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    • Behavioral Health
    • Pediatric Care
    • Primary Care
    • Kid's Health
    • Mental Health

    Nurturing Your Child's Back-to-School Mental Health

    The back-to-school season is here, and ensuring your child's successful transition involves more than just school supplies and schedules. At Renown Children’s Hospital, and in collaboration with Nevada Pediatric Psychiatry Solutions, we understand the vital role that mental health plays in a child's overall well-being and academic performance. Below we'll guide you through essential tips for a smooth back-to-school experience, with a special focus on nurturing your child's mental health. How to Support Your Child’s Mental Health from Home Remember, the below strategies can be adapted to align with your child's personality, learning style and household dynamics. Flexibility and understanding are key in tailoring these tips to suit your child's unique needs. 1. Be Open to Communication: Recognize that effective communication is the cornerstone of understanding your child's feelings and concerns. Create a safe space where your child feels comfortable expressing their thoughts. Listen to learn, without judgment. Make it a point to validate their emotions and ensure they are heard. Encourage sharing experiences,worries, friends and challenges they may be facing. Having open conversations about sensitive topics opens the door for discussion and understanding. Make yourself available. 2. Establish a Routine: A consistent routine can offer a sense of stability and predictability for your child, and anticipation helps to decrease anxiety and establish a sense of control. Join forces and design a daily schedule that includes time for schoolwork, play, physical activity, meals and relaxation. Be flexible about the structure to allow room for last-minute changes including extra activities based on that day’s needs as well. Always add time for play and bonding. 3. Practice Compassion: Back-to-school can come with big emotions. Listening reflexively and acknowledging these feelings can help you and your child act positively on these big emotions. 4. Get Involved: Actively engage in your child's school life by participating in school events, meetings and discussions. Show interest in their educational journey, ask about their experiences and provide guidance when needed. Being present in their academic pursuits not only boosts their confidence but also strengthens the parent-child bond. 5. Use Positive Reinforcement: Celebrate your child's achievements, no matter how small they may seem. This allows for a sense of accomplishment and boosts self-esteem. Praise efforts, progress and perseverance, whether it's completing an assignment, making a new friend or overcoming a challenge. This positivity encourages a growth mindset and resilience. 6. Organize a Schoolwork Zone: Create a comfortable workspace at home dedicated to school-related tasks. Customize the area based on your child's preferences and needs. Having a designated space for studying and completing assignments promotes focus, reduces distractions and enhances their overall learning experience.

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    • Renown Health Foundation
    • Employees
    • Donation
    • Professionals

