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    • Pediatric Care
    • Kid's Health
    • Renown Health Foundation

    Keeping Pediatric Care Close to Home

    As our community grows, so does the need for specialized care. Thanks to a generous gift, there’s a healthier future for families in the region as a $7.5 million gift to the Renown Health Foundation is helping keep care close to home. Being in the hospital is often a stressful experience, especially for a child and their caregivers. If you add the need to travel out-of-state for care into the mix, unnecessary anxiety and financial burdens can be placed on a family that is already worried about a sick child. With our quickly growing community and close to 100,000 children under the age of 18 in Washoe County alone, the need for local specialty care is needed. The William N. Pennington Foundation recognized this need and donated $7.5 million to the Renown Health Foundation – the largest gift the health system has received – to keep care close to home and establish the William N. Pennington Fund for Advanced Pediatric Care. Thanks to this gift, Renown Children’s Hospital has hired more than 15 pediatric specialists who provide care for children in our community. Below, we introduce you to three key specialized pediatricians in northern Nevada: Joseph A. Gassen, M.D. “Having pediatric specialists in the community is invaluable,” says Joseph A. Gassen, M.D., pediatric emergency medicine. “It allows families and patients to stay in Reno and not have to travel far distances to get quality care.” Gassen, the only doctor specializing in pediatric emergency medicine in the region, moved to Reno to provide care in the emergency room at Renown Children’s Hospital. “The hospital is dedicated to improving the care of children in northern Nevada, and I wanted to be a part of this amazing vision," Dr. Gassen says. I would not have been able to relocate to Reno without the support from the hospital and the William N. Pennington gift.” Working with children and their families are what Dr. Gassen finds most rewarding. "I get to provide care for a child, which in turn makes the parent feel better,” he says. “Essentially, I get to treat the whole family, even though I only directly care for the kids.”   Colin Nguyen, M.D. Also among the first new specialists is Pediatric Neurologist Colin Nguyen, M.D., who has done extensive work with epilepsy and epilepsy surgery. “In any growing and expanding community, we need the multitude of social, financial, political and well-being services to sustain that growth and progress,” Dr. Nguyen says. “The ability to offer more breadth of medical services to our local population allows families to spend more time together and fulfill work obligations, without the need to travel long distances to obtain that specialized care.” Dr. Nguyen says he enjoys caring for children because they are honest in their emotions and reactions, as well as simple in their intentions. “It is the overall joy and unique sadness that comes in working with children, which drives many of us to continue our work -- I am no exception.” Jacob Zucker, M.D. The third pediatric specialist providing care thanks to the Pennington gift has close ties to northern Nevada. Jacob Zucker, M.D., pediatric hematologist-oncologist, was born and raised in Reno and attended medical school at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine before moving to the Midwest for his residency and fellowship. Dr. Zucker feels fortunate to have been offered the opportunity to return home and give back to the community that has given so much to him. “I can say with absolute resolve that northern Nevada is an exceptional community to practice medicine in. The care offered here at home is top rate and the providers that live and practice here truly understand the purpose of community.” The addition of these three specialists and the future specialists that will be coming to our area will impact thousands of children and their families. “With a growing population, the vision of leadership at Renown, and with the generosity of the William N. Pennington Foundation, northern Nevada is in position for the first time to make local pediatric subspecialty care a reality and to keep our families at home in their community,” Dr. Zucker says.

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    • COVID-19
    • Vaccinations
    • Virus

    COVID-19 Vaccine Expert Advice

    With front-line workers receiving the first COVID-19 vaccinations, many of us are feeling hope, but also worry. As a result, we are joining with the Ad Council, the COVID Collaborative, HHS, CDC and NIAID (along with top health and medical organizations) to address your vaccine concerns and questions. Will the vaccine be available to everyone in Nevada? The Nevada Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is collaborating with health systems about the use of initially available, limited supplies of COVID-19 vaccines. They will provide guidance on the prioritization order of who will receive the vaccine. This will be based on available quantities, high-risk locations of work and certain other risk factors, and recommendations and guidance for public health agencies. The CDC has provided guidance to initially focus on the following groups: Healthcare personnel likely to be exposed to or treat people with COVID-19, nursing home residents and others in institutional settings; People at risk for severe illness from COVID-19 due to underlying medical conditions; People 65 years of age and older; Other essential workers. I worry the vaccine has been rushed The U.S. national vaccine safety system ensures that all vaccines are as safe as possible, and because vaccines are given to millions of healthy people to prevent serious diseases, they’re held to very high safety standards. COVID-19 vaccines are undergoing a rigorous development process that includes vaccinating tens of thousands of people who participate in a study to generate the needed clinical data. These clinical trials generate scientific data for the FDA to determine the safety and efficacy of each vaccine. It’s worth noting that the clinical studies to establish the safety and efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccines were as big and thorough as recent studies for other licensed vaccines (for example, the shingles vaccine). I'm concerned about the vaccine's side effects The most common side effects are very similar to those seen with most vaccines, such as: sore arms, fevers, and tiredness within 72 hours after the vaccine. These side effects usually mean that the vaccine is generating an immune response, indicating it is working. Short-term side effects observed in the leading COVID-19 vaccine trials include: Injection site pain and redness Fatigue Muscle aches and pains Joint pain Headache I’m afraid I’ll get COVID-19 from the vaccine None of the authorized and recommended COVID-19 vaccines, or COVID-19 vaccines currently in development in the United States, contain the live virus that causes COVID-19. This means that a COVID-19 vaccine cannot make you sick with COVID-19. Can children receive the COVID-19 vaccine? Not at the moment. In early clinical trials for various COVID-19 vaccines, only non-pregnant adults at least 18 years of age participated. However, clinical trials continue to expand those recruited to participate. The groups recommended to receive the vaccines could change in the future. As of now, it is recommended that children do not receive the vaccine. More information will be available from the vaccine manufacturers. I do not believe vaccines are effective Both this disease and the vaccine are new. We don’t know how long protection lasts for those who get infected or those who are vaccinated. What we do know is that COVID-19 has caused very serious illness and death for a lot of people. If you get COVID-19, you also risk giving it to loved ones who may get very sick. Getting a COVID-19 vaccine is a safer choice. The FDA is responsible for making sure that, just like any other medications, any FDA-authorized or approved COVID-19 vaccines are safe and they work. The EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) will not be provided if the FDA feels that the vaccine is unsafe. I can't get vaccines to due to a medical condition Adults of any age with certain underlying medical conditions are at increased risk for severe illness from the virus that causes COVID-19. mRNA COVID-19 vaccines may be administered to people with underlying medical conditions provided they have not had a severe allergic reaction to any of the ingredients in the vaccine. The following information aims to help people in the groups listed below make an informed decision about receiving the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. It is extremely important to speak with your doctor regarding your specific medical condition, and always follow their strict advice regarding the COVID-19 vaccine, or any other vaccines. Sources: Renown COVID-19 Ad Council COVID Collaborative U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease

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    • Renown Health Foundation
    • Renown Health

    Why I Give: Rebecca's Story

    Giving back to the community is important to Rebecca Dickson. For over 35 years, she’s been unwavering in her support of Renown Health and Reno’s non-profit community. Hearing that she’s made a difference in someone’s life feels good. But for Rebecca, the greater reward is something more personal. “Giving back is a way of life,” Rebecca said, “that’s what you do.” Inspired by her parents, the act of generosity was instilled in her from a young age. Growing up, Rebecca remembers her mother’s thoughtful generosity with others. It was her mother, Fianna Dickson Combs, who inspired and helped plan Fianna’s Healing Garden in the heart of the Renown Regional Medical Center campus. The garden is Fianna’s legacy and gift to those in need of comforting, healing and quiet contemplation. Walking through the garden, Rebecca points out the fountain. She talks about choosing it for its calming sound. Birds chirp on the trees overhead. The space is beautiful; it’s tranquil and comforting. Fianna’s Healing Garden was completed in 2009. In 2020, to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the garden, Rebecca and her uncle, Harvey Fennell, led an expansion project to grow the space. Inside the garden, there are pathways, benches, sculptures, fountains and over 2,000 plants and trees. Roses are life “The rose garden is special,” said Rebecca. It was carefully curated in honor of Fianna and her sisters to create a peaceful space for reflection. There are 21 roses of differing sizes and colors. “The roses should be experiential. The fragrance, the colors; they are life with good days and bad. Fianna was a master gardener and felt that gardens tend to the mind, body and soul,” says Rebecca. Honoring Fianna’s Legacy Throughout the hottest days of summer, Rebecca and her partner, David Geddes, visit the garden. They maintain the roses, removing damaged branches and pruning them. “It’s not work,” says Rebecca, “it’s a joyful opportunity that makes us feel good.” Being in the garden reminds Rebecca of her mother and the need for healing gardens in healthcare. When her mother was in the hospital, her doctor encouraged her to get outside and into nature. At the time, Renown didn’t have an outdoor garden space. From then on, it was Fianna’s mission to create a healing garden for patients, caregivers and visitors. Nature reduces stress and anxiety. It also provides comfort and distraction. Healing gardens offer spiritual and healing benefits, and they’ve been proven to improve health outcomes. Before Fianna passed, her plans for at healing garden at Renown were already underway. Making an Impact Rebecca is a lifelong philanthropist. She serves on countless boards, volunteering her time to give back to the community. She currently sits on Renown Health Foundation’s Board. Through her volunteer work, Rebecca not only gets to experience the joy of helping others first-hand, but she also gets an inside view of how non-profits operate and what they need most. That information helps her decide how to direct her support in the most impactful way. Rebecca receives cards and phone calls thanking her for Fianna’s Healing Garden and the comfort it provides. But Rebecca insists that she’s not to thank. Rebecca remembers every person who has supported the garden. Fianna’s Healing Garden is donor-funded, and would not be possible without the support of the community, her uncle, Harvey Fennell, Fianna’s closest friends, Renown physicians and employees, Renown Health Foundation and countless community foundations and local donors. She says, “The garden is a collaborative project. It takes a village to build and maintain, but it’s worth it!” From all of us at Renown, thank you, Rebecca, for your inspiration and dedication to Renown! Fianna’s Healing Garden is located at Renown Regional Medical Center and is open for all to experience the healing power of nature. Click here to take a virtual tour of the garden. Renown Health Foundation’s Why I Give series recognizes donors, volunteers, corporations, foundations and others who provide philanthropic support to Renown. We are fortunate to have generous donors whose funding helps support and expand our efforts to meet the growing needs of the communities we serve. To learn more about how you can support Renown, please email or call 775-982-5545.

