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    • Careers
    • Behavioral Health

    Five Tips for Maintaining Your Mental Health While Job Hunting

    It is no secret that looking for a new job can be stressful and overwhelming. Yet a record number of Americans are quitting their jobs to look for new opportunities, a trend also known as the “Great Resignation.” While there are many reasons why someone might be on the hunt for new work, it’s important for all job hunters to check in with their mental health regardless of their job hunting circumstances. To learn more about maintaining your mental health while looking for a new job, we spoke to Dr. Mavis Major, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Behavioral Health Therapist at Renown Health. 1. Identify Goals When beginning your job-hunting journey, your first step should be to make a plan that focuses on quality over quantity. Make lists of companies you would like to work for and, if you’re looking to change fields or industries, make a list of careers that interest you. At this stage in the process, it’s also important to determine what salary range you’re looking for, what type of work environment you want (in-person, remote or hybrid) and understand what benefits are important to you. Identifying goals makes it easier to narrow down the list of jobs you apply for so you can produce quality applications rather than frantically applying for jobs without putting thought into the process. 2. Set Boundaries It does not matter if you are working full-time while applying for jobs or if applying is your job right now; it can be easy to get lost in the stress of it all. For that reason, it is essential to set intentional boundaries throughout the process. This can look like scheduling days that you fully take off from the job search or going for a walk before a big interview to clear your head. Setting boundaries will make you more productive overall and hopefully help you get your mind off the process. 3. Ask For Help Do not try and tackle this undertaking on your own. Once you have identified goals (see tip #1) make lists of people you know within those industries, and do not be afraid to reach out. Of course, never be afraid to reach out to a mental health professional to talk through why this process might be making you feel anxious. Talking to someone who is not your friend or family can give you a different perspective.

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  • Renown Behavioral Health

    Renown Health's behavioral services help you and your family get through life's challenges every step of the way with experienced psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, counselors and nurses.    With two offices in Reno, we provide specialized care for mental health and substance abuse challenges and offer individual, couples, family, and group counseling, as well as medication treatment.    Behavioral Health Programs  Counseling  Counseling services provide individual, couple, family and group counseling. We have licensed professionals in a broad range of areas.    Psychiatry  Our psychiatrists and nurse practitioners work with each patient to develop a medication plan that meets their needs.    Addiction Medicine Additional information or schedule an evaluation, call 775-982-5419 Board-certified in both family and addiction medicine, Dr. Bret Bellard provides individualized medicine services to those struggling with addiction, such as:  Buprenorphine treatment for opiate addiction  Medication management of alcohol or substance use disorder  Coordination of addiction counseling, group therapy or intensive outpatient and partial hospitalization programming as needed

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    • Primary Care
    • Behavioral Health

    What is Disordered Drinking?

    An alcohol problem can affect anyone at any age. Many factors, including job stress, genetics or depression, may contribute to the start of disordered drinking.  Drinking alcohol exists on a continuum. For example, if someone feels down in the dumps for some time, it doesn’t mean they are clinically depressed. So if someone goes through a period with above-normal alcohol consumption, it doesn’t necessarily mean they abuse alcohol. Although “alcoholic” and “alcoholism” are common, they are not clinical descriptions. Alcohol use disorder is the preferred term. Symptoms are often mild but can be the start of a more significant problem. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), over 16 million adults live with alcohol use disorder. Symptoms of Alcohol Use Disorder Do you recognize any of the following symptoms in yourself or someone you know? Drinking more or longer than intended Trying to cut down or stop drinking but not able to Having to drink more than you once did to get the same feeling Being annoyed when family members discuss your drinking Regretting your behavior while you were drinking

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    • Tuesday, Aug 01, 2023

    Takesha Cooper, M.D., Appointed Chair of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences

