Nationally Recognized Colo-Rectal and General Surgeons
Providing Access to the Latest Advances in Surgery and Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Care Renown Health, the region’s largest, locally governed, not-for-profit integrated academic health care system serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California is proud to announce the appointment of Matthew Crapko, MD and Michael Scott Thomas, MD, PhD to the Department of Surgery. Drs. Crapko and Thomas bring essential and advanced expertise in colorectal care, further enhancing Renown’s commitment to delivering exceptional, patient-centered care to the community. Both Drs. Crapko and Thomas are nationally recognized surgeons and have served thousands of patients across northern Nevada for years. They joined Renown on Nov. 11, 2024, and were formerly with Western Surgical Group. “The rise in colorectal health issues across our state, and the U.S., is a growing concern, as conditions like colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease and other gastrointestinal disorders are becoming increasingly prevalent,” says Brian Erling, MD, MBA, President and CEO, Renown Health. “At Renown Health, we are addressing this need by investing in advanced surgical experience and state-of-the-art, minimally invasive robotic technology. By employing highly skilled and respected local surgeons like Dr. Matthew Crapko and Dr. Michael Scott Thomas, we can ensure patients have access to the highest quality care close to home. Keeping care local improves patient outcomes and provides comfort and convenience to people experiencing challenging health conditions.” “We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Crapko and Dr. Thomas to the Renown Health family,” says Rahul Mediwala, MD, MBA, CEO of Renown Medical Group. “They join Christos A. Galanopoulos, MD, MBA, MSc, FACS, VP, Chairman, Department of Surgery to lead a multidisciplinary team of specialists dedicated to providing comprehensive colon and rectal care. From evaluation and preparation for surgery and post-operative care, our team oversees every aspect of the patient’s journey. Together, they have combined, over 30 years’ experience in performing successful colon and rectal surgeries and are dedicated to a multidisciplinary approach, compassionate care and improving quality of life.” Matthew Crapko, MD Dr. Crapko specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of colorectal and general surgical conditions, including colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, anorectal disease, gallstones, diverticulitis and hernias. He is highly skilled in performing minimally invasive and robotic surgeries, which allow for faster recovery times and improved outcomes for patients. Dr. Crapko earned his medical degree from Medical College of Wisconsin with honors in research. Dr. Crapko completed his residency in general surgery at Boston University Medical Center and at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas. He went on to pursue advanced fellowship training in Colon and Rectal surgery at Baylor University Medical Center, where he gained specialized expertise in the latest surgical techniques. Dr. Crapko is affiliated with the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine as a clinical assistant professor of surgery and is involved with educational and research efforts through UNR. He served as co-director of the third-year medical student clerkship from 2021-2024. He is board-certified through the American Board of Surgery and is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgery. Michael Scott Thomas, MD, PhD Dr. Michael Scott Thomas earned his medical degree from the University of Texas Medical School in Galveston, TX. He also earned a PhD in the Department of Neuroscience and Cell Biology and completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology from UT Med. Dr. Thomas completed his residency in general surgery at Tulane University and advanced fellowship training in Colon and Rectal Surgery at Ochsner Medical Center, both in New Orleans. Prior to attending medical school, Dr. Thomas taught chemistry as a high school teacher in Corpus Christi, TX. He also served in the United States Navy as a hospital corpsman with the First Marine Division. Dr. Thomas has conducted extensive medical and scientific research including advanced minimally invasive techniques for tumor removal, and research insights into environmental toxicology, developmental biology and aging. He has research grants and an extensive portfolio of authored textbook chapters. He is board-certified through the American Board of Surgery and is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgery. “Drs. Crapko and Thomas have stellar reputations for excellence in patient care, with a holistic approach that emphasizes surgical outcomes and post-surgery support, nutrition, and lifestyle changes for long-term success,” says Dr. Christos A. Galanopoulos, VP and Chairman Department of Surgery at Renown Health. “We are fortunate they have chosen to join our team. The addition of colon and rectal surgery aligns with our mission to provide comprehensive and essential healthcare services to our growing community. Drs. Crapko and Thomas are superb clinicians, skilled investigators and effective educators. Their expertise is a critical resource for people looking to achieve healthier, more fulfilling and active lives.” Clinical Experience Provided by Renown Surgical Care Now Includes: Diagnostic and Preventative Services Colonoscopy: Screening and diagnostic procedures to detect colon cancer, polyps and other abnormalities. Endoscopic Procedures: Minimally invasive techniques to diagnose gastrointestinal issues. Cancer Risk Assessment: Evaluating patients with family histories of colorectal cancer or genetic conditions. Surgical Treatment Colorectal Cancer Surgery: Removing cancerous tissues from the colon or rectum, often using minimally invasive or robotic-assisted techniques. Diverticulitis Treatment: Surgical intervention for severe or recurrent diverticulitis. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Surgery: Managing Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis through resections or other specialized procedures. Hernia Repairs: Treating abdominal or inguinal hernias. Management of Benign Conditions Hemorrhoid Treatment: non-surgical and surgical management of internal and external hemorrhoids. Fistula and Fissure Repair: Addressing anal fistulas and fissures with advanced techniques. Abscess Drainage: Treating perirectal or anal abscesses. Pilonidal Disease Management: Treating cysts near the tailbone. Pelvic Floor Disorders Constipation Management: Diagnosing and addressing chronic constipation caused by structural or functional issues. Rectal Prolapse Repair: Correcting rectal prolapse through minimally invasive surgery. Minimally Invasive and Advanced Techniques Laparoscopic Surgery: Using small incisions for faster recovery and reduced scarring. Robotic-Assisted Surgery: Enhancing precision and outcomes in complex procedures. Trans anal Surgery: Removing polyps or early-stage rectal cancer through the anus without external incisions. The Region's Leader in Robotic Surgery Renown Health offers physician-guided da Vinci Robotic Surgery. Benefits may include less pain after surgery, minimal to no scarring, a shorter hospital stay and a quicker recovery. Dr. Crapko and Thomas are now accepting new patients. If you are a physician and would like to refer patients, or a person who wishes to be screened for surgery by Dr. Crapko or Dr. Thomas, please contact Renown Surgery Care at 775-982-6270. The surgeons see patients at Renown Surgery at 1500 E 2nd St, Ste 300 in Reno, NV. As the region’s only Level 2 Trauma Center for adults and children, Renown serves over 1 million people and 100,000 square miles. In U.S. News and World Report Best Hospital Rankings, Renown Regional Medical Center is named #1 Hospital for the State of Nevada for 2024, 2023 and 2022. Renown Health is the region’s largest, locally governed, not-for-profit integrated academic health care network serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe, and northeast California. With a diverse workforce of more than 7,500 employees, Renown has fostered a longstanding culture of excellence, determination, and innovation. The organization comprises a trauma center, two acute care hospitals, a children’s hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, a medical group and urgent care network, and the locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health.
