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    Department Spotlight: Surgery & Procedure Scheduling

    When it comes to intimidating procedures such as surgery, cardiac catheterization (Cath) or interventional radiology (IR), there can be a lot of unknowns. What can I expect on the big day? What will happen after I’m all done? Will I have to worry about my orders not being in the system? Who can I call if I have any last-minute questions? It’s easy for your thoughts to race as you approach your procedure date, but luckily, there is a team who puts your mind at ease.  With Renown Health’s Surgery & Procedure Scheduling department, patients can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that all the nitty-gritty is taken care of before they step foot in the procedure room. This team operates in the mindset of a complex Tetris board – fitting in all the pieces to make sure every patient is set on the path for surgery success.  Consistent Contact Our Surgery & Procedure Scheduling team has a unique history. Initially operating as two separate teams, over the last year, our leaders skillfully combined the two teams together under one umbrella. That allows the now singular team to have line of sight across every surgery and Cath or IR procedure plan and be better stewards of the resources they have at their fingertips to provide streamlined, more-connected care for patients.  As one might imagine, with the merger of the two teams, the day-in-the-life of each team member is full of a variety of crucial checklist items to cross off – all supporting constant communication from patients to providers.  On the surgery scheduling front, these team members are resource rockstars. From working with referring providers to get patients scheduled appropriately to ensuring rooms and equipment are available for every patient, this team makes sure everything and everyone is in place when the time comes to help create a successful procedure and the best possible patient experience.   “In surgery scheduling, we handle inbound calls for the outside offices to get time scheduled for each patient in the operating room (OR),” said Lydia Sharkey, Senior Scheduler. “We make sure there are plenty of anesthesia resources and equipment for every surgery, including any important information that we need to schedule patients appropriately and adding all documents to the OR board. If we need to swap rooms or move patients around, we handle that process too.”  Over on the IR/Cath scheduling side of things, this team is on the frontlines of patient communication. They are experts in helping patients navigate their procedure from start (seeing their provider and obtaining the proper referrals) to finish (the day of the procedure and post-procedure process).  “My day is a little different than the hospital schedulers; our part of the team handles the outpatient aspect,” said Adrienne White, Senior Scheduler. “We are in constant contact with patients and the IR and Cath departments. We help them navigate their procedure, including what to expect during and after the procedure. We get them through the process as easily as possible and ease their minds, so they know what is going to happen every step of the way. It’s all about communication, communication, communication!”  This department has a significant overarching role: make sure all documents and ancillary information is set up for all our clinical teams that help with surgeries and procedures. This critical work means that every process is followed, and no important details are left out.  “No one wakes up and says, ‘I want to have surgery;” our team goes above and beyond to make sure every single detail is taken care of so that when patients arrive, everything is in place,” said Trisha White. “Our team works hard to ensure everything runs as efficiently as possible because we want to use our resources in the best way possible to serve our patients without delays. We make sure we receive all the orders, codes and insurance and that the teams that follow after us – including our pre-admit team and nurses – have all the information they need to do their job seamlessly."  With all the work they accomplish daily – not to mention how they wholeheartedly support each other through it all – it’s no question that the entire team has a lot to be proud of. Besides helping make patient care possible, the team puts their departmental merger and the move to fully remote work at the top of the list.  “We’re most proud of merging the surgery scheduling and procedure scheduling teams together and therefore more cohesive,” said Mary Gray, Senior Scheduler. “The merger has made our team blossom and be able to connect with and rely on one another even more. We aren’t afraid to speak up and say something. At the end of the day, we’re here to take care of the patient, but we also help each other out. Our morale has gone up, and everybody is happier. Even though we all work remotely, we are more connected and have a great work-life balance.”  “Along with transitioning the two teams into one big team, the move to being fully remote was huge," added Patricia Cruz-Hernandez, Surgical RN Scheduling Coordinator. “We worked through all the glitches, and it was a seamless transition to move into a remote setting. What’s great is that it did not affect patients at all; everything still gets done exactly as it should.”  No matter how busy the days may get, Renown’s surgery and procedure schedulers always remember one thing: they are incredibly grateful for their fellow team members.  “We have a very efficient and hard-working team of women,” said Pam Chapa Valencia, Senior Scheduler.  “I could not have handpicked better people for our team,” added Trisha White. “I feel so lucky to have the team that we have.”  