    Takesha Cooper, MD, has joined the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine and Renown Health as Department Chair of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Dr. Cooper comes to the area from the University of California, Riverside School of Medicine where she served for seven years as clinical associate and then full professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurosciences, and associate training director for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.   Dr. Cooper previously served as associate medical director for the Riverside University Health System and Riverside County Department of Mental Health providing clinical and operational oversight for four regional psychiatric county clinics, and as an adjunct instructor of psychiatry at Stanford University School of Medicine. As a double board-certified child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist, she also established a successful solo private practice serving patients from diverse backgrounds.  At UC Riverside, Dr. Cooper held significant academic and leadership roles including vice chair of education, residency program director, chair of the Admissions Committee and equity advisor. Dr. Cooper will now build on the strong foundation established by Dr. Josh Fitzgerald, interim chair of the department, who will now serve as director of research for the department.  Dr. Cooper will be responsible with Steve Shell, vice president of the Stacie Mathewson Behavioral Health & Addiction Institute at Renown Health, for leading the Behavioral Health Program at the Institute where a team of nine psychiatrists, nurse practitioners and licensed professionals and counselors provide intensive outpatient treatment, partial hospitalization programs, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Esketamine, hospital-based assessment and medication-assisted treatment to serve those struggling with mental illness and addiction across northern Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northern California.  “We are delighted to have Dr. Cooper join the UNR Med/Renown team,” said Paul J. Hauptman, MD, dean of UNR Med and chief academic officer for Renown Health. “She brings a wealth of experience in multiple clinical settings, and we are confident that she will have a significant impact at a time of great need for mental health services, education, and research in northern Nevada. Dr. Cooper will do much to advance the mission of UNR Med which includes a commitment by the Department of Psychiatry to train the next generation of psychiatrists through a Psychiatry Residency and Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship training program. Education and training are provided in both urban and rural areas of northern Nevada.” Dr. Cooper earned her Doctor of Medicine Degree from the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California and completed her residency at San Mateo County and fellowship at Stanford University. Prior to medical school, she obtained a Master of Science degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from UC Riverside and her bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from UC Santa Barbara.  Dr. Cooper’s research explores the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on mental health outcomes in children and adults. She served as a clinical co-PI on a U54 funded grant aimed at reducing health disparities by engaging in community-based participatory research partnerships. “Dr. Cooper is an energetic, collaborative physician, researcher and mentor who cares deeply about improving the mental health and well-being of adults and children,” said Brian Erling, MD, MBA, President and CEO, Renown Health. “This is an exceptionally exciting time to advance health equity and to help improve mental health outcomes for people and communities across northern Nevada. We are excited that Dr. Cooper is joining our team. I know her talent, energy and leadership will further elevate our mission of outstanding care, exceptional training, innovative research, impactful advocacy and innovative community partnerships in mental health and addiction medicine.” Dr. Cooper is recognized for her passion for high-quality patient care and supports future practitioners through rigorous and culturally informed undergraduate and graduate medical education, research, and community collaboration. A 2022 graduate of the Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) program offered through Drexel University, she also maintains active involvement in national and state committees and journal editorial boards. The University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine (UNR Med), Nevada’s first public medical school, is a community-based, research-intensive medical school with a statewide vision for a healthy Nevada. Since 1969, UNR Med has trained more than 3,900 students, residents and fellows. UNR Med continues to improve the health and well-being of all Nevadans and their communities through excellence in student education, postgraduate training and clinical care, research with local, national and global impact and a culture of diversity and inclusion. For more information, visit Renown Health is the region’s largest, locally governed, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. With a diverse workforce of more than 7,000 employees, Renown has fostered a longstanding culture of excellence, determination and innovation. The organization comprises a trauma center, two acute care hospitals, a children’s hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, a medical group and urgent care network, and the locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. For more information, visit

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    • Behavioral Health
    • Mental Health

