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    • Allied Health

    Medical Assistant

    Sign On Bonus - $2,000
    Full Time - Eligible for Benefits
    530294 Urgent Care Summit Ridge
    • Allied Health

    Medical Assistant

    Sign On Bonus - $2,000
    Full Time - Eligible for Benefits
    530316 Integrative Primary Care
    • Allied Health

    Medical Assistant

    Sign On Bonus - $2,000
    Full Time - Eligible for Benefits
    530301 Renown Urology
    • Primary Care
    • Vaccinations
    • Medical Record

    3 Healthcare Musts for Millennials

    Many millennials are fortunate to have good health, but it’s important to be prepared for your next doctor’s visit. Here are three things that millennials should stay on top of for tracking and maintaining their health. For many millennials, doctor visits and preventive healthcare fall by the wayside. Alison Lynch, MD, a family medicine provider with Renown Medical Group says there are a few key things you can do now to set yourself up for a healthy future. 1. Establish with a Primary Care Provider Millennials are more likely to go to urgent care or consult the internet when a healthcare issue arises. While these are helpful tools, here’s a better one: a primary care provider. The benefit of establishing with a primary care provider is that your medical records, history and a baseline for your health will be documented. That means that when a problem or question comes up, your doctor will already have helpful information on file and can help you navigate your needs. Having a primary care provider is often required for prescription refills and referrals to a specialist. By establishing now, you’ll be able to get what you need in the future much faster. Make an Appointment Today 2. Protect Yourself and Your Community There are a few vaccinations and screenings that Dr. Lynch recommends for millennials. Flu Shots: These are available every year and are recommended for protecting not only yourself against the flu but also others you may come into contact with. Flu shots are usually available from August through December through your healthcare provider, pharmacies and pop-up events. Tetanus or Tdap: Most people receive a tetanus shot as a child, but it’s recommended that everyone get a booster every 10 years. If you are overdue, talk to your primary care provider or pharmacist about getting updated. Pap smear: If you’re a woman, a pap smear is recommended every three years in your 20s and every five years in your 30s. HPV vaccine: This vaccine helps prevent the virus that causes cervical cancer as well as the majority of head and neck cancers and warts. The HPV vaccine is recommended for all genders up until age 45. STD screening: Consider an STI/STD screening if you’re sexually active.

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    • Employees
    • Surgery
    • Medical Record