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    • Patient Story
    • Community Partnerships
    • Fight the Good Fight

    Rooted with Renown, One Families Story of Remarkable Odds

    Renown Health is proud to debut our newest commercial spot, Days, on Thanksgiving Day 2022. This commercial features members of the greater northern Nevada community, former Renown patients and employees. Chris and Ann Cook are some of these community members, and we are grateful we get to tell their story. Family is everything for Chris and Ann Cook. Their loved ones span across the United States and even farther to Germany, so time spent with their children and grandchildren means the world to them. When Chris went to the emergency room for a persistent headache and drooping eye over twenty years ago, they could have never predicted the number of hours their family would spend at Renown care facilities in the coming years. “Whenever we step inside a building with that purple logo, we know right away we will be supported by friends, family and Renown staff. Our family has turned countless hours inside hospital walls into memories of gratitude for the care we receive.” Chris Cook said. “It is these memories that make us appreciate the health of our family today.”   A Relationship with Renown that Spans Decades The Cooks can remember a time before Renown Regional Medical Center’s inception when Washoe Medical Center (Washoe Med) stood in its place. It was at Washoe Med that Chris received emergency brain surgery after a visit to the emergency room over 20 years ago. Immediately following a CT scan, Chris was transported to Washoe Med, now Renown Health, for emergency brain surgery and eventually to treat a hematoma. Doctors close to his case were amazed by his survival, considering Chris’ divergent situation resulting from a raisin-size colloid cyst and dissected corotated artery. He spent three weeks in the ICU recovering at the hospital, his spirits lifted by the amazing staff who brightened his day with gestures of kindness. From there, he was supported by countless friends and family members over the next three months while recovering at home. A Home Away from Home Later, the Cooks’ daughter received cancer care at Renown at the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute. Ann, Chris and their daughter found small comforts when running into the familiar faces of their daughters' past schoolmates, who are now Renown employees, in the hallways. The family became well-acquainted with the food options at Renown Regional’s Sierra Café, even finding favorites like the sushi bar. Reliable Care, Close to Home  The Cooks have also experienced many happy and comforting memories at Renown and Washoe Med over the past twenty years, including the births of three of their seven grandchildren. And when Chris needed an emergency appendectomy on a Friday night four years ago, they felt confident that the best care would be received at Renown Regional Medical Center.    From lab work to routine procedures or visits to urgent care, the Cooks feel rest-assured knowing Renown will be the place they can consistently trust for care with many locations close to their home in Sparks, Nevada.  After spending many hours within Renown walls, Chris and Ann remarked how impressed they were by Renown Regional Medical Center’s growth in the past decade from their first encounter over twenty years ago. With a deep appreciation for the care received at Renown facilities and the technology used to help treat patients, Chris and Ann said, “We really feel confident that if something bad were to happen, you’d want to be in the care of Renown.”  Family, Health and The Future "Our care at Renown has changed the course of our family’s lives and led to the success of who we are today. So, when the team at Renown approached us about participating in the commercial shoot, we knew this was meant to be the next piece in our Renown story." Chris and Ann said. "Of course, it was nice to be back at Renown, not as a patient this time, but to help the team create something great."

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    • Health Insurance and Coverage
    • TeleHealth
    • MyChart

    3 Unexpected Perks of Choosing a Hometown Health Plan

    © AndreyPopov via Becoming a Hometown Health plan member opens you up to the largest provider network in our region. As northern Nevada’s only not-for-profit health insurance company, the hometown advantage goes beyond your health coverage – and you may not be using all the perks available to you. Here are three benefits that Hometown Health is proud to offer all members to enhance wellbeing and connect the dots between healthcare and technology.  MyChart  MyChart is Renown Health's and Hometown Health’s secure online member portal that gives you direct access to your health and benefit information. From 24/7 access to your benefits and important documents to scheduling an appointment with your provider, this free tool is a great way to keep track of your family’s health. If you have a Renown primary care provider, you can use MyChart to:  Securely email your healthcare provider. Get your test results faster and view your After Visit Summaries. Request prescription refills. Schedule and check-in for appointments. Pay your bill. Request your medical records and review immunization records. Manage designated health care agents and upload end-of-life documents, such as advance directives and a living will. View or download your documents: Member ID Card, Summary of Care, Explanation of Benefits, Referrals and Authorizations. Get in touch with our Customer Engagement Center.  Telehealth  Virtual visits have never been easier thanks to Renown Telehealth and Teladoc. These two tools are convenient options that allow members to be seen by a qualified doctor via phone or video chat who can diagnose, recommend treatment and prescribe medication for many non-emergent medical conditions – no matter where you are. Some of the health issues your virtual provider can treat include:   Cold and flu Allergies Sore throat Sinus infection Respiratory infection Stomach bug Ear infection Urinary tract infection  Both Renown Telehealth and Teladoc are also staffed with specialists in behavioral health, where you can speak with a therapist or psychiatrist on a wide variety of issues, including:  Stress and anxiety Depression Trauma Grief Burnout Medication management  Renown is also proud to offer access to top-level specialty care to address your ongoing condition and help guide you through illness maintenance and education. Through Renown Telehealth, Hometown Health members have access to a variety of specialties, including (but not limited to):  Adolescent Medicine Cardiology Hematology, Oncology and Pediatric Oncology Nephrology Pediatric Endocrinology Pediatric Neurology Pulmonary and Pediatric Pulmonary Sleep Medicine  New in recent years, Teladoc is now proud to offer both dermatology and nutrition visits. Teladoc dermatologists can treat conditions like acne, rosacea and rashes, while their registered dieticians can help you manage your nutrition and weight goals.  Booking an appointment with Renown Telehealth is easy by heading over to MyChart and selecting “Schedule an Appointment.” To book an appointment with a Teladoc provider, visit or download the Teladoc app.  Renown Telehealth is available within the state of Nevada, and Teladoc is available in all 50 states. Your copay can be as low as $0 for each visit; check your plan documents for more information.  Doctoroo  The house call has returned – avoid long urgent care waits with Doctoroo. Through Doctoroo, Hometown Health members have access to in-home urgent care services at the same price as your regular urgent care copay. A call to Doctoroo will dispatch a fully equipped medical team consisting of an EMT and either a nurse practitioner or physician assistant to your home within a few hours. Whether you need treatment or testing, each team is ready to provide care in the comfort of your own home with their over 60 medications and antibiotics, EKGs, wound dressings, IVs, catheters and more.  Doctoroo care teams can address and treat many non-emergent care areas and conditions, including (but not limited to): Respiratory Ear, Nose, Throat Eye Wound Care Cardiac Care Musculoskeletal Gastroenterology  Doctoroo is open year-round from 7 a.m. to midnight. Book a house call in minutes in the Doctoroo app or by calling (888) 888-9930.

