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    • Breastfeeding
    • Baby Health
    • Lactation

    How to Safely Store Breast Milk

    Breast milk. It's often referred to as liquid gold. And fortunately, it can be safely refrigerated or frozen for later use, which can allow you to be a bit more flexible in your new routine with baby. Whether you're getting ready to return to work, planning for the chance date night out or just exclusively pumping, it's crucial to understand the guidelines for proper breast milk storage. Storing Breast Milk Use clean bottles with screw caps, hard plastic cups that have tight caps or nursing bags (pre-sterilized bags meant for breast milk). Be sure to label each container with the date the milk was pumped and your baby's name if the milk is going to childcare providers. You can add fresh, cooled milk to milk that is already frozen, but add no more than is already in the container. For example, if you have two ounces of frozen milk, then you can add up to two more ounces of cooled milk. For healthy full-term infants, milk can be stored as follows: Room temperature - six to eight hours (no warmer than 77°F, or 25°C). Refrigerator - up to five days at 32°-39°F (0°-3.9°C). Freezer– Varies depending on freezer type. Up to two weeks in a freezer compartment located within the refrigerator. Three to six months in a freezer that is self-contained (standard kitchen fridge/freezer combination) and kept at 0°F (-18°C). Breast milk should be stored in the back of the freezer and not in the door. Six to 12 months in a deep freezer that is kept at -4°F (-20°C). Be sure to leave about an inch of space at the top of the container or bottle to allow for expansion of the milk when it freezes. Thawing Breast Milk Place frozen breast milk in the refrigerator to thaw (about 24 hours) then warm by running warm water over the bag or bottle of milk and use it within the next 24 hours. If you need it immediately, remove it from the freezer and run warm water over it until it's at room temperature. Never microwave breast milk and do not refreeze it. Once your baby has started to drink from the bottle, you should use it within one hour. You may find that different resources provide different recommendations about the amount of time you can store breast milk at room temperature, in the refrigerator and in the freezer. Talk to your doctor or lactation consultant if you have any concerns or questions.

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    • Vaccinations
    • COVID-19
    • Kid's Health

    How to Ease Your Child's Fear of Vaccines

    Getting a shot can be scary for kids and anxiety-inducing for parents and caregivers. With flu shot season well underway and children's COVID-19 vaccine clinics in full swing, we wanted to share ways to reduce the stress for you and your child. Plan Ahead and Be Honest A few days before the scheduled appointment, casually mention to your child that you’re both going to the doctor’s office (or vaccine clinic, or pharmacy) soon for their vaccine. Explain to them that this will help protect them and will only take a second. Being honest is important, telling your child that it will hurt for a moment. If possible, try and schedule the vaccine at a kid-specific vaccine clinic, your pediatrician's office or a school-based site. Remember that words are powerful. Take notice if you are using a word that might make them more upset, such as prick, jab, needle or shot. You can interchange words such as vaccine, immunization or injection. Bring Toys Don’t be afraid to let your child bring one of their favorite toys or stuffed animals to the appointment. This can make them feel more comfortable and provide distraction. Ask for Pain Reliever/Numbing Agent If you know from past experience (or suspect) that your child has a needle phobia, talk to the vaccination location ahead of time and ask if they can use a pain reliever or numbing agent before administering the vaccine. Distract. Distract. Distract. Sing a song, tell them a joke, make a funny face. If you can pull your child’s attention away from the needle and make them laugh, they won’t focus all their energy on worrying about the shot. Lead By Example If you haven't gotten your flu shot, COVID shot or COVID-19 booster yet, ask the facility ahead of time if you can also get a shot before your child. Show them that the shot is no big deal and that they will have no problem getting it themselves. Celebrate Don’t be afraid to celebrate this victory with your child once it is over – bring them to the park, go out for an ice cream cone, let them pick what’s for dinner. This reward will show that you’re proud of them for being brave and may also make the next time your child is due for a shot easier.

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    • Clinical Trial
    • Research and Studies

    What Does It Mean to Participate in a Clinical Trial?