    Department Spotlight: Surgery & Procedure Scheduling

    When it comes to intimidating procedures such as surgery, cardiac catheterization (Cath) or interventional radiology (IR), there can be a lot of unknowns. What can I expect on the big day? What will happen after I’m all done? Will I have to worry about my orders not being in the system? Who can I call if I have any last-minute questions? It’s easy for your thoughts to race as you approach your procedure date, but luckily, there is a team who puts your mind at ease.  With Renown Health’s Surgery & Procedure Scheduling department, patients can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that all the nitty-gritty is taken care of before they step foot in the procedure room. This team operates in the mindset of a complex Tetris board – fitting in all the pieces to make sure every patient is set on the path for surgery success.  Consistent Contact Our Surgery & Procedure Scheduling team has a unique history. Initially operating as two separate teams, over the last year, our leaders skillfully combined the two teams together under one umbrella. That allows the now singular team to have line of sight across every surgery and Cath or IR procedure plan and be better stewards of the resources they have at their fingertips to provide streamlined, more-connected care for patients.  As one might imagine, with the merger of the two teams, the day-in-the-life of each team member is full of a variety of crucial checklist items to cross off – all supporting constant communication from patients to providers.  On the surgery scheduling front, these team members are resource rockstars. From working with referring providers to get patients scheduled appropriately to ensuring rooms and equipment are available for every patient, this team makes sure everything and everyone is in place when the time comes to help create a successful procedure and the best possible patient experience.   “In surgery scheduling, we handle inbound calls for the outside offices to get time scheduled for each patient in the operating room (OR),” said Lydia Sharkey, Senior Scheduler. “We make sure there are plenty of anesthesia resources and equipment for every surgery, including any important information that we need to schedule patients appropriately and adding all documents to the OR board. If we need to swap rooms or move patients around, we handle that process too.”  Over on the IR/Cath scheduling side of things, this team is on the frontlines of patient communication. They are experts in helping patients navigate their procedure from start (seeing their provider and obtaining the proper referrals) to finish (the day of the procedure and post-procedure process).  “My day is a little different than the hospital schedulers; our part of the team handles the outpatient aspect,” said Adrienne White, Senior Scheduler. “We are in constant contact with patients and the IR and Cath departments. We help them navigate their procedure, including what to expect during and after the procedure. We get them through the process as easily as possible and ease their minds, so they know what is going to happen every step of the way. It’s all about communication, communication, communication!”  This department has a significant overarching role: make sure all documents and ancillary information is set up for all our clinical teams that help with surgeries and procedures. This critical work means that every process is followed, and no important details are left out.  “No one wakes up and says, ‘I want to have surgery;” our team goes above and beyond to make sure every single detail is taken care of so that when patients arrive, everything is in place,” said Trisha White. “Our team works hard to ensure everything runs as efficiently as possible because we want to use our resources in the best way possible to serve our patients without delays. We make sure we receive all the orders, codes and insurance and that the teams that follow after us – including our pre-admit team and nurses – have all the information they need to do their job seamlessly."  With all the work they accomplish daily – not to mention how they wholeheartedly support each other through it all – it’s no question that the entire team has a lot to be proud of. Besides helping make patient care possible, the team puts their departmental merger and the move to fully remote work at the top of the list.  “We’re most proud of merging the surgery scheduling and procedure scheduling teams together and therefore more cohesive,” said Mary Gray, Senior Scheduler. “The merger has made our team blossom and be able to connect with and rely on one another even more. We aren’t afraid to speak up and say something. At the end of the day, we’re here to take care of the patient, but we also help each other out. Our morale has gone up, and everybody is happier. Even though we all work remotely, we are more connected and have a great work-life balance.”  “Along with transitioning the two teams into one big team, the move to being fully remote was huge," added Patricia Cruz-Hernandez, Surgical RN Scheduling Coordinator. “We worked through all the glitches, and it was a seamless transition to move into a remote setting. What’s great is that it did not affect patients at all; everything still gets done exactly as it should.”  No matter how busy the days may get, Renown’s surgery and procedure schedulers always remember one thing: they are incredibly grateful for their fellow team members.  “We have a very efficient and hard-working team of women,” said Pam Chapa Valencia, Senior Scheduler.  “I could not have handpicked better people for our team,” added Trisha White. “I feel so lucky to have the team that we have.”  A Renown “Why” Our Surgery and Procedure Scheduling team members all have diverse stories to tell about their road to Renown and why they’ve stayed in the department for as long as they have. Whether they’ve been with us for two years or two decades, they all share the same strong calling to care for their community.  “I always wanted to help people, and my grandma was a nurse,” said Pam Chapa Valencia, Senior Scheduler.  “I loved hearing her stories, and it made me want to be involved in patient care.”  “I have a caring nature, and a hospital nature seemed like the right fit – I've been here for 25 years,” added Mary Gray.  Several of our schedulers recognized the influence Renown has within our community and the ability to grow professionally and personally, both of which were a driving factor in their decision to make our health system their long-term career.  “I’m originally from southern California, and I moved here about eight years ago; my husband always talked so positively about Renown, especially with how big it is and how it has the only level II trauma center in northern Nevada, so my goal was always to get a job here,” said Lydia Sharkey. “It’s been a great environment to be a part of.”  “I’ve been with Renown for 17 years, and I chose to come here because of the reputation of the services Renown provided and care they gave,” added Trisha White. “I also knew what opportunities there were for me professionally, and in doing so, we are taking care of our community. I’ve had the chance to grow within my own professional skills and leadership skillset.”  A profound feeling of ‘home’ is a common theme among this department. These team members appreciate the sense of community Renown has, the strides we’ve made in expanding our reach and how our health system gives healthcare professionals who are new to the field a chance to succeed.  “At the time, Renown was the only hospital that would train nurses, and as a brand-new nurse, I had no experience – Renown took a chance on me,” said Patricia Cruz-Hernandez. “I feel like this is home. Our health system is so community-based and people-first minded, keeping ‘mission over margin.’ We’re growing, we’re expanding, we’re everywhere!”  “I was a part of a transition as the cardiology private practice I worked with became a Renown practice, and it was great,” added Adrienne White. “This transition enabled us to provide more services and better care to patients. I stay here because I see the leaps and bounds we’ve been able to make in terms of procedures, accessibility and patient experience.”  As true advocates for both patients and each other, the team is proud to have found their niche – and the ultimate beneficiaries? Everyone undergoing a surgery or procedure at Renown.  A Culture of Kindness and Gratitude When you meet the Surgery & Procedure Scheduling team, you are greeted with warm smiles and an enthusiastic “Nice to meet you!” You can’t help but smile back and feel the infectious kindness they exude.  Renown operates with a People-First mindset, a vision that this department especially takes to heart. They emulate the exact definition of our “Collaboration” cultural commitment.  “We’ve built very good relationships and rapport with the OR managers and board runners,” said Lydia Sharkey. “The communication that we have at all three locations is very solid.”  “The OR leadership is always so willing to help out whenever they can, and the resources they’ve provided have been huge for us,” added Adrienne White.  “All the teams that see the patients after us – especially the surgical pre-admit team and the case managers, are fantastic about collaborating with us and reaching out to solve any issues they may have,” added Trisha White. “We all work so well together, especially since we all impact patient care.”  In any organization, strong and compassionate leadership is key to a thriving team. Luckily for our surgery and procedure schedulers, they have Trisha White on their side. They attribute a lot of their success to having a supportive leader who “gets it.”  “Trisha has been a scheduler like us, so she completely understands when we’re having an issue, because she’s struggled with the same thing and knows where we are coming from,” said Mary Gray. “It makes us feel like we are not alone – I can always reach out to her, or any of my other coworkers, to ask questions and figure out a solution together.”  Despite being a remote-only team that meets in-person only one or two times a month, this group never misses an opportunity to reconnect both online and offline. They frequently shout out their Culture Ambassadors, schedulers Pam Chapa Valencia and Roxanne Abundis, for their team’s high morale.  “Even though we all primarily work remotely, our in-person days are some of my favorite days of the month,” said Trisha White. “We feel so uplifted, we laugh and we have fun. We love being with each other. Pam and Roxanne are our Culture Ambassadors, and they both have been amazing at planning fun things for our teams. They go above and beyond to make our team feel cohesive and included.”  “Pam and Roxanne have been leaders in creating a fun environment and supportive culture for us,” added Lydia Sharkey. “Whether it’s creating care packages or making sure we all have a good time when we see each other in person, they deserve a lot of credit.”  As this team excels in their roles and foster a culture rooted in kindness and gratitude, we can trust that Renown’s surgeries and procedures will continue to thrive, and patients will continue to benefit from their diligent efforts and commitment to efficiency.  “We make the magic happen!” closes Mary Gray.