    4 Fantastic Health Benefits of Being Clutter-Free

    The Benefits of Being Clutter-Free Gives you a better sense of well-being. Did you know procrastination is linked to clutter? According to a recent study clutter problems led to less life satisfaction, especially among older adults. Helps you lose weight. Constantly being in cluttered room, office or car can be stressful. All the undone cleaning tasks in the back of your of mind cause stress, which is linked to obesity. Promotes mental health. Having clutter around can make you feel anxious or overwhelmed. This prevents you from truly relaxing or focusing. Saves you money. It’s not a secret that money worries cause stress. According to a Journal of Consumer Research study, you’re more likely to make a purchase when you’re sitting in a messy room compared to a tidy room. Clutter-Free Tips Start with a plan. Make a list of your clutter-improvement priorities and the tasks needed to accomplish each one. Focus on one section of your home per week, so you don’t get overwhelmed. In fact, organizational expert Peter Walsh suggests starting with the easiest room first to gain momentum. Conversely, "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" author Marie Kondo suggests organizing by category (for example clothing or books). Experiment with an organizing plan that appeals to you. There are also many helpful on-line calendars you can use as a starting point. Delegate when you can. Include your children and spouse into your plan. Is uncle Bob an electrician? Then get him to swap out your eyesore of a ceiling fan or update an old light fixture. Of course it’s ok to outsource the duties - such as window cleaning or painting - if your budget allows. Buy less. The less you purchase the less you need to store, clean, keep track of, organize or dust. Seems simple, right? Not for everyone. On average we are bombarded with over 4,000 marketing messages a day, not to mention FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) when we see our friends posting about their newest toys on their social media feeds. Focus on quality over quantity. When in doubt, throw it out. Still on the fence about what to throw away? Use these declutter decision-making guide questions to help you. Organize Your Health Along with taking care of your surroundings, make a commitment to get up to date on your health checkup and screenings. Preventing an illness is a bargain compared to the cost of a chronic disease. It's also a good idea to go through all of your medications and check the expiration date. Remember to properly dispose of medications. DO NOT flush medications down the drain or toilet, unless the label indicates it is safe to do so.

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    • Pediatric Care
    • Behavioral Health

    10 Facts About Seasonal Affective Disorder

    Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a form of depression linked to seasonal changes. Learn to recognize the symptoms of SAD in your kids (or yourself) should they appear. We checked in with Dr. Vanessa Slots, the Division Chief of General Pediatrics at Renown to help us understand this condition. 1. Blame SAD on the sun—or the lack of it Seasonal Affective Disorder is a more severe form of the “winter blues. Over-sleeping, feeling irritable or unhappy, and withdrawing from people are classic symptoms of SAD. Approximately 90 percent of people with SAD experience depressive symptoms yearly in the fall and winter, while about 10 percent have depression in the spring and summer. The causes of SAD aren’t explicitly known. Still, researchers believe it’s related to a change in circadian rhythms, with differences in the amount of sunlight during different times of the year as one factor. 2. The further north you live, the more common SAD becomes While Seasonal Affective Disorder is predominantly an adult condition, estimates are that one million children in North America have it. Interestingly, SAD does not occur in the tropics. 3. SAD is more recognizable in adults than in children Common symptoms include feeling “empty,” pessimistic, hopeless, short-tempered, restless and not knowing what to do with oneself. Symptoms vary greatly from one individual to the next. SAD is more common in women than in men. When symptoms are severe, physical examinations are required to rule out other medical causes and determine whether antidepressant medication is needed. 4. In teenagers, symptoms tend to revolve around school-related issues Schoolwork suffers, students have difficulty getting up in the morning and arriving late for class, homework is incomplete, and grades may plummet. Afflicted students have difficulty concentrating, remembering details and making decisions. They lose interest in activities that they previously enjoyed. Some teenagers tend to overeat, crave carbohydrates such as pasta and gain weight. Many teachers, school counselors and therapists should be more familiar with Seasonal Affective Disorder.

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    • Pediatric Care
    • Kid's Health
    • Behavioral Health

    What Is the Role of a Child Life Specialist?