    Participating in a clinical trial is voluntary and a personal choice. Clinical trials are research studies that involve people and are an important part of patient care. What is a clinical trial?  Clinical trials are research studies that involve people, and they are an important part of patient care. There are several different types of clinical trials; some are designed to understand trends in a disease or identify better ways to diagnose a condition, while others determine if a new treatment is safe and works when treating, improving or preventing a health condition. There are over 400,000 clinical trials currently being conducted in the United States, and even more across the world. This includes health conditions such as heart failure, cancer, Parkinson’s Disease, respiratory conditions like COPD, common infections, cystic fibrosis, and many more. Clinical trials lead the healthcare industry to new discoveries that contribute to reliable and exact care, improving healthcare quality and saving lives. Clinical trials are conducted by a team of researchers, including doctors, pharmacists and clinical research coordinators. These research teams are highly skilled in their specialty areas, often providing traditional patient care and seeing research patients in the same day. These teams are responsible for making sure the clinical trial is completed correctly, and their patients are their top priority. Why should I consider participating in a clinical trial? Participating in a clinical trial is voluntary and a personal choice. There are many reasons why patients decide to get involved in clinical research. While many clinical trials are designed for patients who have a certain health condition, many studies also ask healthy volunteers to contribute in order to compare health outcomes. Clinical trials are also for patients at all different stages of their diagnosis. Depending on the specific study, the patient may receive access to a new cutting-edge treatment before it is widely available. When patients join a clinical trial, the research team becomes a health partner dedicated to their health and well-being. When patients join a clinical trial, they make an informed decision in their healthcare by weighing all available options in addition to routine treatments. Research participants know that they are contributing meaningfully and helping other patients like them. Where can I find more information about clinical trials at Renown Health? Renown Health’s mission is to make a genuine difference in the health and well-being of the communities we serve. Renown’s clinical trial portfolio offers leading care options to patients in northern Nevada, close to home, in a variety of specialties. Contact the Renown Clinical Research Office for more information on clinical trials available to you!

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    • Heart Care

    What is Heart Valve Disease?

    Most people know the symptoms of a heart attack, but what about heart valve disease? We asked Renown Structural Heart Program Director, Dr. Abhilash Akinapelli, to explain more about common heart valve issues and how to treat them. What is heart valve disease? Heart valve disease happens when one or more of the heart’s valves doesn’t open and close correctly, which affects the flow of blood through the body. If left unmanaged, heart valve disease can lead to other complications such as stroke, blood clots or heart failure. There are a few types of heart valve disease, including: Valvular stenosis, where the valve opening is narrowed by the valve flaps becoming thick or stiff. Valvular insufficiency or regurgitation, where the valve flaps don’t close correctly, which can cause blood to leak and go the wrong direction back into your heart.  What are some of the signs and symptoms that someone may have issues with their heart valves? Some people with heart valve disease might not feel any different or experience symptoms for quite some time, but if you notice any of the following symptoms, you should call your care provider: Fatigue  Shortness of breath, especially when you've been active or when you lie down Swelling of the ankles or feet  Dizziness Chest pain Irregular heartbeat If your care provider listens to your heart and notices an abnormal sound or heart murmur, he or she may recommend a visit to a cardiologist who can further test for heart valve disease.   Are heart valve issues preventable? There are several risk factors that can increase the chance of heart valve disease. Among them: high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. These can all be prevented by living a healthy lifestyle through a heart-healthy diet, getting regular physical activity and avoiding tobacco use. A history of certain infections or a history of certain forms of heart disease or heart attack are also considered risk factors, as well as things out of our control, such as age and heart conditions present at birth.   So if you or a loved one receives a diagnosis of heart valve problems, what treatment options are available? The Renown Institute for Heart and Vascular Health has many treatment options our heart care team can recommend. In some cases, your doctor may just want to closely watch the heart valve problem for a period. However, other options include medicine, or surgery to repair or replace the valve. Renown specializes in Transcatheter (minimally invasive) heart valve repair or replacement, including Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) and Transcatheter mitral valve repair (TMVR).

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    • Fitness
    • Prevention and Wellness

