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    • Surgery
    • Surgical Services

    How Do I Prepare for Surgery?

    Renown’s team of nurses and respiratory therapists discuss what you need to know before undergoing surgery, including fasting guidelines and how to improve recovery. There are several things to know before you undergo surgery, including steps to prepare at home in advance of your procedure.   Fasting Guidelines: No solid foods eight hours prior to surgery You may have clear liquids three hours before your surgery. Clear liquids include water, apple juice and lemon or lime-flavored soda water (not cola). In addition, do not chew or smoke tobacco (regular or e-cigarettes) after midnight the night before your surgery, unless instructed by your doctor or anesthesiologist.

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  • Cancer Clinical Trials and Research

    The William N. Pennington Cancer Institute is dedicated to find the causes of cancer and develop better treatments. We research a wide variety of areas. We perform traditional research in the laboratory and translational research with patients, and we look at how we provide counseling and support and clinical trials, in which patients have the option to try new therapies. We partner with research institutions, including local researchers at the University of Nevada Reno (UNR) and the Desert Research Institute (DRI), national and international researchers, non-profit organizations, and industry to help drive discoveries forward quickly. Cancer Clinical Trials & Research Participating in cancer clinical trials and research allows you to receive the most effective therapy available. These treatments investigate promising new drugs, drug combinations, advances in personalized care, and new approaches to surgery or radiation therapy otherwise unavailable. To join a clinical trial, talk to a member of your cancer care team. They will know about any current trials for your type of cancer, explain your role in the preparation, and provide information about your protection. Trial participants usually receive the therapy at little or no cost. If you are considering a trial, consult with your primary care doctor. At William N. Pennington Cancer Institute, we want to provide our patients with the opportunity to access novel treatments through participation in clinical trials. For adult patients, we offer clinical trials through the National Cancer Institute Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP). Dr. Garrett Green, Renown Health department of Radiation Oncology, serves as the Principal Investigator and Liaison for the adult oncology team. For specific information on which trials are currently available at our institution, please call us at 775-982-5050. For children, we offer clinical trials including phase 2 and phase 3 studies through the Children's Oncology Group. Dr. J. Martin Johnston, Chief of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology at Renown Children's Hospital and Senior Investigator, Renown Institute for Cancer, is the Principal Investigator. The Cancer Research Team As the most extensive healthcare system in northern Nevada and eastern California, and in partnership with clinical trial sponsors, the National Cancer Institute, and the Nevada Cancer Research Foundation, we can access dozens of open clinical trials. We are here to provide education and guidance in making decisions about your care and treatment. Our specially trained research teams will help you understand the process and explain what to expect with each visit. We are committed to bringing the highest quality of cancer care to you and your loved ones. To learn more about open clinical trials, please reach out to us with this form.

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    • Asthma
    • Kid's Health
    • Pediatric Care

    Understanding and Managing Childhood Asthma

    Dr. Shipra Singh, a Pediatric Pulmonologist, outlines the challenges of diagnosing asthma in children due to symptoms resembling other respiratory issues. It's particularly difficult to identify in infants and young children, who may not clearly exhibit breathing difficulties. Asthma, often confused with bronchitis, croup, or allergies, is a significant chronic illness causing school absenteeism, as per the CDC. Risk factors include prenatal smoking and family history of allergies or asthma. Infants and toddlers are more susceptible due to smaller airways and respiratory viruses, which can exacerbate conditions like colds and bronchitis. How can I tell if my child has asthma? Unfortunately small children are unable to describe their symptoms, making asthma difficult to diagnose. Your child may even be active, playing and smiling, although they are experiencing chest tightness or labored breathing. Observe your child and let the child’s doctor know if: Your child’s breathing behavior has changed (coughing, wheezing, rapid breathing) Your child’s breathing pattern changes (day vs. night, with rest or activity, inside vs. outside) You have a family history of asthma or allergies Your child’s breathing is triggered by any foods or allergies With your help, your child’s doctor can make the best diagnosis to determine if your child has asthma. A pediatric pulmonologist (lung specialist) or pediatric allergist may also have to be consulted for special testing. Tests may include lung function testing, allergy tests, blood tests and X-rays for an accurate diagnosis. What is the treatment for infants and toddlers? Young children can use many of the same medications as older children and adults, although the way they take them and the dosage will differ. A nebulizer (or breathing machine) creating a medicated mist for your child to breathe through a mask may be used. An inhaler with a small spacer tube connected to a mask is also common to help your child breath medication into their lungs. Either of these options are effective. Asthma in children is treated with both fast-acting and long-term medicines to open up airways quickly for easy breathing and also to lessen asthma symptoms over time. Communicate with your child’s medical providers to create a personalized asthma management plan for them. How can I manage my child’s asthma? Recognize your child’s breathing habits and be aware of worsening symptoms. Consult with your child’s doctor on a daily asthma action plan to recognize worsening symptoms and track medications. Here’s an example of an asthma action plan provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ National Institutes of Health). Be consistent with the plan and talk to your doctor before changing it. Have an emergency plan in case of a serious asthma attack. Know where the closest ER is and know who can take care of your other children. Also know what the medical treatment coverage is under your insurance plan. Dr. Singh explains, "Discussing asthma with your child may be difficult. Some kids find the subject frightening or confusing. Others, especially the older kids, may resent the treatment and may not be interested in doing it. Talk to your doctor about advice to build an open and trusting relationship regarding your child's asthma care."