    Department Spotlight: Renown Health Foundation

    Kick off 2024 with us as we celebrate the team behind our very own Renown Health Foundation!  When you visit Renown Health, you take a look around and can’t help but notice the robust programs in place. You look left and see our thriving Children’s Miracle Network Hospital at Renown, making a lasting impact on pediatric healthcare in our region. You look right and see the advanced William N. Pennington Cancer Institute, providing leading-edge treatments right here in our community. You look around you and notice an influx of smiling nurses from the Orvis School of Nursing at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) who receive tuition assistance, thanks to generous donations to the Gerald “Jerry” Smith Academic Practice Partnership. Then, you think to yourself: “These programs must need a lot of money and support. So, how on earth is this all possible?”  What you may not know is that these programs are funded by the generosity of our community, all made possible by the work of Renown Health Foundation. As the largest not-for-profit health system in northern Nevada, our mission to make a genuine difference in the health and well-being of everyone we serve flourishes because of the donations, sponsorships, endowments and more that our Foundation brings in from philanthropists all over the region.  Making It Happen  The reach of Renown Health Foundation has proven to be virtually limitless, with a clear focus on supporting and raising funds for programs and initiatives that enhance the lives of our patients and their families, all for the betterment of our community for years to come.  Under their growing umbrella, the dedicated team at the Foundation makes miracles happen through administering a wide range of philanthropic programs, including: Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (CMNH), a nonprofit organization that supports the health of 10 million children in the U.S. and Canada every year. Renown Children’s Hospital is proudly recognized as a member of CMNH. Gerald "Jerry" Smith Academic Practice Partnership, a partnership between Renown Health and the UNR Orvis School of Nursing to provide 24 nursing students a year with full-ride tuition assistance and a guaranteed career in nursing at Renown. Fianna’s Healing Garden, a healing garden bringing serenity to all at Renown Regional Medical Center, built from the vision of Fianna Dickson Combs. Miracles at Montreux Golf Tournament, an annual golf tournament that takes place at Montreux Golf & Country Club and consistently raises hundreds of thousands of dollars for Renown Children’s Hospital. A full slate of individual giving programs, including Legacy Giving, Employee Giving and Leadership Giving.  But it doesn’t stop there – the Foundation is helping our health system build more ways to care for our community by securing major gifts to fund advanced healthcare facilities and innovative healthcare solutions:  William N. Pennington Cancer Institute, the premier oncology institute in the region providing a large array of personalized cancer care services, including Medical Oncology, Infusion Services, Clinical Research and more. Renown Institute for Robotic Surgery, offering the latest advancements in surgical technology with robotic-assisted surgeries, which ensure precision, faster recovery and improved outcomes. Sophie’s Place, a state-of-the-art music therapy room currently in construction at Renown Children’s Hospital. This new space will be specially designed for children and their loved ones to enjoy the healing power of music and engage in the arts. Conrad Breast Center, the latest addition to the planned Specialty Care Center at Renown South Meadows Medical Center which will include breast imaging, infusion and surgery services along with a wellness center. Jeanne and Raymond Conrad donated a $5 million lead gift to support this important project and the Foundation team is currently working to raise an additional $6 million in 2024. It may go without saying that a day-in-the-life of these spirited team members is never a dull one. Every day brings on a new challenge to face and a goal to meet.  “A day at the Foundation is a day full of emails, calls and visits with friends of Renown,” said Abbey Stephenson, Planned Giving Officer. “Our main goal is to raise funds to support the mission of Renown, and most of our outreach efforts are to encourage philanthropy and donations. We have a very collaborative team, so we can often be found in each other’s offices strategizing about fundraising initiatives, communications and next steps with specific supporters.”  “For me, a typical day involves making sure I have a donor scheduled for coffee or lunch, working on proposals that may need research and preparing presentations,” added Jerry Cail, Major Gifts Officer. “Staying connected, I send thank you notes for any donations-usually once a week and make at least three ‘Grateful Patient’ calls to set appointments. I always make sure I am ready to contribute to any meetings I have for the Foundation."  While the scope of the Foundation’s charitable efforts goes beyond hospital walls, they also thrive right here in our own health system. Through our Grants Program, Renown’s departments and programs can leverage the connections and skills Renown Health Foundation has in order to secure funding from a multitude of grant sources.  "Grant funds from foundations, and local, state and federal governments benefit the patients and communities we serve to further our mission, vision and values,” said Pam Citrynell, Development Officer. “Past grants have supported the purchase of state-of-the-art equipment, facility development, pandemic recovery, research and clinical trials, physician and researcher recruitment, community health programs and educational training for our healthcare professionals.”  Every Foundation team member lives their passion every day while at work, frequently expressing gratitude for the immense impact they have the opportunity to make.  “I love coming to work because I get a very real opportunity to make a genuine difference and meet some fantastic people who believe in and support our mission,” said Leah Nelson, Director of Community Giving. “I have had the honor of meeting donors and the families they support. I couldn't be prouder of what our team has accomplished over the years and am excited for what is to come.”  The impact of the Foundation team’s tireless efforts extends far into the future, securing Renown’s lasting legacy in contributing to the continued health and well-being of our community.  “Philanthropy is not only a financial science but a very specific methodology where connecting resources are paramount; it requires careful intelligent management coupled with lots of hard work, patience, and vision,” said Yvonne Murphy, Development Officer. “The work that the foundation does every day makes resources available to enhance the healthcare experience for all those who seek care at Renown. Our work impacts not only this present moment but in fact is a legacy that will bless this community beyond our lifetime.”