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    • Careers
    • Behavioral Health

    Five Tips for Maintaining Your Mental Health While Job Hunting

    It is no secret that looking for a new job can be stressful and overwhelming. Yet a record number of Americans are quitting their jobs to look for new opportunities, a trend also known as the “Great Resignation.” While there are many reasons why someone might be on the hunt for new work, it’s important for all job hunters to check in with their mental health regardless of their job hunting circumstances. To learn more about maintaining your mental health while looking for a new job, we spoke to Dr. Mavis Major, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Behavioral Health Therapist at Renown Health. 1. Identify Goals When beginning your job-hunting journey, your first step should be to make a plan that focuses on quality over quantity. Make lists of companies you would like to work for and, if you’re looking to change fields or industries, make a list of careers that interest you. At this stage in the process, it’s also important to determine what salary range you’re looking for, what type of work environment you want (in-person, remote or hybrid) and understand what benefits are important to you. Identifying goals makes it easier to narrow down the list of jobs you apply for so you can produce quality applications rather than frantically applying for jobs without putting thought into the process. 2. Set Boundaries It does not matter if you are working full-time while applying for jobs or if applying is your job right now; it can be easy to get lost in the stress of it all. For that reason, it is essential to set intentional boundaries throughout the process. This can look like scheduling days that you fully take off from the job search or going for a walk before a big interview to clear your head. Setting boundaries will make you more productive overall and hopefully help you get your mind off the process. 3. Ask For Help Do not try and tackle this undertaking on your own. Once you have identified goals (see tip #1) make lists of people you know within those industries, and do not be afraid to reach out. Of course, never be afraid to reach out to a mental health professional to talk through why this process might be making you feel anxious. Talking to someone who is not your friend or family can give you a different perspective.