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    • Cancer Care
    • Clinical Trial
    • Research and Studies

    Ovarian Cancer Survivor Shares Decision to Try Clinical Trial

    While there used to be three basic treatment options for cancer -- surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, or a combination of the three -- there's a fourth option: clinical trials. Here, a Renown patient shares her successful battle with ovarian cancer, aided by a clinical trial. Shari Flamm's battle with ovarian cancer began in 2011. She was experiencing prolonged bleeding, irregular thyroid levels and anemia and was scheduled to undergo a hysterectomy. Before the surgery, her gynecologist ran routine tests to check for cancer as a precautionary measure. All tests were negative for cancer, expect her CA 125 test. A CA 125 test measures the amount of the protein CA 125 (cancer antigen 125) in the blood. In some cases, a CA 125 test may be used to look for early signs of ovarian cancer in women with a very high risk of the disease. In most laboratories, the normal level is 0 to 35 units/ml. Flamm's CA 125 level was 121. As Flamm can attest, early diagnosis played a key role in her battle with ovarian cancer. September is Gynecologic Cancer and Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month – an important time to learn the signs, symptoms and risk factors of this type of cancer so your doctor can diagnosis the disease as early as possible. Ovarian Cancer: Round One Despite the elevated CA 125 results, her doctor recommended they move forward with the hysterectomy. But when surgery began, doctors discovered a mass. She had stage 4 cancer. The procedure was halted, the mass was biopsied and she was immediately seen by Dr. Peter Lim of the The Center of Hope. Following diagnosis, Flamm underwent surgery with Dr. Lim to remove the cancer, which had spread to part of diaphragm, spleen, colon and other organs. Three months after surgery, Flamm had recovered enough to start six rounds of chemotherapy in her hometown of Carson City. She continued working at a doctor's office during her treatment, and was grateful for Dr. Lim’s ability to co-manage her care so she could stay close to work and family. “To me, chemo was the scariest part because I didn’t like feeling sick,” Flamm says. Thankfully, her body responded well to the treatments and she was back to the things she loved. “I stated working out at the gym, even if it was only for 10 minutes,” she says. She also stayed positive by spending time with her grandchildren, attending a San Jose Sharks hockey game, going for walks and enjoying concerts. Ovarian Cancer: Round Two In November 2014, Flamm had a cancer check-up. That’s when doctors discovered three cancerous tumors. For this round, Flamm choose another treatment option -- clinical trials at Renown Institute for Cancer. Clinical trials are the studies that test whether drugs work, and inform doctors' decisions about how to treat their patients. Flamm participated in a clinical trial that featured oral-targeted therapy stronger than IV chemotherapy. The hope was for the drug to shrink her tumors, however the result was stabilization -- meaning the lumps weren’t growing or spreading. The best part of the clinical trial, Flamm says, was the constant monitoring. Between the CT scans every six weeks, a heart scan every three months and monthly doctor visits, she was confident that if the cancer started growing or spreading, her healthcare team would catch it right away. For Flamm, the benefits of the clinical trial included less hair loss, less fatigue and more time to focus on what’s important in her life -- her family. “I decided I wasn’t going to be that sick grandma on the couch with cancer,” Flamm says. After taking the oral medication for one year, Flamm developed a rash and discontinued treatment due to discomfort. Clinical Trials, Setbacks and Survival In June 2016, two of the three tumors began to grow and had to be surgically removed. Despite the setback, Flamm was determined to maintain a positive outlook. "You have to stay positive because cancer feeds off anger, depression and stress," Flamm says. Flamm was released to go home with clear margins, meaning the tumors were removed and are surrounded by a rim of normal tissue that does not have cancerous cells. Flamm says her outlook on life has changed drastically since her first cancer diagnosis. “Your whole mentality changes when cancer disturbs your life," Flann says. "The things that weren’t important, are now ever so important. I’m a lot calmer now,” Flamm says.