    5 Tips to Protect Your Knees from Pain and Injury

    Knee pain and injury can restrict movement and make it difficult to be active, but studies show that the right type of exercise can help prevent these issues. It’s no wonder our knees are highly prone to injury. They house a complex network of muscles, ligaments and joints, and are crucial to our agility and daily movements. If you are experiencing knee pain, it’s important to not ignore this message from your body. While it’s fairly common to have occasional aches, if the pain limits your ability to perform normal daily activities like climbing stairs or walking with ease, have a medical professional check it out. “The take-home message here is to listen to your body,” says Amanda Henriques, PT, DPT at Renown Physical Therapy. “We are all built differently and respond to exercise in different and unique ways. Running may feel great for one person, but always lead to injury for another.” At any age, it's important to protect and strengthen your knees to help prevent pain and injury. Here are five tips from our experts: 1. Strengthen your muscles Choose exercises that focuses on the muscles around your kneecaps, hips and pelvis and places extra emphasis on your core. These muscles will absorb some of the stress places on your knees, helping them stay balanced and stable. 2. Maintain a healthy weight Each pound of body weight produces five pounds of force on the knee. If you need to shed weight, start with low-impact activities to avoid increased stress to your joints. 3. Pick the right exercise Opt for exercise that put less stress on your knees, such as cycling, walking or swimming. Choose flat surfaces when walking for exercise and avoid activities that put extra stress on your knees, such as deep knee bends or downhill running. 4. Warm up before working out Don’t overdo the workouts in length or intensity, and stretch after exercise to help prevent injury. 5. Avoid high heels Wear shoes with good arch support specific to your choice of exercise that provide a stable base for your feet and legs. Replace running shoes every 300 to 500 miles. Other athletic shoes should be replaced after 500 miles of wear. These tips can help keep your knees strong and prevent injury. But if you experience an accident or trauma, seek medical attention and follow up with any rehabilitation recommendations you receive. Depending on the injury, your doctor may recommend physical therapy, where you will be guided through individualized exercises to strengthen and heal. “If you listen to your body and take the appropriate preventative measures, you can find the right type of exercise to keep you happy, healthy and fit for life,”

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    • Pediatric Care
    • Baby Health

    Baby's Ears and Altitude Changes

    One of the best things about living in the Reno area is the beautiful mountain range that surrounds our city. Many families take advantage of the activities the mountains have to offer or travel over them to visit friends and family in neighboring areas. However, for parents of infants there is often angst over your baby’s ears and altitude changes and the associated potential for ear pain and/or “popping.” Fortunately, there are things you can do to protect your infant’s ears the next time you drive over the mountain or hop on a plane with your little one. Baby’s Ears and Altitude Changes: What Causes Them to “Pop” The simple answer is pressure. The problem originates in the middle ear where there is an air pocket that is vulnerable to changes in pressure. The Eustachian tube, which runs behind the nose to the middle ear, is constantly absorbing and resupplying air to this pocket to keep it balanced. When the pressure is not balanced, your ears feel “clogged” or like they need to “pop.” In some cases this sensation can cause significant ear pain and even temporary hearing loss. Rapid changes in elevation or altitude, like driving over a mountain, or ascending or descending on an airplane, can cause rapid changes in pressure. In order to avoid problems, the Eustachian tube needs to open widely and frequently to equalize those pressure changes. The problem often intensifies during descents as you go from an area of lower atmospheric pressure to an area of higher atmospheric pressure. This is why you hear babies screaming on planes during descent or why your infant is wailing in the car seat as you head down the mountain. What can you do to make it a more comfortable trip for your child? First, be prepared. Babies cannot intentionally “pop” their ears like adults can, but we can help them by encouraging them to swallow. Offer your baby a pacifier or bottle while making ascents and descents. If possible, it may be helpful to have an adult ride in the back seat with baby if you’re in the car to ensure this can happen. Don’t let your baby sleep during descent on a plane. Help your little traveler out by offering him or her a pacifier during this process, as descent is the most likely time for pain associated with altitude changes. If your baby is congested prior to travel involving altitude changes, seek the advice of your pediatrician since they may have other solutions, including medications such as decongestants. If you return from a trip and notice your infant is still fussy and uncomfortable, contact your child’s doctor for a thorough ear evaluation. Safe travels!

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  • Renown Institute for Heart & Vascular Health - Fallon
    Renown Institute for Heart & Vascular Health - Fallon
    801 E Williams Ave
    Fallon, NV 89406
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    • Heart Care
    • Patient Story
    • Annual Report