    What is the role of the child life specialist? Here are common questions and answers about how these special individuals give both parents and kids peace of mind. Let’s face it: A hospital can be an intimidating place for just about anyone. But add in being a small human with very little worldly experience — aka a child — and it’s easy to imagine how overwhelming a hospital visit can be. Enter the role of the child life specialist. Liz Winkler, a child life specialist with Renown Children’s Hospital, explains how a Renown program puts young patients and their families at ease. What does a child life specialist do? Child life specialists help young patients develop ways to cope with the anxiety, fear and separation that often accompany the hospital experience. They give special consideration to each child’s family, culture and stage of development. As professionals trained to work with children in medical settings, specialists hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree in the areas of child life, child development and special education or recreational therapy. Our child life specialists are also professionally certified and affiliated with the national Child Life Council. Child life specialists also offer tours of Renown Children’s Hospital for families whose children are scheduled to have surgery. Child life supports children and families by: Helping children cope with anxiety, fear, separation and adjustment Making doctors, needles and tests a little less scary Providing art, music and pet therapy Organizing activities Addressing your concerns Telling you what to expect Creating a therapeutic and medical plan Offering a hand to hold What else is available at the Children’s Hospital that helps ease some of the stress of a hospital visit? Whether it’s seeing a pediatrician, getting a sports physical or looking for advice, our care is centered on supporting and nurturing patients and families at our many locations. We have kid-friendly environments to help ease some of the stress of a hospital visit. These include colorful exam rooms, kid-friendly waiting and common areas, and medical equipment designed especially for children. Our children’s ER is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. So parents and caregivers have access to emergency care tailored to little ones — anytime, day or night. We have several pediatric specialists on the Renown team in areas including diabetes, emergency medicine, neurology, pulmonology, blood diseases and cancer. How can parents start to ease their children’s mind when they know a hospital visit is in the future? As with many things in life, good preparation can help kids feel less anxious about the experience and even get through recovery faster. It’s important to provide information at your child’s level of understanding, while correcting any misunderstandings, and helping to eliminate fears and feelings of guilt. If you’re anxious and nervous, your child may reflect these feelings and behaviors. So make sure you educate yourself, feel comfortable with the process, and get your questions answered.

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    • Wednesday, Sep 02, 2020

    Steve Shell Joins Renown to Lead the Stacie Mathewson Behavioral Health & Addiction Institute

    Under Steve Shell's leadership, the Institute will continue to expand community access to prevention and intervention services for mental health disorders and alcohol and drug addiction. Renown Health is excited to announce Steve Shell is joining the Stacie Mathewson Behavioral Health & Addiction Institute at Renown as its vice president. In this role, Shell will oversee the Institute, which provides intensive outpatient treatment, partial hospitalization programs and medication-assisted treatment to serve those struggling with mental illness and addiction in our community. “We are pleased to welcome such an experienced and talented leader like Steve to our organization,” said Tony Slonim, MD, DrPH, president and CEO, Renown Health. “As vice president of the Stacie Mathewson Behavioral Health & Addiction Institute at Renown, Steve will continue the Institute’s work to change the status of mental health and addiction in northern Nevada.” Shell comes to Renown after opening and serving as chief executive officer of Nevada’s two newest behavioral health hospitals since 2013. He was instrumental in establishing Reno Behavioral Healthcare Hospital in 2016 and helped to design, set up and manage operations for the 124-bed psychiatric and addiction treatment facility for all ages. He also launched the 152- bed Desert Parkway Behavioral Healthcare Hospital in Las Vegas in 2013, a psychiatric and addiction treatment facility for all ages. “Nevada has the highest prevalence of mental illness and substance use in the nation combined with limited access to treatment and a shortage of care providers,” said Steve Shell. “I am passionate about improving the health of our community and have dedicated my career to advocating for mental health, working diligently to further elevate the care offered in our state.”  Renown Health and Charles N. and Stacie L. Mathewson established the Stacie Mathewson Behavioral Health & Addiction Institute at Renown in to expand community access to prevention and intervention services for mental health disorders and alcohol and drug addiction.  The Institute is working to expand intensive outpatient treatment, partial hospitalization programs and medication-assisted treatment to better serve those struggling with mental illness and addiction and is working to decrease stigma and encourage more people to seek help. “Moving the needle and improving the heartbreaking statistics of our state is a key focus for the Institute,” said Stacie Mathewson, executive director at the Stacie Mathewson Foundation. “I believe Steve’s leadership will have a positive impact on our efforts to improve the care and treatment of mental illness and addiction.”      About Renown Health Renown Health is the region’s largest, locally owned and governed, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. With a diverse workforce of more than 7,000 employees, Renown has fostered a longstanding culture of excellence, determination and innovation. The organization comprises a trauma center, two acute care hospitals, a children’s hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, a medical group and urgent care network, and the region’s largest, locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown’s institute model addresses social determinants of health and includes: Child Health, Behavioral Health & Addiction, Healthy Aging and Health Innovation. Clinical institutes include: Cancer, Heart and Vascular Heath, Neurosciences and Robotic Surgery. Renown is currently enrolling participants in the world’s largest community-based genetic population health study, the Healthy Nevada Project®.