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    • Medication
    • Drug Use

    Use Caution: Mixing Over-the-Counter Medications Can Be Harmful

    When you’re too sick to go to work but not sick enough for a doctor’s visit, over-the-counter medicines are a welcome relief to help alleviate that fever, runny nose or allergies. But because those medicines aren’t signed off on or managed by your doctor and pharmacist, you must be especially mindful of what you put into your body. Whenever you pop a pill, you want to ensure you’re taking the correct dosage, waiting the right amount of time before taking another dose and not mixing certain medicines. Too Much Tylenol/Acetaminophen Tylenol — or acetaminophen — is a popular pain reliever for many, but too much can be bad for your liver. “Our bodies have a finite ability to metabolize Tylenol,” says Andy Wright, clinical pharmacist at Renown Rehabilitation Hospital. “When too much builds up in the liver, it becomes toxic. In patients with medical conditions like cirrhosis of the liver or hepatitis, this could be disastrous.” Remember, acetaminophen is in more than just Tylenol and generic pain relievers. You may also see acetaminophen in flu, cold and cough medicines, like Nyquil, and some prescription medications including Norco and Percocet. Keep a list of the medications you take, and limit daily acetaminophen use to 3,000 mg per day. When you’re scanning medicine bottle contents, remember acetaminophen is also referred to as APAP, AC, acetam or paracetamol. Mixing Painkillers When you’re dealing with pain and not getting any relief, taking a different medication may seem like the easy solution. Maybe you take some Aleve — a form of naproxen — for a headache, but it isn’t working, so you switch to Motrin, an over-the-counter form of ibuprofen. Not a smart idea. Ibuprofen and naproxen along with aspirin are known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). Because these medicines work in similar ways, they should never be combined or used in larger doses or more frequently than directed. Otherwise your risk of side effects can increase, which range from mild nausea to severe gastrointestinal bleeding.  It’s also important to consider your family history when taking NSAIDs because, “recent studies have shown NSAIDs may have greater cardiovascular risks for people taking blood thinners or those with hypertension,” explains Andy. “A good example is ibuprofen: It has a relatively low gastrointestinal bleed risk while it has a moderate to high cardiovascular risk. The opposite is true for naproxen.” Rather than experimenting with multiple medicines, figure out which drug works best for you. You may find muscle soreness improves with aspirin, whereas when a headache hits, naproxen is best. Keep in mind that these medications aren’t always best for everyone in the family. “Aspirin in children and teens is not recommended unless under the supervision of a doctor,” Andy says. And pregnant and lactating women should generally avoid NSAIDS due to risk of birth defects and bleeding. “In both of these cases, acetaminophen or Tylenol are preferred but only if approved by an OB/GYN.” Fighting Allergies Over-the-counter antihistamines like Claritin, Zyrtec and Allegra have made fighting itchy eyes and runny noses a little easier. But these daily medicines — when taken inappropriately or in the wrong combinations — can also have an adverse effect. Similar to acetaminophen, you need to watch for antihistamines in other products. Sleep aids — like Tylenol PM and Unisom — commonly use an antihistamine known as diphenhydramine, which may increase your risk of overdose. “Combining antihistamines, or overdosing, can cause many adverse effects including dry mouth, blurred vision — even arrhythmias,” Andy says. “Only take these medications on their own.” If you’re still struggling with symptoms, you can talk to your doctor about adding an over-the-counter nasal steroid.  Andy confirms the importance of closely following the directions listed on antihistamine (and all medicine) bottles. He has seen extended release nasal decongestants cause significant arrhythmias requiring medical care after a patient took the medicine with warm fluids. “The decongestant in question is designed to slowly release, but it can dissolve suddenly in the presence of warm liquids like coffee,” Andy explains. “This can cause the pill to deliver 12 to 24 hours of medication all at once.” Taking an Antidiarrheal with Calcium Calcium supplements and antidiarrheal medicines are another harmful combination. Calcium firms up your stool, but if taken with an antidiarrheal, can cause severe constipation. If you need to take an antidiarrheal, take a break from your calcium for a few days until you’re back to normal. Another consideration when taking calcium supplements or calcium-based antacids is gas. “I’ve had several patients report cases of excessive gas using Tums or calcium carbonate-based supplements.” Andy suggests instead “trying Maalox or Mylanta for indigestion and Citracal as a supplement.” Talk with Your Doctor or Pharmacist About Your Medications If over-the-counter drugs aren’t providing the relief you need, it’s time to see your doctor. And remember, for your safety it is important to keep your doctor and pharmacist up-to-date with any medications — prescribed or over-the-counter — that you are taking.