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    • Clinical Trial
    • Expert Advice
    • Research and Studies

    Eight Lessons from an MD-PhD Candidate at UNR Med

    Meet newly minted Dr. Majid Khan, PhD., a native of Reno, and current MD-PhD candidate and first-generation medical student at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine, who is on his way to a career as a Neurosurgery. While most graduate students often choose between pursuing a medical degree (MD) or a doctorate in philosophy (PhD), Majid has boldly picked both. He is one of three medical students currently in the UNR Med MD-PhD Program run by Dr. Caroline Cobine, PhD and Dr. Violeta Mutafova-Yambolieva, MD, PhD. "Research is not merely an act of sitting at a computer and reading papers – it's about answering the thought-provoking questions about things we come across on a daily basis. By critically evaluating these ideas we can implement solutions to enhance various aspects of the medical field and patient care with an overall goal of improving patient outcomes," Majid said. Majid recognizes that modern research extends beyond academia and holds significant value for hospitals. “Research contributes to improving patient outcomes. By reviewing the data from peer-reviewed research studies, medical professionals can be better prepared to deliver effective care following the most up-to-date guidelines and data,” he said. Majid's journey to pursuing his MD-PhD with a goal of becoming a physician-scientist-surgeon began following a summer in the PathMaker Cancer Research Program at the Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah. "It was by fate that I stumbled into this field – ever since I saw my first brain surgery, I haven’t been able to look back," Majid said. Here are some of the valuable lessons that Majid has learned along the way. 1. Beyond the 9 to 5, Embrace both 5 to 9s To avoid burnout and nurture personal passions, make your time spent outside of work and school intentional. Harness any free time to reconnect with friends, pursue hobbies and engage with mentors and mentees. 2. Collaboration is Key Work collectively with colleagues locally, nationwide and even worldwide. Cultivate environments to share knowledge and innovation, as well as wisdom, which will evidently lead to more impactful outcomes. 3. Shine a Spotlight on Your Colleagues Acknowledge and celebrate your colleagues in group settings when you notice something outstanding that they’ve said or done – it could anything big or small. Shining the spotlight onto those who are making positive changes within the hospital can inspire a beautiful culture of academic healthcare, which ultimately improves patient outcomes. 4. Redefine Mentorship Mentorship does not need to be confined to traditional frameworks. Seek out guidance in unexpected and untraditional places; sometimes, the most enlightening lessons and opportunities emerge from the most unlikely sources. 5. Diversify Your Experiences Embracing a diverse range of experiences enriches one's medical acumen. You never know when a seemingly unrelated job or experience will help in a scenario in your career. 6. Live By the Mamba Mentality Follow the late Kobe Bryant’s approach to life and work, the Mamba Mentality. This includes planning long-term goals, placing meaning in everything, striving for constant personal growth, following your passions and focusing on the process rather than the end goal. 7. Make Time for Your Loved Ones Don’t forget who helped you get to where you are in your life, specifically your family, friends, teachers and mentors. By making time for the most important and loving people in your life, you will be surrounded by positivity which will help propel you to new heights. 8. Plan your Next Five Moves We all have the ability to come from nothing and become something. Take the time to plan out everything and execute your moves with careful precision. Majid has plans to return to the Biggest Little City after completing Neurological Surgery Residency Program. If you would like to get in touch with Majid, please reach out to him via email at

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    • Behavioral Health
    • Men's Health
    • Mental Health

