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    • Dermatology Services
    • Skin Care

    Fall Skincare and Sunscreen Tips

    According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, higher altitude increases the risk of sun-induced skin damage. UV radiation exposure rises 4 to 5 percent every 1,000 feet above sea level. In addition, snow reflects up to 80 percent of the UV light from the sun, meaning that you are often hit by the same rays twice. This only increases the risk of damage. If you're among the 58 percent of adult Americans who choose not to wear sunscreen, you may be even less likely to apply sunscreen during the fall and winter. Experts at the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute, explain that exposure to the sun happens when we least expect it, like during our daily commute. The ultraviolet A (UVA) rays can penetrate the windows of your car, office or home and get deep into the dermis, the thickest layer of our skin. So what’s the solution to preventing skin damage — or even worse, skin cancer — in the colder months? Apply, then Re-apply Sunscreen "There are a million sunscreens, so find one that feels good on your skin. Hydrating formulas are great for the drier months, so use a broad spectrum UVA and UVB lotion with a mix of ingredients to ensure you are fully protected." Still not sure which sunscreen to use? Look for the Skin Cancer Foundation Seal of Recommendation next time you’re out shopping for your sun protection products. A good rule of thumb is to use about one ounce (a shot glass full) and re-apply every two hours, or more often if sweating. Also, make sure to: Follow directions and shake the bottle before using. Make sure all skin is covered (including neck, ears and lips). For people with thin or thinning hair, apply to the scalp as well. Carry your favorite bottle of sunscreen with you at all times. Skiers, snowboarders, snowshoers, sledders, snow shovelers and winter enthusiasts take note: When spending time out the snow, we recommend a sport sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.

    Read More About Fall Skincare and Sunscreen Tips

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