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    • Behavioral Health
    • Men's Health
    • Mental Health

    How to Spot Depression in Men

    Is a man in your life struggling with depression? Many men find it difficult to acknowledge when they need help. Recognize their unique warning signs of depression with insights from psychologist Dr. Herbert Coard. Over 6 million men are diagnosed annually, often displaying symptoms like anger and aggression instead of sadness. Learn how to support them and understand these often-misinterpreted indicators. Behavioral Signs of Depression in Men High levels of the hormone cortisol are released during stressful situations affecting the neurotransmitter, serotonin (a feel-good hormone), contributing to depression. You can identify depression or suicidal tendencies by paying close attention to the following behavioral changes: Anger, irritability, or aggression Avoiding family or social situations Losing interest in family responsibilities, passions and hobbies Lack of sex drive Becoming controlling/abusive in relationships Risk-taking behavior such as; unsafe sex, overspending or gambling Not being able to concentrate or remember details Excessive drinking or drug use Having frequent thoughts about death Talking about suicide Attempting suicide Factors That Lead to Depression in Men Life Events Work stress or long-term unemployment can be huge contributing factors relating to depression. This type of life event can be overwhelming, making it impossible for a man to cope. Changes in Relationships The loss of a relationship can be a significant contributing factor to the emergence of depressive symptoms and past experienced physical, sexual, or emotionally abusive relationships. With this in mind, counseling can often help individual to overcome this type of trauma. Grief and Loss Overwhelming sadness due to the loss of a loved one can trigger depression. Although normal, each person goes through their own grieving period. For example, normal responses to death are insomnia, poor appetite and loss of interest in activities. Pay attention if grief seems prolonged or out of the ordinary. Health Problems In particular, depression coexists with medical conditions. As men age, this can be passed off as normal aging, but it could be more serious. In addition, illnesses such as thyroid disorders, Addison’s disease and liver disease can cause depressive symptoms. Diabetes, cancer, heart disease, or Parkinson’s disease can affect any age, thus triggering or worsening depression. Some older men also feel like they may be suffering from dementia because of difficulties with memory this may be a symptom of depression. A trip to the doctor may be in order to help alleviate concern and worry. Depression in Men and Suicide Frequently the emotional pain occurring with depression can distort a man’s ability to see a solution beyond suicide. Individuals with depression become very rigid and constricted in the way they solve problems. The statistics below speak for themselves, helping us understand the need to reach out to those who need our support. Male suicide rates are on rising – men die by suicide 3.53 times more often than women, accounting for 70% of all suicides. Sadly, every day 129 men commit suicide. White males accounted for 69.67% of suicide deaths in 2017. In 2017, firearms accounted for 50.57% of all suicide deaths. Middle aged Men who are middle aged have the highest suicide rates. 40% of those identifying as transgender have attempted suicide in their lifetime. Males who are guy or transgendered are at an increased risk for suicide attempts, especially before age 25. Veterans often suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression, and are more likely to act on a suicide plan. How You Can Help Now that you can identify some of the warning signs of depression, here’s how you can help: Talk about your concern and communicate that you’re there to help him. Let him know depression is a medical condition and will usually get better with treatment. Suggest professional help from a Primary Care Provider, Psychologist or Therapist. Help set up appointments and offer to accompany him – let him make the decision, but make it clear you’re there for him, no matter what he decides. If you feel he is in a dire or life-threatening situation, contact 911. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) to talk to a trained counselor. Call the Veteran’s Crisis Line at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) and press “1”