A Renown “Why” Our Surgery and Procedure Scheduling team members all have diverse stories to tell about their road to Renown and why they’ve stayed in the department for as long as they have. Whether they’ve been with us for two years or two decades, they all share the same strong calling to care for their community.  “I always wanted to help people, and my grandma was a nurse,” said Pam Chapa Valencia, Senior Scheduler.  “I loved hearing her stories, and it made me want to be involved in patient care.”  “I have a caring nature, and a hospital nature seemed like the right fit – I've been here for 25 years,” added Mary Gray.  Several of our schedulers recognized the influence Renown has within our community and the ability to grow professionally and personally, both of which were a driving factor in their decision to make our health system their long-term career.  “I’m originally from southern California, and I moved here about eight years ago; my husband always talked so positively about Renown, especially with how big it is and how it has the only level II trauma center in northern Nevada, so my goal was always to get a job here,” said Lydia Sharkey. “It’s been a great environment to be a part of.”  “I’ve been with Renown for 17 years, and I chose to come here because of the reputation of the services Renown provided and care they gave,” added Trisha White. “I also knew what opportunities there were for me professionally, and in doing so, we are taking care of our community. I’ve had the chance to grow within my own professional skills and leadership skillset.”  A profound feeling of ‘home’ is a common theme among this department. These team members appreciate the sense of community Renown has, the strides we’ve made in expanding our reach and how our health system gives healthcare professionals who are new to the field a chance to succeed.  “At the time, Renown was the only hospital that would train nurses, and as a brand-new nurse, I had no experience – Renown took a chance on me,” said Patricia Cruz-Hernandez. “I feel like this is home. Our health system is so community-based and people-first minded, keeping ‘mission over margin.’ We’re growing, we’re expanding, we’re everywhere!”  “I was a part of a transition as the cardiology private practice I worked with became a Renown practice, and it was great,” added Adrienne White. “This transition enabled us to provide more services and better care to patients. I stay here because I see the leaps and bounds we’ve been able to make in terms of procedures, accessibility and patient experience.”  As true advocates for both patients and each other, the team is proud to have found their niche – and the ultimate beneficiaries? Everyone undergoing a surgery or procedure at Renown.  A Culture of Kindness and Gratitude When you meet the Surgery & Procedure Scheduling team, you are greeted with warm smiles and an enthusiastic “Nice to meet you!” You can’t help but smile back and feel the infectious kindness they exude.  Renown operates with a People-First mindset, a vision that this department especially takes to heart. They emulate the exact definition of our “Collaboration” cultural commitment.  “We’ve built very good relationships and rapport with the OR managers and board runners,” said Lydia Sharkey. “The communication that we have at all three locations is very solid.”  “The OR leadership is always so willing to help out whenever they can, and the resources they’ve provided have been huge for us,” added Adrienne White.  “All the teams that see the patients after us – especially the surgical pre-admit team and the case managers, are fantastic about collaborating with us and reaching out to solve any issues they may have,” added Trisha White. “We all work so well together, especially since we all impact patient care.”  In any organization, strong and compassionate leadership is key to a thriving team. Luckily for our surgery and procedure schedulers, they have Trisha White on their side. They attribute a lot of their success to having a supportive leader who “gets it.”  “Trisha has been a scheduler like us, so she completely understands when we’re having an issue, because she’s struggled with the same thing and knows where we are coming from,” said Mary Gray. “It makes us feel like we are not alone – I can always reach out to her, or any of my other coworkers, to ask questions and figure out a solution together.”  Despite being a remote-only team that meets in-person only one or two times a month, this group never misses an opportunity to reconnect both online and offline. They frequently shout out their Culture Ambassadors, schedulers Pam Chapa Valencia and Roxanne Abundis, for their team’s high morale.  “Even though we all primarily work remotely, our in-person days are some of my favorite days of the month,” said Trisha White. “We feel so uplifted, we laugh and we have fun. We love being with each other. Pam and Roxanne are our Culture Ambassadors, and they both have been amazing at planning fun things for our teams. They go above and beyond to make our team feel cohesive and included.”  “Pam and Roxanne have been leaders in creating a fun environment and supportive culture for us,” added Lydia Sharkey. “Whether it’s creating care packages or making sure we all have a good time when we see each other in person, they deserve a lot of credit.”  As this team excels in their roles and foster a culture rooted in kindness and gratitude, we can trust that Renown’s surgeries and procedures will continue to thrive, and patients will continue to benefit from their diligent efforts and commitment to efficiency.  “We make the magic happen!” closes Mary Gray.