Read More About Renown Health Welcomes Two Nationally Recognized Colo-Rectal and General Surgeons
Kickstart the New Year With Better Health and Schedule an Online Mammography Appointment
You can now schedule a mammogram appointment 24/7 from your computer or cell phone, with no need to call. As the New Year begins, Renown Health is encouraging the community to prioritize their health by setting achievable resolutions and taking steps for better well-being. To make it easier to stick to these goals, Renown Health is proud to announce the launch of online appointments for mammograms, providing greater convenience and accessibility to critical and essential preventative care. Last September, the health system added online appointment scheduling for adult primary care and pediatrics doctor appointments. “Every New Year is an opportunity to focus on our health and well-being,” said Madeline Hardacre, MD, Oncology Wellness Physician, with Renown Breast Surgery Care. “With our new online scheduling tool for mammograms, we’re making care more accessible and affordable, increasing early detection and treatment for breast cancer, improving lives, families and the health of our community.” Tips for a Healthier New Year Dr. Hardacre and Renown Health clinical experts recommend incorporating these resolutions into your routine for a healthier 2025. Schedule Preventative Screenings: Early detection saves lives. Regular screenings, such as mammograms and annual physical examinations are essential for maintaining good health. Stay Active: Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week to improve physical and mental health. Eat Balanced Meals: Focus on nutrient-rick goods to fuel your body and support your immune system. Prioritize Mental Health: Practice mindfulness, seek support when needed, and take time to recharge. Stay Connected: Building strong relationships contributes to overall well-being. Convenient Online Mammogram & Primary Care Appointment Scheduling Renown Health’s new online tool simplifies the process of scheduling mammograms. With just a few clicks at Online Appointments, people can book an appointment at a time and location that works for them. “Mammograms are a vital tool in detecting early breast cancer early, when it’s most treatable,” added Michelle Chu, MD, an oncology breast surgeon with Renown Breast Surgery Care. “By offering online scheduling, we hope to encourage more women to prioritize this lifesaving screening.” All Encouraged to Use Online Scheduling With Renown’s new online scheduling feature, you can now book your mammography appointments without making a phone call to the office. In addition, people can book online appointments with Renown Medical Primary Care providers. The dedicated team of primary care physicians and pediatricians offer a full range of services—including annual checkups, complete physicals, immunizations, lab work, and referrals to specialists—at multiple locations across northern Nevada. “One of the biggest advantages is that you can set an appointment when and where it’s convenient for you to do so,” said Sierra Kelly-Martinez, MPH, director of the Customer Engagement Center at Renown. “You can schedule that appointment whenever you want, at 9 o’clock at night, while waiting in line at the grocery store or whenever you think of doing it.” “It’s really quite easy and empowering to have control of your own scheduling,” she adds. Who can schedule appointments: Anyone wanting a mammogram. New Renown primary care physician or provider. Renown Children’s pediatrician. How to schedule: Visit ONLINE APPOINTMENTS Select your insurance provider. Choose the location (or select Any Location). Pick the time and provider that works for you, then schedule your appointment. Accepted insurances: Hometown Health Senior Care Plus Anthem Blue Cross Cigna United Medicare Medicaid “We are always looking for ways to improve the patient experience and make access to our physicians, advanced practice providers and services easier and faster” said Rahul Mediwala, MD, MBA, CEO of Renown Medical Group. “Our new online scheduling tool is just one of the many ways we’re working to make healthcare more convenient for our patients. Over the next year, we will be increasing the number of Renown physicians and medical providers who have online appointment availability, as we look to improve the health of our community.” As the region’s only Level 2 Trauma Center for adults and children, Renown serves over 1 million people and 100,000 square miles. In U.S. News and World Report Best Hospital Rankings, Renown Regional Medical Center is named #1 Hospital for the State of Nevada for 2024, 2023 and 2022. Renown Health is the region’s largest, locally governed, not-for-profit integrated health care network serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe, and northeast California. With a diverse workforce of more than 7,500 employees, Renown has fostered a longstanding culture of excellence, determination, and innovation. The organization comprises a trauma center, two acute care hospitals, a children’s hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, a medical group and urgent care network, and the locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. For more information, visit