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    • Women's Health
    • Pregnancy and Childbirth

    Why Didn't You Tell Me? 10 Pregnancy Surprises, Revealed

    We asked, you answered: Moms and dads who have been there, done that offer up 10 pregnancy surprises. These are the things they wish they knew before, during and after their pregnancy. Check out these real examples of insights that would have proved helpful and enlightening to these parents and parents-to-be. When you’re pregnant or considering becoming pregnant, it seems the unsolicited advice runs rampant. You’ll hear people tell you what kind of Boppy Pillow to buy. You’ll have people tell you that you should “definitely” have a natural birth or a pool birth or a doula or a therapy dog present. And you’ll definitely hear about what kinds of foods to induce labor, what kind of tea to drink to reduce nausea during your pregnancy and what kind of underwear for less “chafing.” But something you might not hear as often: Some of the symptoms and side effects, both before and after giving birth, that were totally unexpected. These are the ultimate pregnancy surprises. So we asked the question of moms and dads who have been there, done that: What do you wish you had known would happen during your pregnancy — you know, during the time you were supposed to be all sweet and beautiful and glowing? Here is Part 1, featuring 10 real-life, crowdsourced pregnancy surprises from parents. And yes, there are multiple parts to this post, because people are passionate about sharing their wisdom! We’ll publish the second part later this month. Pregnancy surprises: What do you wish you had known about pregnancy? “The only symptom I never heard anyone talk about is extra blood flow making me feel all sorts of weird feelings in my head. I feel like I’m in a dream half the time. I looked it up online when it started happening, and tons of women have the same symptom.” — Anna K. “For me it was an after-birth surprise. I had no clue your tummy doesn’t just spring back to where it was pre-pregnancy. It was a rude awakening in the hospital when I had to have my husband go home and get a pair of maternity sweatpants to get dressed to go home in. I’d hoped to dress in my old cute jeans…. nope!” — Suzanne M. “I didn’t know that while you’re pregnant, friends and strangers would tell you their nightmare delivery stories. Oh — and that complete strangers will, uninvited, touch your baby bump. I didn’t know that you’re in the safety zone while pregnant and that men and women openly adore you. I didn’t know that besides the mother, the nurses do most of the work. I didn’t know that even though they’ve obviously seen hundreds of deliveries, nurses and doctors cry too once your baby is out. I didn’t know even though I thought they must be crazy to send a tiny human home with me, that you instinctively know how to parent. I didn’t know what it meant to love something more than myself and how that changes everything.” — Cathy B. “I had no idea the weird things that it does to hair. My bangs stuck straight out for months, and I just had to go with it. There wasn’t enough product that would make them lie down.” — Heidi P. “That you may not go home with your child if there are any complications. That was a sad day. But 22 years later, we are blessed, because everything turned out fine.” — Kristine F. “I didn’t know people would opine out loud to you, that you must not have purposely gotten pregnant with Baby #2 or 3, etc., implying you failed basic high school biology and that you should have known better than to have more than one kid.” — Jessica L. “I didn’t know that near the pregnancy’s end, as the hips widen, that those bones could begin to separate. I was sore and achy. And I wish I’d slowed down and rested more in the last few weeks.” — April C. “I had heard about food cravings, but no one told me food aversions were also a thing. I bought a whole load of groceries for the week, and by the time I got home, I suddenly couldn’t even look at the ground turkey (that’s not an exaggeration), let alone cook it and eat it. I didn’t throw up necessarily, but my body told me to avoid most meats and vegetables. I pretty much lived on plain bagels and cereal for half my pregnancy.” — Danielle S. “Morning sickness is SO not just in the morning! All-the-time sickness is what I experienced. And why didn’t anyone warn me about butthole pain during and after birth?” — Stephanie C. “The juiciness. Every possible secretion was in hyper drive.” — Jane F. Giving Birth at Renown At Renown Regional Medical Center we have the skill, expertise and technology — along with a friendly environment — to make your experience a memorable one. Pre-register for childbirth, take virtual tours of our rooms and facilities, and learn more about our labor and delivery offerings at the link below. Explore Our Services

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    • Kid's Health
    • Pediatric Oncology
    • Employees
    • Cancer Care
    • Pediatric Care