    Heart Attack Survivor Fights the Good Fight

    Something wasn’t right. Even though it was the holiday season, on December 23, 2018, Mondo Corona didn’t feel good…not to mention his sudden earache. Although Christmas was a happy celebration with his family. He still felt tired. Was it the flu? And that darn earache wouldn’t go away. On that cool winter day, Mondo could not imagine he was near death. Or that he would become a heart attack survivor. Know Your Heart A few days later, on December 27, he wasn’t feeling any better. He decided to go to the emergency room at Renown Regional Medical Center. That’s when a simple blood test revealed shocking results. “I thought about death a lot. I was calling people to ask them to help take care of my family if I wasn’t going to be here anymore,” he emotionally confesses. Although Mondo loves his job as a railroad engineer, it involves on-call shifts and an erratic sleep schedule. At that time his exercise and eating habits weren’t the best either. Yet he never imagined he would have a massive, often lethal, type of heart attack called ‘the widowmaker.’ In fact, his family had been concerned about his health for awhile. “He worked so much and he didn’t take care of himself and he didn’t exercise – he was burning the candle at both ends,” shares his wife, Alison. His daughter Justice, an avid exerciser, was always encouraging him to join her at the gym, but could never quite convince him. Mondo remembers the time before he became a heart attack survivor. “I didn’t have any exercise whatsoever in my life. At that point my eating habits were just terrible,” he shares. He went to the emergency room due to his earache, but nothing was found until one of the doctors ordered some tests. Specifically blood work showed high troponin levels. Troponin is a blood protein often released in large amounts when the heart muscle has damage, sometimes by a heart attack. Heart Attack Survivor “My surgeon came in and told us that it was going to be a triple bypass – that three of the four…major arteries were clogged 100 percent,” Mondo explains. Amazingly his heart was pumping on only 10 percent blood flow. Heart surgeon, Joseph Brandl, MD, told him he survived a widowmaker heart attack. This type of heart attack happens when there is a 100 percent blockage in the critical left anterior descending artery (LAD) of the heart. Frequently the symptoms can often be mistaken for the flu. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), every 40 seconds a person in the U.S. has a heart attack. And 1 in 5 heart attacks are “silent” – meaning you can be a heart attack survivor, but not know it. For Mondo’s children, seeing their strong father struggle after heart surgery was difficult. Justice tearfully shares, “It was really hard seeing him so vulnerable. He really needed anybody’s and everybody’s help at that point.” A Heart Attack Survivor Program After leaving the hospital on January 5, 2019, he was extremely weak. On February 12, Mondo began Renown Health’s Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation (ICR) Program called the Healthy Heart Program. This program, requiring a doctor referral, includes 12 weeks of supervised exercise along with nutrition education and stress management skills. In spite of heart disease being the leading cause of death in the U.S. – more than all cancers combined, the risk can be lessened with daily lifestyle habits. Mondo credits the ICR program with motivating him and getting his focus back on his health. He saw the team members setting an example and also caring about his health. He describes one of his favorite recipes, “In ICR Sara showed us how to make this incredible fruit salad, with jicama, watermelon, grapes, oranges, red onion, and ginger!” Of course, the recovery process was not overnight. “It did take a long time to really realize that he was going to be back to normal, that he was going to be okay and that he was going to be that strong provider for me and my children,” Alison reflects. “Mondo’s had an amazing outcome and he’s not limited in his activities at all and should hopefully have a life that’s not limited at all from heart disease as we’re monitoring everything and everything’s looking good,” reports his heart doctor Jayson Morgan, MD. Mondo describes his care experience being a heart attack survivor as life-changing. “The care teams at both Renown and ICR were incredible. There wasn’t a single person we came across who didn’t immediately become a part of the family. They truly cared for us, all of us, including the extended family that came to visit. They were informative and supportive. I felt like I created lasting bonds with so many of them, especially the gang in ICR. What amazing people.” Lynice Anderson, Director of Intensive Cardiac Rehab, Healthy Heart Program, shares,” Mondo is one of the most genuine, thoughtful and humble people I have ever met. His love for his family is palpable. His impact on me personally and our team is forever.” She acknowledges family support is key to his success, “Mondo’s family is his rock and they are his. I have never met a family that was so ‘all in’ in the support of their loved one. His new heart healthy lifestyle is modeled through his family every day.” Fighting The Good Fight Of course, Mondo may look familiar to you. That’s because he is featured in Renown Health’s “Fight The Good Fight” brand campaign. For this reason, you may have seen him in advertising working out on a treadmill, shirtless, with his open heart surgery scar in full view. When asked how he feels about showing his scar he confidently says, “I don’t mind showing it to people. I don’t. I earned that scar.” He is a proud heart attack survivor. Today, he’s grateful to be alive and takes his health commitment seriously. “Things have a different feel now. The skies and lakes are bluer and the trees greener. My family is so much more a part of my day. We go on so many more outdoor adventures, trying to incorporate a little exercise into our fun. We watch what we eat more and are trying to teach our children and loved ones about healthy choices. And I think with a few we’ve even been successful!” he observes. “Don’t take life for granted.” “Unconditional love. I get nothing but support from my family without them I wouldn’t be where I’m at. What happened to me definitely makes me a fighter for sure. I’m fighting for my life – the good fight – I think life is good,” he adds.

