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    • Vaccinations
    • Kid's Health

    Getting Your Child's Appointments Back on Track

    If you’ve been putting off care for your child, know that Renown Health is prepared with updated processes and procedures to ensure safety for you and your little ones.   Doctor Max Coppes, MD, PhD, MBA, Physician-in-Chief of Renown Children’s Hospital, is concerned there could be an outbreak of serious illnesses if parents continue to delay getting their children immunized. Dr. Coppes and team understand your anxieties when it comes to visiting your pediatrician, and would like you to know; not only are well visits important to assess your child’s overall health, crucial vaccinations are administered to guard your little ones against disease. Immunizations Immunizations protect children from communicable diseases. Other benefits include: Children that are unable to have vaccines due to age or illness are protected through herd immunity Vaccinations are at given at specific intervals, and missing an appointment may put your child behind schedule Elderly populations are protected where immunity may be decreased Dr. Coppes states, “What we have noticed nationwide, and also in Washoe County, is that the number of kids immunized has gone down by about two-thirds. If that goes on, we’re just waiting for chickenpox, measles, any of those childhood diseases that were eradicated to come up again.” 4 Easy Ways to Schedule an Appointment: Call Us: 775-982-KIDS (5437) Request Appointment Online MyChart Virtual Visits In-Person Wellness Visits/Checkups Maintaining your child’s health is important! Contact your pediatrician to schedule an in-office visit. When you call to make an appointment, you’ll talk to a specialist at our Customer Care Center who will screen you to make sure you and your child have not been exposed to someone with COVID-19, and ensure symptoms of a respiratory illness are not present. Virtual Visits When appropriate, many pediatric appointments are available through virtual visits. Please call 775-982-KIDS (5437) to request a visit with your child’s established provider. All virtual visits require a MyChart account. Don’t have a MyChart account? You can easily sign up online. If you need assistance with your MyChart account, please call 775-982-6686. Virtual visits are able to connect to an ASL interpreter (sign language interpreter), and 37 languages including Spanish.

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    • Friday, Nov 05, 2021

    The Greatest Gift of All? A Fully Vaccinated Family!

    Renown joins Washoe County Health District to Offer COVID-19 Vaccines to Children 5-11 at Vaccine Clinics. Renown Health is partnering with the Washoe County Health District to help distribute the initially available, limited supplies of an age-appropriate dose of the COVID-19 Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines to children ages 5-11. At this time, all residents 5 years and older are eligible to receive a vaccine. Renown announced today that for parents/guardians with proxy access for their children through the Renown MyChart app, vaccination appointments are now available for children ages 5-11. Pending supply, Renown expects to be able to vaccinate 1,600 children with the 2-dose series in a limited series of weekend clinics. At this time, due to limited supplies, no vaccines for children are available through Renown Medical Group pediatric offices. Vaccine appointments may only be scheduled through the Renown MyChart app; please do not contact a Renown doctor/health care provider or the Engagement Center at this time. There is no cost to establish a Renown MyChart account, and you do not need to have a Renown provider to enroll. For MyChart Technical Support, call 775-982-2781. Renown is covering all costs of the vaccine, and it is offered free of charge. “As a pediatrician, an intensive care physician, a public health practitioner and a grandparent, I encourage parents to vaccinate their children against COVID-19 now. No child should suffer, be hospitalized or die from a disease that can prevented by simply getting a shot,” says Tony Slonim, MD, DrPH, President & CEO of Renown Health. “We remain steadfast in fighting the good fight for our community, and that includes protecting kids. Being able to serve kids and their parents, with the only Children’s Hospital in northern Nevada, and being able to administer COVID-19 vaccines to children is incredibly gratifying for our team. This vaccine will prevent deaths, ICU admissions and will prevent significant long-term adverse outcomes in children." “I tell parents, get your kids vaccinated now- because every kid is at risk,” says Kristina Deeter, M.D., MBA, Pediatric Intensivist, and Vice Chair of Pediatrics at Renown Children’s Hospital. “Please get your family- including your kids, vaccinated now to keep your family safe. Being fully vaccinated and being able to hug Grandma and Grandpa at the holidays may be the greatest gift of all this holiday season.” “The CDC recommends everyone ages 5 and older get a COVID-19 vaccine to help protect against COVID-19. Widespread vaccination for COVID-19 is a critical tool to protect everyone, especially those at highest risk, from severe illness and death. Currently, the Pfizer vaccine is the only option currently authorized for children,” says Vanessa Slots, MD, a pediatrician with Renown Children’s. “It was found to give kids strong protection against COVID-19, including against the Delta variant. Children who are vaccinated may have some side effects (chills, redness and swelling at site injection), which are normal signs that their body is building protection.” Children are advised not to receive the vaccine if: • They are ill at the time of vaccination (fever, shortness of breath, vomiting, diarrhea or acute illness). • They have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the previous 14 days. • They have a history of significant allergic reaction to any of the ingredients in the vaccine.   About Renown Health Renown Health is the region’s largest not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. With a diverse workforce of more than 7,000 employees, Renown has fostered a longstanding culture of excellence, determination and innovation. The organization comprises a trauma center, two acute care hospitals, a children’s hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, a medical group and urgent care network, and the region’s largest, locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown is currently enrolling participants in the world’s largest community-based genetic population health study, the Healthy Nevada Project®. For more information, visit