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    • Wednesday, Nov 25, 2020

    Renown Now Offering rTMS Treatment for Major Depression

    Treatment offers patients safe, non-drug and non-invasive repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) therapy to treat symptoms of major depression. Renown Health is committed to improving access to vital mental health services in northern Nevada. Today, clinical leaders at the Stacie Mathewson Behavioral Health & Addiction Institute at Renown announced they will offer repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) therapy for people experiencing Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) under the guidance of a Renown psychiatrist.  According to the National Institute of Mental Health, major depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the U.S. The disease causes people to experience sadness and helplessness, and in some cases, may prevent people from carrying out their daily routines.  “We at Renown are proud of our national reputation as an innovator in implementing new models, technology and systems of care for our community,” said Tony Slonim, MD, DrPH, President and CEO. “We are working to transform care and demonstrate value in a way that appeals to patients and helps clinicians improve outcomes and reduce costs. There is now a sufficient body of evidence to accept the analgesic and antidepressant effect of high-frequency rTMS, and we are pleased to offer this promising therapy.” rTMS is a non-invasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain to improve symptoms of depression. It is typically used when other depression treatments haven't been effective. This treatment for depression involves delivering repetitive magnetic pulses, so it's called repetitive TMS or rTMS. “Depression can be treated; however, for some people, medications and talking with a behavioral health expert may not be enough,” said Renown’s Division Chief of Behavioral Health, Richard A. Charlat, M.D., M.P.H. “We are pleased to offer rTMS therapy for people looking for a new way to fight depression and for whom other treatments may not have given them relief. We are committed to working closely with our patients to find the treatment that works best for them, so they can live their best lives.” “Nevada has the highest prevalence of mental illness and substance use in the nation,” said Steve Shell, vice president of the Stacie Mathewson Behavioral Health & Addiction Institute. “Combine that with the added stress and isolation many are feeling with the COVID-19 pandemic, and we know that offering patients safe, non-drug and non-invasive treatments- as well as essential mental health and addiction services are more important than ever.”   How rTMS Works During an rTMS session, an electromagnetic coil is placed against the person’s scalp near their forehead. The electromagnet painlessly delivers a magnetic pulse that stimulates nerve cells in the region of the person’s brain involved in mood control and depression. It's thought to activate regions of the brain that have decreased activity in depression. Though the biology of why rTMS works isn't completely understood, the stimulation appears to impact how the brain is working, which in turn seems to ease depression symptoms and improve mood. There are different ways to perform the procedure, and techniques may change as experts learn more about the most effective ways to perform treatments. On average, patients undergo rTMS treatments for four to six weeks, five days a week for about 40 minutes a day. In all cases, a patient’s doctor will determine a treatment plan that’s best for the patient. This video shows what patients can expect during rTMS therapy.    What Does rTMS Feel Like? rTMS therapy is an easy, in-office experience designed to be positive for patients. During treatment, people are awake, alert, and comfortably reclined in a spa-like chair. The first few treatments may cause discomfort at or near the treatment site, however, this is unlikely to last beyond the first week of treatment.1, 2  “The effects of depression can be devastating for the people battling it, as well as for those who love them,” said Stacie Mathewson. “No matter how dark life may seem, always know, there are incredible behavioral health experts at Renown ready to support and empower you as you seek the help you deserve.”  Charles N. and Stacie L. Mathewson established the Stacie Mathewson Behavioral Health & Addiction Institute at Renown in 2018 to expand community access to prevention and intervention services for mental health disorders and alcohol and drug addiction. Renown is working to expand intensive outpatient treatment, partial hospitalization and medication-assisted treatment programs to better serve those struggling with mental illness and addiction. The Renown team is also passionate about prevention, mental wellness and is actively working to decrease stigma and encourage more people to seek the help they need. TMS therapy is cleared by the FDA and available by prescription only. It is commonly covered by most insurance plans. Patients must be referred by a behavioral expert to seek rTMS treatment. For more information and to make a patient referral, please call the Stacie Mathewson Behavioral Health & Addiction Institute at 775-982-5318.   About Renown Health Renown Health is the region’s largest, locally owned and governed, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. With a diverse workforce of more than 7,000 employees, Renown has fostered a longstanding culture of excellence, determination and innovation. The organization comprises a trauma center, two acute care hospitals, a children’s hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, a medical group and urgent care network, and the region’s largest, locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown’s institute model addresses social determinants of health and includes: Child Health, Behavioral Health & Addiction, Healthy Aging and Health Innovation. Clinical institutes include: Cancer, Heart and Vascular Health, Neurosciences and Robotic Surgery. Renown is currently enrolling participants in the world’s largest community-based genetic population health study, the Healthy Nevada Project®.   Sources Trivedi MH, et al. (2006). Evaluation of Outcomes with Citalopram for Depression Using Measurement-Based Care in STAR*D Implications for Clinical Practice. Am J Psychiatry, 163(1):28-40 Rush AJ, et. al. (2006) Acute and longer-term outcomes in depressed outpatients requiring one or several treatment steps: a STAR*D report. Am J Psychiatry, 163(11):1905-1917.