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    • Senior Care
    • Health Insurance and Coverage

    5 Benefits of Medicare Advantage Plans

    If you are approaching age 65, you may be starting to think about the government benefits you will soon qualify for. For example, your healthcare option to elect between Original Medicare or a Medicare Advantage plan. What’s the difference? Original Medicare comes in two parts: Part A and Part B. Part A covers a portion of hospitalization expenses, and Part B applies to doctor visits and medical expenses, such as lab tests and some preventative screenings. A Medicare Advantage plan, also known as Part C, is an “all-in-one” alternative to Original Medicare. These “bundled” plans include the benefits of Part A, Part B and Part D (prescription drugs). Some people choose a Medicare Advantage Plans over Original Medicare because these plans offer coverage like vision, hearing, dental and more. Saves You Money First and foremost, Medicare Advantage Plans save Medicare members money –and not just a little bit of money, but a lot of money. Original Medicare only pays 80% of the cost of medical care – the Medicare beneficiary is responsible for the other 20%. A Medicare Advantage Plan is different. The Medicare Beneficiary is only responsible for a small copay, typically less than 20% of a doctor visit or procedure. More importantly, Medicare Advantage Plans have a maximum out-of-pocket amount, meaning that once you reach the limit, the Plan pays 100% of all medical services. That alone can save thousands of dollars per year – particularly if there is a hospitalization involved. Dental, Vision and Hearing Coverage What sets Medicare Advantage plans apart is the additional benefits provided that Original Medicare doesn’t cover. These benefits include dental coverage, vision coverage, hearing exams and hearing aid coverage. None of these important health care benefits are included in Original Medicare. Also, most Medicare Advantage Plans include prescription drug coverage at no additional cost, while individuals with Original Medicare need to sign-up and pay extra for Part D prescription drug coverage. Medicare Advantage Plans offer more benefits than Original Medicare and they help members save on their health care costs. Focus on Accessibility, Wellness and Preventative Health Accessible healthcare coverage is key to staying on top of your health. To join a Medicare Advantage Plan you must have Part A and Part B coverage and live in the plan’s service area. It is important to remember that Original Medicare is only valid in the United States. Fortunately, many Medicare Advantage Plans offer worldwide emergency coverage. Another important healthcare consideration to keep in mind is Medicare Advantage Plans focus on your overall well-being. They offer preventative and wellness-related benefits at no cost to you. This includes important benefits like free over-the-counter medicines and free gym memberships. You won’t find those types of benefits with Original Medicare. Medicare Supplement Plans (Medigap) Some people confuse a Medicare Supplement Plan, also known as a Medigap Plan, with Medicare Advantage Plans. They are different and the biggest difference is Medicare Supplement plans come with ever-increasing premiums because they are based on your age. This means the cost of these plans increase every year. Plus, they don’t offer any supplemental benefit coverage like vision, dental or hearing. That’s not the case with a Medicare Advantage Plan. In many cases, there is no monthly premium and you receive all manner of supplemental benefits. These benefit-rich, zero-dollar premium Medicare Advantage plans are enticing people to say goodbye to pricy Medicare supplement plans and hello to Medicare Advantage Plans. Don’t worry, if you join a Medicare Advantage Plan for the first time and you aren’t happy with the plan, you’ll have special rights under federal law to buy a Medigap policy and a Medicare drug plan if you return to Original Medicare within 12 months of joining the Medicare Advantage Plan. The Flexibility to Change Your Mind A common misconception about Medicare Advantage Plans is that when you join, you are still on Medicare and are not giving up your Medicare coverage. Medicare Advantage Plans are considered “Medicare Part C.” This means they combine your Medicare Part A (hospital coverage), Part B (doctor’s coverage) and Part D (prescription drug coverage) into one convenient package that costs less and provides more. You can only join, switch or drop a Medicare Advantage Plan during the enrollment periods: Initial Enrollment Period: When you first become eligible for Medicare, you can sign up during your Initial Enrollment Period. For many, this is the seven-month period that begins three months before the month you turn 65, includes the month you turn 65, and ends three months after the month you turn 65. General Enrollment Period: If you have Part A coverage and you get Part B for the first time during this period (between January 1 - March 31 each year), you can also join a Medicare Advantage Plan. Your coverage may not start until July 1. Annual Election Period: Between October 15 and December 7, anyone with Medicare can join, switch or drop a Medicare Advantage Plan. Your coverage will begin on January 1 (as long as the plan receives your request by December 7). Medicare Advantage Plans have been around for more than 25 years and continue to grow in popularity. In some parts of the country, more than half of all Medicare beneficiaries are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan. Only 40% are enrolled here in Nevada, but that number is growing every year.

