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  • Bariatric Surgery

    Weight Loss Surgery Bariatric surgery, or weight loss surgery, is an important decision to make. We understand the desire to have this surgery is a choice you are making for your long-term health. Our team provides the following bariatric surgeries: Gastric Sleeve: A sleeve gastrectomy is a restrictive procedure that decreases the stomach's size, limiting the amount of food consumed. A vertical sleeve of the stomach is created using a stapling device and the rest of the stomach is removed. As a result, patients feel full sooner and stay full longer. This procedure is typically done laparoscopically and allows for normal digestion and absorption of food. Gastric Bypass: Gastric bypass dramatically reduces the amount of food that can be eaten at one time by stapling the stomach to create a tiny stomach pouch. The remaining stomach and section of the small intestine are bypassed, which delays food from digestion and stops a portion of calories from being absorbed. In most cases, patients report an early sense of fullness and satisfaction that reduces the desire to eat. Gastric Revision Surgery: Patients who had previous bariatric surgery may experience weight gain or gastrointestinal conditions and may need to revise their original operation. Revision surgery can be complicated, so it is essential to consult your surgeon to determine if revision surgery is appropriate.

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  • Renown Children's Hospital Donation

    Today is a another great day to feel good about yourself. Your generous support affords much-needed items to help our littlest patients cope with the potential stressors associated with hospitalization and illness. Thank you in advance – we genuinely appreciate the generosity of our community.   Wish List All toys must be new Paints and glues must be non-toxic We cannot accept play guns, water toys, latex balloons, scary action figures, candy, gum, or other food Due to privacy and infection control, we cannot accept personal delivery of gifts and donations directly to patients. We receive the majority of contributions during the holiday season, so if possible, please plan your gifts outside this period as we care for patients year-round. View Donation Wish List   If you wish to donate, please fill out this form and the Child Life team will reach out to coordinate your donation.

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  • Heart Nurse Navigators

    Helping You Navigate Heart Care Renown is home to the area's only heart nurse navigators - experienced, registered nurses who work with the care team to meet each patient's needs during and after a hospital stay. Heart nurse navigators provide: A calming presence Care team access Diagnostic testing Appointment scheduling Psychological evaluations Diagnosis and treatment education Wellness program information

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