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    Love Endures: A Remarkable Recovery Leads to a New Future

    It’s true that a road trip can change your life, and it did for Sergeant Brandon Ott, just not in the way he was expecting. For nine years, Brandon worked alongside his friend, Denton Tipler, at the police department in Florence, Oregon. To break the monotony of the COVID-19 lockdown, they planned a ‘guy’s trip’ - a pandemic safe, motorcycle adventure traveling through Idaho and Washington. On the morning of July 22, 2020, they set out on their journey. But by 8 p.m., they ran into rough weather - with wind, poor visibility and heavy rain as they rode into Nevada. Four miles from their destination, on a desolate stretch of Highway 140, a gust of wind hit Brandon. Denton watched in disbelief as his friend bounced, tumbled and ultimately came to a stop after sliding over 100 yards. He flagged down the next vehicle, a semi-truck, and the driver did traffic control while another passerby drove to get cell service and call 911.  A Distressing Call  About 10 p.m. the same night, Angie Brog, Brandon’s partner, picked up her phone at the Florence police station. A Nevada highway patrolman let her know Brandon was in a motorcycle accident and had been taken to a hospital in Winnemucca, NV. From there he took a life flight to Renown Regional Medical Center.  Angie immediately called Brandon’s parents and told Addison, their 9-year-old daughter, the news. They quickly packed their bags and drove to Nevada. On the drive to Reno, an ER doctor called Angie to give her Brandon’s status, “I can’t thank him enough. I was so worried. He even gave me his personal cell phone number.”   Upon arrival, she ran to see Brandon in the trauma ICU. “His face was shattered, he had a collapsed lung, a tube was down his throat and something was in his head to relieve pressure from his swelling brain,” she remembers. “He was not expected to live.”  While Brandon was in a coma for three days, Angie was by his side, trying to come to grips with a new normal. “The doctors did not sugarcoat it,” she recalls. “They told me to prepare myself if he pulled through.”  It was a rough week in the ICU with Brandon heavily sedated, so he could heal. From there he was transferred to the neurology floor, where he slowly improved. While there, his daughter Addison got to see him for the first time. Angie says, “When Addison saw her daddy for the very first time, she was relieved, happy she could hug him, and that he was alive.” Miraculously his legs were not broken and he was able to hold simple conversations and walk a few steps.    As the days went on, Brandon’s dad returned to Oregon, and the Inn at Renown became the family’s new home. “It was such a blessing to be so close to Brandon,” Angie observes. “It allowed us to relax a little being in the same building and let us settle in.”  The Comeback Brandon’s first memory after the accident was waking up in the Renown Rehabilitation Hospital, 16 days after his accident, not knowing where he was. (Brandon experienced amnesia due to his brain injury and doesn’t remember the days prior to his rehab stay.) He recalls looking around the hospital room and seeing the photos Angie posted of their family on the walls and wondering, “How did they get pictures of my family?” Immediately after learning that Brandon was awake, Angie raced back to the hospital, went outside his window and talked to Brandon on the phone, reassuring him that they were there for him and everything was going to be ok.  The next morning, he saw Addison for the first time that he remembered since his accident. They each put their hands to the hospital window “touching” each other in an emotional reunion. During the pandemic, each rehab hospital room was designated with an animal, so family and friends could visit outside safely.  Brandon was in the ‘moose’ room. “Whoever thought of that was a genius,” notes Brandon.  A new phase of Brandon’s recovery began at the rehab hospital. "He worked so hard while he was there,” Angie shares. With a minimum of three hours of daily therapy sessions, including speech, occupational and physical therapy. Angie participated in every aspect of his therapy, “I learned so much from the therapists; they included me in everything,” she recalls. “The compassion and patience they have is amazing. It takes a special type of person to do this job. I cannot say enough good things about the Renown Rehabilitation Hospital staff. If he would have been anywhere else, I’m not sure he would be alive,” she says.  It wasn’t easy. Brandon had a brain injury that required a bolt in his skull to relieve the pressure, and a broken left collar bone and left eye socket. His entire face had to be reconstructed. He remembers his face hurting and thinking he looked like Freddy Krueger. When he saw himself in the mirror for the first time, he was surprised to find he only looked thinner, with a gauze pad on his temple.   Prior to the accident, Brandon weighed 300 pounds, but had just finished a year-long fitness journey losing 119 pounds, by doing CrossFit and overhauling his diet. During rehab his weight dropped to 160 pounds and he was known as “the double portion” guy, eating extra food to gain weight.   Shaun Stewart, Therapeutic Recreational Therapist, recalls Brandon riding the recumbent cycle during his recovery. “I remember him saying he didn’t know if he was ever going to be able to ride a bike again and was appreciative when adaptive sports were discussed. He was very willing to participate and excited to be able to get on a bike again. He had a positive attitude and always was willing to get up and get back on the bike.”  Better Together Although Angie and Brandon were in a committed relationship for almost 11 years, they were not legally married at the time of his accident. “In our minds, our lives were perfect,” Angie asserts. “We had lived together for so long and have a child together.” However, because of COVID-19 restrictions, Angie had to lie and tell the medical staff that they were married so she could be by his side. When Brandon woke up from a coma, she told him, “No matter what I’m your wife.” He asked, “What do you mean, you are my wife?” After hearing Angie’s explanation, Brandon said, “Then, let’s do it.”   “We realized when faced with death that the benefits far outweighed the negatives in becoming husband and wife,” Angie discloses. “The rest is history.”  On Tuesday, August 18, 2020, Brandon and Angie were married underneath the trees behind the rehab hospital. Their family, friends and several staff members attended the ceremony. “I think that’s a first for us,” declares Dr. Gavin Williams. “I cleared him for capacity to make decisions, and we had a COVID-friendly wedding on our back lawn before he went back home to Oregon.”  The next day, Brandon officially left the hospital. “I felt good. Like ‘he’s gonna make it,’ but I was also scared,” mentions Angie. The family stayed in town for a couple of days to make sure everything was ok and then traveled home to Oregon.