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    • Professionals

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    • Cancer Care
    • Primary Care
    • HealthyNV Project

    Early Detection is Key to Surviving Colorectal Cancer

    Colorectal cancer is the number two cancer killer in Nevada, only second to lung cancer, yet it is also one of the most preventable. Still, in 2020, 20.7% of Nevadans said they had never been screened for this deadly disease, according to the Nevada Cancer Coalition. At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, unfortunately many healthcare services were halted, including colorectal cancer screenings. Those delays in screenings can lead to delays in diagnoses of colorectal cancer, resulting in poorer outcomes. Per the American Cancer Society, if colorectal cancer can be found early the relative 5-year survival rate is approximately 90%. Screening is key, and it is important to engage in preventative care. Even if you have no personal or family history of colorectal cancer, ask your doctor about colorectal risk factors and when to start screening, and if you’re up to date on your screenings, talk to loved ones and make sure they are too. According to the American Cancer Society, most colorectal cancer cases are found in those without a family history. This month let us help raise awareness for colorectal cancer and the importance of routine, life-saving screenings. To learn more, we spoke to Renown Health oncology nurse Christina Alsop, APRN. What is Colorectal Cancer Colorectal cancer is a disease in which the cells in the colon or rectum grow out of control. It usually forms from precancerous polyps, or abnormal growths, in the colon or rectum, which can become malignant without presenting any symptoms. How do Screenings Work Screening tests like stool tests, colonoscopies and others can detect these precancerous polyps, so they can be removed by a physician before turning into cancer. Screening tests can also find colorectal cancer early, resulting in better treatment outcomes. As of 2021, the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force recommends adults begin colorectal cancer screenings beginning at age 45, through 75. Screening methods include a blood stool test, which needs to take place every year or a colonoscopy, which takes place every 5-10 years. Healthy Habits Can Help Stave Off Risk Routine screenings are the only way to determine colorectal health, yet some healthy habits may reduce your risk for colorectal cancer. These factors include maintaining a healthy weight, being physically active, eating a diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains, limiting alcohol intake and not smoking.

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    • Heart Care
    • Women's Health

    5 Things to Know About Women’s Heart Disease

    Heart disease is more common in women than many people think. In fact, it is the leading cause of death in the United States, ahead of cancer and stroke. However, the common signs and symptoms we often associate with men and heart disease don’t always align with women.   Thankfully, Renown Health is home to the first women’s heart center in Nevada. The Helaine Greenberg Women’s Heart Center gives women in our community the opportunity to receive exemplary care and education.   “At the Women’s Heart Center, we are proud to offer the women of our community the treatments, therapies and education they need to fight this silent killer,” Dr. Danish Atwal.  1. The warning signs for heart disease present differently in women than they do in men.   Both men and women may experience chest pain during a heart attack, but the similarity of symptoms ends there. Heart disease is especially problematic for women because more than half of women who die of heart disease have no symptoms at all. Women tend to have subtler symptoms that mimic symptoms associated with common, mild illnesses:  Fatigue or weakness Pain, pressure or tightness in the center of the chest Pain that spreads to the upper body, neck or jaw  Sweating, nausea or vomiting   Sudden dizziness   Shortness of breath  Trouble sleeping   2. Women are often not treated with the same medications as men, even when they should be.  Women are less likely to receive heart medication because their disease is often misdiagnosed or because they do not seek proper care. According to a study done by Harvard Health Publishing in 2020, “A general lack of awareness of women’s heart disease may lead to doctors or patients missing heart attacks in women or delaying their diagnosis. For example, while the frequency of cardiovascular disease tends to be lower in women before menopause than in men, the frequency dramatically increases after menopause, when it accounts for approximately one out of every three deaths in women.  3. Women who have hypertension, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes or gestational diabetes during pregnancy are at a higher risk of a heart attack in the future.  Women who experienced complications related to developing high blood pressure or hypertension during pregnancy had a 63% increased risk for developing cardiovascular disease later in life, as stated by research funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.  According to that same study, researchers found that early screenings and monitoring in four target areas  – blood pressure, cholesterol levels, glucose levels and body mass index – could provide even more personalized targets to help delay or possibly prevent future cardiovascular events among women.

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