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    • Pediatric Care
    • Cancer Care
    • Vaccinations

    How the HPV Vaccine Protects Your Health

    As the back-to-school season approaches, ensuring your child is ready for a successful academic year goes beyond school supplies and new clothes. It's also the perfect time to prioritize their health by ensuring they're up-to-date on essential vaccinations, including the HPV vaccine. We talked to Renown Pediatrician Dr. Kristin Wilson, to learn more about HPV and the importance of getting your child fully vaccinated. What is HPV? Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common sexually transmitted disease. It can lead to the risk of several cancer diagnoses, with about 13 million Americans, including teens, becoming infected each year. Fortunately, a vaccine can prevent more than 90% of HPV cancers when given at the recommended ages. Talking about sexually transmitted infections can be uncomfortable, but learning how HPV is spread is important for prevention. Here's what you need to know about HPV: Transmission: HPV is spread via skin-to-skin contact. Types of HPV: Low/Medium-risk HPVs: Can cause warts and cervical dysplasia (abnormal cells on the cervix). High-risk HPVs: Can cause various cancers. HPV-related Cancers: Cervical cancer Anal cancer Vaginal cancer Vulvar cancer Penile cancer Oropharyngeal (mouth and throat) cancer Statistics: Men are four times more likely than women to suffer from HPV-associated oropharyngeal cancer. HPV is so common that nearly all sexually active people will be exposed at some point in their lifetime. Around half of HPV infections are of the high-risk variety.

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    • Vaccinations
    • COVID-19
    • Kid's Health

    How to Ease Your Child's Fear of Vaccines

    Getting a shot can be scary for kids and anxiety-inducing for parents and caregivers. With flu shot season well underway and children's COVID-19 vaccine clinics in full swing, we wanted to share ways to reduce the stress for you and your child. Plan Ahead and Be Honest A few days before the scheduled appointment, casually mention to your child that you’re both going to the doctor’s office (or vaccine clinic, or pharmacy) soon for their vaccine. Explain to them that this will help protect them and will only take a second. Being honest is important, telling your child that it will hurt for a moment. If possible, try and schedule the vaccine at a kid-specific vaccine clinic, your pediatrician's office or a school-based site. Remember that words are powerful. Take notice if you are using a word that might make them more upset, such as prick, jab, needle or shot. You can interchange words such as vaccine, immunization or injection. Bring Toys Don’t be afraid to let your child bring one of their favorite toys or stuffed animals to the appointment. This can make them feel more comfortable and provide distraction. Ask for Pain Reliever/Numbing Agent If you know from past experience (or suspect) that your child has a needle phobia, talk to the vaccination location ahead of time and ask if they can use a pain reliever or numbing agent before administering the vaccine. Distract. Distract. Distract. Sing a song, tell them a joke, make a funny face. If you can pull your child’s attention away from the needle and make them laugh, they won’t focus all their energy on worrying about the shot. Lead By Example If you haven't gotten your flu shot, COVID shot or COVID-19 booster yet, ask the facility ahead of time if you can also get a shot before your child. Show them that the shot is no big deal and that they will have no problem getting it themselves. Celebrate Don’t be afraid to celebrate this victory with your child once it is over – bring them to the park, go out for an ice cream cone, let them pick what’s for dinner. This reward will show that you’re proud of them for being brave and may also make the next time your child is due for a shot easier.

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