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    • Cancer Care
    • Men's Health

    Prostate Cancer: Symptoms, Treatments and Screenings

    Did you know: More than 2.9 million men in the United States who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point are still alive today. Prostate cancer is common, but also treatable, especially when caught early. Dr. Michael Hardacre of the Renown Institute for Cancer explains. With the exception of skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer in American men. In fact, the American Cancer Society offers these key statistics: About 1 man in 9 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime. Prostate cancer develops mainly in older men and in African-American men. About 6 cases in 10 are diagnosed in men aged 65 or older, and it is rare before age 40. The average age at the time of diagnosis is about 66. The good news: This form of cancer is very treatable when also detected early. Michael Hardacre, MD, radiation oncologist with Renown Institute for Cancer, is here to explain more about prostate cancer screenings and their role in early detection. What is the prostate? The prostate is a gland that only males have, and it makes part of the seminal fluid. Prostate cancer begins when the cells in the prostate gland start growing uncontrollably due to a change in the cell’s genes. Researchers are working to find what leads to the disease. Certain types of prostate cancer are hereditary, or passed on through genes. However, most types of prostate cancer are acquired and developed later in life. What are some of the signs of prostate cancer? Common signs of prostate cancer include: Frequent urination Weak urine flow Painful urination or inability to urinate Blood in urine or semen Painful ejaculation Erectile dysfunction If you notice any of these signs, talk with your primary care doctor. Although it may be intimidating to talk about any of these signs or symptoms, the earlier prostate cancer is detected, the better the options for treatment. How can you screen for or detect prostate cancer? The good news is that prostate cancer can often be found before symptoms appear, because screening is as simple as a blood test. Your doctor will look for levels of a prostate-specific antigen in the blood. If the results come back with anything concerning, then additional testing would be recommended. A transrectal ultrasound can also be used, which is usually painless and only takes about 10 minutes to complete. This exam gives the doctor an image of the prostate to measure its size, which can help determine the density of the prostate-specific antigen. If this test comes back with any suspicious results, then your doctor may recommend a biopsy. What are the treatment options? Depending on each case, treatment options for men with prostate cancer might include: Watchful waiting or active surveillance Surgery Radiation therapy Cryotherapy (cryosurgery) Hormone therapy Chemotherapy Vaccine treatment Bone-directed treatment It’s important to discuss all of the treatment option with your doctors, including goals and possible side effects, to help make the decision that best fits your needs. Some important things to consider when choosing a treatment option also include: The stage and grade of your cancer Your age and also your expected life span Any other serious health conditions you have Your feelings (and your doctor’s opinion) about the need to treat the cancer right away The likelihood that treatment will cure your cancer (or help in some other way) Your feelings about the possible side effects from each treatment Renown Institute for Cancer | 775-982-4000 At the Renown Health Institute for Cancer, our experienced team provides the support and care to maintain the highest quality of life and then achieve the best possible outcome, all in one location that’s close to home. Our dedicated team, clinical expertise and also advanced treatment options allow us to tailor care to each patient. Learn about: Our Team Cancers We Treat Screening and Prevention Treatment Options

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    • HealthyNV Project
    • Renown Health

    Nonalcoholic Liver Disease and Genetics: Is There a Link?