    How to Spot Depression in Men

    Is a man in your life struggling with depression? Many men find it difficult to acknowledge when they need help. Recognize their unique warning signs of depression with insights from psychologist Dr. Herbert Coard. Over 6 million men are diagnosed annually, often displaying symptoms like anger and aggression instead of sadness. Learn how to support them and understand these often-misinterpreted indicators. Behavioral Signs of Depression in Men High levels of the hormone cortisol are released during stressful situations affecting the neurotransmitter, serotonin (a feel-good hormone), contributing to depression. You can identify depression or suicidal tendencies by paying close attention to the following behavioral changes: Anger, irritability, or aggression Avoiding family or social situations Losing interest in family responsibilities, passions and hobbies Lack of sex drive Becoming controlling/abusive in relationships Risk-taking behavior such as; unsafe sex, overspending or gambling Not being able to concentrate or remember details Excessive drinking or drug use Having frequent thoughts about death Talking about suicide Attempting suicide Factors That Lead to Depression in Men Life Events Work stress or long-term unemployment can be huge contributing factors relating to depression. This type of life event can be overwhelming, making it impossible for a man to cope. Changes in Relationships The loss of a relationship can be a significant contributing factor to the emergence of depressive symptoms and past experienced physical, sexual, or emotionally abusive relationships. With this in mind, counseling can often help individual to overcome this type of trauma. Grief and Loss Overwhelming sadness due to the loss of a loved one can trigger depression. Although normal, each person goes through their own grieving period. For example, normal responses to death are insomnia, poor appetite and loss of interest in activities. Pay attention if grief seems prolonged or out of the ordinary. Health Problems In particular, depression coexists with medical conditions. As men age, this can be passed off as normal aging, but it could be more serious. In addition, illnesses such as thyroid disorders, Addison’s disease and liver disease can cause depressive symptoms. Diabetes, cancer, heart disease, or Parkinson’s disease can affect any age, thus triggering or worsening depression. Some older men also feel like they may be suffering from dementia because of difficulties with memory this may be a symptom of depression. A trip to the doctor may be in order to help alleviate concern and worry. Depression in Men and Suicide Frequently the emotional pain occurring with depression can distort a man’s ability to see a solution beyond suicide. Individuals with depression become very rigid and constricted in the way they solve problems. The statistics below speak for themselves, helping us understand the need to reach out to those who need our support. Male suicide rates are on rising – men die by suicide 3.53 times more often than women, accounting for 70% of all suicides. Sadly, every day 129 men commit suicide. White males accounted for 69.67% of suicide deaths in 2017. In 2017, firearms accounted for 50.57% of all suicide deaths. Middle aged Men who are middle aged have the highest suicide rates. 40% of those identifying as transgender have attempted suicide in their lifetime. Males who are guy or transgendered are at an increased risk for suicide attempts, especially before age 25. Veterans often suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression, and are more likely to act on a suicide plan. How You Can Help Now that you can identify some of the warning signs of depression, here’s how you can help: Talk about your concern and communicate that you’re there to help him. Let him know depression is a medical condition and will usually get better with treatment. Suggest professional help from a Primary Care Provider, Psychologist or Therapist. Help set up appointments and offer to accompany him – let him make the decision, but make it clear you’re there for him, no matter what he decides. If you feel he is in a dire or life-threatening situation, contact 911. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) to talk to a trained counselor. Call the Veteran’s Crisis Line at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) and press “1”

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    • Patient Story
    • Stroke
    • Annual Report

    Stroke Survival as a Warrior – Kimi's Story

    It seemed like a normal Wednesday, except Kimi Woolsey was feeling really stressed. On Sept. 4, 2019 she was rushing to get ready for an appointment when suddenly, she could not feel her legs. Kimi immediately knew something was wrong and called out to her fiancé, Paul, for help. After seeing a bright light in her right eye, she felt a severe, sharp pain in her head traveling down into her leg. Paul quickly called 911, the EMT’s arrived and her stroke survival journey began. At first the medical team thought she had a complicated migraine, but one of them suspected a stroke. On the way to the hospital Kimi felt numbness and her face drooping, then instantly, no pain. For a moment she thought she was dying, going from pain to numbness and realizing she couldn’t move or speak. Kimi didn’t know she was having another massive stroke in transit. Each year nearly 800,000 people in the U.S. suffer a stroke, or “brain attack” – that’s one every 40 seconds. Of those, about 75% occur in people over age 65. However, at only 45 years old, Kimi is proof that a stroke can happen at any age. Stroke Survival Begins for Kimi Upon arriving at the emergency department of Renown Regional Medical Center the Certified Comprehensive Stroke Center team went into action. Kimi received a brain MRI, then was wheeled into surgery for a thrombectomy (clot removal). She was in the intensive care unit for 11 days. She remembers someone telling her, “Generally people don’t survive this magnitude of stroke.” And a doctor saying, “You are here for a reason.” Kimi’s comeback journey began with the comprehensive care team at Renown Rehabilitation Hospital. “Literally I had the best day of my life that first day there…I was so happy because I couldn’t imagine being in a safer place with people that literally live for you,” she recalls. During her 41 days there, her biggest milestone was being able to get out of bed and walk. For Kimi the support she felt at the rehab hospital was key to her progress, ”I still feel loved and appreciated and they’re rooting for me still and I can feel it.” Although she left the rehab hospital on Oct. 18, 2019, she is still working on improving the left side of her body. Currently Kimi works with therapists in outpatient physical rehabilitation sessions, continuing to see improvement in both her hand and leg. Her advice to those currently in a rehab hospital setting is, “Stay as long as you can to get the most out of it and push, push, push.” Kimi’s Stroke Survival as a Warrior “Having a stroke is not for the faint of heart,” says Kimi. She experienced despair and felt discouraged. Many days she would ask herself, “Why am I here?” Today she proudly calls herself a stroke warrior and refuses to be a victim of her stroke. Alongside her tenacious spirit, Kimi actively helps others on their stroke survival journey. Before her stroke she never dreamed of starting a non-profit foundation. Now, each day you’ll find her texting inspiration to others, offering advice and connecting with other struggling stroke survivors on her Facebook page, Stroke Warrior Recovery Coach. Her goal is to become the person she needed to talk to after her stroke; she currently coaches several stroke survivors. “Stroke survivors need to know that they aren’t alone. Mental support and encouragement are so important for each person’s stroke journey,” Kimi said. Along with the physical changes, Kimi feels the stroke magnified her empathy. “I was always in a hurry in my life. People didn’t go fast enough for me – on the road, at the grocery store, in a line. Now I have more patience with myself and others." Kimi realizes most people cannot wrap their brain around the concept of a stroke. In fact, the brain fog, physical challenges and frustration are hard to explain… unless you’ve experienced them. “You need to find your tribe,” she explains. “I have a passion for helping people through this process.” Most of all, she encourages people to keep going and never stop. After her stroke, Kimi has a greater appreciation for her family, health and life. She is one of the patients featured in the current “Fight The Good Fight” trauma and physical rehab advertising campaign. “I wake up every day and fight,” she asserts. “Each day you have to fight for your recovery and fight for yourself.”