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    • Heart Care
    • Surgery

    Your Top 5 Questions about TAVR Answered

    Your heart is the muscle in charge of pumping blood to your entire body. This vital organ is made up of chambers, valves and blood vessels. Your heart valves work similarly to a one-way door: they open and close, controlling blood flow in the correct direction through the heart chambers.   For patients who have been diagnosed with a heart-related condition like aortic valve stenosis (narrowing), it is important to know treatment options. Most might think open-heart surgery is the only way to treat a heart valve, but many hospitals, including Renown, also offer a minimally invasive procedure called a Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR). Dr. Abhilash Akinapelli of Renown Institute for Heart & Vascular Health shares his answers to the top five TAVR questions:  1. What causes aortic valve stenosis?  Aortic valve stenosis can be caused by a variety of factors. The main reasons being wear and tear of the valve due to aging; genetically abnormal heart valve (bicuspid aortic valve); long-standing high blood pressure; and other reasons like radiation exposure.   2. Am I a candidate for TAVR?  Renown’s heart care teams are made up of your primary care provider, cardiologist and cardio thoracic surgeon. They will evaluate if patients are a good candidate for the TAVR procedure by performing a variety of screenings and tests. Some of these include:   Echocardiogram  Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)  Chest X-ray Exercise tests or stress tests  Cardiac computerized tomography (CT) scan  Cardiac catheterization  3. What are the advantages of the TAVR procedure?  The Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) procedure is much less invasive than open heart surgery, otherwise known as a Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement (SAVR). Patients can typically return to their normal lifestyles within a week after leaving the hospital.   During the TAVR procedure, a stent valve mounted on a balloon is advanced to the heart through the blood vessels in the groin without any incision. Once in position, the balloon will be inflated to firmly expand the new valve inside the diseased old valve, pushing it away to the sides. Once the new valve is in place, it begins working immediately and the deflated balloon is removed. The surgical procedure is approximately one hour long. Patients can get up and walk after four hours and will be discharged the following day if no complications arise. Compared to a SAVR, recovery time is much shorter and less risky for patients above the age of 75. A big advantage for anyone who fits under the criteria for a TAVR.  4. Is the procedure painful?  The TAVR procedure is not surgery, but you will still be asleep during the procedure. Since no incision is made, it is essentially a painless procedure. Patients may experience slight discomfort such as aches and pains at the entry site of the catheter.   5. Can I have an MRI and X-rays done after having a TAVR valve?  Yes, patients can have MRI scans and X-rays after TAVR.   For further questions and information about the TAVR procedure, please consult with your Renown heart care team at 775-982-2452 or through MyChart.

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    • Patient Story
    • Heart Care
    • Surgery