    What exactly is the relationship between genetics and disease? Powered by Renown Health, the Healthy Nevada Project is one of the most visible genomic studies in the United States. They are recruiting participants here in northern Nevada to understand the relationship between genetics and nonalcoholic liver disease. Joseph Grzymski, Principal Investigator at the Healthy Nevada Project and Chief Scientific Officer at Renown Health, shares why this study is so important and who should take part. Many people are aware that heavy drinking can lead to liver disease. Yet they are unaware that other types of liver disease are not caused by alcohol consumption. These types of liver disease are more difficult to diagnose but are equally dangerous. What is NASH? A build-up of fat causes nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) in the liver. The most dangerous form is called Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH). It causes inflammation and damages liver cells, leading to fibrosis, scarring of the liver, and decreased liver function. If NASH goes untreated, irreversible liver damage can occur, leading to cirrhosis, cancer, or liver failure. These conditions can be fatal. What’s most concerning about NASH is that the symptoms don’t typically cause pain and aren’t noticeable. The good news is that a new local study is raising awareness about this disease by recruiting at-risk people for NASH. Am I at risk for developing NASH? The following factors put you at risk: Obesity Type 2 diabetes Metabolic syndrome High blood lipids, such as cholesterol and triglycerides Does having a family member with nonalcoholic liver disease increase my risk? We do not know a lot about inheriting NASH, although a lot risk factors run in families. One goal of this study is to better understand the genetic component of NASH. There are certainly other risks too, such as environmental and behavioral risk factors. However, we don’t yet have a good grasp on how these impact NASH risk. How is NASH diagnosed? Diagnosis is traditionally done with either a liver ultrasound or biopsy. However, both procedures are expensive and the invasive biopsy has risks. Therefore doctors often use risk factors or less invasive blood tests for diagnosis. This NASH study will include a new blood test called the enhanced liver function (ELF) test. Doctors and researchers have data suggesting that the ELF test is a better diagnostic test for NASH risk. Conducting this cutting-edge test with study participants allows them to share results with their doctors to ensure the best care. What can I do to reduce my NASH risk? Limiting exposure to the risk factors of NASH often lowers risk. Eating a healthy diet, maintaining a recommended weight and exercising regularly can proactively lower your risk.

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    • Pain Management
    • Employees
    • Spine, Sports, and Pain Medicine
    • Back Pain
    • X-Ray and Imaging

    Department Spotlight: Special Procedures

    Chronic pain can be one of the most distressing feelings someone may encounter – and more likely than not, you know someone who is managing their pain as a part of their healthcare journey. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 1 in 5 U.S. adults have experienced chronic pain in recent years. One of the most common methods of treating pain is through prescription pain medications; however, with the rise of the opioid epidemic across the country, leveraging other interventions to help patients manage their chronic pain has become increasingly more important. What if there was a way to treat pain directly without the automatic need for pain medication? Luckily for patients in northern Nevada, our Special Procedures department at Renown Rehabilitation Hospital specializes in exactly that: interventional pain mitigation sans painkillers. With nearly 95% of their patients who come in with pain-related mobility issues being able to physically walk out of the hospital after their treatment, much-needed relief is clearly in store. Tight-knit and forever-caring, the Special Procedures team knows how to transform the purpose of pain management. A Penchant for Pain Alleviation Renown's Special Procedures team offers a wide variety of pain management solutions that are uniquely tailored to each individual patient’s needs. With the help of a team of 14 attentive nurses, interventional radiology technologists and a surgical technician – plus a dedicated patient access representative ensuring everything goes smoothly behind-the-scenes – these lifechanging interventions include: Epidurals (including steroid epidurals) Nerve blocks Ablations Tenotomies Spinal cord stimulator trials Peripheral nerve stimulator trials The nurses on this specialized team guide patients before, during and after their procedures, making sure they are at ease throughout the entire process. Each nurse emulates both expertise and empathy to help light the path towards healing.  “Before each procedure, we get the patient’s vitals, health history and work with the doctor to answer any questions they may have about what is going to happen in the procedure room,” said Michon Edgington, RN. “After they’re all done, they come back to me, and I make sure they are ready to go home by educating them on their discharge. Our goal is to get them back to their families very quickly.”  “In the actual procedure room, we perform safety checks, do charting, prepare the sterile tray for the doctor and give medication for conscious sedations, all while consistently monitoring the patient and helping the doctor out along the way to help the procedure go well,” added Shannon Boelow, RN.  This team’s dedicated imaging professionals harness expertise that goes beyond capturing images. Their skillful utilization of X-ray technology serves as a guide for doctors administering treatments for pain – and according to our own physicians, our imaging technologists are some of the best in the business.  “Our X-ray skills here are specialized,” said Julie Smith, Imaging Lead. “Visually, the doctor needs to see what’s going on inside the body so they can accurately place needles and steroids. We all work together collectively and work with each doctor to accommodate their preferences, helping the treatments go much faster and minimizing the patient’s exposure to radiation.”  Serving as the ideal representation of both precision and support, the surgical technician on this team is an important collaborator in the procedure room, helping to ensure the success of every interventional procedure with a meticulous eye for detail.  “As the Special Procedures surgical technician, I get the room ready with all the necessary instruments, including making sure everything is sterile,” said Carrie Crow, Surgical Technician. “I enjoy keeping the team organized.”  Overseeing it all are the physicians, who are eternally grateful for the team for the life-changing interventions they offer every day.  “Our physicians are so phenomenal,” said Brittney Summerfield, Manager of Nursing. “They are very supportive and collaborative, and they always do the right thing. They have total confidence in us.”  Seeing patients walk out of the hospital happy and healthy is a driving motivator for this team. Whether they had significant experience in pain management or were ready for a completely new challenge, each team member comes to work every day inspired to move mountains.  “I had worked in pain management in other facilities, and I was extremely excited to come here and solely focus on pain,” said Jodi Eldridge, Supervisor of Special Procedures. “I enjoy seeing the patients so happy when they leave no longer in pain. I feel immediate gratification, because you truly feel like you’re doing something big for the patient. It’s very rewarding.”  “I decided to come work here because I worked in the inpatient setting for a long time, and I was ready to see a different side of healthcare and provide a different type of care to our community; plus, my coworkers are the best,” added Lisa Dunnivant, RN.  There’s no question that the realm of pain management is a delicate one – and there is no team better suited to take on that challenge than Special Procedures, working harmoniously to bring relief and a renewed sense of livelihood for every patient they serve.  “Some people believe pain management is just all about pills, and that is simply not true,” said Carrie Crow. “Our procedures are yet another way to help them manage their pain and find relief.”