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    • Wednesday, Sep 08, 2021

    Local Artist Auction Benefits Stacie Mathewson Behavioral Health & Addiction Institute

    The annual Art for Recovery event features artwork from 13 local artists inspired by the Stacie Mathewson Behavioral Health & Addiction Institute mission. Sales will benefit the Institute. Renown Health Foundation hosts Art for Recovery at the Stacie Mathewson Behavioral Health & Addiction Institute on Thursday, Sept. 23 from 4-7 p.m. The annual fundraising event is free, open to the public and benefits the Stacie Mathewson Behavioral Health & Addiction Institute at Renown, located at 85 Kirman Ave. in Reno, Nev. The family-friendly event features an art auction, live DJ, craft vendors, activities for kids and refreshments. Established in 2018, the Stacie Mathewson Behavioral Health & Addiction Institute at Renown focuses on expanding community access to prevention and intervention services for mental health disorders and alcohol and drug addiction, with the goal of decreasing stigma and encouraging more people to seek help. The annual Art for Recovery fundraiser features the artwork of 13 local artists who have created pieces inspired by the Institute's mission. Each work of art addresses themes of hope and resilience. “We look forward to continuing the tradition of celebrating local artists, supporting our healing programs and bringing awareness to addiction recovery during the annual Art for Recovery event. This event shows that not only are our providers here to help our patients get through life’s challenges, but our community is here to support, too,” said Steve Shell, vice president of the Stacie Mathewson Behavioral Health & Addiction Institute at Renown. Participating artists include Bryce Chisholm, Naomi Ferrall, Amy Lawrence, Jessamyn Parker, Emily Reid, Arthur Richmond, the Robison Family (Paula, Elsa, Rosemary and Nathan), Cooper Sandoval, Trisha Shepherd, Sam Sprague, Cat Stahl, Julie Steiner and Jim Tuxon. Read the inspiration behind every donated piece of art here. Local 12-year-old artist Cooper Sandoval is donating a work of art titled, ‘Time.’ Cooper shares that his inspiration comes from the hope of time. “No matter how bad of a day it is, I always know that things will get better with time,” said Cooper. Bidding for the highly anticipated art auction is now open and concludes Sept. 23 during the free outdoor event. Funds raised will support improved patient care services at the Institute. To view and bid on the art pieces, visit     About Renown Health Renown Health is a locally governed, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving northern Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. Renown is one of the region’s largest private employers with a workforce of more than 7,000. It comprises three acute care hospitals, a rehabilitation hospital, the area’s most comprehensive medical group and urgent care network, and the region’s largest and only locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown has a long tradition and commitment to improve the care and the health of our community. For more information, visit