    Excellence in Heart Care Changes a Patient's Life

    Being diagnosed with a chronic heart condition like atrial fibrillation (A-fib) can shift the course of your entire life. Embracing heart medications and lifestyle changes become your norm, and thanks to advancements in medicine and medical technology, managing the condition can bring you to a new sense of normalcy.  But what if a different option was possible – one that would make medications and activity limits a thing of the past?  This became the reality for Renown Health patient Richard Preyer after receiving a hybrid catheter ablation. Thanks to the vigilant surgical care of Shining Sun, MD, a cardiologist at the Renown Institute for Heart & Vascular Health, and his compassionate team, Richard has a new lease on life.  Minimally Invasive with Maximal Results  An A-fib patient since 2010 who had been living with an unfinished ablation, the 59-year-old Carson City resident turned to the internet to look for alternate solutions. He had heard that the Renown Institute for Heart & Vascular Health was a top-tier location for cardiovascular care. “I changed health insurance plans through Nevada Health Link to ensure I could see a Renown cardiologist,” said Richard.   Choosing a cardiologist was an even easier decision for Richard. Dr. Sun’s introductory Find a Doctor video on Renown’s YouTube channel, where he displayed his expertise and determination, was more than enough for Richard to choose him as his cardiac care leader.  At his first visit, Dr. Sun reviewed Richard’s records, and noted his prior unfinished ablation. The nine-hour procedure had been performed several years ago. With the enhanced technologies at Dr. Sun's disposal, Richard was excited at the thought of his life potentially being changed for good – with a minimally-invasive solution.  Dr. Sun collaborated closely with Richard’s previous and current care teams – including a surgeon who performed a maze operation on him right before his surgery at Renown, to ensure his hybrid ablation was tailored uniquely to him. “Dr. Sun is clearly a very powerful cardiologist with many connections, and the coordination between his team and my other doctors was great,” said Richard.   After working on the exterior of the heart in the first phase of the surgery and the interior of the heart during the second phase, Richard’s hybrid ablation was successful, completing the unfinished portion of his previous ablation.   “Fixing A-fib can take one to three ablations, and sometimes it never holds,” said Richard. “That is one of the largest reasons why I am so thankful for this procedure and how it ended up.”  Life After A-fib  Now comes the long, arduous healing process, right? Not for Richard. With only eight incisions (four on each side of his chest), he was able to remove his bandages after two days, and he healed completely in one week.  “I was even back to taking three-mile walks within a week of my operation,” said Richard.  No more blood thinners.  No more activity limits. And most importantly for Richard, no more heart-stabilizing medications that came with side effects he didn’t enjoy. He attributes his enhanced life to Dr. Sun and his team.   “I highly recommend Dr. Sun and everyone that works with him,” he said. “Everyone in the group, from the nurses and anesthesiologists going above-and-beyond to the schedulers who helped me navigate the appointment process, made me have a lot of confidence. Their calm demeanors made so much difference.”  Today, Richard now enjoys elongated walks in the northern Nevada outdoors, exotic vacations with his wife and, as he describes, “feeling like I’m in my 40’s again.” Learn more about the region's leader in cardiac health, heart and vascular care here.