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  • Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy

    Chemotherapy Treatment with HIPEC Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy, or HIPEC, is a highly specialized surgical procedure that involves the administration of heated chemotherapy directly into the abdomen during surgery. This targeted approach allows for maximum exposure of cancer cells to the chemotherapy drugs while minimizing the side effects associated with traditional chemotherapy. During the procedure, the patient lies on a special cooling blanket to keep their body temperature at safe levels, and the surgeon gently rocks the patient back and forth on the operating table for about 1.5 to 2 hours. What kind of cancer does HIPEC treat? Appendix cancer Colon and rectal cancer Gastric (stomach) cancer Mesothelioma Ovarian cancer Peritoneal cancer Am I a HIPEC candidate? Talk to your doctor about whether or not HIPEC is the right treatment option for you. This procedure can improve outcomes and provide more treatment options for patients who have been diagnosed with advanced stage cancer.

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    • Renown Health Foundation
    • Renown Health
    • Donation
    • Employees

    A Token of Appreciation: Renown’s Employee Giving Program

    Pictured above from left to right: Jessica Bajwa, Nancy Bell, Laurie Goodman and Troy Fernandez As we approach the holidays and the season of giving, we reflect on the generosity and kindness that our employees here at Renown embody. Since 2007, Renown employees have donated $2,931,018 through Renown’s Employee Giving Program. This program provides our staff with the opportunity to make a difference by funding advanced equipment, research, community health initiatives, professional training and more. Regardless of the dollar amount, every contribution has a meaningful impact and remains entirely within Renown to support our mission. Employees can participate in the program at any time of the year by signing up for recurring payroll deductions or by making a one-time donation of any dollar amount. They can donate to one of Renown’s top priority areas of support or a different fund of their choice.  Meet Jessica, Nancy, Laurie and Troy  Renown employees Jessica Bajwa, Nancy Bell, Laurie Goodman and Troy Fernandez all have their own reasons for participating in the Employee Giving Program, but they all share the same goal: To give back to their community. Jessica Bajwa has been working at Renown for about seven years. She was at an employee event five years ago and found out about the Employee Giving Program through Renown Health Foundation. They explained the different areas she could donate to and how to get signed up. When Jessica looked back on the comforting care and healing her daughter had received at Renown Children’s Hospital, she felt empowered to give back to other children and families staying at Renown, so she enrolled in recurring payroll deductions to donate to Healing Arts. “It’s so easy and convenient to sign up,” said Jessica. “It means a lot to me to give to this area where they provide a healing environment, especially for patients and families at Renown Children’s Hospital – My daughter still has a blanket they gave her when she was there,” Jessica said she likes that the Employee Giving Program allows employees to choose their area of support to donate to and donation amount.   Nancy Bell said she’s proud to give back to Renown after having received a great amount of support from her coworkers during an incredibly difficult time when a family member of hers was being cared for in Renown’s ICU, just three weeks into her employment at Renown. “I had employees from not just my team but also across the organization reaching out to me and checking in to see how I was doing,” said Nancy. Nancy said she was positively impacted by that kind of support through her work family at Renown and decided to start giving back in 2011 by signing up for recurring payroll deductions to donate to the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute – to this day, she is still making donations to this area of support.   When Laurie Goodman began working at Renown in 2013, Renown’s Human Resources team offered her different ways to give back as an employee. “At the time, I was often caring for foster children and seniors,” said Laurie. “My family and I have always wanted to help others in need.” Laurie had been taking care of an elderly woman who was a patient at the old Renown Skilled Nursing Facility and decided to enroll in payroll deductions to donate to this facility. When that facility closed, she received a letter asking which area she wanted to transfer her donations to, and she decided to begin donating to Renown Children’s Hospital to give back to kids in the community. “I’m fortunate for not only my employment at Renown, but my husband’s and daughter’s employment as well. As employees of Renown, we have such great jobs, benefits and opportunities, and I think we should all strive to give back to express our gratitude and appreciation.”  At his employee orientation in 2012, Troy Fernandez heard about Renown’s Employee Giving Program and learned that funds were needed for individuals who needed financial support to pay for healthcare services at Renown. He knew his donations would go to a good cause and signed up for recurring payroll deductions to donate to the Greatest Need Fund. “It feels good to be able to give back to those who are less fortunate than us,” said Troy. “It was very easy to enroll in this program, and I’ve been donating to the same support area ever since.”