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    • Orthopedics
    • Pediatric Care

    Reno Pediatric Scoliosis Expert Gives New Hope to Young Girl

    For Michael J. Elliott, MD, a pediatric orthopedic surgeon specializing in scoliosis, it’s just another day helping patients. But to local five-year-old Makenna Christensen, her substantial spine correction is life-changing. Though her journey to body confidence was months in the making, her smiles are a reminder that a thorough, thoughtful treatment plan can yield amazing results. A Surprising Start Words don’t adequately describe the feelings you have when you unexpectedly learn your child has a birth defect. For Nicole and Nick Christensen it was a shocking surprise. During Nicole’s sonogram appointment something unusual was seen. After an amniocentesis, their baby girl was diagnosed with Noonan syndrome, which can affect a child’s height and bones. To prepare, the couple read all they could on the subject. Fortunately their daughter Makenna, was born full term and healthy. Shortly after birth, Makenna had some feeding issues and returned to the hospital. Although they resolved and she had no major complications, both parents felt unsure about their newborn’s future. With the help of Nevada Early Intervention Services , Makenna’s development was monitored until she was three years old. “Her posture has been an issue her whole life,” says Nicole. Nick also noticed when Makenna started walking her range of motion was poor. It was especially noticeable when she got dressed and raised her arms to put on clothing. Nicole observed Makenna was falling a lot in preschool. She asked Makenna’s pediatrician about physical therapy to support her coordination and muscle tone. Although physical therapy was helping Makenna, her therapist suggested Nicole seek the opinion of Dr. Michael Elliott, a pediatric specialist in orthopedics at Renown Children’s Hospital. Scoliosis Casting - A Successful Treatment Approach Dr. Elliott diagnosed Makenna with scoliosis, an abnormal curvature of the spine. While this condition is most common during a teenage growth spurt, it can also happen in early childhood. Affecting about four million people in the United States, it is estimated 20 percent of all spinal deformities in the U.S. are people living with scoliosis. Makenna’s spinal curve was significant – over 30 degrees. Through years of experience Dr. Elliott opted to put Makenna in a spinal cast, instead of multiple surgeries. “My approach is to postpone surgery as long as possible - it is tough for the patient and families,” he says. “Often excellent results can be achieved through non-invasive treatments such as, casting and bracing.” Nicole appreciated Dr. Elliott’s reassurance through the treatment plan. “It was obvious through the X-rays that there was a significant issue,” she shares. “He guided us through the timing and process and how correcting it sooner would help keep her future growth on track.” For seven months Makenna wore a cast that looked like a tank top, bracing her spine while allowing movement. Now she wears a hard plastic brace, specially fitted to her body.  “Kids tolerate casting well,” explains Dr. Elliott.  “It is a 45-minute procedure. The patient sleeps while their spine is put into traction as the cast dries.” She will continue to wear larger braces as she grows, eventually only wearing them at night. A Straight Path into the Future Dr. Elliott admits, “Not every cast is a cure. Two thirds of a child’s spinal growth happens by the age of five. Getting past the five-year mark means fewer surgeries. It’s wonderful to see Makenna’s body image improved.” Nicole agrees, “The way Makenna holds herself is completely different. She’s more confident on her feet and more balanced.” She can now play with her sister Aria, 4, and brother Lexi, 8 months, without the fear of falling. Nick is in awe of the improvements she has made, “Seeing her thrive more has been wonderful.” The Christensen’s are hopeful about the future. “Makenna is doing really good. She’s wearing her hard brace full time and her growth is consistent,” expresses Nicole. “She’s even starting swim lessons this week.” With mask wearing at every doctor visit during the COVID-19 pandemic, Makenna and Dr. Elliott look forward to seeing each other’s smiles in the future. Makenna’s story highlights the over 18 different specialty options for children locally at Renown Children’s Hospital.