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    • Emergency Care
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    When Care Can’t Wait: True Stories of Renown ER

    Renown Health is home to three 24/7 Emergency Rooms (ERs) providing comprehensive emergency and trauma care, access to specialists and inpatient services backed by the area's most extensive health system. In 2023, Renown Health cared for 132,340 patients across three ER locations. Renown is also home to the region’s only level II trauma centers for both adult and pediatric patients.   We spoke to three patients who sought immediate medical attention for various ailments and conditions to learn more about their emergency care experience and why they chose Renown ERs.   Kamrin’s Story: From Worrisome to Critical  In the spring of 2021, Danielle and her 13-year-old son Kamrin visited his primary care doctor for unexplained vomiting and were promptly referred to Renown Children's ER via ambulance for further evaluation and seen by board-certified emergency physician, Dr. Lisa Nelson. What initially began as an unassuming doctor's visit quickly turned into something much more severe after several tests confirmed a devastating abdominal tumor and a stage-four cancer diagnosis, unbeknownst to the family.  Kamrin was immediately admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) and referred to a Pediatric Oncologist at Renown Children’s Hospital to begin his plan of care with expert pediatric hematology and oncology specialists.  Regarding the board-certified physician, who delivered the results to the family, Danielle said, “She was so calming to us, even as the diagnosis haunted us. She led us by guiding our family through the unknowns. She felt like a family member to us in that moment, letting all the unknowns be well known.”  “The love, empathy, support and guidance these employees gave us carried us. The care team quickly and easily became a source of relief, knowing we were their priority and in the best hands. We are forever grateful for the team at Renown Children's Hospital and Renown Children’s ER; they truly saved our son's life and continue to be our guiding light whenever it's needed in our son’s health journey,” Danielle said.   Today, Kamrin is in remission and navigating the aftereffects of chemotherapy, including an immune system deficiency. However, his family chooses to navigate each day by embracing the positive side of things, such as the life-saving impact of his treatment.  Did you know? Renown Children's Pediatric Hematology and Oncology is located within Renown Regional Medical Center and offers expert pediatric specialists dedicated to providing comprehensive treatment for pediatric hematology and oncology, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy and infusion services.  Taylor’s Story: From Crisis to Recovery  Promptly after cosmetic surgery performed by a medical professional not associated with Renown, Taylor Salas (Chacon) began to lose consciousness and notice her post-surgery drainage systems, also known as Jackson-Pratt drains, fill with blood. She was transported to Renown Regional ER via ambulance and immediately seen by ER staff and board-certified emergency physician Thea Berning, MD, for medical assessment.   Taylor drifted in and out of consciousness as the ER team began blood transfusions and a CT scan to determine her plan of care. Dr. Berning began facilitating communication with a community plastic surgeon with privileges at Renown Health and emergency surgery was performed to stop Taylor’s internal bleeding. Taylor was placed on a ventilator due to respiratory distress and trauma from the event, then transferred to Renown’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to continue her care.  Thankfully, Taylor listened to her gut when something didn’t feel right after her surgery and sought immediate medical attention. The ER team's quick response, communication and collaboration with a plastic surgeon saved Taylor from severe internal bleeding. “I was informed every step of the way about what was happening and why. I felt comfort in this,” she said.   Did you know? Because of Renown Regional Medical Center’s Level II Trauma Center distinction, you have immediate access to an extensive list of specialists and physicians trained in a wide array of specialties, in the event of a traumatic injury or accident. This is one of the many benefits of Renown Regional’s Level II Trauma status.  Ted’s Story: The Unsuspected Threat   Bothered by symptoms of heartburn, fatigue, neck pressure and arm discomfort, Ted was in the middle of a busy workweek in June 2023 when he began to suspect something was wrong. Knowing the importance of addressing early heart attack symptoms immediately, Ted and his wife headed to Renown Regional ER because of proximity and some familiarity with Renown’s leading cardiology care and technological expertise. After prompt assessment by the Renown ER team, including blood work, imaging tests and the administration of medication, Ted was admitted to the hospital to treat the blockage and narrowing of his coronary artery. On June 8, Ted was admitted for treatment, where he successfully underwent a single bypass surgery and recovered in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU), before being discharged and following up with the Intensive Cardiac Rehab (ICR) program at Renown. The ICR program at Renown played a pivotal role in Ted's 55-pound weight loss and overall health improvement, empowering him to embrace a healthier lifestyle and find ways to use his newfound energy and strength today. “Overall, I believe I had the best care possible because of the collective group of people at Renown caring for this community, who we could see in the grocery store, at the ball game and in the shopping malls. This community feeling is something you might not get in a big city hospital,” Ted said. Did you know? Intensive Cardiac Rehab at Renown Health is a medically supervised program designed to improve cardiovascular health after a significant heart condition or procedure. Since its inception in 2016, this program has been a pioneer in the region for cardiac rehabilitation focusing on three key pillars including exercise, nutrition and stress management.

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    • Respiratory
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    Department Spotlight: Respiratory Care