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    MD, APRN or PA: What's the Difference

    Having a primary care provider is important and some health insurance plans even require you to select one. But does that provider need to be a doctor (MD)? The good news is your primary care provider doesn’t need to be an MD. They can be an advanced nurse practitioner (APRN) or physician assistant (PA). We’re here to explain the differences between MDs, APRNs and PAs. Have you ever called Renown Health to schedule an appointment with your doctor and the Contact Center offered you an earlier appointment with an APRN or PA? Did you wonder why? Perhaps you even declined because you were concerned about the continuity of your care, or wondered about the qualifications of the other practitioners who aren’t doctors. We’re here to answer your important questions about primary care providers and the different types. Why would I want to see anyone other than a doctor? In order to keep up with demand for primary care services and provide the highest quality care possible, Renown created care teams. This means our doctors, APRNs and PAs all work hand-in-hand to manage your health with the benefit of their combined expertise. This team approach provides you with more flexible scheduling options to see anyone on the care team, all with the same continuity of care. How qualified are APRNs and PAs to treat patients? APRNs and PAs are highly educated in medicine with a minimum of a Master of Science degree and at least six years post-high school education. Some APRNs even have doctorate degrees. Similar to doctors, both positions have a minimum number of required clinic hours and participate in continued education. Both APRNs and Pas are just as qualified as doctors (MDs and DOs) to conduct physical exams, diagnose and treat illnesses, order and interpret tests, write prescriptions and even deliver babies. There are some instances where you need a doctor, including specialized treatment of complicated or high risk conditions or surgery. Your APRN or PA will refer you to a doctor in those instances. You don’t need to worry about whom to see when – your care team will guide you based on your medical needs. If I see an APRN or PA, will my doctor know about my visit? Absolutely. The care team system ensures that everyone on your care team is aware of the details of your visit, regardless of who you’re seeing. Everything is clearly documented in your medical record so there are no gaps in care between visits. Can an APRN or PA be my primary care provider? Definitely. APRNs and PAs make excellent primary care providers and can be established with your insurance company. Learn more about the differences between doctors, APRNs, PAs and more with this handy infographic. Schedule A Doctor Visit | 775-982-5000 Renown Medical Group primary care providers provide annual exams by appointment. Our providers coordinate each patient’s medical care including checkups, immunizations, referrals to specialists, lab work, X-ray & imaging and hospital admissions. Request an Appointment

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  • Breast Cancer Screening & Diagnosis

    Why Choose Renown? Should breast cancer be detected from your screening, your radiologist will present your case at our Breast Cancer Tumor Boards. This meeting gives the radiologist, cancer specialists, genetic specialists, nurse navigators, nurses, social workers and other providers the opportunity to review your case and develop a comprehensive treatment plan early in diagnosis. A registered oncology breast nurse navigator is available to serve as your ongoing resource from diagnosis through treatment and during survivorship. The William N. Pennington Cancer Institute earned accreditation from National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC). Alongside the Renown Breast Health Center, we have skilled medical professionals with a multidisciplinary approach to breast cancer treatment and care, and the latest early detection technology to save lives. Breast cancer begins when abnormal cells in the breast grow out of control forming tumors that can spread to surrounding tissue and move to other parts of the body. If initial screenings indicate that breast cancer may be present, your doctor will conduct further tests to confirm a diagnosis. Talk to your doctor if you notice changes in your breasts, such as: A lump or thickening in/near the breast, underarm or around the collarbone   A change in the size or shape of the breast  A change in the color or feel of the skin of the breast or nipple area (such as dimples, puckering, redness, swelling or scaliness)  Clear or bloody nipple discharge   Changes in the nipple, such as an open ulcer, a new inverting of the nipple or unusual tenderness