    Department Spotlight: Children’s Infusion Services

    Help us celebrate the holiday season by sharing joy with our Children’s Infusion Services team!  Thinking about blood can make any of us squeamish, and seeing it can be even more intimidating to the children in our lives. Being treated for a condition that requires blood transfusions or chemotherapy infusions is no easy feat, especially during the holiday season. This time of year, we are proud that we can offer our pediatric patients the power of proximity and excellence by having access to high level care close to home.  The Children’s Infusion Services (CIS) department at Renown Children’s Hospital is committed to bringing the gift of quality care to our community’s youngest patients. Whether they are caring for a child with a blood disorder or giving expert infusion care for a child battling cancer, no team does what they do better than these expert nurses, medical assistants, intake coordinators and physicians.  ‘Tis the Season to Bring Hope As the only pediatric oncology and hematology program in the region, the CIS department has a lot of responsibility on their shoulders. From inpatient chemotherapy to outpatient infusion services, this team treats a long list of pediatric blood conditions including:  Pediatric cancers Anemias Immune-mediated blood disorders Sickle-cell disease Bone marrow failure syndromes Bleeding disorders  “Our team provides a large variety of services from labs draws, sedations for procedures, infusions for diagnoses such as Crohn's disease, blood transfusions, as well as chemotherapy,” said Jen Torres, RN.  “Our team works extremely well together. We try to go above and beyond for our patients every day. It may be something as simple as a hug to comfort a parent or a special birthday gift for a patient.”  “My job allows me to work with several departments and providers when coordinating care for our littlest of patients,” added Jane Strawn, Intake Coordinator. “I assure proper authorizations are in place for the care that is needed, I communicate with our families when scheduling appointments, I organize End of Treatment Celebrations, as well as birthday shout outs and work closely with our Child Life team to help make the challenging appointment little easier.”  To best serve their patients, the team thrives on being expert multitaskers. Central line care, chemotherapy administration, blood transfusions, medication management, preventative injections, lab draws, lumbar punctures, biopsies, imaging – you name it, they do it. And they do it all with the utmost focus on safety and support.  “Our days have a lot of variation, as we perform a number of different services,” said Meagan Bertotti, RN. “We provide infusions for patients with chronic or acute medical conditions and chemotherapy/biotherapy treatment to patients undergoing cancer treatments. Overall, though, we work as a team to make these difficult procedures and treatments as easy as possible for the patients and families by providing engagement and support.”  “While we handle a lot of chemotherapy treatments for pediatric patients, we also do other infusions and transfusions as well such as blood and platelet transfusions, enzyme replacement therapies, different types of injections such as Rabies vaccine or Synagis for high-risk babies who need that extra protection during the RSV season, and lab draws,” said Chelsea Angues, RN. “We care for patients that get their therapies from outside hospitals, but the patient lives within the Reno area. We receive orders from those outside hospitals to care for those patients, so they can still be with their families and not have to travel.”  As members of the Children’s Oncology Group, a highly-regarded clinical trials group where over 90% of pediatric cancer patients across the U.S. receive treatment, teams like CIS in Renown Children’s Hospital deliver the highest standard of care. This partnership is a true testament to the devoted collaboration and relationship-building this team commits to on behalf of their patients every day.  "One of the biggest accomplishments of our team is the fact that we became a member of the Children’s Oncology Group, and the Children's Infusion Center and Pediatric Oncology became one unit,” said Shelby Nolte. "Instead of being a clinic on one side and an infusion center on the other, we really came together to make it a whole unit that collaborates on almost everything.”  “We've put much time into trying to understand other departments, their flow, their rationales and their processes so we can come to a solution that benefits our patients the greatest,” added Tiffany Macie, RN. “We've taken the last few years to really build our relationships with our pharmacy staff, our lab staff and our central supply resources. Our relationship building extends beyond the walls of the Renown building as well and out to the community providers too. In the past few years, we've been able to build relationships with the providers in the community where they trust they can send us their patients for treatment and lab draws. Finally, we've spent much time working on the relationships as a team. It's emotional work we do on our unit, and these families become our family. It's important to us that we take the time to be together outside of our shifts to enjoy one another and laugh!”  In the compassionate realm of pediatric healthcare, CIS knows that the complexities of a cancer or blood disorder diagnosis can take an emotional toll on their patients and families. The team firmly believes that emotional support can be as important as the physical and medical support throughout each patient’s unique care journey, striving to be a comforting presence during daunting times.  “The most important part of my day is collaborating with the Children's Infusion team to make life manageable for the families that are going through this experience,” added Shelby Nolte, Senior Medical Assistant. “We work as a team to make life easier for the blow of a cancer diagnosis.  We are there for our families in every way.  If they need a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen or just someone to play cards with or tell a funny story too, we are there.”  “One of the things our team does extremely well to help our patients and their families with new diagnoses is to simply meet them where they are,” said Tiffany Macie. “That looks different for every family and every patient. We work in an environment where can build relationships with our patients and their families. This allows us the unique opportunity to really get to know them. We learn their fears, their joys, their worries, what their family lives are like, and we learn how to best meet them where they are.”  Transcending the conventional boundaries of care, the CIS department closely supports each patient, offering them solace tailored to the unique fabric of each family's life.

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  • Cancer Screening & Prevention

    Early detection plays a crucial role in effectively managing cancer. By undergoing regular cancer screening tests, you can identify the presence of cancerous cells or tumors even before symptoms manifest. It provides an opportunity for timely intervention and increases the chances of successful treatment and recovery. At the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute, your care team is essential in determining which screenings are most appropriate for you and your family based on your medical history, age, and risk factors. They can guide you through the various screening options available and address any concerns or questions you may have. Cancer screening tests encompass a range of examinations, including imaging techniques such as X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, as well as specific tests like mammograms, Pap smears, colonoscopies, and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) tests. These screenings aim to detect breast, lung, prostate, colorectal, cervical, and other types of cancers. By prioritizing cancer screenings and preventive measures, you take an active role in safeguarding your health. Detecting cancer early significantly increases the chances of successful treatment and improves overall outcomes. Prevention Cancer prevention is a vital aspect of maintaining overall health and well-being. One significant preventive measure is the administration of HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccines. HPV is a common sexually transmitted infection that can lead to several types of cancers, including cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal, penile, and oropharyngeal cancers. HPV vaccines are designed to protect against high-risk HPV strains responsible for the majority of these infections. By getting vaccinated, individuals can significantly reduce their risk of developing HPV-related cancers. These vaccines are most effective when administered before exposure to the virus through sexual activity. Therefore, early vaccination, ideally during adolescence or early adulthood, is crucial for long-term protection. By prioritizing HPV vaccination as part of comprehensive cancer prevention strategies, individuals can take proactive steps towards reducing the risk of these preventable cancers.

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