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    • Monday, Nov 16, 2020

    Surgery Center of Reno To Offer Option for Outpatient Surgery

    Brings a new level of convenience, access and affordability to surgical care in northern Nevada. In a collaboration designed to offer consumers additional convenient and affordable options for outpatient surgery, Surgery Center of Reno (SCOR) and Renown Health today announced a new partnership. “We are thrilled to bring a new level of convenience in surgical care to patients and providers in the Reno community and outlying areas, to deliver superior clinical quality and service, and make health care more affordable,” said James Lynch, MD, President, and Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Surgery Center of Reno.  “We trust and value the Surgery Center of Reno and its team of surgeons, clinicians and administrators and the excellent quality of care and compassion they provide to their patients,” said Tony Slonim, MD, DrPH, Renown’s President & CEO. “Given our mutual interests in advancing high-quality and high-value care, this partnership expands capabilities, enhances access and affordability for patients and physicians, improves the health of our community and establishes Renown and the Surgery Center of Reno as the premier destination for surgery in northern Nevada.” This joint venture for outpatient surgery care is the result of the unique collaborative relationship between Renown Health, Reno’s only not-for-profit health care system; and the Surgery Center of Reno, an independent physician owned ambulatory surgery center with Regent Surgical Health as the managing partner. The SCOR and Renown partnership brings together three key elements to serve patients and our community with enhanced outpatient surgery care that includes: Out-of-pocket cost savings for patients. Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASCs) like Surgery Center of Reno, offer a high-quality, low-cost alternative for many surgical procedures. Patient preference and the desire to decrease healthcare costs continue to fuel Renown’s interest in transitioning appropriate surgeries from hospitals to freestanding ambulatory surgery centers. Significant innovations in minimally-invasive surgical procedures along with advances in anesthesia techniques, reduced complications and recovery times for selected procedures, have helped to make ambulatory surgery centers popular. Renown is focused on creating options for high quality, affordable care for patients and insurance providers by having selected surgical procedures occur in the ASC setting. Comfort and convenience for patients. Surgery Center of Reno offers an upscale experience and has some of the most advanced technology for Ambulatory Surgical Centers in the state. Since all surgeries at SCOR are pre-scheduled, a patient’s procedure is never bumped or delayed by an emergency or trauma case. Surgery is scheduled at ideal times for the patient and family. After surgery, the patient has time to wake up in the recovery room, and then recuperate in their own home.  The same high-quality physicians who work in the operating rooms at Renown hospitals also work as part of the Surgery Center of Reno, including surgeons specializing in Spine, Orthopedics, General Surgery, Ear, Nose & Throat, Pain management, Urology/Lithotripsy, Gynecology, Ophthalmology; Dental/ Oral Surgery, Podiatry and Weight Loss Surgery.   Since their inception more than forty years ago, Ambulatory Surgical Centers have demonstrated an ability to deliver quality and customer service while simultaneously reducing costs. The Surgery Center of Reno and all Ambulatory Surgical Centers are highly regulated, adhere to stringent quality and safety guidelines, are certified by Medicare and the Nevada State Department of Health, accredited with accrediting agencies such as the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care or The Joint Commission, and have adopted extensive patient safety procedures. Of course, if complications or an emergency were to develop, patients have immediate access to Renown’s hospitals.  “Renown has used our experience through COVID-19 to emerge better and stronger, and we are realigning to meet new consumer demands for health and healthcare services that are convenient, accessible and affordable,” said Bethany Sexton, Chief Transformation Officer. “We are excited to partner with SCOR to exceed people’s expectations and to delight our community with smart, innovative approaches to care. As our nation struggles with how to improve a troubled health care system, the experience of ASCs is a great example of a successful transformation in health care delivery.”  Each year, millions of procedures are performed in outpatient centers. The Surgery Center of Reno has been in operation for 14 years, with an excellent track record and reputation in our community. According to a July 2017 report from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), about 70 percent of all surgeries in the U.S. occur in an outpatient or ambulatory setting. Outpatient and ambulatory surgery centers can save money and improve the efficiency and convenience of care for patients and health care providers alike. ASCs are at the center of today’s most pressing healthcare initiatives- value based care and risk-sharing models. Nic Towle, RN, Administrator at SCOR says, “We are dedicated to providing excellent care in a safe environment and want all of our patients and their families to be comfortable and receive the highest quality surgical care. Not all procedures can take place in an outpatient setting and may require a hospital stay regardless of your preference. We suggest you speak with your doctor to ensure you qualify as a candidate, to learn about all the options and what is best for you.” About SCOR SCOR is a well-established, Medicare certified, AAAHC accredited, multidisciplinary ambulatory surgery center in Reno. The ASC is partnered with a leader in development and management of ASCs, Regent Surgical Health based in Westchester, Illinois. SCOR has been an integral provider in the market in offering out-patient services to northern Nevada and northeastern California since 2006. SCOR has proven to be a leader in expanding services that include minimally invasive techniques in spine and general surgery. The surgery center has one of the strongest group of fellowship-trained and board-certified specialists and has won multiple awards for clinical excellence. About Renown Health Renown Health is the region’s largest, locally owned and governed, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. With a diverse workforce of more than 7,000 employees, Renown has fostered a longstanding culture of excellence, determination and innovation. The organization comprises a trauma center, two acute care hospitals, a children’s hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, a medical group and urgent care network, and the region’s largest, locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown’s institute model addresses social determinants of health and includes: Child Health, Behavioral Health & Addiction, Healthy Aging and Health Innovation. Clinical institutes include: Cancer, Heart and Vascular Heath, Neurosciences and Robotic Surgery. Renown is currently enrolling participants in the world’s largest community-based genetic population health study, the Healthy Nevada Project®. For more information, visit

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