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    • Behavioral Health
    • Renown Health Foundation

    Fighting Depression with rTMS Therapy

    If you ask most people who suffer from depression what it's like, it can be difficult to fathom. We spoke with the courageous and fearless Kathryn, who has endured major depressive disorder (MDD) most of her life. She recollects what it was like, and how grateful she is for a new rTMS therapy treatment she recently completed. Kathryn is a local resident who shares her story to provide hope and support to others surviving depression. From her accounts of the grueling years she faced this disorder to how hard she fought to find treatment, Kathryn is a true hero. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, major depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the U.S. The disease causes people to experience sadness and helplessness, and in some cases, may prevent people from carrying out their daily routines. No two people are affected the same way, meaning there's no "one-size-fits-all" for treatment. Finding help is typically a long and exhaustive journey for most surviving depression. The Long and Confusing Road to Finding Help Kathryn is no different from most major depressive disorder (MDD) survivors, fighting for a better future. Her mental health treatment journey started as early as 12 years old; however, she wasn't diagnosed with depression until much later in life. In her late 20s, a friend told Kathryn she was depressed, but like so many individuals battling the illness, Kathryn didn't know what depression was. The waiting lists to get into mental health treatment was devastating. She found mental health resources scarce, an issue far too familiar throughout the U.S. After being prescribed more than twenty different depression disorder medications, she wasn't sure who she was or if she'd survive. Determination to Fight Kathryn's darkest moments lead to experiences that are unspeakable to relive. But in her persistence to not give up, she began researching a more promising treatment. “I was looking for an evidence-based therapy,” says Kathryn. “In my research, I found Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy to be most promising.” After a yearlong waiting list for repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) therapy in another state, Kathryn moved to Reno, Nevada, still searching for a location that offered this therapy. Thankfully, Kathryn's arduous journey led her to the Stacie Mathewson Behavioral Health & Addiction Institute at Renown. That is where she received news from her doctor, Gunjan Lehil, MD, that rTMS is offered for people looking for a new way to fight depression. How rTMS Therapy Works rTMS is a non-invasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain to improve symptoms of depression – typically used when other depression treatments haven't been effective. This treatment involves delivering repetitive magnetic pulses, referred to as repetitive TMS or rTMS. During an rTMS session, an electromagnetic coil is placed against the person's scalp near their forehead.  The electromagnet painlessly delivers a magnetic pulse that stimulates nerve cells in the region of the person's brain involved in mood control and depression. It's thought to activate areas of the brain that have decreased activity in depression. Though the biology of why rTMS works isn't completely understood, the stimulation appears to impact how the brain works, which seems to ease depression symptoms and improve mood. On average, patients undergo rTMS treatments for four to six weeks, five days a week for about 40 minutes a day. A patient's doctor will determine a treatment plan that's best for the patient in all cases. Life After rTMS Therapy After completing six weeks of rTMS therapy, Kathryn feels as though she is coming back to life. She has noticed her posture is different, and she is more animated. She is also more interactive at work, and her coworkers are more perceptive and positive towards her. Life at home is also improving, as Kathryn's family is noticing a difference. She notes that while she still faces feeling depressed, it's so much different from it used to be. The difference is, she can better decipher a bad day and work through the challenging moments. She has hope - which she never felt before. rTMS Therapy has given Kathryn a chance at life, and she's excited to start living! The Future is Fearless Kathryn says the way to success is never to give up and to keep pushing herself forward every day. Currently a veterinarian technician in training, Kathryn is working on getting her license. She loves working with all animals, but her true passion is falconry and helping injured birds of prey. She loves falcons because they are utterly fearless, just like her. "It's time for me to be brave and show up. I couldn't do that before," says Kathryn. "I'm grateful to have rTMS treatment, and I share my story in hopes of helping others."

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