    This Department Spotlight is dedicated to Jason Simpson, Manager of Respiratory Services at Renown Children’s Hospital.  Take a moment to breathe deeply. Inhale in, exhale out. We rely on our lungs to provide us with the air we need to live a healthy life – and this essential bodily function is something that many of us don’t think twice about since it comes easily for us. Now, imagine yourself as someone who is living with severe asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or someone who was recently diagnosed with a frightening respiratory condition like COVID-19 or pneumonia. The simple act of breathing can prove to be an intimidating venture requiring the care of a professional. Who are the people that take on the challenge?  Meet Renown Health’s Respiratory Care Services department. Serving patients across 13 service lines, three acute facilities, outpatient locations and telehealth, our respiratory specialists – including respiratory therapists, respiratory care aides, inpatient COPD respiratory therapy navigators and educators and more – use their expertise to help restore the vitality of all their patients with every inhale and exhale, shaping a healthier livelihood one lung at a time.  The Guardians of Respiratory Wellness  Whether they are managing lifelong respiratory conditions or offering crucial support in emergencies, the Respiratory Care team strives to enhance the quality of life for every patient. As an indispensable member of the clinical team at Renown, our respiratory therapists work collaboratively with doctors and nurses to tackle a wide range of tasks, tailoring care for each patient’s unique needs.  “Respiratory care is involved with all stages of life, from beginning to end,” said Sarah Kurtz, Respiratory Therapist. “We work closely with nurses and doctors and perform arterial punctures, breathing treatments, weaning maneuvers for patients on life support, intubations and much more. We assess patients constantly to see if their care needs to be upgraded or if they can be weaned to get them back home with their families.”  “You start your morning researching your assigned patients,” added Tim Start, Respiratory Specialist. “We go over lab values and chest radiographs and decide the best plan of care for each patient. Our objective is to improve their respiratory status by giving them medications and doing breathing exercises. We participate in other forms of care with nurses, such as activities of daily living (ADLs) and mobilization. We work as a team, and that enables us to provide great patient care.”  For patients living with COPD, enjoying all that life has to offer comes with a separate set of obstacles. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 200,000 people across the Silver State are living with this chronic condition. Luckily for them, Renown has a specialized team to help these patients optimize their life and manage their condition with individualized treatment and education.  “We run a report every morning to identify all the patients currently admitted who have a history of COPD, take respiratory medications or smoke,” said Amber Beck, Inpatient COPD RT Navigator. “After looking through their charts, we visit with the patient (and possibly their family) at the bedside to help them better understand how to manage their breathing issues.”  As a vital part of the Respiratory Care team, Renown’s respiratory care aides help ensure the seamless operation of our respiratory care services. These dedicated professionals provide essential support to respiratory therapists not only during intricate procedures but also outside of face-to-face patient care by transporting equipment, restocking supplies, assisting in the mobilization of patients and more.  “We are responsible for the maintenance of unit supplies and making decisions regarding levels of stock to be maintained,” said Dia Ramos, Respiratory Care Aide. “We also transport equipment, refill the oxygen tanks on the floors and intensive care units (ICUs), order and stock respiratory care supplies, mobilize patients and assist the respiratory therapists during bronchoscopies in the ICUs. In addition, we clean respiratory equipment like mechanical ventilators, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and bilateral positive airway pressure (BiPAP) machines, high flows and aerosol poles.”  Once the COVID-19 pandemic hit, a special spotlight shined upon respiratory care teams across the country for the heroic care they provided patients in respiratory distress. While their roles in health systems have gained a better understanding nationwide, this team understands it is vital for them to educate the community about the important jobs they hold for our patients.  “Respiratory care can be under the radar,” said Pam Umek, Respiratory Specialist. “Once, when I told someone that I am a Respiratory Therapist, they said, ‘Oh, like a yoga breathing instructor?’ I then explained all the things we do: intubation, extubation, bronchoscopies, transports, traumas, codes, rapid responses, pediatrics/NICU, breathing medications/therapies, open heart rapid ventilator weaning … needless to say, that individual walked away with a better understanding of not just Respiratory Care Services but also the enormous effort it takes to care for our community.”  The accolades and achievements continue to pour in, from national awards and certifications to implementing different jobs in care units to optimize the patient care experience.  “We have earned and continue to maintain the Joint Commission Disease-Specific Certification for COPD,” said Amber Beck. “We are well below national averages for 30-day readmissions, lengths of stay and mortality due to COPD. Sandy, one of our COPD Coordinators, was a recipient of a patient advocacy award from the American Association of Respiratory Care and FACES Foundation.”  “We have started implementing Respiratory Care Aides in the critical units, starting with the Cardiac ICU,” added Dia Ramos. “We work as one team and are always helping each other with their tasks.”  Education and mentorship are at the core of Renown’s mission to make a genuine difference in the health and well-being of every patient. Nurturing the next generation of medical professionals – including respiratory care professionals – is a task that the Respiratory Care team takes seriously.  “It has been great being able to help educate students in different disciplines,” added Pam Umek. “We have been able to offer shadow shifts to students in emergency medical services (EMS), nursing and medical school. These opportunities help students entering the medical field have a better understanding of the many ways we can help care for our respiratory patients.”  From the moment of birth to the final stages of life, Renown is fortunate to have a Respiratory Care team that tirelessly ensures every breath counts, safeguarding their role as a trusted partner within our health system.  A Tribute to Jason Simpson, Healthcare Hero

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    A Renown Anesthesiologist's Unique Journey