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    University Health—Operated by Renown Health Welcome to Nevada’s first integrated health system! The University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine (UNR Med), and Renown Health have entered a joint affiliation designed to improve access to care. If you were a former patient of University Health, your access to the same providers and accepted insurance plans remain the same and are now available at Renown Health.   Manage Your Healthcare 24/7 MyChart is a free, secure online patient portal that allows you to access your Renown Health medical records and manage your health care information. Login to MyChart Don't have a MyChart account? Get Started Today MyChart Assistance: 775-982-2781 | Email Us


    • Health Insurance and Coverage
    • MyChart
    • Renown Health

    How Referrals Work at Hometown Health and Senior Care Plus

    Your provider wants to send you to a specialist. Now what?  You are about to enter the referral process. A referral is your provider’s recommendation for you to see a specialist or receive specialized treatment. When it comes to referrals, the process can seem like the wild west for people not familiar with it. At Hometown Health and Senior Care Plus, we make the process simple for all our members. We know that access to specialists is a vital aspect of total health, and our goal is to break down those barriers to care at every level.   Here is a step-by-step guide to how the referral process with your Hometown Health or Senior Care Plus provider works:  1.   Your primary care provider (PCP) or urgent care provider will send a referral to the specialist’s office. A referral can also be sent from another specialist or after discharge from the hospital. This is usually done via email or fax.   2.   As your referral is sent, now would be the ideal time to discuss with your provider’s office how the specialist will receive your medical records prior to your appointment. Your provider’s office will most likely send these records to the specialist for you, but it is always a good idea to double-check with them directly.  At Renown, the referrals team will send the following items to your specialist’s office when available:  ID Insurance card Most recent and relevant office notes to support the referral The referral order Any relevant labs or imaging pertaining to the referral Demographics information  3.   The specialist’s office will call you to schedule the appointment after they receive the referral. Each office processes the referrals they receive in a slightly different time frame, so if you have any questions about the status of your referral, it is best to call their office directly. At Renown, if you are enrolled in MyChart, you can access the phone number for your specialist as soon as the team processes the referral. Those not enrolled MyChart will receive a letter in the mail with scheduling information.  4.   The specialist will start to develop a course of treatment. That may include procedures, diagnostic tests or medications. Some of these treatments may require prior authorization from your insurance plan, so don’t forget to discuss how and when your specialist will receive the authorizations before you begin your course of care to avoid any surprise bills.  What can I expect if I have a Renown specialist?  At Renown, we handle a lot of the behind-the-scenes nitty-gritty so you don’t have to. After the referral is placed, it routes to Renown’s centralized referrals team and triaged to make sure you are scheduled with one of our providers with the right specialization for your specialty care needs. This team will also obtain the prior authorization you need and will you to a specialist that is in your network and based on you and/or your provider’s preference and continuity of care. The referrals team will attempt to find you a Renown provider first if you are not yet established elsewhere.   For Hometown Health and Senior Care Plus members, prior authorization is not required for certain services if you are being referred to a Renown provider. This makes the scheduling process go quicker for both the provider and the patient.   Our referrals team strives to keep their turnaround time for referrals within three business days, not including prior authorization wait times. If your referral is marked as ‘urgent,’ it will be reviewed within one business day so you are seen as soon as possible based on the needs of your medical condition, and you will receive a direct phone call with scheduling information.   After prior authorization is obtained, the Renown scheduling team will call you through an automated phone system or via a message in MyChart with a direct link to schedule your appointment. To speak with a Renown scheduler or if you have any questions, please call 775-982-5000.  What does prior authorization mean?  Prior authorization isn’t as scary as it sounds! Essentially, prior authorization is your provider “going to bat” for you to receive this specialty level of care. Some medical services, including many specialists, are covered only if your ordering provider (usually your PCP) submits an authorization request to your insurance plan. They will include specific details about the type and duration of treatment they would like you to receive and any medical records that support your need for the specialist.  After your insurer receives the request, a licensed medical professional will review the request, your records and your plan benefits. They will decide whether the specialty treatment is considered medically necessary based on recognized standards of care.  Where can I go for more information?  Your referrals and authorizations can be viewed in MyChart. To view them, navigate to Your Menu in the upper left corner of the page, scroll to the Insurance section and click on “Referrals.”   The Renown referrals team is available to answer your questions and address any concerns. Give them a call at 775-982-2707 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Any questions you may have related to referrals and authorizations, including outside-of-Renown providers, can be directed to our expert Hometown Health or Senior Care Plus customer engagement representatives.