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    • Palliative and Supportive Care
    • Advance Directive
    • Caregiver
    • Healthy Aging
    • Hospice Care

    11 Tips Caregivers Need to Know

    Becoming a caregiver or playing a more active role in another’s healthcare is a big responsibility. At some point, almost all adults will support an aging parent or a loved one in need. Keeping track of their needs and wellbeing, while also prioritizing your own can become overwhelming. It’s important to know: you are not alone, and help is available. Read on for 11 tips to help you manage your time, your own wellbeing and your loved one’s care. Self-care comes first. When your main priority is the person in your life who needs care, it’s easy for your own needs to take the backseat. Give yourself time each day to focus on your personal wellbeing. It’s hard to give a loved one the care they need if your own needs are not met. Prioritize the Activities of Daily Living (ADL). Make a note of what ADLs your loved one can do alone, what they need help with and what activities require the most help. This will help you work through the day with them, as well as plan out how the day’s activities will go. Do a home safety audit. Do showers, bathtubs and steps have safety grab bars? Look around the house for additional tripping hazards, like rugs or electrical cords. If your loved one struggles with day-to-day navigation of the home, consider scheduling an occupational therapy appointment. This type of therapy helps a person develop or maintain the motions required to accomplish daily tasks. You might also qualify for a referral to in-home healthcare, such as Home Care. Have the hard conversation. The best time to discuss views about end of life care and to learn what choices are available is before a life-limiting illness or crisis occurs. With advance care planning, you can help reduce the doubt and anxiety related to decision making at the end of life. Completing an Advance Directive is a great tool to sort out all these decisions before they’re needed. Attend a free workshop to learn more and complete this important document. Identify when you need respite. Respite care involves receiving a short-term break from caregiving. Organizing in-home care for your loved one will allow you to step away and tend to your needs. By identifying what kind of respite care you are seeking, you can find the right person to provide you with that much-needed break. Don’t wait until you feel overwhelmed, plan ahead. Write down insurance contact information. Have a direct connection to the right insurance professional for support and advice. If your loved one is eligible Medicare, this is a good opportunity to review their current selections and if they would benefit from a Medicare Advantage Plan or Medicare Supplement Insurance. Seeking out expert advice or information on Medicare options is a great way to navigate this. Consider calling a broker, or attend a free educational seminar with Senior Care Plus. Gather legal and financial information. Make a list of all existing legal documents and financial accounts that your loved one has. These might include a will, advance directive, power of attorney, bank accounts or investment accounts. If you have questions about how to manage them, or need assistance in setting up additional framework, reach out to a lawyer, legal service, financial adviser or bank representative. Create an inventory of medical information. Identify where all of your loved one’s medical records are, as well as a list of providers or healthcare practices where they have received care. Consider if you should have your loved one give you Proxy Access in MyChart, which allows you to access all the features in MyChart on their behalf, including viewing upcoming appointments, viewing test results and emailing a doctor on their behalf. Make a list of what others can do. Think about all the little (and big) things that need to happen, and write down tasks that others could take care of you. When someone says “let me know what I can do” you’ll be ready with a pre-written list of items they may be able to assist with. Tasks could include tackling around-the-house repairs, scheduling lawn work, helping to walk the dog, taking a car for an oil change and cleaning. Find programs and events for social enjoyment. If and when possible, seek an activity outside of the home. Look for community centers that have programs for seniors, recreational activities or meals that you can patriciate in together. If leaving the home is not an option, arrange for visits or in-home activities, such as movie nights, card games or time to visit with family. Research long-term options. If you will be considering a nursing home or assisted living, make a list of amenities that you and the person you are caring for would like. Take this list with you when visiting potential locations to make sure you don’t forget to ask about each item.

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    • Weight Management
    • Prevention and Wellness

    Do You Resolve to Lose Weight and Live Healthier? Here's How.

    Weight loss and healthier living tend to top most people’s lists of New Year’s Resolutions. So if you’re like the vast majority, here’s help — a comprehensive look at all of Renown Health’s programs that will help you lose weight and tackle metabolic challenges. Quick quiz: How many of the following apply to you? You have a need to lose weight, but you haven’t been guided on how to make sustainable change; You’re experienced a recent rapid weight gain, but lab tests didn’t reflect a change in your health; You’ve experienced a life-changing event that caused weight gain; You have problems with where you are carrying your weight, such as your mid-section; You’ve tried other weight loss programs, but they didn’t work. If you found yourself nodding in agreement to any one of the above statements, Renown’s programs can help. They cover the spectrum of helping with weight or metabolism challenges. But the million dollar question is: Where do you start? How to Lose Weight and Live Healthier Ideally, it’s best to start by talking with your primary care provider. Your provider knows your medical history and concerns related to your health. Talk to your provider about your past history with weight loss and gain. Your primary care provider will assist with the referral process and provide you with options you might not considered on your own. Most importantly, by starting with your primary care provider, you can take full advantage of all your health benefits. Renown offers four weight loss/management programs: Medical Nutrition Therapy Meet one-on-one with a Registered Dietitian at Renown’s Health Improvement Program to discuss your health goals. You may qualify for this program if you have: Heart or kidney disease Gastrointestinal issues Weight gain or weight loss Food allergies or sensitivities High blood pressure or high cholesterol A thyroid condition Diabetes – classes available, including: Type 2 Diabetes, insulin and gestational diabetes management during pregnancy (Offered in English & also in Spanish). For more information, call 775-982-5073. Medical Weight Management This program includes a one-on-one appointment with a board-certified bariatric doctor. You will receive a comprehensive evaluation and customized treatment plan to meet your needs and medically manage your overweight or metabolic challenges. Treatment options in this program may include nutrition changes, meal replacements, medication, exercises and also behavioral therapy. Here are a few qualifications for the program: A BMI of 25 or higher and health risk such as Type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, cardiovascular disease, stroke, gout, osteoarthritis, infertility or polycystic ovarian syndrome A BMI of 30 and higher A metabolic problem such as diabetes, fatty liver and is not responding to regular medical care. Those with a metabolic problem may be considered normal weight, however may need to lose fat mass or reduce their waist size to get healthier. An increased risk of heart disease, stroke or Type 2 diabetes, regardless of weight that is not responding to regular medical care. For more information, call 775-982-5073. Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery We understand that the desire to have bariatric surgery is a choice you are making for your long-term health. Our team provides education on the necessary steps before, during and after surgery to ensure you are successful in controlling your obesity. You may qualify for this program if you have: A BMI of 40 or more, or: A BMI of 35 to 39.9 with significant health problems such as hypertension, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, diabetes or diagnosed arthritis To learn more, visit our Bariatric Surgery. You may also attend one of our monthly Weight Loss Surgery Seminars to learn if you are a candidate. Dietary Consultation at Renown Medical Group Many people aren’t aware that you can schedule short, frequent visits with a registered dietitian at Renown Medical Group locations in Reno or Sparks. Telehealth is also available at the Renown Medical Group – Fernley. Qualifications include: A BMI of 30 or greater You have a primary care provider with Renown Medical Group Medicare or Senior Care Plus member Since this program is only offered through Renown Medical Group, you must be an established patient. To establish with a primary care provider, call 775-982-5000. Talk to your primary care provider to see if you qualify for one of Renown’s weight management programs. Going through the referral process is the best way to ensure you are taking full advantage of your health benefits.