    Dr. Nariman Rahimzadeh’s career path has been anything but typical. From humble beginnings as a shuttle bus driver for Renown Regional Medical Center, then named Washoe Medical Center, to his service as Chief of Staff for Renown South Meadows Medical Center, the steps and detours he took along the way – and the strong support from his colleagues and family members – make up a tale of perseverance, conviction, compassion and inspiration.  However, his healthcare career journey began several years before he even joined Washoe Medical Center in the 1990s.  It all began 7,446 miles away in Iran.  This is Dr. Rahimzadeh’s story.  Defining Moments  The moment Dr. Rahimzadeh knew he wanted to dedicate his career to the healthcare field started during his childhood. Growing up in Iran during the midst of the Iranian Revolution, a thought that often came to mind was, “Who is helping all the people injured in the war?”  The answer? The doctors.  “In Iranian society, doctors are extremely valued, as they are the first to help people in need,” said Dr. Rahimzadeh. “I knew I wanted to give back to society in some way, and I see my time in Iran as very formative in my future career. I just didn’t know it yet.”  After immigrating to the U.S. with his family during his preteen years, he only had one mission: to support his family. “My desires were to help my family not fall behind,” he said. “I didn’t have career aspirations at the time. All I knew is that I wanted to help my family and my community, which immediately opened its arms up to us, as well as be a good student and a good ambassador for Iran.”  Dr. Rahimzadeh remembers several influential people that helped solidify his aspiration from “helping people” to “helping people as a healthcare professional.” Their family physician and other medical professionals in the family’s lives were monumental in helping him make this decision. Coupled with his natural love for the sciences, the decision to become a doctor became clear.   But the question remained, “How do I get started in the healthcare field?”  No Links to Healthcare? No Problem  With no physicians in his immediate family and no direct connections to healthcare, Dr. Rahimzadeh set off to follow the advice he received from the influential people in his life: get a job at a healthcare facility, regardless of what the job title is.  Some of his friends had recently joined Washoe Medical Center as patient transporters and mentioned job openings that were available. He sprang into action and headed to Washoe Medical Center to apply.  Just one problem – he didn’t have the EMT certification requirement.   Enter Barry O’Sullivan, who would be Dr. Rahimzadeh’s first supervisor at Washoe Medical Center (and a friend he still speaks with to this day). Barry saw promise in Dr. Rahimzadeh immediately. As a result, Barry made a suggestion to him that would ultimately set him on the course towards medicine.  “Barry told me that he had an open position that I could work while completing the senior year of my undergraduate degree and studying for my EMT certification and eventually becoming a patient transporter. He told me Washoe Medical Center would support me in this endeavor. So, I asked what the job was and learned it was driving a shuttle bus.”  Without hesitation, Dr. Rahimzadeh responded, “I’ll take it.”  And so, his fulfilling journey with Washoe Medical Center, and eventually Renown Health, began.  While he finished up the last few months of his degree at the University of Nevada, Reno, (UNR) Dr. Rahimzadeh proudly drove the shuttle bus a few days a week. The job not only helped him pay for his degree and put food on the table, but it also allowed him to begin living out his passion for helping people in the healthcare field.  Dr. Rahimzadeh graduated with his bachelor's degree in Pre-Medicine from UNR and finished his EMT certification program. Sure enough, Barry and Washoe Medical Center lived up to their promises and helped him secure his first direct healthcare job as an EMT and Patient Transporter with REMSA. But he didn’t stop there – after several years as a ground transporter, his career literally took flight. He joined REMSA Ground Ambulance and eventually Care Flight as a Flight EMT II, caring for patients that were flying to Washoe Medical Center from nearby communities that needed lifesaving medical care.  Helping save lives every day as a member of the emergency medical team is an ultimate feat, especially when it comes to Dr. Rahimzadeh. And he didn’t stop there.  Valuing One-on-One Connections  In the 1990s, as it is today, the U.S. experienced a significant primary care provider shortage which resulted in many medical schools encouraging students to complete their residencies in a primary care specialty, like internal medicine – which is precisely what Dr. Rahimzadeh set out to do at the University of Connecticut.   However, his mind would soon change about the course of his career.   “I had a deep, introspective conversation with my residency program director, openly and honestly chatting about my future,” Dr. Rahimzadeh said. “I ended up taking a week off of my residency and wrote a long pros and cons list about what I wanted to do with my life in the medical field.”  Eventually he decided on anesthesiology because of the opportunity to have a one-on-one relationship with every surgery patient, regardless of their procedure.  “Even though it’s for a short duration of time, it is a very impactful relationship,” he said. “I feel I am making a difference in the outcomes and lives of patients every day.”  Dr. Rahimzadeh finished his internal medicine residency in three years and passed his board exam, and he went on to do the same thing for anesthesiology. He then ventured back home to Reno.  Career Progression at Its Finest  Dr. Rahimzadeh knows that people don’t always get to settle down in a place that influenced their upbringing, care and dream, yet he was able to make that vision a reality for himself.  “I feel like Renown Health and myself have this intertwined relationship that led to my growth as a person and as a physician,” he said. “For that, I feel very blessed."  Upon his arrival back to Reno with two residencies under his belt, Dr. Rahimzadeh was quickly hired at one of the two anesthesiology groups in town at the time. He started his career with Sierra Anesthesia and after working for the group for several years, he joined Associated Anesthesiologists of Reno in 2014, which went on to become one of the largest anesthesiology groups in northern Nevada. The group continuously worked very closely with Renown, taking care of all of its surgical patient needs and eventually becoming Renown Medical Group employees as of April 1, 2022, with Dr. Rahimzadeh setting up his home base at the Renown South Meadows campus.  Today, Dr. Rahimzadeh wears three “hats” at Renown. As a medical professional first and foremost, his largest “hat” is his general anesthesiologist role, where he cares for patients in the operating room. Another significant “hat” is his role as the Medical Director for Surgical Services, where he reviews surgical patient charges alongside his dedicated team of nurses and ensures optimal patient outcomes by verifying they have had the appropriate workup to proceed with surgery in a safe manner. To round out his immense responsibilities with Renown, he serves as Chief of Staff for Renown South Meadows, where he makes connections with colleagues and collaborates with leaders to review protocols, policies and address concerns that arise.  Outside of Renown, Dr. Rahimzadeh is still a contributor within his own anesthesiology practice. He also is the current President of the Nevada State Society of Anesthesiologists and the Director to the Board of Directors of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, helping bridge the gap in anesthesia concerns between his northern and southern Nevada colleagues.  He reflects on the opportunities Renown and our local community have extended to him by saying, “If you can dream big enough and continue to chase your dreams, you can make it happen right here.”  On the COVID-19 Frontlines Nothing could prepare us for the dire situation hospitals on the east coast – especially those in Livingston, New Jersey – were experiencing at the beginning of the pandemic. Livingston was known as the “second hardest hit area” by COVID-19 in April of 2020. Hospitals were overwhelmed with patients in the ICU fighting for their lives. They needed help, and they needed help now.   Unable and unwilling to sit idly by, Dr. Rahimzadeh and six of his colleagues from his practice traveled to Livingston to help. They jumped in on the frontlines alongside other anesthesiologists and intensivists to offset the sudden influx of COVID-19 patients. Many lives were saved, and Dr. Rahimzadeh was a direct part of that.  “When you care and work with people that also care, you can move the needle a lot – it doesn’t matter where you're from,” he said.  Home Means Nevada – and Renown  Renown Health is deeply rooted in the northern Nevada community. Dr. Rahimzadeh is proud to be among a diverse team who have taken responsibility for its community for generations.   "We live in a very passionate and caring community, which is often underestimated,” he said. “It’s clear to me that Renown refuses to settle. Renown is incredibly progressive in providing the best for the community. We never remain stagnant, we keep moving forward and we take care of your loved ones. This health system has never been able to sit still and settle for the status quo. That stands out to me.”  One story especially sticks out to Dr. Rahimzadeh as the moment when he knew that Renown was home. In 1997 while working as a patient transporter, his grandmother passed away on the sixth floor of the Sierra Tower at what is now Renown Regional Medical Center. At the funeral, a huge bouquet of flowers arrived. Not being especially close to anyone in Reno yet, Dr. Rahimzadeh's family had no idea who sent the beautiful arrangement. Turns out, it was Rod Callahan, the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Washoe Medical Center at the time.   “At that point, I knew I wasn’t just a part of a workforce with thousands of employees,” said Dr. Rahimzadeh. “The COO cared so much about me that he felt compelled to send such a wonderful gift during a tragic time. That’s the value of a local, community-focused hospital; the people here know you and care about you. There’s a reason why people stay at Renown for so long – we feel that connection.”  Dr. Rahimzadeh also reflected on how far Renown South Meadows has come, from the time he immigrated to the U.S. to today. “Growing up, Renown South Meadows was kind of a ‘mom and pop shop’ primarily serving senior citizens in one wing and surgical patients in the other,” he said. “Now, I am so proud to see how far it has come. It really made its niche in the community in a great way. The future is bright!”  It’s clear that Dr. Rahimzadeh is leaving a lasting legacy with his family, from the local community to global medicine. His son is a senior at Baylor University in Texas with a strong desire to go into medicine, just like his dad. His daughter is a junior at Bishop Manogue Catholic High School in Reno and enjoys being involved in her community. His loving wife is a speech therapist in the area. The Rahimzadeh family is thriving together, and they all share the same conviction about northern Nevada and Renown:  “This is home.”