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    • Neurology

    Questions to Ask Your Neurologist at Your First Appointment

    When it comes to your neurological health, seeking the expertise of a specialist is crucial. The Renown Institute for Neurosciences provides comprehensive care for complex diseases affecting brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves. Let us help guide you through the appointment process to ensure a productive and informative first appointment. What to Expect at Your First Appointment at the Renown Institute for Neurosciences Duration and Purpose: Your first appointment will last approximately one hour. This time allows the doctor to ask specific questions, do a thorough neurological exam and discuss your concerns. Specialized Care: You will be matched with a provider who specializes in assessing and treating your specific ailment or condition. This tailored approach ensures that you receive care from an expert who has the specialized interest and expertise to address your needs effectively. Initial Assessment: During your visit, you will first see a medical assistant who reviews your medication history and standard screening questions provided by your doctor. Following this portion of your appointment, the neurologist will ask specific and detailed questions about your condition and conduct a non-invasive neurological examination to evaluate your brain and nervous system functioning. This exam involves painless tests assessing your cognitive function and nerve operation, including tests for sensation, strength and coordination. Treatment: After performing the neurological exam and addressing your questions, the neurologist will review the possible diagnosis and treatment plan, including any medication needs to help with your condition. Finally, your doctor may discuss the role of additional testing, including imaging studies (CT/MRIs), peripheral nerve testing (EMG) or brain wave testing (EEG), which will be scheduled for a later date. Making the Most of Your Visit To make your appointment as beneficial as possible, consider the following tips: Arrive Early: Plan to arrive at least 10 minutes early to fill out any necessary check-in items before your appointment's scheduled start time. This will ensure a smooth and timely visit. Bring Insurance Information: Have your insurance details readily available to facilitate the administrative process. This will help avoid any delays or confusion. Gather Medical Records: If you have received treatment or undergone tests with other healthcare providers relevant to your condition, bring along any medical records or test results. This information will assist your neurologist in gaining a comprehensive understanding of your medical history. Prepare Questions and Concerns: Consider noting the following, which can help you better answer questions the neurologist may ask during your appointment. The frequency, duration and severity of your symptoms. Share information about any medications or treatments you have tried for the condition and the outcomes. Prioritize questions to help the neurologist answer your most significant concerns during the initial visit. Your first appointment with a doctor at the Renown Institute for Neurosciences is an opportunity to receive expert care and gain insights into the best method of treatment for your condition. By understanding what to expect and following the tips provided, you can maximize your visit and be on your way to achieving overall health and wellness.

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