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    • 10
      • Palliative and Supportive Care

      Advance Directive Workshop

      • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
      • 10315 Professional Circle – 2nd Floor: Truckee Conference Room
      • Free

      Space is limited for this event, and registration is required. This workshop is focused on understanding and completing a Nevada Durable Power of Attorney of Healthcare, also known as an Advance Directive. What to expect: A brief presentation about the document, its contents and purpose. Time for questions. Staff will be on hand to assist with document completion. A notary will be present for notarization. Participants may have their document uploaded into their Renown electronic medical record and/or submitted to the Nevada Living Will Lockbox on their behalf. Please come prepared with names, addresses, and phone numbers of those you want to appoint in the document and a photo ID if notarization is desired. All required paperwork will be provided by our staff. For scheduling/cancellation questions, contact 775-982-RSVP (7787) For questions about workshop content, please call Jessica Elmore, LMSW at 775-982-5098. There is no charge to attend this workshop.

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    • 15
      • Palliative and Supportive Care

      Advance Directive Workshop

      • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
      • 10315 Professional Circle – Great Basin Auditorium
      • Free

      Space is limited for this event, and registration is required. This workshop is focused on understanding and completing a Nevada Durable Power of Attorney of Healthcare, also known as an Advance Directive. What to expect: A brief presentation about the document, its contents and purpose. Time for questions. Staff will be on hand to assist with document completion. A notary will be present for notarization. Participants may have their document uploaded into their Renown electronic medical record and/or submitted to the Nevada Living Will Lockbox on their behalf. Please come prepared with names, addresses, and phone numbers of those you want to appoint in the document and a photo ID if notarization is desired. All required paperwork will be provided by our staff. For scheduling/cancellation questions, contact 775-982-RSVP (7787) For questions about workshop content, please call Jessica Elmore, LMSW at 775-982-5098. There is no charge to attend this workshop.

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    • 12
      • Palliative and Supportive Care

      Advance Directive Workshop

      • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
      • 10315 Professional Circle – Great Basin Auditorium
      • Free

      Space is limited for this event, and registration is required. This workshop is focused on understanding and completing a Nevada Durable Power of Attorney of Healthcare, also known as an Advance Directive. What to expect: A brief presentation about the document, its contents and purpose. Time for questions. Staff will be on hand to assist with document completion. A notary will be present for notarization. Participants may have their document uploaded into their Renown electronic medical record and/or submitted to the Nevada Living Will Lockbox on their behalf. Please come prepared with names, addresses, and phone numbers of those you want to appoint in the document and a photo ID if notarization is desired. All required paperwork will be provided by our staff. For scheduling/cancellation questions, contact 775-982-RSVP (7787) For questions about workshop content, please call Jessica Elmore, LMSW at 775-982-5098. There is no charge to attend this workshop.

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