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    • Friday, Apr 12, 2024

    Renown Health Announces Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA), Strategy & Implementation Plan

    Renown Health, the leading health care system in northern Nevada, today announced its Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) Strategy & Implementation Plan for 2025-2027 for Washoe County. The Plan and Community Benefit Health Focus Areas for 2025-2027 are based on the 2023 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) as required for all not-for-profit hospitals. The Assessment is conducted every three years to gain a better understanding of the health needs of the communities Renown Health serves and to address healthcare inequities. The CHNA includes an analysis of input from community stakeholders who represent the broad interests of the diverse communities served by the Renown hospitals including those with expertise in community and public health. Health needs were identified in the CHNA research and subsequently prioritized by community stakeholders. From the prioritized health needs, Health Focus Areas were chosen based on criteria that consider the Renown Health’s team capacity to impact community needs, the strength of community partnerships and the alignment with Renown’s organizational strategic planning efforts. Through this Implementation Strategy & Plan, Renown Health is committed to identifying and closing health equity gaps in communities that are historically marginalized and vulnerable. The 2025–2027 Health Focus Areas include; Mental Health: Based on the secondary data scoring results, Mental Health was again ranked as a high need topic area in Washoe County. This health topic area includes indicators such as Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days, Teens who have Attempted Suicide, Adults Ever Diagnosed with Depression, Intentional Injury (Suicide) Mortality Rate and Teens who Felt Sad or Hopeless. Access to Health Care and Community Services: Community Benefit efforts focus on increasing and supporting access to essential health care and community services for communities and groups that have been historically underserved through direct programs and partnerships with other local not-for-profit community-based organizations. The Access to Care effort is grounded in the knowledge that social determinants of health and health equity impact health outcomes. Indicators include Children without Health Insurance, Adults Unable to Afford to See a Doctor and Physician Provider Rates. Maternal and Child Health: The Infant Mortality Rate for Washoe County is on the rise and Maternal and Child Health indicators are worsening. Both Primary and Secondary Data collection for the CHNA process showed this health need as a priority for the community. Improvements in health care services, access to prenatal care, and education on maternal and child health can help to decrease the infant mortality rate and improve the health outcomes for mothers and children in Washoe County. Collaboration between healthcare providers, community organizations and government agencies can also lead to more effective interventions and solutions. By working together, a positive impact on the health and well­ being of our community can be sustained. Priority Geography Renown Health is a healthcare provider serving multiple communities in northern Nevada and eastern California, located east of the Sierra Nevada Mountain range. The primary focus of Renown Health is to provide health care services to residents of the Reno -Sparks area, which is situated in Washoe County. Renown Health includes Renown Regional Medical Center, an 826-bed full service regional hospital located at 1155 Mill St., Reno, NV, 89502. The Community Benefit Service Area is Washoe County which has a population of 502,193 residents, making it the second most populous county in Nevada. Community Health Needs are greatest in zip codes: 89412, 89405, 89510, 89424, 89442, 89508, 89506, 89502, 89439, 89434, 89521, 89511, 89451, 89704. Over 90% of the county's population lives in the Reno-Sparks metropolitan area, which has undergone significant growth in the last decade. Although most patients reside in Washoe County, Renown Health serves an area of 100,000 square miles and many rural communities across northern Nevada. The health needs and outcomes in Washoe County are significantly impacted by the demographic composition of the region. To address these needs, the CHNA comprehensively assessed population dynamics, considering aspects such as age, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status, among other factors. By acknowledging the unique health requirements of various groups and communities, targeted interventions are being developed that address specific health disparities. The BARHII Framework and CMS Framework for Health Equity ensure that the initiatives and identified health needs are based on a true understanding of the root causes of health disparities and effectiveness in Renown’s community health initiatives. Renown Health provides a significant benefit to the region, providing 66.5% of the care for the Reno/Sparks market. As the same time, Renown provides 72.7% of the Medicaid and uninsured care provided to the region. Thank you to our Community The Renown Health leadership expresses appreciation to our clinicians, community, non-profit partners and colleagues at University of Nevada, Reno, who have been instrumental in the successful completion of the 2023 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA), Implementation Strategy & Plan. We extend special thanks to Northern Nevada Public Health for their valuable insights and data which helped shape the report. The Renown Health Board and leadership have also made a significant contribution and commitment to community health and have reviewed and approved both the CHNA and Implementation Strategy & Plan. Their guidance has been pivotal in fostering a collaborative environment that promotes inclusivity and equity. Together, we remain committed to enhancing the health and wellbeing of Washoe County residents and our state. To access the Renown CHNA Implementation Strategy & Plan for Washoe County, visit Renown Health is the region’s locally governed, not-for-profit integrated health care network serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe, and northeast California. With a diverse workforce of more than 7,200 employees, Renown has fostered a longstanding culture of excellence, determination, and innovation. The organization comprises a trauma center, two acute care hospitals, a children’s hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, a medical group and urgent care network, and the locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health.