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    • Primary Care
    • Diversity
    • Public Health

    Supporting LGBTQ+ Community Health – Why it Matters

    Renown Health has long supported northern Nevada’s LGBTQ+ community Pride events with sponsorship, and we’ve collaborated with local and regional LGBTQ+ organizations as an ally. Renown’s Pride Committee works to deepen and broaden our external and internal efforts around LGBTQ+ community engagement, advocacy, and healthcare issues related to sexual and gender minorities, which is part of the greater Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts Renown is undertaking. According to Harvard Chan School, data shows that nearly a sixth of LGBTQ+ adults feel they were discriminated against based on their sexual orientation and gender identity. As a result, this brings to light the important need for education within the healthcare setting. Renown Health is bridging the gap for our LGBTQ+ population, and we know more work needs to take place in order to become an inclusive organization. Below are a few ways we’re working on improving our response to LGBTQ+ needs, and celebrate, respect and honor our diversity by being inclusive. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion subcommittee was formed to heighten the awareness and develop a plan on how to better serve all of our diverse populations, including our LGBTQ+ patients. As the largest healthcare provider in northern Nevada, we knew that we could do a better job. The subcommittee provides us a forum to discuss ideas and develop plans to provide better care to these populations. Updated Medical Records with Preferred Name and Pronouns Of course healthcare is personal. We meet patients at their most vulnerable states. And relating to every person by the correct pronoun shows we respect their gender identity. A new medical records update supports our doctors, nurses and care team in capturing this vital information. We are now able to capture every person’s preferred name, sex and sexual orientation to better care for them. Kathleen Zaski BSN, RN, Manager of Clinical Informatics and IT Applications at Renown explains why this is so important. “Your name and identity are core to who you are as a person, and here at Renown, we aim to take care of you as a whole person and to provide the highest level of quality care to our community – all while ensuring the experience is exceptional and tailored to the individual. In other words, having the patient’s preferred name and pronoun in the medical record is important to validate their identity, and show we care, in an already high stress environment. Specifically, giving our providers easy access to the patients preferred name and pronoun in the medical record, allows them to properly address their health concerns. This also helps the health care provider foster a closer relationship with the patient. Studies have found this actually increases the quality of care by creating a more open and comfortable environment.” Gender Neutral Restrooms Mitch Harper, Senior Program Development Manager at Renown, recognizes there’s still so much more to improve upon in becoming an inclusive organization. “At the end of the day, it’s about creating a safe and welcoming environment for our community and our employees. Access to basic human services shouldn’t be contingent on an individual’s skin color, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, or beliefs. Ensuring that private restrooms are equally available to everyone on our campus is just one way we can provide a more inclusive, caring space for the people we serve.” Updated restroom locations: Roseview Tower: 10 Sierra Tower: 14 Tahoe Tower: 14 Helping to Lead and Influence Change Sean Savoy, Manager of Spiritual Care at Renown "The foundation of spiritual care is compassion – being with people in need by caring, supporting, and showing empathy, and promoting a sense of well-being. Being a member of the LGBTQ+ community informs that deep sense of compassion and empathy in a very special and unique way. Our human value, social validity, the very reality of who and what we are, even our right to exist, love and just be, are often called into question. This, in turn, can cause many of us to question ourselves and wonder about our self-worth. This experience should engender compassion and empathy so that we can better recognize, listen to and meet others’ needs to help them achieve inner peace, explore coping strategies to overcome obstacles during illness or crisis, and even find new balance by re-conceptualizing themselves in the context of health and illness. I have found that the intersectionality of my gay and spiritual selves has been a blessing in my life." Matthew Maloy, Team Lead Applications Specialist at Renown “I am a Team Lead Epic analyst in the IT department that is responsible for clinical based workflows for ED, Trauma, and Critical Care and have worked at Renown for 15 years. Being a part of the LGBTQ+ community influences my daily work by ensuring the Electronic Health Record reflects best practices such as giving clinicians the ability to document a preferred name, and displaying that throughout the medical record for consistency. Having the ability to influence decisions that move our community toward human value for all of us is a priority in my daily work.” Our Mission Renown Health’s mission is to make a genuine difference in the health and well-being of the people and communities we serve, including the LGBTQ+ community. We continue to build relationships to improve care, fostering better health outcomes for ALL of our patients by creating a more inclusive health system.

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