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    • 18
      • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
      • Renown Regional Medical Center – Sierra Meeting Room 101
      • Free

      Ticket includes partner. This 7-week childbirth preparation, which includes preparing for postpartum, infant care and breastfeeding education, meets for seven consecutive weeks. This class helps prepare mom and her partner for the many aspects of childbirth and beyond. In addition, this class provides a safe forum to ask questions and help you make informed decisions about key issues surrounding your baby’s birth. Weeks 1-5 will include topics such as: Healthy developments in your pregnancy Stages of labor Warning signs Breathing and relaxation techniques Comfort measures Role of the support person and labor support Birth planning How to tell when you are in labor Pain relief options during labor/medical procedures How a birth doula can help Cesarean birth Week 6: During the Newborn Care segment, newborn appearances and behavior, daily care of the newborn, signs of illness, and when to call the doctor. Additionally, we’ll cover tummy time, comfort and soothing techniques, how to keep your baby safe, newborn screenings and vaccinations. Week 7: You will learn breastfeeding benefits and techniques, the physiology of making milk, positioning and latch, how to know baby is getting enough milk, keeping up your milk supply, where to go for help, and learn about our lactation consultants and breastfeeding forums. Pump rentals and a visit to our Lactation Connection resource center are included in this class. Please note: This class also includes a Baby and Family Suites Tour. Our certified instructors offer you support and guidance via education in a unique way that will meet your individual needs. We believe that childbirth is a process, not a method, and we recognize that there is no one right way to give birth. To attend, please register using the expecting mother’s name and information. If this class is sold out and you need to take a class please email or leave a message at 775-982-4352.

      Read More About Pregnancy and Birth: 7-Week Wednesday Series
    • 17
      • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
      • Renown Regional Medical Center – Sierra Café Meeting Room 105
      • Free

      Ticket includes partner. This 7-week childbirth preparation, which includes preparing for postpartum, infant care and breastfeeding education, meets for seven consecutive weeks. This class helps prepare mom and her partner for the many aspects of childbirth and beyond. In addition, this class provides a safe forum to ask questions and help you make informed decisions about key issues surrounding your baby’s birth. Weeks 1-5 will include topics such as: Healthy developments in your pregnancy Stages of labor Warning signs Breathing and relaxation techniques Comfort measures Role of the support person and labor support Birth planning How to tell when you are in labor Pain relief options during labor/medical procedures How a birth doula can help Cesarean birth Week 6: During the Newborn Care segment, newborn appearances and behavior, daily care of the newborn, signs of illness, and when to call the doctor. Additionally, we’ll cover tummy time, comfort and soothing techniques, how to keep your baby safe, newborn screenings and vaccinations. Week 7: You will learn breastfeeding benefits and techniques, the physiology of making milk, positioning and latch, how to know baby is getting enough milk, keeping up your milk supply, where to go for help, and learn about our lactation consultants and breastfeeding forums. Pump rentals and a visit to our Lactation Connection resource center are included in this class. Please note: This class also includes a Baby and Family Suites Tour. Our certified instructors offer you support and guidance via education in a unique way that will meet your individual needs. We believe that childbirth is a process, not a method, and we recognize that there is no one right way to give birth. To attend, please register using the expecting mother’s name and information. If this class is sold out and you need to take a class please email or leave a message at 775-982-4352.