    Read More About Renown Health Announces Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA), Strategy & Implementation Plan

    • Tuesday, Apr 20, 2021

    Researchers at Renown Seek Convalescent Plasma Study Participants

    Physician researchers seek to understand how the immune system responds to COVID-19 and create a healthier Nevada. During the early stages of the pandemic, convalescent plasma was considered the only viable treatment option available for patients with COVID-19. Convalescent plasma is the component of the blood from recovered patients that may contain COVID-19 antibodies that help fight the infection. The National Institutes of Health has since developed treatment guidelines for COVID-19 based on clinical trial data and many studies are still underway worldwide assessing various additional treatment options. Convalescent plasma was in high demand but difficult to locate for COVID-19 patients in the northern Nevada area. A 24-year-old nursing assistant, Austin Meegan, was hospitalized and spent weeks staving off kidney and lung failure before learning he was eligible for an experimental blood transfusion that showed promise in treating COVID-19. Doctors estimated Meegan had only about a 3% chance of tracking down a donor to match his rare blood type. A COVID-19 survivor, Thomas Gibson, a Texas resident with the same blood type, traveled to Reno to donate his viral antibodies and a convalescent plasma donation credited with helping to save Meegan’s life. Physician clinical researchers and scientists at Renown and the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine (UNR Med) knew they needed to create better options for patients and physicians. Clinical researchers developed a study to help other patients like Austin, and pleaded for donations from recovered COVID-19 patients to donate their convalescent plasma. The researcher teams looked to understand how the body’s immune system responds to the virus over time, to aid them in developing new treatments for COVID-19. “The world’s capacity to get through the COVID crisis will depend on four things — science, technology, innovation and partnerships, says Tony Slonim, MD, DrPH, President and CEO of Renown Health.  “Taking lab bench discoveries to the bedside of patients in an efficacious and timely manner is not easy, but with UNR Med and our partners, we are making great strides in advancing clinical research which has the power to save lives and to create a healthier Nevada.” “It’s tremendously promising to partner on clinical research that will not only help us better understand the disease, but help inform treatment for those combatting COVID-19 that has had such a devastating impact on Nevadans, our nation and the world,” says UNR Med Dean Thomas L. Schwenk, MD. Renown, UNR Med and other area health care partners collaborated with Vitalant to collect plasma from recovered donors for a study on the treatment's efficacy. Eligible donors are at least 18 years old, weigh more than 110 pounds and are healthy. Donors had fully recovered from a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19. Project coordinators at the Renown Research Office were overwhelmed by the community’s support and plasma blood donations. Additional partnerships with the Washoe County Health District, the State of Nevada and the Governor’s office, Saint Mary’s Medical Center, Northern Nevada Medical Center, Carson Tahoe Health and the VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System, along with many area health care providers helped the team meet their goals of enrolling 120 eligible participants in the study. “Our success in this study rests heavily on the support of our great community, as well as the innovation and collaboration demonstrated by Renown and UNR Med,” said Sara Healy, MD, MPH, principal investigator of the study and a pediatric infectious disease physician at Renown Children’s Hospital and UNR Med. “We are proud to be at the forefront of conducting essential research during such a pivotal time in history, and look forward to our continued partnership as we continue this important work.” “The control of COVID-19 in our communities relies on testing. The study that is being launched to develop a sensitive, specific and easier way to collect specimens (blood) is advancing the field and brings promise towards getting to our common goal of having the right diagnostic test for the right clinical situation at the right time,” says Mark Riddle, MD, DrPH, FISTM, associate investigator of the study and associate dean for clinical research and professor at UNR Med's Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Research. The research team is now asking area residents to participate in a study to analyze the efficacy of two COVID-19 tests. Participants will undergo two blood tests: one being a finger stick to provide results for a rapid test, and the other is a traditional venipuncture draw confirming the presence or absence of COVID-19 antibodies. This study is a collaboration with InBios International, Inc., a leading biotechnology company based in Seattle. Researchers are seeking: Individuals who have confirmed positive for COVID-19 and who have recently recovered from the virus. Study participants must be within 7-28 days from the onset of their symptoms. Individuals who have recently tested negative for COVID-19 and have never tested positive. Those who are interested in participating in the study may contact project coordinators at the Renown Research Office at (775) 982-3646, or via e-mail at, 7:30 A.M. – 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. Individuals aged 18-75 in general good health are encouraged to consider participating in this ongoing study. There is no cost to participate in this study and participation is voluntary. An individual’s decision to participate will not affect their current or future relations with their health care provider(s), health district, or the community. Those who decide to participate are free to withdraw at any time. “Time is of the essence with COVID. If we can get test results to people and their clinicians in a more timely way, we can make a faster diagnosis of a patient's condition, says Christopher M. Kozlowski, MD, MHA, Renown's institutional research officer and Medical Director/VP of Renown Institute for Heart & Vascular Health. “As we refine the accuracy of our testing; we are applying sensitivity and specificity testing for true negative and true positive results. This provides people with more timely and accurate results and better quality care.”     About Renown Health Renown Health is a locally governed, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving northern Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. Renown is one of the region’s largest private employers with a workforce of more than 7,000. It comprises three acute care hospitals, a rehabilitation hospital, the area’s most comprehensive medical group and urgent care network, and the region’s largest and only locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown has a long tradition and commitment to improve the care and the health of our community.     About the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine The University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine (UNR Med), Nevada’s first medical school, is a community-based, research-intensive medical school with a statewide vision for a healthy Nevada. Established in 1969, UNR Med is improving the health and well-being of all Nevadans and their communities through excellence in student education, postgraduate training and clinical care, research with local, national and global impact and a culture of diversity and inclusion. For more information, visit

    Read More About Researchers at Renown Seek Convalescent Plasma Study Participants

    • Monday, Jun 01, 2020

    Se Recomienda A Los Pacientes De Renown Que Los Acompane Una Persona De Apoyo A La Visita Medica O En La Estadia En El Hospital

    Abarca atención centrada en el paciente y la familia, medidas de seguridad mejoradas y nuevo horario para visitas PROPUESTA PARA DISTRIBUCIÓN EL LUNES A. M. En el día de hoy, Renown Health anunció el programa de persona de apoyo para el paciente, que reconoce la importante función que la familia y los amigos tienen en la sanación, recuperación y atención de los pacientes y que sirven como miembros integrales del equipo de atención de la salud. Con la reducción constante de casos de pacientes con la COVID-19 y la transición a la fase 2 del programa Silver State Stabilization del gobernador Sisolak, y de acuerdo con Nevada Hospital Association, los hospitales y consultorios médicos de Renown ahora permiten la presencia limitada de visitantes para los pacientes sin la COVID-19 e implementaron medidas adicionales de seguridad para proteger a los pacientes, visitantes y empleados de la atención de la salud. Ahora, un adulto sano que sea el apoyo del paciente puede acompañarlo en su visita médica a Renown o durante la estadía en el hospital. Tony Slonim, MD, doctor en Salud Pública (DrPH, en inglés) presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown dijo: “Vivimos según nuestros valores de atención, integridad, colaboración y excelencia. Creemos en la ‘atención enfocada en la persona’, un enfoque que adopta la perspectiva del paciente y sus seres queridos y, a la vez, promueve un entorno saludable y alentador para los cuidadores y aborda las necesidades de salud de nuestra comunidad”. En Renown, el paciente define la “familia”. El paciente puede designar a cualquier persona que elija como su persona de apoyo. Se le podría solicitar a la persona de apoyo del paciente que ayude al equipo de atención de salud con las comunicaciones a otros miembros de la familia y amigos, participe en actividades de capacitación y educación y ayude al paciente para cumplir las instrucciones de atención y medicamentos. Jen Richards, doctora en Práctica de Enfermería (DNP, en inglés), jefa de enfermería de Acute Services explicó: “La unión entre los pacientes, las familias y los proveedores de atención médica se basa en la comprensión de que la función de cada uno es importante. Lo que hacemos juntos es más importante que lo que cada uno de nosotros puede hacer por separado. Al involucrar a las familias en la atención del paciente se respalda el proceso de sanación y se pueden mejorar los resultados. Esta creencia modela nuestro trabajo, nuestros servicios y la atención que brindamos”. A partir de hoy, cada paciente puede estar acompañado por una persona adulta sana de apoyo. Las medidas de seguridad mejoradas que se implementaron en todos los centros de Renown para proteger la salud incluyen: Usar un barbijo en todo momento. Respetar las prácticas de higiene de manos. Realizar los controles de salud en cada ingreso. Implementar protocolos estrictos de distanciamiento social. Limpiar y desinfectar constantemente las superficies públicas de mucho contacto. En consonancia con las guías estatales, los visitantes se limitarán a una persona de apoyo por paciente y podrá acceder a los hospitales según se indica a continuación: Renown Children’s Hospital: Acceso abierto. (Se puede designar a dos padres o tutores como personas de apoyo para el paciente, no obstante, debido a las restricciones actuales de espacio, solicitamos que se presente uno a la vez). Renown Regional Medical Center y Renown South Meadows Medical Center, de 3 p. m. a 8 p. m. Renown Rehabilitation Hospital, de 9 a. m. a 4 p. m. El enfoque de Renown acerca de la atención de los pacientes y el programa de persona de apoyo para el paciente se basan en los conceptos fundamentales de atención enfocada en el paciente y la familia. Estos principios incluyen: Asociaciones para la sanación, la importancia de incluir a personas de confianza que apoyen su atención. Nutrición, el aspecto nutritivo de los alimentos, Espiritualidad, recursos de bienestar y el Spiritual Center & Estelle J. Kelsey Interfaith Sanctuary Artes curativas, entre otras, arte, música, Fianna’s Healing Garden y The John & Sue Dermody Children’s Healing Garden, entornos apacibles diseñados para fomentar la sanación del paciente y entornos propicios para la salud Protección física y emocional y confidencialidad del paciente. Existen diversas formas para apoyar a los pacientes en Renown Regional Medical Center, South Meadows Medical Center, Renown Children’s Hospital o Renown Rehabilitation Hospital. Puede enviar un mensaje personalizado a un ser querido y será entregado personalmente a los pacientes que pernocten. El personal organizará con gusto videollamadas con seres queridos. Para hablar con un paciente, llame al 775-982-4100. Los proveedores de atención de la salud de Renown libran la batalla por usted. Puede enviar una nota de agradecimiento o hacer una donación para respaldar sus esfuerzos a través de Para obtener información detallada sobre el programa de persona de apoyo para el paciente, visite   Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es una red de atención de la salud integrada de propiedad y administración locales sin fines de lucro que brinda servicios en el norte de Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Renown es uno de los mayores empleadores privados de la región y cuenta con una fuerza laboral de más de 7,000 personas. Abarca tres hospitales de cuidados intensivos, un hospital de rehabilitación, el grupo médico y la red de atención de urgencias más integrales del área, y la compañía de seguro sin fines de lucro de propiedad local más grande de la región, Hometown Health. Renown cuenta con una larga trayectoria y un compromiso a largo plazo para mejorar continuamente la atención y la salud de nuestra comunidad. Visite para obtener más información.