      Read More About Pregnancy and Birth – 7 Week Wednesday Series
    • 8
      • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
      • Renown Regional Medical Center – Sierra Café Meeting Room 105
      • Free

      Ticket includes partner. This 7-week childbirth preparation, which also includes preparing for postpartum, infant care and breastfeeding education, meets for seven consecutive weeks. This class will help prepare mom and her partner for the many aspects of childbirth and beyond. In addition, this class provides a safe forum to ask questions and help you make informed decisions about key issues surrounding your baby’s birth. Weeks 1-5 will include topics such as: Healthy developments in your pregnancy Stages of labor Warning signs Breathing and relaxation techniques Comfort measures Role of the support person and labor support Birth planning How to tell when you are in labor Pain relief options during labor/medical procedures How a birth doula can help Cesarean birth Week 6: During the Newborn Care segment, newborn appearances and behavior, daily care of the newborn, signs of illness, and when to call the doctor. Additionally, we’ll cover tummy time, comfort and soothing techniques, how to keep your baby safe, newborn screenings and vaccinations. Week 7: You will learn breastfeeding benefits and techniques, the physiology of making milk, positioning and latch, how to know baby is getting enough milk, keeping up your milk supply, where to go for help, and learn about our lactation consultants and breastfeeding forums. Pump rentals and a visit to our Lactation Connection resource center are included in this class. Please note: This class also includes a Baby and Family Suites Tour. Our certified instructors will offer you support and guidance via education in a unique way that will meet your individual needs. We believe that childbirth is a process, not a method, and we recognize that there is no one right way to give birth. To attend, please register using the expecting mother’s name and information. If this class is sold out and you need to take a class please email or leave a message at 775-982-4352.

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  • Child Life Program

    Providing emotional support for your children, and you.    It is undeniable that hospitals can be a daunting experience for all, but when a child is faced with a difficult diagnosis or staying in the hospital, it can be especially overwhelming. Fortunately, Renown Health has a team of experts called the Child Life team to help.   This group of devoted healthcare providers collaborate with kids who have been admitted to the hospital, as well as children whose family member is a patient at Renown, to ensure they understand every aspect of their visit, while also letting them be kids.   Child Life Specialists provide support to children and their families by:    Assessing patients developmental level and tailoring interactions to each individual family need Helping children cope with worries, fears and/or separation Making doctors, needles, and tests a little less scary by creating coping plans Organizing activities in the playroom and at bedside Addressing parent and caregiver concerns Preparing patients and families for what to expect Fostering a therapeutic environment through play opportunities Offering a hand to hold during tests, procedures, and tough stuff Offering services like art, music and pet therapy Creating special memories and mementos for children and families in times of grief and loss The Child Life Program is available seven days a week at Renown Health and the team can be reached at 775-982-5173.

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  • Virtual Visits

    Ways to Schedule Your Virtual Visit Renown providers offer virtual visits for some appointment types, including primary care, specialty care, and urgent care – allowing you to see your provider from the comfort of your home.   Urgent Care Login to MyChart to schedule a virtual urgent care visit. Click on the "Talk to a doctor" video icon within the MyChart portal to get started! Providers are available via video chat during the specified times: Monday through Friday: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.  Log In To MyChart     Primary and Specialty Care Please call 775-982-5000 to request a visit with your provider. Call Now     Pediatric Care Many pediatric appointments are also available through virtual visits.  Please call 775-982-5000 to request a visit with your child’s established provider. You will also need to activate MyChart Proxy to access your child’s health information within MyChart. Sign in to MyChart to request this access using these instructions. Log In To MyChart

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  • Outpatient Physical Therapy

    Whether you need to recover from an injury on the field, have a painful condition, or continued weakness or disability after receiving inpatient hospital care, we have your back. The Renown outpatient physical therapy and sports medicine teams can help you heal and get back in the game! With hands-on, individualized and non-surgical treatments, our experts offer convenient appointments and direct one-on-one treatment with a therapist. Our care team will partner with you to help improve your function, quality of life and prevent other medical complications that may arise. Extended morning and evening time are available and most insurances are accepted. Please note that a referral is needed from your doctor before scheduling an appointment.   Conditions We Treat Sports injuries Work-related injuries Brain injuries (including stroke) Spinal cord injuries Neurodegenerative diseases Inflammatory diseases Amputations Neuropathic pain Back, neck and joint pain Sprains and strains Torn ligaments Overuse injuries Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Balance, dizziness, vertigo and vestibular problems Ataxia (lack of coordination) Arthritis Post-operative conditions Lymphedema Post-concussive syndromes

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