    Read More About Se Recomienda A Los Pacientes De Renown Que Los Acompane Una Persona De Apoyo A La Visita Medica O En La Estadia En El Hospital

    • Monday, Dec 06, 2021

    Biointellisense and Renown Announce Strategic Collaboration

    BioIntelliSense medical grade vital sign monitoring and Renown Health’s centralized command center creates a scalable system to optimize critical healthcare resources and nurse workflow efficiencies DENVER, CO AND RENO, NV; DECEMBER 6, 2021 – BioIntelliSense, a continuous health monitoring and clinical intelligence company, has entered into a strategic collaboration with Renown Health, a not- for-profit integrated healthcare network of hospitals and care facilities serving over one million people in Nevada and northeast California, to provide more convenient, effective and personalized care to patients via continuous remote monitoring for both in-hospital patient care as well as at-home health management. This innovative program integrates BioIntelliSense’s FDA-cleared BioSticker™ wearable device into Renown Health’s state-of-the-art clinical remote monitoring services to address today’s significant healthcare workforce shortage challenges and enhance their patient-centered model of care. BioIntelliSense’s BioSticker continuously monitors data on a patient’s skin temperature, resting heart rate and respiratory rate, step, gait, sleep, activity levels, and more, including infection-like symptom alerts that supports COVID-19 monitoring. The BioSticker’s medical-grade trending and advanced analytics will be visualized and monitored by clinical staff within the Renown Transfer and Operations Center (RTOC). The Renown Transfer and Operations Center is powered by Renown doctors, nurses, technicians and national technology partners, including BioIntelliSense, to help ensure seamless care for patients and providers. Through this highly coordinated care logistics system, Renown will be able to customize health care to the needs of every patient; delivering the right care, at the right time and place across the integrated delivery system. Renown clinicians will be able to access near real-time information on patients’ vital signs and symptoms, enabling them to identify adverse changes in health sooner and intervene earlier. “Given the growing healthcare workforce crisis, routine patient monitoring has become more expensive and less frequent, especially during the ongoing public health emergency.  With the BioSticker, vital signs monitoring can be provided for each patient far more frequently and at a fraction of the cost,” said James Mault, MD, Founder and CEO of BioIntelliSense. “Our strategic partnership with Renown Health serves as a gold standard demonstration project for other hospital systems. What we are learning from patients and providers at Renown will help create fully integrated, continuous care delivery that starts during the patient’s hospitalization enabling monitoring of their health status throughout their recovery process, and from the comfort of their own home after leaving the hospital.” During the first phase of the collaboration and during this phase one implementation, the BioSticker will be applied to all patients admitted to Renown’s community hospital, Renown South Meadows Medical Center in Reno, Nevada. Patients may wear the device throughout their hospital stay and continue to wear it when they leave for their homes, ambulatory, outpatient surgical, rehabilitation or skilled nursing settings. “We are excited to continue to enhance our relationships with patients by integrating technology that supplements our care teams and provides patients with a virtual care solution that will continuously track vital signs, making healthcare more accessible, affordable and convenient,” said Tony Slonim, MD, DPH, CEO, Renown Health. “We believe patients and their loved ones will have confidence in knowing that their Renown clinical team will be closely monitoring their health data and communicating with them regularly to deliver high quality, personalized care throughout their healing process.” Initially, this collaboration will focus on understanding the logistics of patient monitoring in the hospital and at home or remote sites using the BioIntelliSense remote care technology. Renown Health will then work towards streamlining and operationalizing the clinical workflow, while scaling the program, to measure clinical improvement and the economic impact on patient care. “We are entering a new era in continuous health monitoring, as innovative hospital systems like Renown Health are integrating remote care technologies that provide scalable, user friendly and cost-effective solutions for health screening, COVID symptom monitoring and remote patient monitoring,” noted Mault. “We anticipate that within ten years, our wearable devices will become the standard of care for those not feeling well, giving people peace of mind that they or their loved ones are being monitored 24/7 by a supportive clinical team and have the security of knowing that if their condition worsens, we can elevate their level of care – immediately and in real-time.” "We are excited to serve as the national training site for BioIntelliSense and continue to bring new technology that improves the patient and provider experience to colleagues. We will continue to develop a well-trained, inter-professional and flexible workforce with technology skills that match the current pace of health care innovation,” added Slonim. “Our team is excited to be improving health care access and affordability across the state, and especially with critical access hospitals serving rural communities. Remote patient monitoring technology offers great benefit to patients at or near their homes, and it may transform hospital care by expanding access to clinical expertise to patients, and extending and increasing workforce capacity for limited hospital physician, nursing and clinical teams. We are pleased to be working with Dr. Mault and the team at BioIntelliSense, on the demonstration project with the BioSticker for vital signs monitoring as we take another bold step in innovating health care for long-term success.”     About Renown Health Renown Health is a locally governed, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving northern Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. Renown is one of the region’s largest private employers with a workforce of more than 7,000. It comprises three acute care hospitals, the region’s only children’s hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, the area’s most comprehensive medical group and urgent care network, and the region’s largest not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown has a long tradition and commitment to improving the care and the health of our community. For more information, visit About BioIntelliSense BioIntelliSense is ushering in a new era of continuous health monitoring and clinical intelligence for Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM). Its medical-grade Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) platform seamlessly captures multiparameter vital signs, physiological biometrics and symptomatic events through an effortless patient experience. The FDA-cleared BioSticker™ and medical grade BioButton® devices make remote monitoring and early detection simple. Through the platform’s advanced analytics, clinicians will now have access to high-resolution patient trending and reporting to enable medical grade care from in the hospital to the home. For more information on how BioIntelliSense is redefining remote patient monitoring through medical-grade and cost-effective data services, please contact us at or visit our website at

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